First Time (growing legal that is)!

Happy growing bro salut à toi @Tlander i grab a hamac!

I look forward our Lambsbread in your hands, also with few of my Atao hybrids will join if you like.Glad to meet you sir, also good vibes to generate your Thai Landrace Thread with all its people, cultures and biotopes thanks, chiyo!


Thanks bro, I’ll keep my eyes open! :pray:

We’ve been getting good soaking rains at night and blazing hot days. Everything seems quite happy currently with only a few patches here and there that have not declared yet. Did a little shifting around today as the Bloody Monsters are stretching and were at the low end of the greenhouse. Stuck 'em in the middle and strung 'em up high!

@slain 's Thai x VN Black are on their comeback performance after 50 years in Aus! These are the most vigorous plants (along w/ LSD x Blue Sunshine) so far this season. Just looking great! Thanks bro! :pray:


Thanks, that’s it for now guys, hope you all had a great day…again!


They are looking like they are loving being back home bro! :pray:


Anybody recognize this leaf damage? I’ve seen it on about 3 plants now this week…seem to find it in the morning, so perhaps some kind of night-time beetle?

I’m seeing huge spurts of growth everywhere right now. Got a male from one of the 8 Thai x VN Black and have removed him up the mountain for a while. Really hope I can seed out one or two nice females. Yanked a couple more male Bloody Monsters as well. Pretty sure 2 of the 6 LSD x Blue Sunshine are males and they are all such vigorous plants that I’m gonna have to make some seeds!

@slain (I think it’s my cell phone cam, didn’t notice them, or the others, as this yellow in person!)

@Mithridate sent me multi-packs and it never hurts to have some extra BOG around!

@misterbee These gals are EVERYWHERE around here! Of course I DID plant two batches of 50 beans each to test germination; got 47 + 45 respectfully. I think there are 10 BS gals in this greenhouse and 3 or 4 rows full in the Lemon Grove! I had really good luck pollinating these Black Skunk during the last short season…even though they were small, fast-grown plants I managed to pull 800+ beans

@THCeed WMK are setting really long-haired pistils. Just gorgeous! These stretched out this week, I’m hoping the wide internode spacing is gonna help reduce any mold problems?

@Budderton These have been having a rough time from the start. Not sure what’s up but they haven’t seemed real happy up until now. Today the tall one the back row started to look like it’s decided to kick it into gear.



I had a little spare time so decided to transplant a few of the 1 gallon airpot plants up to 5 gallon airpots. The Thai x Vietnam Black are still just looking amazing! Pulled one male yesterday and today saw the first female. Gave half the plants of each strain in this greenhouse a cup full of cricket shit mixed into the top 1", hoping to green things up a bit.


At home in a new 5 gallon!

Moved the 4 bloody monster girls up to 5’s too.

Others making the move; Black Skunk, Cobra Lips, BOG Sour Strawberry, Franken Bubble;



Another daily update! Big transplant day in the upper greenhouse. Moved up a bunch more Thai x VN Blacks, Cobra Lips, Black Skunks, Bloody Monsters and Franken Bubbles…oh and Sour Strawberries too, to 5-8 gallon airpots. Decided the cricket shit :cricket: helped with greening things up, so went ahead and gave everybody a top-dress and watering in. Found big bag of plastic snap-on collars for hydroponic tomatoes…an hour before the storm hit I fortunately decided to install lines on most all of the tallest plants! :pray:

We got hit with a monster storm late afternoon - trees laying sideways at times, torrential downpours for an hour! I went on a sunset tour and (after climbing over two downed trees in the driveway) only found one or two outdoor plants leaning heavily and all greenhouse roofs still attached. I took a look at the government weather radar about sunset and there looks to be a lot more coming! 10-day forecast shows 9 days of rain! :roll_eyes:

I’m just loving these Thai x VN Black from Slain :heart_eyes:. Really vigorous growth right from the start and no problems so far. I topped most of them twice and the branching structure is really nice - I’m trying to picture how big they’ll be at maturity in 5/8/10 gallon airpots? They were sent specifically to combat all the mold we get here and depending on when/how long they take to finish we may test them on that! Oh, it’s confirmed we got one male (m’be two?) out of the 8, so unless something really weird happens we should get seeds!

The five in black 8-gallon in the front row and the two in smaller white airpots behind them.

@BigMike55 @Maddawg
Sooner (or later) these are gonna have to move out from under the roof…I remember the last ones! :rofl:

Stout little suckers! Well, I needed something for the low-end of the greenhouse anyway!

Missed the Cobra Lips, LSD x Blue Sunshine, Black Skunks and probably a few others but I’ll catch 'em on the next round of transplanting! Took an entire day off from the RSO yesterday - just had to see if reality was still there. Glad to report that I had a great day, far less tired than usual (when dosing) and in general feeling pretty good. But decided I probably can’t afford to do that too often.

Okay guys, that’s it for tonight! Hope you all have a great day!


Nice post, Brother. Always love looking at the pictures.


Another day - more transplanting!

Pulled a bunch more males, picked out the best and drove 'em up the mountain; Black Skunk, Thai x VN Black, Goji OG, Grape Dragon and Monster Ghost and 2 LSD x Blue Sunshine. Looks like we’ll be seeding again!



The Black Creme autos pulled a ‘weird’ one this time…80% of 'em are “String of Pearls” phenotype. There’s maybe 5-6 ‘normal’ cola’ed plants and everything else is some variation of the SoP! There’s 75% purples and 25 % greens. We’ll see what they do! Might end up trying to make a batch of RSO out of 'em.

This is the view from my chair, I remember shooting a shot a week/9 days ago and wanted to compare it…now gotta dig to find the old one!

Loving the look of the Original Haze. None have shown preflowers yet, but I think we’re just days away. Moved another one into a 10 gallon airpot.

Same w/ the LSD x Blue Sunshine. Have 2 males and 3 females to work with.

One of the ‘Joey’ palms I moved to a more prominent place… I’m hoping to entice a buyer with it. Probably not all that rare, but outside of SE Asia you’ll probably only find 'em in botanical gardens. This one’s about 13-15 years old now I think. Decades ago, one of my aboriginal guides in Borneo showed me how he’d cut a leaf and stick it in his waistband behind him with the leaf over the top of him like an umbrella!

Okay, another day come and gone!


Awesome Brother


Good Morning/Evening @Tlander.

How tall is this Joey Palm, its beautiful with all of those corrugated leaves

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That one’s only about 2.5 meters tall. It was stashed away behind a bunch of other trees for a couple years and would love to get transplanted into some new soil. I’ve been planting tons of seeds on this nursery land for 20+ years now and there are just shitloads of trees and plants. For a long time we used them in various landscaping jobs, but I always plant more than are needed so now it’s finally time to see if I can sell off the entire nursery stock to one buyer. :crossed_fingers: :pray: :crossed_fingers: :pray: :crossed_fingers:



Best Wishes to You on this deal.
Thanks for putting scale to the size of that beast; Joey

Go Get’m @Tlander

Thanks! Somewhere, I have a photo of me standing underneath one of these in Borneo and it dwarfs me! They are usually an under-story palm and can’t handle much wind or the leaves get all shredded. They’re the kind of plant that you have to put in exactly the right spot or it’ll always look like shit!



Right on TL, killin it as usual! I thought that O Haze would do well over there. They look right at home.


Everything’s starting to flower out here these days. Made up another batch of RSO today; 100 grams Bloody Monster & Karel Haze made 9 grams of RSO. Cleaned out the rice cooker w/coconut oil (the fat does as good a job of cutting the sticky as alcohol) and bottled it up to use as a body oil.

Bromeliad flower

Lemon Grove comin’ along nicely!



Beautiful Brother

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Male call! I’ve moved 6 male plants off-site but close enough that I’ll be able to use the pollen next week.

I’ve mentioned the Dark Creme autoflowers that are mostly String of Pearls phenos. There’s a lot of them and a lot of different forms;

Green pheno

What looks to be another of the Thai x VN Black gone male.

And a couple BOG Sour Strawberries



Always a delight looking to your plants :heart_eyes:, it’s the Garden of Eden, thanks for sharing… beer3|nullxnull


Right on TL! Nice to see all those males growing out. Do you have specific plans for the pollen from each or is it more a matter of whichever females are ready to recieve pollen will get it?