First Time (growing legal that is)!

Keepin’ ‘em movin’ out! Cleaned ‘Monsoon Hut’, scrubbed down the Ebb & Flow table, hung new lights and away we gooooooo! Next truckload heads out to the table tomorrow!

Yo @misterbee & @BigMike55 !

@JohnnyPotseed Hey Cuz, I think these are my f2’s from your seeds?

I feel like I’ve gotten lucky & picked up some of @Budderton 's magic touch! Thanks buddy!
50 (F2’s from MisterBee originals) Black Skunk seeds soaked - 47 tails! First batch was 45 out of 50! This is after 1 month in paper bags hanging in the drying tent.

Yo @MissinBissin Haven’t burned one yet but do Zoom-in on these! There’s more jarred up and curing…can’t wait!

And another @misterbee Goji drying out. Had to cut this early to avoid bud rot. Not as big as it would be in 2 more weeks, but I’ll suffer it! :joy:

Have a great day everybody!


Congrats on All that Primo Ganja @Tlander. Both Old and New !!! Lol

Certainly looks amazing.
Happy Puffing !


wow @Tlander you are a growing machine, really enjoy everything you share here!


Right on TL!! Your a seed starting machine!!


Starting to look like Xmas in May! :rofl:

Lemon’s are looking happy in their new, bigger homes in the old ganja mix. Mulched everybody down for the hot season and they’re on 8 minutes of drip irrigation twice a day. Lots of new growth but tons of swallowtail butterfly’s laying eggs daily right now! Huge green caterpillars with voracious appetites!

Okay, more cups to fill, more seedlings to transplant! Oh yeah, and more trim jail! :roll_eyes:

Have a great one guys & gals!


Couple more days, couple more trays…

Glad I planted plenty more of these! Guessing I got about 1,000 seed off the BS x BS plant and maybe 500 off the Lemon Skunk x BS plant.These budlets are about dried, but not cured yet. Still couldn’t resist trying a couple one-hitters anyway…it might just be my new favorite! :heart_eyes: Really ‘fun’ high! Lots of expansive thought processes and ‘the World is right just as it is’ insights! But man the hours just fly past like an arrow! Can’t wait to try it in another month!



More thanks to you all guys! :pray: :pray: :pray:








@JohnnyPotseed (I think?)

Well, we never know what the future holds, but things are off to a good start! :rofl:
Appreciate my OG Family BIG time!!



Right on TL! I’m happy to see your not slowing down! Shine on, you crazy diamond​:gem::gem:!!!


Great start my friend. Interested to see how those Bloody Monsters work out for you.


@Tlander, your a growing Monster my Friend…
Best wishes on all these little versions of yourself !


Quite the line up, hope they al turn out well!


Citrus are fun to grow, and they’re still quite a novelty in more temperate regions. Those look really good, by the way.

1 Like

Just crusin’ along!

Put in one two-zone auto irrigation controller up in the mountains today, pulled 3/4" PE pipe lines, added drippers and then trained staff in mixing up my version of the Living Soil mix. We managed to source everything in-country except the Azomite that’s still on the way and we just forgot the humic acid! I’m just praying the guys keep digging more holes fast! I’m hoping I can keep these in Solo’s for another 2-3 weeks??? Might pinch the non-autos at 2nd or third node next week.

Hey guys, just an aside… I really don’t want to start a conversation here, but if anybody has very “deep” hands-on experience with RSO and is coming from the right spot about it - please DM me!



You are a machine TL!


Mmmmm good! Thanks @misterbee :pray:

Haven’t even tried these yet!

I’m just blown away by how good the Black Skunk high is!!! :heart_eyes:



Everybody got a Living Soil top-up and started 1/2 strength fert in the ebb & flow table today.

@Budderton 's White Papaya x White Castle, had to cut pretty early as they started to show signs of budrot setting in. Still got to be the stickiest buds since Blue Tara!

A couple more stragglers!



Right on TL, good to hear they were making lots of trichome. That’s an older one, double bred “The White” with different outs on the top and bottom. Part of my quest for flavorful hashers. I hope you’re able to salvage some smokable flowers! And man, your seed starts are looking great!


Yo @Budderton , They’re not ALL your Spotted Lime Autos but I decided to mix and match a bunch of autos amongst the ‘Jungle Lemons’. These should finish up before September, hopefully in plenty of time before monsoon rolls around again. I came up with a unique transplanting method for autos that seems to make it a much gentler process…gonna have to shoot pictures of the process on tomorrow’s batch and post here…Trying out the more expensive, but cooler, white airpots and managed to find white trays to catch all the worm castings for recycling.

Each 2 gallon airpot got a small handful of red wrigglers, but then realized my reconditioned mix is already full of 'em! :microbe:

This sure ain’t Mother Hubbard’s place! :rofl:



That’s cool as hell TL!! The white airpots make a lot of sense. Keep the root zone a little cooler throughout the day. I must add that I did not make the Spotted Lime , I just passed them along from another member. I hope they finish strong for you!


Thanks Buddy! Yeah, I really want to make sure I have something ‘in’ before monsoon hits in case of a repeat of last year! They are calling for El Nino here and expecting drought conditions as summer rolls around. There’s also always the chance that the island runs out of water and we have to buy trucked-in water at 3X the price! :sob:

I was shocked last year when I went to transplant a plant out of a 1 gallon airpot (black) and felt just how hot the soil was…felt like high level chicken shit compost just starting to cook! The rice straw mulch really helps both with keeping soil from getting washed out when watering and retaining moisture for longer periods of time. If I wasn’t such a ‘neatness freak’ I’d make the straw overhang the edges of the lemon pots and get more cooling from the shadows. If I had more time, I’d really rather try cover cropping them with something that would trail down the sides of the pot. I did it with some giant potted palms and had great results.

I topped a few trays of Bloody Monsters & Franken Bubbles over the weekend and will try to transplant some of them and more autos in the next days. Meanwhile, hoping I can make enough space in the Ebb & Flow table to spread out all the ones bound for the mountains in a couple weeks. Then again, you know me…there’s a counter full of soaking beans calling to me now! I better answer! :rofl:
