First Time (growing legal that is)!

My Black Skunk & Lemon Skunk came to me courtesy of @misterbee . I made seed of both but much heavier on the Black Skunk and at the end I also hit one of the Lemon Skunk with pollen from the Black Skunk. A lot of the BS x LS cross didn’t germinate, but they were quite fresh seeds at the time of germination testing…will try again now that they have dried a few months.

@Herrsquidward Yeah, I got on a kick of pollinating and germinating bromeliads when I teased another nursery owner about not having done so with her amazing collection. She said she didn’t know how and didn’t have time, but I could if I wanted to! I think we probably had a thousand seedlings going around here of 20 varieties! There are some stunning flower forms that pop up!

@ShiskaberrySavior Thanks bro! Yep, fingers crossed! Already wondering if I need to buy a new 3 x 1.5 x 2m. tent? Fortunately, it looks like the harvest is gonna come on in waves, giving us time to catch up. :crossed_fingers:



:man_with_gua_pi_mao: I’m like a little kid in a candy shop (or a hippie in a head shop! :rofl:) My seeding efforts are off to a great start! Today was the first day that I can actually get a bit of a gauge on just ‘how’ successful. Quite!

@misterbee :pray:


The LSD x Blue Sunshine made it through the night in front of the fans in monsoon hut without molding! Will make the call at 4 pm tonight. @Greenfingers The last seeded White Papaya x White Castle had 50% of its buds hit by budrot. Pulled another 25 seeds out of it anyway.


Have a great week guys & gals!


Very nice @Tlander, I’m like the kid looking through the glass at the candy. They all look sweet.:peace_symbol:


Awesome to see that the Freaky Buddha are 6 for 6.


Yeah @THCeed , I’m stoked that they all popped so fast! Just made a run down to the nursery to pick up the Solo’s, seedling mix and trays before sunset. I’m gonna test a few new ‘dries’ out and spend the evening doing transplanting (and some trimming, if I can find the time!). I put in some Fighting Buddha beans as well.

I ran out of RSO today, poor planning on my part. The Ethanol delivery hasn’t even been shipped yet, so its gonna be a few days before I can make a new batch. I’ve been (excuse the expression) dying to take a break from the RSO for a few days just to see if I can get a gauge on where I stand. After 2.5 months of daily dosing, I am totally twisted! :upside_down_face: Most of the time I don’t know if I’m feeling the effects of the cancer or the rso? So I may just have engineered this little situation as a way to catch a break! :rofl:

I stopped by a local dispensary that ‘owes’ me for some favors, hoping they might have some RSO on hand, or even know of a local distributor of Ethanol. No luck there, but they did have some stuff that I’m not familiar with… very gooey, amber-colored but transparent, very jelly-like. They said it can be eaten or smoked? The ‘story’ was that they just bought the $2.25M machine used in creating this stuff! And that it’s strong as hell! Oh God! Here we go again! :joy:

I mentioned that a friendly OG’er said he was sending me a tester bottle of BBP! 10 DAYS! I said I think he has some pull w/ the PO, looks like they requisitioned a F-18 to get that stuff to me! :rofl: I can’t get a postcard from Bangkok down here that fast! Thanks again bro!

And a little wander around the gardens…it’s just such a pleasure to get to spend all day with our plants! Damn how did we get so lucky?

I’m just blown away at how nice and easy @Greenfingers LSD x Blue Sunshine have been to grow out! And at how thick and solid they are! I had looked at LSD by itself as something I wanted to try running, but this cross ran GREAT! They live to grow another day! I decided to give them yet one more night in front of the fans… there are 3 or 4 left standing still, I think. Each one is a many-cola’ed bouquet! (3-6 massive colas each). And one of those biggest colas is absolutely filled w/beans! :crazy_face:

Seeds comin’ along fine! These on the Goji OG plant that I only did 2 lower branches of…but big ones!

Gotta get some food in me! Goodnight!


Just amazing as always.


Gee, can anybody tell how delighted I am with my seed-making efforts this round? :joy:
Yesterday was the first day you could clearly tell seed had set…today was the first day I could clearly tell seed had set REALLY well! :heart_eyes:

Tiny little Jet-black seed! Whole plant is 3 months old today!

Okay @Budderton, I think today’s the day I have to take down the last 2 Cobra Lips. As different as they grew for me compared to you, I still really like the way these look. Mine came out really ‘soft’ and ‘floppy’-leaved plants. Reminds me quite a bit of the texture and colors of Blue Tara and just as sticky!

These gals were a bit of a white-fly magnet here. There were only 3 plants left in the upper greenhouse so I wasn’t too worried about it, But I went ahead and basically wet trimmed them in place this morning. Sugar leaves are sooo sticky that the whitefly get stuck to the bottoms of the leaves and then mold out. Tonight after they get cut I think I’ll be bleaching that greenhouse again! (Budderton {everybody!} - open one of these in a new tab and then click on the magnifier and have a look at the rolled/taco’ed leaf edges and very surprisingly to me - the veins on the undersides of each leaf!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Oh, to be able to keep these going another 2 weeks would be a dream!

Looks like it’s gonna be a VERY busy late afternoon - there are three more massive-budded LSD x Blue Sunshine that need to come down today, a few more Black Skunks and likely Budderton’s Cobra Lips and maybe his White Papaya x White Castle. I hope that’s it for a while, the drying tent’s qonna be bustin’ at the seams by sunset!

Seedlings; First batch is already out of the 1" plugs and into Solo’s.

These are; Forum Stomper (@PioneerValleyOG ), Ethos - Super Lemon Haze ( @Jinglepot), Blue Jamaican x Honduras ( @Mithridate ) and, so far, one Earth Magic (@PioneerValleyOG ). The #77 @CADMAN Special plugs are up, as are God’s Cookies and the Monster Ghosts. Still watching for the rest of the Earth Magic and the 6 Fighting Buddha to pop. @slain 's SE Asian Mix #'s 1 & #2 are still soaking and so are Malana #1 & #2 batches (@US3RNAM3 ).

And just look what’s waiting for you little girls! 555

Okay, just grabbin’ a quick lunch and back at it! OGTW!



Awesome updates @Tlander … what’s 555 a special blend of sex reverse juice…?

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It is hahaha over there.

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The number “5” in Thai language is pronounced as “Haa!” So everybody just types 555! instead of Haa, haa, haa! But No, that’s Bud Buster Pro! ( A formulation lots of people here on OG and elsewhere have been trying out once and swearing by for Life! I’ve been wanting to get my hands on some for a year now, but shipping was prohibitive with rates sky-high during covid. Bob has an incredible wealth of knowledge built up over a lifetime working in agriculture…but more importantly he goes waaaay out of his way for his clients…and even just ‘anybody’ really! See his Bud Buster Pro threads, or the hypoclorious acid threads! I can’t wait to try it on my newest batch…and now I don’t have to wait! :rofl: Big thanks to my benefactor! :pray:

By the way, your beans are poppin’ @CADMAN ! 2x Monster Ghost, 3x God’s Cookies and 3x" #77 Specials"!

My phone charger started screwing up the other day. Took it in and both the charging port and the battery were fk’ed. Changed the charging port ($20) and ordered new battery that should be ready tomorrow. But today it wouldn’t charge so pics were pretty limited!

Man, my foreman is just the greatest guy! I ran out of RSO today as the shipment of Ethanol was delayed. I actually kind of ws yearning for a break just to see if I can get my bearings on where in the Universe I am right now…and f I’m about to step off the edge of it …or not :rofl: I went down to the nursery, grudgingly, to help cut the plants that had to come down tonight. Didn’t really feel up to it but…ya gotta do…

I guess he picked up on the fact that the first day WITHOUT RSO is as extreme as the first day with it is! It’s like reverse -stoning! Haa, haa, haa! So I get down to the barn and there already sitting on a chair is a basket full of pre-trimmed buds just waitin’ for me to come along to hitch a ride with to the dryin’ tent! :heart_eyes: :pray: :heart_eyes:

And he’d already used my big backpack fogger and hit everything with the botanical PlemoTech mix to knock out any white-fly. Shitty night to have the camera refuse to charge as it’s at 14% so refuses to allow flash shots! :sob: Sorry, looks like there’s not much detail w/o flash! Well, I can tell ya they look real purdy from up close like here!

It’s mostly three of the LSD x Blue Sunshines @Greenfingers and a couple stray Black Skunks @misterbee . I still have to check through the tags on these and pull out the seeded ones.

Giving 'em a momentary hang-out w/ocean views before heading into the tent. Tried a couple angles but late pm sunlight makes it pretty hard to capture.

Got another load of beans planted into plugs from their soak. And will likely soak a few more!
Hopefully get a new battery in the phone and another new charging port if necessary…really sucks to lose the use of your phone! No worries, at least no one disturbed me when I plunked down in a chair to admire the view…Gave me time to realize how darn grateful I am to be able to be doing this…and to be doing it with all of you guys & gals! :pray:



Love those late in the day, silhouette’s @Tlander. I Could fall asleep counting Buds like that… Those branches would make good mobiles for young children… just sayin

Your Crew is amazing T, they know exactly what your doing, and working way past redline… I think they are just trying to keep Up Bro.
You’ve got an amazing pace going and just picked-up a New Gear; @BudBusterPro. Look Out


Okay, had to do some rearranging in the drying tent! But managed to fit everything in pretty well. I had to pull all the String of Pearls phenos to make room so I just bagged them up in my new Grove Bags for a first trial! Pretty interesting buds. Not much weight, but it’s the resin I’m after and these things are loaded with it! Sorry, no flash last night and everything’s bagged up now! :upside_down_face: (This is another one to right click ‘open in a new tab’ and then click the magnifier!)



That String of pearls has some real :fire: on it, lucky this pheno appeared to you, another blessing on your paradise … beer3|nullxnull


Yeah @George It just popped up on my very first auto-fem run, think there were 6 plants that did it out of 30, 3 or 4 purple and 1 green male and 1 purple male! I hit everybody with the purple and prayed! :pray: It worked! :rofl: Just been doing the same thing ever since. trying to pump the purples up and get them to a higher percentage of the plants. I guess this is the part where I try to learn about breeding consistency into a line! :upside_down_face: Yeah, right! :joy: I’m just tryin’ to make more awesome beans for my buddies and I to OGTW with!

Time for a couple quickies…

Since the Grove Bags arrived, I figure I better move some stuff out of the drying tent and try 'em out. A buddy got the distributorship for Thailand, so I don’t think I can get 'em any further up the food chain! :joy: (or lower on the price scale!).

10 Bags outta 60 filled (at least partially!).;

Black Creme autos - Purple & Green Phenos (small stuff for early testing purposes! :joy:

5x 30g. ea. Black Skunk Just want to break up this early bunch into a few different bags to test 'em out.

The bigger stuff from the Black Creme Auto String of Pearls green & purple phenos. And a bag of the Chocolate Thai x Rockin’ Rain.

We may be staring the dinosaurs in the eye here! I love(d) my jars, but the convenience of these Grove Bags has me sold! I’ve only broken 2 small jars in the last years, but being rid of the worry every time I open the cabinet door would be nice!

Here’s a couple for @THCeed Found this plant hiden behind a pack of Skunks in the corner. I’ve bagged these up in a Grove to cure for a while…right after I burned a massive log of it! :rofl: Was it good - definitely! How good? Well, hard to tell exactly, ya see I found these Goji OG buds that I’d missed testing and… :rofl: I remember it tasted GREAT! I’ll let you know when the lock-down’s over bro! Thanks again! :pray:

Okay, load of transplanting again this evening and just a couple hours of cooler late afternoon to get shit done over here! OH Damn, I gotta go pick up a cell phone battery in town! Auuggghhh!



Ah, cell-phone be damned! There’s plants around here that need dealing with!

Cobra Lips - Odd pheno. I wasn’t willing to let this become a white-fly Popsicle! There were 3 of these left in the upper greenhouse, everything else is done and gone. So I’ve been letting these go as far as they can while keeping a real close eye on them. The bait glue traps showed me the whitefy showed up, we knocked 'em back with a botanical formula made here in Tland and it worked really well (when fogged w/backpack fogger throughout the whole crop and surrounding nursery stock). But we got busy harvesting and they snuck back in and went nuts before I noticed. Not a big deal - there’s one Cobra Lips left in there and then the whole place gets disinfected and bleached down. In the end the Cobra Lips were really strikingly beautiful plants and buds. They had a very rough time and I admit to ‘almost’ thinking of tossing them. Glad I held on because at the end I think I find them one of a small group with some REALLY interesting traits! I mentioned earlier above, that I noticed the veins on the undersides of the leaves are completely triccome-covered! I don’t recall ever noticing this trait on another strain? Maybe I’m just not that observant and it’s in all kinds of strains and I just haven’t grown them? Right click on the next photo below and click ‘open in a new tab’…then click the magnifying glass and see what I mean!

White Papaya x White Castle @Budderton Today was the day for these girls too bro! Thanks! You’re right - these look like great little hash-makers! I didn’t grow enough of 'em for that, but I’ll make sure some get burned! Wonder how this would do in RSO? I’ve been trying to use 3-4 different strains in each RSO batch to catch as wide of an array cannabinoids as possible. I’m excited…that big WP x WC has the one largest cola (hopefully) fully seeded out - I hit it w/Goji OG pollen of beans originally from @misterbee!

Here’s a couple beautiful Bromeliad flowers/bracts post-flowering. With those colors I think it looks even better now than when it was flowering out.we’ve tried without success for 10 years - finally last year sometime changed and it ‘worked’! We’ll see if I figured it out or not in a few months time!



I sure love getting up every morning and checking out the magic that you’ve created over there.


Cool TL. Yeah I’ve seen those type of plant before. I could tell it would be a trich monster. Trich fields on the undersides is always a bonus when selecting for extracting. You got me excited for the Appy hunt I’m doing this winter. CL will be included in that hunt and I’ll be watching for those tacos! Any fruitiness from them TL or are they straight chem funk?
I’m sure they and the “The White” inbred cross will make some nice Rso for you.

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If you don’t mind my asking, what is Franenbubble’s ancestry?

Bromeliads I bet you have some insane varieties there.

It’d be a guess, but I’d say @JohnnyPotseed 's Frankenstein x BOG Bubble?
