First Time (growing legal that is)!

Spectacular work @Tlander.
Those Black Creme Autoflowers are incredibly delicate looking. Funny that I really want to burn them…
I’m doing a little reading on those Ladies, Thanks !

To your Health Mr. T


Yo @Budderton ! I’m a little concerned with trying to keep so many males around. I’ll be making seed with them as soon as the girls are ready. For the most part, I’ll be making pure crosses of what donors have sent to me to spread out to growers over here. I’m hoping the RSO is doing it’s thing on the cancer and I’ll have a shot at another season…but we never know!

I’m on day #42 today, having consumed just over 35 grams of THC since starting (of a recommended dosage of 60 grams). I started off with only a small amount, as suggested (about 1/2 of a rice grain or .05g every 3 hours). After a week I doubled that to about .1 and then .2. Besides ingesting it, I’ve also been applying the RSO to bandages on the lesions themselves and to 3-4 small moles. 2 of the moles show visible signs of reduction in size and one has almost disappeared!

Probably the hardest part of this routine is the fact that I’m so damn spaced out all the time! Taking this stuff ISN’T like smoking a joint! .2 grams takes anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour to hit me. Afterwards I tend to find myself sitting down in a chair more often than not. I often find I have absolutely no idea what time of day it is - I literally couldn’t tell you if I just got up or if I am just headed home for the day! They warn you that you’ll feel tired and say to just go with it and rest. It is very temping to just lay down and do nothing, but fortunately I have a looong habit of avoiding that! Like I said, the hardest part is not knowing if it’s really doing anything besides leaving me so spaced out! I took a 1-day break about a week ago just to see what ‘reality’ felt like. Not bad! Most of the tiredness went away and some of the spaciness! Well, I can’t afford to stop in the middle of the routine, so the show must go on!



I’m very happy to hear the RSO seems to be having a positive impact. My belief is that because of how much you serve the plant, the Herb is gonna serve you and help you. It’s wonderful and affirming to hear of the results on the moles! I’m hedging my bets that you’ve got another season at least TL. The universe willing, several more. Take strength from the understanding that you are an inspiration to me and all of us here on OverGrow! I respect your journey brother.


Those ‘String of Pearls’ Black Creme autos are just getting more and more dusted! Every surfaace is covered. I tried to get a couple shots but we’ll see how well it captures on OG.

Meanwhile, the rest of the lower outdoor gang are enjoying Life, as we all should! Added a lot of new stakes today.

All systems “GREEN”!


That Black Creme, to me @Tlander, is almost the perfect balance of exotic bud, between the stringy silversides calyx-like buds And actual exotic nuggets lol.
Centrefold material partner!

One of my best friends used the RSO approach and slammed his Lymph Node , Cancer invasion 10 years ago now.

He went full cycle, at dbl strength, sacrificing a lot of time, as only you know it.

But take comfort in the Fact that when he entered Chemo treatment and they refreshed his MRI’s, the tumours had shrunk over 50%. It blew the doctors away. Buddy is Scuba Diving right now T.

Straight ahead my Friend


A little more staking today and a couple more transplants. The Original Haze have come out 4/4 females! LSD x Blue Sunshine 4/6, Thai x Vietnam Black 5/7, Grape Dragons 4/6. Lots of everything flowering out now, probably only a dozen or so yet to declare.

LSD x Blue Sunshine (L), Original Haze ®

Thai Tester from @PioneerValleyOG returning home!

Original Haze

Another bromeliad flower to close things out for today!



Very cool, looking good, glad she survived the drought! Gardens looking good, blessings on your harvest…

Ps that string of black pearls is wild!


Nice work on this Strain @BigMike55
She is a Doozy!
Cheers @Tlander thats still a crazy grow lol


Lunchtime (over here anyway!).

More of the Dark Creme autoflowers with the String of Pearls form. Really covered in resin on every surface and they’re just getting started! Pretty sure these will become my next batch of RSO. (That thought scares me a bit!)

Got a row of these girls tucked away in the back. Wish they had a sunnier spot but they’ll turn out something to try!

More staking done in the upper greenhouse. Sooner (in some cases) or later these girls gotta move out. One or two will be brushing the high point by tonight and it’s gonna start to get hard to get 'em through the door soon! Most all had stringlines but that’s not gonna work when they move out. Figure I better get 'em started.



I love it.


Hey @Tlander wonderful looking garden as always! I was curious if you are also juicing cannabis leaves as part of your treatment? I recall reading about the additional benefits it can offer in addition to the RSO. Best of luck and keep on keeping on.

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Yo @deeez99 ! Thanks! No, I have not been juicing leaves (but am interested if you find a source). I am drinking a couple glasses of juiced greens and veggies daily, but the RSO kicks my ass so bad I don’t think I could handle much more ganja! :joy: I seem to be hovering right around 1 gram a day, though I’m using it up faster than usual as I have been applying it to bandages directly on the lesions as well as ingesting. I have also tried dabbing a little on each of 4-5 moles that look like they could be the same thing. I’m on day 45 today and I’d say 3 of them show improvement with one almost disappearing! It’s difficult not to try to see improvement, but I want to be sure before I start celebrating too hard!

For anybody that spots a previously unnoticed mole, get it checked out a.s.a.p.! Don’t be a dummy like me and wait! Fortunately, I found OG, if a little late in life, and it has been a fantastic treat to meet up with all of you! I want to say Thank you all for making this past year of my life so much fun! I wish you all endless seeds, wonderful grows and bountiful harvests!



Well, we moved out a bunch of large palms that have been constricting the driveway!

Unfortunately, the new ‘open’ space didn’t last very long! :rofl:

Elsewhere, all’s looking Jolly & Green!

One of the 4 Original Haze females

This one may become the seed mama!

Got three females & one male on the Grape Dragons!



Good Evening @Tlander

You have the most diligent days, Working-away in that Krazy garden of yours.

Great moves in organizing those Plants

Let there be Light

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That’s great to hear about the juicing. I think the idea with juicing cannabis is to incorporate nutritional benefits and live enzymes similar to your other greens but with the inclusion of raw cannabinoids like THCA/CBDA. Studies are still slim unfortunately but there seems to be promise with the raw cannabinoids providing similar anti-inflammatory and immune boosting capabilities without the psychoactive properties.

But It could be more beneficial to just mix half decarbed RSO with some raw non-decarbed RSO for a true full spectrum of cannabinoids. It might be able to provide you with a higher dosage and less of the ass kicking.

Edit: Keep in mind that citric acid will decarboxylate the raw cannabinoids. This just means that if you are drinking juiced cannabis (or raw RSO) and also consume lemon juice, grapefruit juice, or yogurt then you will get high from it. Just need to mention that because I didn’t see that in any of the articles.


Wow, great info @deeez99


Well, decided to seed out one branch of one of the LSD x Blue Sunshine girls.

Another batch of RSO today…

A few of the early chunkers showing us a taste of things to come.

The first test load of tall gals from the greenhouse seem to be acclimatizing just fine. I’m gonna try to put the tomato cages up on stilts tomorrow on these so we can move out the next row.


New outdoor gals settled in…

Lower patch…

Another bromeliad I’ve tried to pollinate for years now…looks like a big “MAYBE” again this time!

Meanwhile the BOG Sour Strawberries are fillin’ in! They’re reminding me that it’s time to start cleaning out the drying tent again…oh God, trim jail comin’ back already?

Black Skunks also fillin’ in but found some budrot already today.

Bummed to find another beautiful Thai x VN Black has shown as a male. I think that’s 3 out of 7. All seven look gorgeous! I’ve got one male stashed up the mountain, so today I cut back the two new ones really hard. I’ll keep 'em around until I’m sure the upper one produces good pollen.



Awesome my friend.


Lazy Sunday here,managed to check up on everybody twice. The Goji OG Gang is comin’ along now!

And just next door the older sisters are soakin’ up the rays!

Then there’s more of the String of Pearls phenos of the Dark Creme autos. Green ones, purple ones, getting pretty close to chop I think?

Went down to the beach for a Sunday burger splurge and enjoyed watching a flock of 25 seabirds doing aerobatics out along one of the jetty walls. Finally got chased off home by a passing rain squall.
