First Time (growing legal that is)!

Okay, as promised…I think I hit upon a useful tool for people wanting to transplant autoflowers with reduced shock to the plant. In the past when I tried my hand, I found that the problem is that if you try to transplant before the roots hit the cup there’s not enough rootball size to hold the dirt together and you tend to have it all fall apart in your hands, shocking the plant and making it pretty useless as an autoflower. (I did get around all this last season by direct-seeding 2 beans to a 10-gallon airpot…but I also used up a ton of living soil mix!)

So this time around I took a solo cup, cut it in half vertically, cut out the bottom and made it a half-sleeve. When you flip the planted solo upside-down to remove the cup, just quickly place the half-cup in place, lean it backwards and support it. Gently slide the half-cup into the hole in the new pot’s soil (Previously made with a solo cup in place and soil mix loaded around it) and then remove the half-cup, tamp the plant in place, topping-up soil if needed, and lightly water it in.

I’ve done a couple trays of autoflowers and a couple trays of regulars over the last few days and everybody seems very happy with the technique. Not sure if I explained it well, but I’ll drop some photos below…(Photos today are topped Black Skunk - Regs, not autoflowers but same routine!)

Okay, I hope this saves somebody some hassles and is of use to some of you out there! I’ll follow up w/photos again in a while!



The benefits of doin’ time in trim jail! A 15g tip!

And a parting shot from the gardens



Exquisite !! Looks pretty close to paradise TL!! That keif would make some great RSO, if you were so inclined.


Another day, more transplanting! Have I mentioned lately how much I love being in the OverGrow Fam? :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: Thanks guys & gals! Ya’ll make me smile a LOT!

Some snapshot’s for the donor’s! :nose: Thanks guys!


@Budderton 's pass-on’s

@misterbee 's x f2

@BigMike55 @Maddawg

Been trying to thin things out in the Ebb & Flow table but it’s still looking crowded even though loads have left already!

Took the team to the beach today where a friend had stockpiled a mound of pumice stone that washed in a few weeks ago. Managed to fill 8 giant rice sacks full and it’s soaking/rinsing tonight. Giving it a second bath tomorrow to make sure we got enough of the salt out and into the new LS mix it goes! We broke down, completely cleared/cleaned and bleached the large curved-roof greenhouse today and should hopefully have a day or two to re-plastic the roof if it needs it upon inspection tomorrow. UV is killer over here, 3 yr plastic lasts 10 months…if you’re lucky! :joy:

I was planning on (How do you make God laugh? Tell her your ‘plan’!) moving the majority of the seedlings up to a couple mountaintop locations but one team has fallen far behind on their holes and is grumbling about rocks! So I’m gonna prep the greenhouses for overflow, just in case! :rofl:

That’s it for now guys, hope you’re all doing well and poppin’ seeds! OGTW!



BIG SHOUT-OUT to @Budderton !Thank you :pray: brother for those White Papaya x White Castle beans! This girl got planted on March 9th, went into a Solo on Mar 13, and then into a 2 gallon airpot w/ our special blend Living Soil mix and a good handful or two of red wrigglers on Mar 23rd. With that late start they just started flowering while still small. Guess this gal had about 12 weeks from seed. Would have liked to have let it go another 2 weeks but botrytis hits fast and hard and the Andaman monsoon has already started now for almost a week. These are ‘pretty much’ the end of the short season harvest, glad they made it…glad I made it! :rofl: Pretty sure I set some of the original beans aside for long season and after seeing these tonight, I’m definitely gonna’ go dig 'em out of the refrigerator, probably tonight!

Sorry bro, I’m terrible on the ‘smell’ reports 'cause either my nose sucks or my olfactory vocabulary sucks…or both! And as for the ‘high’ reports - well…they all just seem to run together! :rofl: But this one, talk about eye candy! I’m just loving the look of them! Nothing’s even been trimmed yet, no cure, just dried but when I went to check on them tonight in the drying tent I decided I had to take you some photos.

Thanks again Budd(erton)y :pray:A real pleasure to grow these! And I’ll bet ‘to smoke’ too!


Most excellent TL!! I’ve got some KDKH and some squirrel tail in the dirt and I’m patiently waiting for them to break surface. Thanks again for the seed hook up!


Nice! I bought a bag off one guy that was full of shake. Dude apologized profusely, but all that “dust” in the bottom of the bag was trichomes that only made it more potent. I scraped the trichs together and got nearly a half gram of hash. I love getting shake and trim for that very reason.


Yo guys, pretty spaced from the RSO these days, making it hard to post! Life goes on! Gonna toss up some shots of young stuff for the donors to see.

Well, the Jungle Lemons got new neighbors!

No, not Cobra Lips!

These Cobra Lips just haven’t been very happy from the get-go. Same mix/lt/fert/water as everything else but lagging behind?


Just another ‘test’! Put in way too many autos so trying out a few 3-4 plants/5gallon AirPot tests.

Black Skunk

I just loved MisterBee’s Black Skunk! So I heavily seeded one of them out. Germination rate was 95-97% on the first 2 tests! Gonna be a lot of this one around!

Fingers crossed on these. I’ve lost 2 or 3 already.

I can’t make out the spelling on this coin flip…any hints? Looks like it says “LSD x Pawa Sunrise”. Wondering if might be “Puna Sunrise”?

That’s all for now!


Your Garden is legendary @Tlander, Love all that Fog and a plant or two.
I’ve not seen any white airpots in this area yet. They make perfect sense



Second that, LEGENDARY. Calling @Tlander productive feels like a ridiculous understatement. This is a garden for the ages! :star_struck: :love_you_gesture:


Lots of small batches of different things going off everywhere! As usual, I’ve got way more to keep me busy than I intended to have! :rofl: Besides the ‘Lemon Grove’ (Black Creme Autos, Black Skunks, ‘odds & ends’ , there’s about 10 Bloody Monsters in-ground along with some Arunothai’s left over from the germination testing…and the upper greenhouse likewise has about 7 different strains running!

Back to a nice weather pattern (for now!)

Pretty excited about a lot of this lineup!

A couple ‘favorites’ - praying for a mold-free harvest!

Okay, I better get back to it! Have a great day everybody!


Stuff always looks so orderly… in the beginning! :rofl:

Kind of a toss-up here…everything’s in 1, 2 or 3 gallon airpots so can get up-potted as we go forward. Got a whole bunch of fire poppin’ so some of the stragglers are gonna get pulled as I see 'em. Most everybody has gotten two or three pinchings now. I’ve pulled almost all lower foliage just to take away hiding places for the whitefly and with every other day foliar application of a botanical brew called PlemoTech I hardly see any.

Bloody Monsters & Franken Bubbles have both really branched out nicely already, but I’ve got too many! :joy: Next batch of Goji OG’s just broke ground tonight!



Snapped a few while running around checking on things this morning…

It’s shocking how fast ‘order’ can become ‘Chaos’!



So much for slowing down eh TL!! Those white air pots make the Herb look so much nicer to me for some reason.


Summertime, and the livin’ is easy! Everybody looks happy enough around here. Yankin’ a couple males daily but there’s more than enough to fill in the blanks. Here are a few local f2’s (mostly) for the donors;



I just love it as always.


Plants plants plants, very nice :heart_eyes:

1 Like

I like those white airpots! very nice setup @Tlander . How are your Red headed Hippies doing?


Things just chuggin’ along! Thanks guys! :pray:


@BigMike55 @Maddawg


Some of the Black Creme Autos - purple pheno have started to show some colors.

@SaintAliasKnife - I lost track of the Red Headed Hippies! They’re in a jar curing somewhere around here, just haven’t had time to hunt for them yet!



It’s all looking great brother, you just can’t beat sun grown👍