First Time (growing legal that is)!

Another day, a few more gals moved outside! We’ve been getting some heavy weather lately, but the plants were brushing the roof of the greenhouse so it was time for some of them to make a move! We’ve moved 9 of 'em out so far and I can see spots for 8 more…but think I’ll give 'em a couple days between moves to secure the tomato cages on stilts.

Had to chop another Thai x VN Black male today…a real shame as it was a great looking plant.

The Thai x VN Black have been gorgeous plants right from the start! I have to ask @slain about flowering times on these?

They look so much happier outside! Just hope they can handle the weather and bugs! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Nepenthes bicalcarta pitcher

The Goji OG gang are looking good! Something ‘clicked’ for them in the last 48 hours and they suddenly look like they really want to thrive! I hit everything with a topdressing of cricket shit about 5-6 days ago…but then again I also foliar sprayed 'em all w/seaweed/Cal-Mag,/Various sugars about 3 days ago! So much for Science! :rofl:

Seeding out a few plants here and there. So far I’ve done; one LSD x Blue Sunshine, one Grape Dragon and White Papaya x White Castle. Still have half a dozen more males up the mountain…we’ll see how much time I have!

That’s all for tonight gang! Hope you all have a great week!


You too, Brother


Everything is looking great bro, they should be about 90 days or so.


The twin purple towers! These ‘string of pearls’ Dark Creme autos are getting pretty close to done. Good news is they’re pretty unlikely to mold out! :joy:

I purposely used the most fungi-resistant Black Skunk plants I had to make seed last short season. Unfortunately, I’m afraid I’m already seeing signs of budrot! Had to chop a couple girls early to get 'em out of the greenhouse today.

The Dreaded Budrot!

Another of the beautiful Thai x Vietnam Black’s turned out to be a male (or potentially hermie?). I’ve pollinated one outdoor female and will move two more outdoors tomorrow. @slain

Okay that’s the mid-week report from this end of the World. Have a great day!


Another moving day! A lot of the gals are getting too tall for the greenhouses…Couple more Thai x Vietnam Black broke out. I went back and repollinated the nicest female for the second day in a row…will probably do one more day if it’s sunny tomorrow. These are all in living soil mix with a lot of red wrigglers! I gotta go up the mountain and check on the Goji OG male tomorrow and get a reminder of what other males are stashed away up there! Dusted one of the Grape Dragons yesterday, even though I’ve never gotten one all the way through without budrot hitting it! Fingers crossed ! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Thai x Vietnam Black (Seeded) @slain

Anyway, they’ve got a few neighbors now! Bloody Monsters @BigMike55 and Franken Bubbles @JohnnyPotseed got a row each.

Did a bunch of moving and drip line extensions in the lower gardens too. Everything is just charging and the original layout was too close together already! Kind of wish I had a place to move the Lemon trees too so the other gals could get full sun. Sounds like tomorrow’s project! :joy:



Beautiful garden as always :heart:
The second thai x VT is very photogenic. Perfect structure.


Yeah, thanks bro! That’s the one I seeded out, I can see the tag. Had 20-some odd branches, very early on the flowering, but I’ve got too much going on around here to keep so many males around. Figure I’ll hit one of each strain up for 2-3 days in a row and then feed the males to the chickens a.s.a.p.! I chopped 2 other Thai x VN Black males back to the lowest 3-5 nodes and will keep 'em around in case I feel the need to re-pollinate anything in a week or two.



Man! You got this going nicely. I think it’s cool that some of my stuff is being grown on the other side of the world. Good luck finishing them.
Looks really humid there, hoping you don’t get the dreaded bud rot.


Well, thanks for the beans (via @Maddawg ) This is the second generation from your original beans. They came out much more slender and lanky this time around. But the Goji were doing that too until a few days ago when they just exploded! I remember the last few times the BM’s put on a lot of thickness late.

Unfortunately, budrot is ever-present here. I keep knockig my head against the wall trying all these fantastic OG creations but it’s heartbreaking to see them only get so close! Had to cut one of @Budderton 's Spotted Lime autos today as I could see it had already started. Took down 4 Black Skunk and a Dark Creme auto for the same reasons.



That sucks about the spotted lime TL. I think those equatorials you got going are gonna be the ticket for down there. Oh and I didn’t make the SL autos. I believe they came from a co op run by @MrMayhem1134 .

1 Like

How about a couple industrial fans aimed at your garden. Not like hurricane force but enuff to keep the branches moving around. Just thinking out loud.


555! No, I bought the hurricane Force ones! :rofl: Flattened a couple rows! Now I have to blow it over the tops of them! And only about 1/3 are under roofs. Lots of Darwin action - survival of the fittest! Really hoping the NLD Original Hazes will come through all right.



Been making up 100 grams of bud into RSO about once a week. Today’s day 53 and I’ve consumed 47 grams of very potent oil so far. No stopping now! I found that after the final evaporation in the rice cooker, you can transfer to a small cup and set it on a coffee mug warmer (pepper added for weight) and just let it simmer for hours until absolutely ALL bubbling stops. Then it’s easy to transfer to syringes. (That’s about 10.5 grams

The only survivor from a small batch of “Thai Tester” from @PioneerValleyOG Wish a couple more had made it, looking nice!

The Goji OG gang (some of it anyway).

The slightly more crowded path to the upper greenhouse. Rt side = Franken Bubbles, Middle = Thai x VN Black, Left = Bloody Monsters

Opened up a little space between these gals too!



Just one shot for today!



Sweet good to see my girl around the world doing her thang.


Lil’ update…

More of the ‘String ogf Pearls’

New rows;

Off to the beach for a sunset getaway w/friends! Have a great day!


@slain Yobro, I hit up the Thai x VN Black for the last 3 days in a row and today it’s looking like it took!

Fk’n termites!

One more male T x VNB.

Black Skunks have started molding out inside the buds. :sob:

Wreckage Master Kush on Left, 2 Black Skunks on right.



Midday update;

LSD x Blue Sunshine have started
bulkin’ up!

Great news on the Thai x VN Black front - I can see swollen calyxs! @slain Only seeded one plant of this (so far!) and I did it when the female had just started to flower. May have to hit up another one or at least a few branches. (Did that with the LSD x Blue Sunshine).

Still finding a bit of budrot on the Black Skunks. Trying to cut out any I see and harvest the entire plant right away. Such a bummer, so close!

A lot of the 'String of Pearl’s pheno of the Dark Creme autos look like they are about done. Not seeing much expansion, though they are crystal-covered. If nothing else interferes, may cut a bunch of them tonight. Okay, enjoy the day!



Congrats :tada: on Seeding those plants. It’s great to see that One seed, just sitting there on the Thai x VN black.
Wahoo @Tlander


@Budderton Yobro! Looks like the White Papaya x White Castle pollination took!

And a couple more of the String of Pearls pheno;

And a couple more Sour Strawberries & Black Skunks;
