First Time (growing legal that is)!

I whole heartedly agree TL, a boot right to the ass of that Cancer bullshit!! Keep poppin them beans!! Shine on!!


I am enjoying a bit of your Defiance @Tlander.
I’d, and if I may, We’d love it if you Grow-Crazy for a bit


What a day! And it’s only lunchtime! Had a bit of a scare as my cell phone suddenly stopped charging and even working! My first thought was, How can I take pics, I cannot let OG down!" :rofl:Fortunately, it was just a matter of a new battery and a new charging port and $50! Back up and running!

@Budderton Well, two separate buds on the White Papaya x White Castle had budrot this morning so it was emergency bean-rescue operation time here. In the end it looks like I got a little more than 100 good, mature ones! Thank you Buddy!!! I’m REALLY hoping there’s another 100 hidden away in what’s left?

The (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG cross seems to have taken on that last attempt. Still awfully early, but I could swear I can already see seed development taking place! Same thing with the whole=plant Goji OG @misterbee I seeded out…still tiny, but definitely there! I hit 4 branches of the Original Haze with @DougDawson 's Blue Kush pollen, mainly based on the fact that it was the one I had the most confidence in still being viable. And damn it, that RSO just knocks the shit out of my short-term memory…I could swear I hit something else with Blue Kush pollen???

One of the Franken Bubbles @JohnnyPotseed blew over last night in a passing storm. I slept well and didn’t even hear anything! (Thanks RSO!). :joy: That was the second blow-over this week and it got the top colas a bit muddy (shouldn’t be a big problem, only 3rd week of flowering…anyway, needless to say we did a bunch more caging and staking this morning!

LSD x Blue Sunshine @Greenfingers are “On the Edge” and likely will need to be cut this afternoon/evening. I’d love to keep pushing 'em hard and move 'em into my drying tent to see if I could get 2 more weeks out of them. But the damn tent’s full already! :rofl: I’m absolutely dreading having to go through the one particularly huge, fully-seeded cola! I mean it’s actually gonna be fun (for a while!), but it’s a shame to turn such a thing of beauty into a pile of mush! Guess I’ll make RSO out of it!

Next, the delivery driver showed up with a very timely order! Hopefully this’ll get me through the next month! A buddy ‘apparently’ got the legit distributorship of Grove Bags for Thailand! I tell you - when things go right…I also got the wonderful news that a very generous OG’er has sent me a tester bottle of Bud Buster Pro! It’s got to have been almost a year since I said to Bob @BudBusterPro I absolutely MUST try this out over here! Thank YOU!!!

And, despite the mold issues, looks like I’ve gotten 124 + ~50 = ~175 beans off the ‘bad buds’ on the Grape Dragon with a few more still to come. Think I’m gonna have to pass these beans on to some of the indoor growers over here…it’s a shame to keep sacrificing them to the mold Gods outdoors! It’s too bad - they were really nice plants, went through multiple ‘frosts’, did the whole ‘taco roll’ on the sugar leaves so the edges just sparkle like new fallen snowflakes! Okay, m’be I’ll just try ‘a few’ more! :joy: (Sorry, I’ve forgotten who to tag, I know @Budderton passed them to me.)

Got 35 more beans in the soak…and about 5 more packs sitting beside them just waiting for me to say, “Oh fuck it!” :rofl: Have a great day everybody OGTW!!!

Here’s what we’ve got soakin’ so far;
1 Blue Jag Fem - Blue Mtn Jam x Honduras - @Mithridate (I can’t wait for these!)
2 Ethos - Super Lemon Haze - photo reg - JinglePot (The Original Haze of the current run has me itching to try these!
3 Earth Magic - @PioneerValleyOG -Photo reg. (Well, it’s from PVOG, what else need I say?)
4 Forum Stomper - Auto Fems - PVOG (Well, it’s from PVOG, what else need I say?)
5 Monster Ghost - @CADMAN (Last years’ Ghost Dawg’s were spectacular and BigMike55’s Bloody Monsters were monsters…not sure if that’s what’s in these?)
6 #77 - Cadman 'Special" (I’ll leave this up to The Man to describe…if he wants to? But I just gotta see it!)
7 God’s Cookies - Cadman - (Same as above!)
8 Fighting Buddha - @MissinBissin (Another one I just can’t pass up trying out! Thanks bro!)

On Deck; (I set some of these aside a few months ago and now wish I’d put 'em all in!)
9 SE Asian mix #2 - @slain
10 Thai x VN Black - Slain
11 SE Asian Sativa - Slain

And finally, IF somebody can tell me what it is??? I have a small red puck marked as; “Outer=MA x TF, Inner; WB x TF”. I “believe” these had something to do with a “Malana” landrace??? Does this ring any bells with anybody? I received them sometime in the last 6 months or so from somebody here on OG, but the puck slipped out of the envelope! :roll_eyes:




Parents for gods cookies are: Blue God (God Bud X DJ Blueberry) crossed with
JOTI Black Cookies (Girl Scout Cookies x Blackberry Kush) Male pollen.

Love all of your updates brother :heart:

Apparently its so special I’ve hidden my own notes about it lmao :rofl:


Is it me or does the lsd x blue sunshine look like it could hurt you if ya got too close :joy:


Damn, if that thing ever fell over on me I’d probably have a hard time getting a lighter out of my pocket to free myself! :rofl: In the end we just sheared 'em like sheep! That’ll open ‘em up for tonight and with the big fans running I’ll just pray everything is still okay in the morning. By tomorrow night they should be hangin’ in the tent! Some more of the LSD x Blue Sunshine…during ‘live’ trim!


1 sheared, 1 to go;

Thanks @CADMAN Nice to know where they came from! The #77 was a “Blue Top” special! Does that trigger anything for you (there were 2 blues, I believe.)

Couple more O Haze shots; @Budderton

Black Skunks @misterbee

A couple of @JohnnyPotseed 's Franken Bubbles just getting started flowering out.

Cobra Lips @Budderton A few shots of another strain that just reacts ‘different’ to the tropics, I guess! I ended up with 6 plants that hardly anyone would guess are the same strain! And not one looks the least bit like the ones Budderton grew out! :rofl:

The Goji OG’s are blowing me away! Last go around none were more than 3’ tall. :joy:

YaHooo! I was totally stoked to find that every plant that I pollinated has taken! There should be quite an abundance of beans this season! I’ve made; Black Skunk, Thai x VN Black, (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG, LSD x Blue Sunshine, Original Haze x Blue Kush, Grape Dragon and Goji OG. And whatever the RSO has made me forget! Luckily, I tagged every pollinated branch!

Okay, time for some dinner! OGTW!



Fantastic looking garden, I love how the goji OG’s look.I love the way the buds look like spirals.:green_heart:


Oh man, that CL with the leaf taco is gonna be a trich monster if it doesn’t rot out on you TL! As a hash maker, I can tell you that one is gonna be a great extractor! I hope it’s resistant enough to make it to the finish line.
Congrats on your recent seed harvests. Tland is lucky to have @Tlander making great seed batches!


OMG…@Tlander with BBP!
Excellent news and I’m very appreciative of the member who sent it to you!
In case you didn’t receive all the documentation along with the bottle, just go to

You’ll see some bullet point documents on the home page…click on any one of them and you can read or download it right there…

The KRAKEN has awaken…


Thanks Bob! That’s handy to have right at hand! Yeah, I’m stoked! It may be a while until it gets here, but I’m just soaking more seeds now. Can’t wait for the fun to begin!



Another photogenic day on the mountain with storm fronts blowin’ through or past.

Lots of cool bromeliad flowers going off right now.

Found one of the BOG Sour Strawberries went ‘String of Pearls’/Foxtail without me even noticing it! It was barely dry but I cut this little pile up and rolled a nice fattie and did a garden tour w/ a visiting buddy…he gave up after half a joint! I soldiered on and really enjoyed it. Thought I was managing to still get things done, but looking back with a couple hour’s perspective shows me it was just an illusion! :joy: But a really nice buzz!

Big Day for choppin’ Black Skunks! Here was early on, up in the upper greenhouse.

I hadn’t really thought about how many of them I had running…then I remembered that they all came from 2 batches of germination tests done of 50 beans each - I got 47 & 49! :heart_eyes:

Took down the last of the big Black Creme Auto - String of Pearls plants today. The green pheno.

Really sorry I didn’t make seed from those this time around. But…I found a small bean-tube of them tucked away in my drying tent today! There’s hope! Spotting more and more seeds on the pollinations I did last week! All the heavy sativa influence plants are kicking into gear now, especially a couple of the Orig. Haze! (I love Cousin It in the foreground! This one really reminds me of the old Oaxacan buds we’d get in Cali in the 70’s - long thin wispy buds on sticks rolled up in a big sheet of Oaxacan newspaper! And just a magical high!)

And one of the two Lemon Skunks looks like it already heard the message that Bud Buster Pro is On the Way! The plant has just gone nuts in 2 days’ time!

The Goji OG’s just keep pushing skyward…

I think we even have one plant that has three metal plant posts wired together and it’s still half a meter above that! I’m a little scared of getting battered to death by flying nugs if they flower like my last ones (they were only 75 cm. tall but covered in golf-ball nugs out on the end of sticks!)

Damn dryin’ tent’s getting full again already! Good thing it’s mostly the small stuff right now. Lots of the String of Pearls pheno hanging and it looks really odd! :joy: but I can’t wait to try it!

Ahhh, such problems! :rofl:



I can see you “skipping”on the way to the drying tent in the morning @Tlander
That is going to be a wall of fragrance


Your drying tent is reminiscent of a witch doctors hut! Herbs of every description hanging from the rafters, you just need to add a skull or two! :rofl:
I hope you find some good medicine in that bunch TL!


555! Well, I AM into shamanic healing of sorts I guess! And after 84 days on the RSO routine I can tell you these are some powerful herbs! I actually DO have a dolphin skull hanging on the wall outside my front door! I found one washed up dead on a deserted beach when I first moved to Koh Phan Ngan. I buried him up above the high tide line and one year later to the day his bones came uncovered. I took the skull and a couple dozen vertebra.


That’s some good moj right there!

You also start to get in tune with the Natural Mystic, I imagine ! You are pretty much a shaman!! :grin:


Whaaaahooo! We got Lift-off Huston! Seeds away! One of the things that I really appreciate from my time on OG is that, like most things, once you see somebody do something you thought to be too difficult, it suddenly becomes as easy as riding a bike! (Believe me, I know there’s a lot more to it than my simple pollen-chuckin’, but I’m just havin’ a blast!) So BIG shout out to all you Pro (and not so pro!) breeders out there! You’ve got a new convert in your ranks! I find I now get more excited over discovering my pollination’s took than I get over the buds themselves…almost! :rofl:


Meanwhile, on the other end of the seed front… things are poppin’ again!

Ethos’ Super Lemon Haze (3/6) & Blue Jamacian x Honduras (6/6)

Monster Ghost (2/2), God’s Cookies (1/3)

Earth Magic (0/6), #77 Special (3/4 ), Forum Stomper (2/4),

Sorry, the picture’s a little Hazy! :yum:



Just got time for a few 'end-of-the-day shots!

We’ve had a wave of Black Skunks and the String of Pearls plants finish up this week. The next wave is gonna be taking down the LSD x Blue Sunshines (and a few ‘odd’s & ends’)… I’m risking it all by every day saying, “I think we can make it until tomorrow”, but we defoliated them heavily over the weekend and put ‘em in front of the big fans 24/7 bt they just look like they need another week. Everybody else in the upcoming 3rd wave, is starting to fill out now. The Hazes, Franken Bubbles, Bloody Monsters, Thai x VN Black and the Goji’s seem to have made a pact of their own. They all went in at the same time as the ‘second’ wave, but those all stopped at 3’…these are trying for 3 meters!

I’d guess that the Lemon Skunks will probably be next as they are fattening up fast now.


Then there’s all the “unknown soldiers” from the cumulative pile of unsprouted bean plugs. Dumped them all into a flat, put a humidity dome on it and just transplanted 'em as they popped up. I’d guess there 6-10 of 'em scattered about. It’s a fun guessing game to try to figure out, but I don’t really GAF what it’s called, it’s what it DOES! :joy: Here’s a couple;

Drum-roll… :drum: :drum: :drum: :drum: :drum: :drum: :drum:
The sheep have been sheared! I still couldn’t bring myself to chop 'em tonight, but we’ve ‘almost’ finish-trimmed 'em on the living plants! It means we can actually spot mold fast and it opens up the buds for air-flow from the fans. Every morning it’s a bit scary those last few meters of the walk to the greenhouse! Man, THANK YOU @Greenfingers ! These were a joy to grow! I’ve only seen two smallish side buds that molded out and one of those looked like somebody damaged it first. I think these win our ‘Buds of the Month’ for September…but it’s still early! :rofl: But I think they may well be in the running for our “Buds of the Year”!

Here’s a few of the ‘others’ scattered around…everybody is just entering the 4th week of flower.

The Franken Bubbles are spread out in their flowering…2 are way out in front of all the others.

Okay, lazy Sunday here, at least I did a lot of ‘testing’ today! Unfortunately, I lost track after the first Black Skunk! I do remember trying the String of Pearls buds (green pheno), not much taste yet…stoney enough! Oh, and the foxtailed BOG Sour Strawberry was a winner too! All the rest just went up in smoke!

Oh yeah, stuck in the Freaky Buddha beans and started @slain 's 2 varieties of SE Asian mix after decades as an ex-pat in Aus! The earlier transplants to plugs (from soaks) have started popping. Gonna run 'em under lights through solo cups before moving them to 1 gallon airpots that’ll get moved out into the ebb & flow table where the automated timers keeps everything at the perfect moisture level. I’ll probably have to move some more lights down there to pump the whole table full. Means I should be able to grow them in the table under 24 hour lights for a couple weeks, then run 'em at 16 hrs for a week or 2 and then straight outside to flower. It’s all gonna be a question of what/when monsoon hits this year.

Okay, hope you’re all havin’ a great weekend!



Your gonna have a hell of a crop this year if you can avoid the mold . Good luck with finishing them off .


Just beautiful, that’s all I can say. Where did you source your lemon skunk :skunk: I grew some a few years ago and really liked it.:peace_symbol:


Those O Haze are awesome, all of your plants, actually. Bromeliads are especially interesting. I found one species that lives on the desert coast of Peru, where it rains maybe once every 3 years. They get their water from fog that comes off the ocean. They don’t have roots, so they can grow in the most unusual of places.