First Time (growing legal that is)!

Incredible my friend.


TL, you live in facking paradise!! And your onto 2nd gen creations already!! You’re showing us how it’s done TL! And those O-Haze look right at home over there. Shine on, you crazy diamond !!


Thanks again to all of you guys! I get to have all the fun because of the great job(s) you all do with your breeding and your OG generosity! It takes a while to figure things out in a “new” environment… this one isn’t exactly ‘new’ to me, but being able to have plants right out in the open is a whole new thing! I feel like I’m just getting things dialed in a bit better. I’m really wishing this was closer to the beginning of my growing career than the end! The beans you guys have sent me have given me so much joy to grow! If I didn’t have so damn many plants to care for right now I think I’d have flipped out over my health a month or two ago…as it is, I’m too busy with plants to get wrapped up in my time running out! :joy:

Okay, managed to snap a shitload more pics! Sorry, don’t mean to spam, but these girls keep putting on weight daily and I never know when it might be my last chance to post shots for the donors! Thanks again - you know who you are!

@Budderton The girls are getting frosty Buddy! I’ve got them under plastic roofing with my BIG ASS fan blowing on 'em (along with the shorter Goji OG’s) to try to keep them mold-free…we’ll see! Budderton - Mine came out quite short plants and remind me of the LA Affie #11x that you said you’d tried to breed for cabinet growers…is this the same or do you get ‘normal’ sized plants from it? P.S. One of them (first) is fully seeded! (and another partially!)

Grape Dragons (Via @Budderton ) Please tag the donor for me @Budderton ( @BasementBeans ) These are starting their taco leaves now and getting frosty. Last fall I lost three big ones of these to budrot…they seem to get so dense that there’s really no way I can let 'em go full flower season. :sob: I’d love to move 'em up into my tent for the last couple weeks as they’d blow me away I’m sure, but the tent’s full of plants drying already and there’s a lot more to come! I seeded one of these out too!

LSD x Blue Sunshine @Greenfingers - What can I say? Just an outstanding cross! I’m praying my pollination took and that I get another season to grow out tons of these!!! :pray: :pray: :pray:

Black Skunks @misterbee (Hope all has turned out all right back there with the legal BS? Thank you again for the great beans! I didn’t think it a good idea to bother you with messages and DM’s until you’re feeling in the clear.) :pray: These and the BOG Sour Strawberries are something I should have learned to stay away from trying outdoors over here! But they are both SO good I gotta keep trying! :joy: Plus, I made a ton of seed of them last winter! :rofl:

Wreckage Master Kush @THCeed Whoops, could swear I downloaded the other pics??? Anyway, 2 days ago these decided to go nuts with their budding and sugar coating…I gotta go back and reshoot!

Whoops, I found 'em!

Thai testers @PioneerValleyOG Again, wish I had a couple dozen of these growing! These gals had a hard start and didn’t get very big, but now at stretch it’s looking like I’ll get some REALLY nice buds from them! Sorry, it wasn’t in the best spot to photograph well, I’ll keep trying! Loving that, thick as it is - no signs of budrot! :pray:

Okay, that’s it for this morning’s run around! Hope you all have an exceptionally fun day!



I’d be honored to grow some of Those seeds.

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Which ones?


The “fully seeded LA Affie” from the last post.edit PapayaxWhite Castle

Haa, haa, haa - I don’t believe there was/is a fully seeded LA Affie #11! I ‘mentioned’ that plant to Budderton when talking about the similarity in form to the White Papaya x White Castle cross he made. I grew them last season but don’t think I seeded them out. I know you are ‘new’ here but if you get your membership level up to where you can participate, keep an eye out on the ‘Free seeds Free Clones’ thread, @Budderton produces some of the best seeds I’ve grown and he and others here are constantly turning us all on to beans! The LA Affie #11 x Afghan Hash Plants I grew out were from him.

There are just a ton of great, generous growers here on OG, treat them well, share back and soon you’ll be having to search for new seed storage units! :joy:



I made that one will the goal of producing a plant with as much trichome as possible, for hash making purposes. Two hybrids of “The White” banged into each other. Should be normal sized, wasn’t selected with height in mind.

These where made by @BasementBeans . I really liked those Grape Dragons when I grew them out. I wish I had made something with them before I used the seed up!


Sunday night review!

2nd gen @misterbee

LSD x Blue Sunshine @Greenfingers

Cobra Lips @Budderton

Only shot one of the Wreckage Master Kush @THCeed Gettin’ frosty!

Franken Bubbles starting to fill in the gaps! @JohnnyPotseed

Okay everybody, hope you enjoy your weekend!



I am going to be starting a Wreckage Master Bastard Kush contest soon, do you mind if I use a few of your photos?


Don’t mind at all! Let me know if you need more/others. I could also shoot more further along in flower before you post if needed. Thanks again for the fantastic beans, they’ve been a blast to grow over here. I ‘think’ these were just WMK…I grew out some of the WMBK last short season, but I think you sent me these labeled as WMK?



Those Black Creme autos that are of the purple String of Pearls pheno are just about as far as they are gonna go I think! I’ll probably try to keep a couple of the greens and the purples going just to see what they do. I gave a small handful of dried ‘threads’ to a buddy yesterday…he messaged me this morning saying he loved it…can he have more? @JohnnyPotseed :pray: These came from some seeds you sent me last year…I ran them through both last long and short seasons, picking out all the String of Pearls phenos and crossing them. Unfortunately, it looks like it’s gonna be a bit of a dead-end project as I didn’t seed any of these this time, nor take cuttings. (Think there is actually a small vial in my seed refrigerator…somewhere?

The original Hazes @Budderton starting to stretch! Tthe back one is half again the size of the others. I’m totally bummed that I don’t have a packet of Special Haze pollen sitting around here! I’m gonna have to hit a couple of these with something good!

Been fresh green juice fasting for 5/6 days now, drinking greens 3-4 times a day. Don’t know if its the RSO or the Cancer but I wasn’t the leas bit hungry anyway! Figure 5 days of ‘clearout’ shouldn’t hurt anything before I have to shift to this 500 cal/day keto diet for the next 3 months (if I can get 3 moss. :joy:). Here’s today’s menu!



If you have anything important to do…go do it first! :joy: From the looks of things, it’s gonna be a double-header tonite! :joy:

Let’s get through the bad news first…Despite great weather the last week, today I spotted two of the three Grape Dragons has budrot. :cry: The good news is it’s not the seeded one! Gonna move it over much closer to the hurricane fan this evening and say a little prayer. :pray:

Black Skunks…getting hit too! :sob: Not all of 'em (yet) but having to take down colas every evening now.

The Original Haze @Budderton are coming along fast now. I ‘think’ the stretch is over and they’re starting to fill in all the internode space w/bud! Why the-F-haven’t I been growing these here all this time??? I couldn’t get anything but ‘lite grassy’ off of them in the way of smell, I’ll check back now after a hot afternoon.

Reach for the sky!

Lemon Skunks fillin’ in @misterbee

‘Haxy’ view! (middle row

In tribute to @ColeLennon 's “Gauntlet of Med Clones” I’ve decided to utilize some more of the outdoor spaces. Row on the right is @JohnnyPotseed 's Franken Bubbles, on the left close to the pathway are the Thai x VN Blacks from @slain and farthest to the left, mostly out of sight are the Bloody Monsters from @BigMike55 and @Maddawg (More on those last ones further down).

Here are some of the Bloody Monsters that, since they’re Monsters, I decided to “Cage”! It’s just road-grid steel rolled into tomato cages but a couple meters high! (Did somebody say 'HIGH"?). Those get raised off the ground a meter or so on steel rods driven into the ground and industrial-strength zip-tied in place! We did a big ‘tuck’ a week ago and have been too busy to manipulate them since…they’ll be what they wanna be! Little worried that with all the main branches still inside the cage it’s gonna get too dense in there.

WP x WC @Budderton

LSD x Blue Sunshine are unreal! @Greenfingers Got way better pics but not downloaded yet.

Seeded! (Hopefully - there’s no way to see ‘inside’ these buds!)

The “Lemon Grove” has some odd ‘trees’! These are the “Unknowables”! Anything from my ‘primo’ plug start trays that didn’t germinate by a week after everything else had to go, so I dumped ALL my plug trays into one giant flat, covered w/humidity dome and plucked 'em as the popped! If anybody recognizes their children in these please let me know! :joy:

Okay, hit the head, grab more popcorn, check in on the girls and I’ll meet ya back here in a couple hours!



That last Silhoette picture is a beautiful glimpse into the Garden.

What do you hear in that Garden @Tlander?
Are you close to People, a City, is the air full of Bird Calls or Traffic sounds… ?

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Yo @MissinBissin Yeah, it was a weird shot, but I decided I liked it too! Those are mostly the Hazes’. The Sun position is quite odd right now here…taking pictures has been a real hassle for about 2-3 weeks now as nothing is where I can get at it from the right angles. :roll_eyes:

I’m at the quietest end of the island (intentionally!) and so far have only 1 neighbor within sight-lines (and that’s a 20+ year friend). My nursery land adjoins my house land and only has a neighbor up the hill on one side. I’m, I don’t know…200-400 meters from the beach. We have more than our share of birds here, especially with the amount of water we use! The small flocks of Racket-tailed Drongos

and the raptors are the most entertaining. My staff enjoying cranking the music from their homeland in the NE of T’land and they have pretty good taste! So often there’s music playing. My staff check/water, then meet w/ me in the morning at 8 and head out to various sites on the mountain to put in 3 or 4 hours and then come back and we work in the nursery. So I usually have 3 or 4 hours down there to myself when it’s generally quiet. After a while one tends to lose track of the fact that ‘yes’ that’s the sound of the ocean in the background! Oh, and there’s been a hell of a lot of thunder this year! And I forgot, there’s usually the sound of at least one long-tail boat out at sea, rhythmically pounding with the waves.

Hey, I only put up half the shots from today…it’s getting late here…gotta run!



Thanks so much for sharing. Good night.

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Thank You T for that cerebral journey!

Sounds fantastic, truly. Even the Boat sounds, there are familiar yet distinct backgrounds everywhere. But its gorgeous when the birds and waves become part of the soundtrack.

Could you please ask your Gang for a couple of Musical recommendations?

I Would love to bounce around Ontario one of these mornings, listening to “What your Workers Bop-to, in Thailand”

Wonderful insight Brother.
Until tomorrow @Tlander

racket-tailed Drongos = Wow

On with the show! :crazy_face:

Black Skunks are right on the borderline with the fungus. I moved almost all them into the Monsoon Hut with the Hurrice fan oscillating 24/7. I made a lot of seed from @misterbee 's originals and so wanted to test germination…555! It was pretty god! 96/100! Most all came out smallish plants that, with the addition of an extra 1/3 my old flowering fert routine, are kicking out thick, gnarly nuggets! Thank you MisterBee! I have and will continue to be spreading your work to people in SE Asia! You’ve really gone International! Here’s just a couple;

Well, they didn’t make it. :joy: Had to cut 2 out of three tonight. Mold obvious. I’ll get something to taste from them but it’s weeks early. I moved the remaing seeded one into the monsoon hut in front of the fan. We’ll see tomorrow morning.

@Budderton These Cobra Lips have had a rough time here. I kind of half wrote them off a month ago and came close to chopping them twice when I thought it might be septoria. But I moved 'em to the end of an isolated greenhouse and they continued to ‘survive’. Tonight when checking on them it just happened to be that magical time of night that the sun comes in low and everything just sparkles! Suddenly tonight I am in LOVE with the Cobra Lips! I cannot wait to taste these when then even start to get close to dry! Thanks Buddy! :call_me_hand:

There are three pretty distinct phenos in what I got. First is a lighter colored plant & buds, smaller, more brittle-stemmed structure. They has really frosted up in the last 24 hours. I’m gonna have to go look at a tag for dates.

The second pheno is a much darker-colored plant, more robust form and whiter appearing buds against the dark green foliage.

The third one is something I get here with some regularity, but it is stll undefined as to why - maybe my mix is off or maybe it’s the lighting in this part of the World?. There’s been a few times I’ve grown things from OG’ers out over here, the majority of the plants start to only throw out single-bladed leaves. At first they look like ugly ducklings, but in time fatten up to single-cola monsters. These never got that big, but they have that same single-bladed look to them. I’ll hopefully let you know what I think of the smoke from all three before too long!

And finally, yet another shot of the @ColeLennon Memorial Gauntlet"! :rofl: Hope you’re doing well buddy, haven’t spoken in a while now!

Thanks to you all for droppin’ by to visit! Wish we could be burnin’ one here listening to the waves and thunder together! Goodnight from over here!



Epic as always TL!!
Yeah, those Cobra Lips sure are expressing strangely. Looks like the end product will be nice, they just grow so differently than ones done indoors. @Tuned
has a Cobra Lips going outside in Canada, so it’ll be interesting to compare. Maybe one day we’ll figure out why modern polys grow so weird in the environment over there.


Your whole garden looks beautiful. Thanks for the show.:peace_symbol: