First Time (growing legal that is)!

Few more…

Spiderman dropped by!

New rows lookin’ good!

This Franken Bubble is unlike all the others, Much tighter internode spacing and more abundant buds so far.

@slain The 3 remaining Thai x Vietnam Black females are starting to bulk up!

Last of the Goji OG’s got transplanted up into 5 & 10 gallon airpots today. Started harvesting a couple of the String of Pearls pheno Dark Creme autos to make RSO. Can’t wait to smoke one! I feel like I let these ones sneak up on me! The were just plugging along fine, getting very resin coated on all surfaces, but still pretty ‘small’. Today upon checking w/a decent magnifier I found a number of them are well past the cloudy/golden ratio I’d normally shoot for. Oh well, it should just make more powerful RSO!



Right on TL! It’s good to see everything cooking along. I bet those WP x WC will come back nice as RSO. And congrats on getting the pollination to stick!


Stuff is just crankin’ around here this week! Added a couple supplementary foliar sprays and one or more seems to have held some magic! We’re borderline on humidity levels causing budrot on the thick stuff at 74% today. May have to turn “Monsoon Hut” into “Hurricane Alley” by installing the BIG ASS fan for all the thickies? And they’re just getting started!

Okay, the backhoe just showed up so I gotta run! I need a big pit dug to bury all the shit in my basement before I die! Afraid my neighbors will think I’m digging my grave! :joy:



Okay, the new underground grow room has broken ground!

Just kiddin’!

The Goji OG Gallery;

Cut a couple more of the String of Pearls pheno Dark Creme autos. Just coated in resin!

:call_me_hand: :call_me_hand:


LSD x Blue Sunshine’s are starting to fatten up a bit.

The first Thai x Vietnam Black that I pollinated are showing a pretty good success rate. Might go back and pollinate it again. @slain

A couple more shots of the String of Pearls pheno of the Black Creme autos;

It’s Thai Mothers’ Day tomorrow so my crew has the day off. If you’ve still got a Mom, wish her a Happy Thai Mothers’ Day! The sky got so dark with rainclouds before sunset that I decided to move 6-8 of the thickest Black Skunks into the monsoon hut…just in case! Of course that was an hour after we finished shifting about half of the Lemon Grove to the South side of the area so the Sun gets to more of the ganja! :joy:

Oh well! Hope you all have a great day!


Sure enjoyed catching up on this thread. Nicely done.


Nice fat seeds there man, great to see you have had success :pray:


Looking good brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

Look out - freight train o’ photos comin’ through! Today was a tough one, don’t know whether to blame the cancer or the RSO? Newest batch seems more powerful, but how the heck do you judge it when you’re so blitzed anyway? Anyway, since I couldn’t get a lot done I did manage to take a shitload of pics. Unfortunately, I’m also now pretty wiped out and doubt I can remember all the donor names for these gals. I hope everybody finds theirs (sooner or later!).

@misterbee Sorry, some are a bit mangled as I’m having to chop buds at first sign of budrot! :sob:

Some Wreckage Master Kush starting to chunk up (Is that @THCeed ?)

@Budderton - I didn’t have good luck with these from the very start, bummer. They seemed to react to our conditions/LS mix much like those Carl’s Shoes did with the weird single blade plants.

Some of the shining stars so far are the LSD x Blue Sunshine! @Greenfingers

The Goji OG Grotto! With 3 Grape Dragons tucked away. @CADMAN @misterbee

A pretty lengthy Black Creme auto cola! (W/my shoe for scale!) :joy:

The Choco Thai x Rockin’ Rain had a rough start and it probably really cut into the size of the plants, but they’re looking real nice and I’ll get to sample 'em at least and I’d bet there’s a few beans left in the refrigerator! (Sorry! I’m braindead on who’s beans these were right now! :pray:)

The Upper Alley is lookin’ good! Franken Bubble’s on the right, Thai x VN Black middle, Bloody Monsters on the far left. @slain @BigMike55 @Maddawg @JohnnyPotseed

Okay guys, I really want to take EVERY opportunity I have to thank every one of you :pray: who have made my time here on OG so absolutely fantastic! I’ll be hangin’ around here posting as long as I can bros & sis’s!



Nice growing there, my brother from the other side of the world. Hope you get some great buds. Looks like you will. Hate it when bud rot enters the picture. Horrible plant disease. And it don’t take long to wipe out a plant. Gotta stay on top of it. Looks like you’re doing a good job of it.


Looks beautiful brother :heart: keep up the great work. :+1:

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Looking good man, those vb/Thai be like: I’ll flower when I’m good and ready lol.

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555! They’re all (Thai x VNB) in flower already, just a bit behind the Franken Bubbles & Bloody Monsters. I checked on the seed set today and it looks good! I hit a a separate lower branch on one of the other ones with Goji OG pollen… just for giggles! The fully seeded one is the smallest of the three.

Late addition…



Awesome garden @Tlander, they all look great. Those are the first lsd x blue sunshine I’ve seen, I’ll have to do some. Thanks you do awesome work.:green_heart:


Another major photo load comin’ up!

@Budderton even if they were never happy with me, or conditions here, They’re still looking delicious! Thanks bro…hard to believe how different they look from your grow! :joy:

@Greenfingers LSD x Blue Sunshine! These beauties are pretty much the thickest things around here! I fully seeded one plant and hit a couple branches of another. Really hope I have a chance to grow these again BIG TIME in the short season…That is, if the Gods & body are willing!

The three ‘Original Haze’ are comin’ along nicely. The narrow, feathery leaves really make them stand out against most the other OG hybrids around here.

Black Creme Autos (String of Pearls phenos) are almost done. Been cutting a couple every day now. Lots of variation…can’t wait to try 'em!

The Thai tester @PioneerValleyOG is getting frosty now! Really sorry I only have the one! This is another one I can’t wait to smoke! It is also one of the few that hasn’t shown any tendency to mold out (yet!). I may have to toss a little hybrid pollen this way.

The Black Skunks @misterbee are making really nice nugs. I’ve had to cut a bunch of plants early as they all get hit by budrot due to our humidity levels. Also had to cut the 5 BOG Sour Strawberry @Mithridate plants today due to the same. Might get about 2 out of 5’s worth to smoke.

Got a bunch of ‘Fire Floor Mix’ seeds that are all the ones that didn’t pop the first time around…dumped all the plug trays into one big flat w/humidity dome and just kept watering it and transplanting 'em! No clue what is what! :joy:

Well, the tent is filling up again! I guess with the state of my health right now, trimming will suit me fine as I won’t get as tired out as running around the nursery. The RSO is still kicking my ass! I’m on my second day (Day #66 today) of ‘lite’ dosing. I’ve been following Rick’s directions on dosing while reading tons of cancer researcher’s papers the last months and suddenly hit one today discussing dosage that had a ton of data points and I noticed that for the most part they were giving the patient .05 gram/day…Haa, haa, haa - I’ve been doing the full 1 gram a day! No wonder I’m flipping out! Will sure be nice one day when medical researchers can give us solid numbers!

Once again, I’d like to say another HUGE THANK YOU to the whole OG family. You guys & gals have made this last year of my life sooooo much fun! Time seems to just be flying for me these days. Between being so damn spaced out from the RSO and the Dr.'s time frames growing shorter and shorter I tend to give my plants priority…but I don’t know how much longer I can do it. I’m in very little physical pain really (unless I do something stupid!), but the mental battle is just wiping me out! Well, I’ll try to keep posting as long as I can!



Nice. Growing random seeds, having no idea what they are, is loads of fun. Seeds from brick weed are fun like that, too.

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Here’s another check-up on the Thai VN Black seeding! @slain

LSD x Blue Sunshine bulkin’ up! @Greenfingers

Here are a couple shots of the Original Haze comin’ along @Budderton

And I’ve been having to move the Goji OG’s outside! I never would have expected them to shoot up like this but 4 have already hit the highest point so they had to go. These gals probably won’t be long. @misterbee @CADMAN

Have a great day everybody!


They are all looking like they are loving life man, nice to see some frost on those vb already, they can turn into big plants given the room, they’re obviously right at home :pray:


Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

Another great day in Paradise! Low tide, you can just see the mainland in the far background.

A couple second-generation in T-land Lemon Skunks from @misterbee

I can’t walk past these without taking more pictures! @Greenfingers
Haa, haa, haa…I knew those String of Pearls were gonna be good! I took a hit and mislabeled (almost) ALL these as LSD x Grape Dragon when they are really LSD x Blue Sunshine! :woozy_face:

I seem to have put in a shitload of Black Skunks from the beans I made from @misterbee They didn’t get much size on the plants in veg but making some nice nugs now! Starting to see some budrot here and there, but trying to keep an eye on everything and pull anything suspect.

Greatest scent in the gardens! Well, beside the ganja anyway! :joy:

Of course, more of the Black Creme Auto String of Pearls phenos;

Choco Thai x Rockin’ Rain also didn’t have a god veg, but they still look like they’re gonna be a nice smoke! (Apologies, but I can’t tell who these were from unless I go down and look at a tag!)

@BigMike55 @Maddawg @JohnnyPotseed @slain The upper rows;


Spectacular job, man. You should be proud.


WOW @Tlander your Yard’s almost like a Ganja Petting-Zoo. Nothing but the finest and ripest Buds available.

Spectacular Work Sir, no better description of what you are doing “T”