First Time (growing legal that is)!

These 3 blue jag sure jumped out of their shells haha :yum:


I swore I was gonna stop doing this…but it’s so much fun! :rofl: As a trade off - if the pictures already have a caption (and it’s correct!) I’m not gonna title everything. I need to prioritize my health right now and 18 hour days isn’t helping, no matter how much fun I’m having! :upside_down_face:

Here’s a few more quick flash shots at sunset tonight. Hard to get 'em with all the foliage in the backgrounds. Tried a few weird stretching up shots…we’ll see if they worked!

I invited a few friends over from the Haze thread, but stipulated there’s to be NO argumentss like over there! :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: On with the Show!

On the Left, closest to the path - lower 4 are @slain 's Thai x VN Black, Next row in (to left) are all Bloody Monsters from @BigMike55 Thanks bro!!

And across the road we have @JohnnyPotseed 's Franken Bubbles

As promised; 'Da Original Hazes;

Same plants, different time of day

Hope you have a great day wherever you are! Over aaaaand out!


Incredibly nice plants brother. Mikey likely.
Hope everything’s going good on your side of the world.


Thanks for cranking out the awesome updates TL! We appreciate it, especially considering the unkindness. :pray:
Gotta say, those Haze type plants seem to be where it’s at for you! They look great!! I’m glad you made seed off them and I hope/pray your able to look through their progeny. Perhaps alongside some of the Malawi Good Male crosses I’m gonna send over? :crossed_fingers::grin:
Shine on @Tlander !


Garden is looking amazing brother, I’m liking the look of the bloody monsters! I have a few seeds of that so I might have to give it a grow.:pray:


Were you able to try the chocolate thai x rockin rain? I have some but havent had any information on the male in the cross so not too sure about it.


@CocoaCoir I put in a few of those, think I had 3 females that made it through to flowering. They were in the Lemon Grove and partially shaded after they went into the 5 & 10 gal. airpots so didn’t thrive as much as some of the others…but that’s MY fault more than theirs probably. So they ended up about 2’6"-3’ tall when they budded out. I’ve been hangin’ so much in the tent to dry lately that I barely have time to test everything. I ‘think’ there’s a salad bowl-full of CM x RR in the drying tent just awaiting the new Grove Bag shipment. I’ll try to give it a try!



Okay, I’m gonna wait a few more days before I post this in Bob’s, of @BudBusterPro , thread just to make sure the RSO isn’t playin’ more games w/my head again! But if my eyes are NOT deceiving me and I’m reading the tags right…the plants I treated w/BBP on Sunday evening (now Wed. noon) look great! BUT the oddest thing is something that I saw in the ‘write-ups’ but didn’t imagine would be possible to see in “less than 3 days”;

This Jamaican Blue Mtn. x Honduras little Gem from Mithridate’s beans is now currently 1.25" (ONE and A QUARTER INCH!) from soil level to top leaf tip. The amazing part is this little 1.25" plant has 6 branches as well as the top already!!!
:star_struck: :heart_eyes: :astonished: :rofl:

My phone cam sucks at macro, so these were the best I could do.

I’m not gonna hold anybody to BBP doing this on a regular basis, but boy it’s cool to see even this once! I sure hope this is a sign of things to come! :star_struck:

@Boozer @BudBusterPro @Mithridate


Had a wander, doesn’t take much work to push a shutter button (unless you’re a Pro, like some I see around here! For them, I meant no offense! :joy:) Guy’s I have to keep cutting back little by little so I’ll say I’m sorry now to the donors of these fine beans but I’m not gonna always have time to tag you. My apologies, I WILL try to update each of you occasionally when I have good shots. :pray: :pray: :pray:

Orig. Haze

Starting to get Monsoon Hut ready for the new Solo arrivals in a few days time. Forgot to go back and shoot after lights & pumps and all went back in on the Ebb & Flow table for testing.

These Orig. Hazes (and the ones above) are only at about week 5 or 6 of flower now… expecting it to take 'em anywhere from 12 to 16 total! (Any ‘reputable’ hints welcome!) Haven’t found anybody that’s grown it here and really knows! It’s all in the hands of the weatherman now though! :crossed_fingers::+1::crossed_fingers:I should have had my guys take a photo of me with the gas-powered leaf-blower blowing out the buds this morning after a nighttime drizzle! :crazy_face:

Awwww Hell… @Budderton @BigMike55 @misterbee @CADMAN @slain (Buddy-ton - would you please tag whoever it was that gifted you/me the O Haze please? memory is like Swiss cheese!)



Man those Goji look completely different to my goji lol. A lot thinner leaves and much taller. They look awesome.


My man, this bbp stuff Is the shit. I’ve been using for 3 years. Reordered twice and this year I used 3/4 gallon. It’s on my " must have" only thing is it will push harvest back a full week. But that gives another week for the swell. Bob is the real deal.


555! They look different than all my previous Goji too! But, they did have huge fan leaves everywhere, now with the rainy on-and-off weather we had to do a super heavy defol and move in the big fans! I actually ran the gas-powered leaf blower through all the buds this morning from 3-5 meters away after last night’s drizzle! :joy:

Things are looking pretty amazing around here. We’ve been organizing, ferting, transplanting and moving lots of stuff into ‘view’ in hopes of selling off most or all of the last 22 years of crazy seed-sprouting done around here! There’s hundreds of palms and probably thousands of bromeliads, a few hundred 15-20 year old Nepenthes, Cycads, you name it! As much as I love it all, I’ll be happy if it all ends up where it can thrive and be appreciated!

Gardens (just a few corners…

We’re not real big on ‘lawns’ here! :rofl:

Palm moves

Okay, today’s Orig. Haze shots @Budderton &??? :pray: :pray: :pray: Whoever it was!


A ‘late-popper’ tryin’ to catch up?

Goji OG (Extreme De-fol, full-fans & runnin’ on Prayers to keep the budrot away!) @misterbee @CADMAN

Franken Bubbles’s @JohnnyPotseed

Thai x VN Black’s @slain

Bloody Monster @BigMike55 Hey Mike, those are the 2m. cages on stilts they’re poppin’ out the top of! :heart_eyes:

Some of the “Unknown” contingent

Alright, I’m gonna ‘try’ to have an early night! Hope you’re all having a spectacular day!

555! So he says! Remembered (somehow, through the fog?) that I needed to do a check on the young girls in the BBP playroom! We got one Forum Stomper and one Earth Magic that just weren’t up to the job, but the others are looking good. Jag x Honduras still has a big lead on the pack! But after just checking again, there’s some stiff competition comin’ on fast behind them.
(someone please explain the “JAG” to me, I thought it was Jamaican Blue Mtn. x Honduras, but I keep seeing it written as Jag?).

So, no way I’m captioning these, but if you sent seeds and know they went in the last week or so, use the right click “open in a new tab”, then click on the magnifying glass and you ‘should’ be able to find 'em! There’s 2 angled shots of each tray to make it easier?

Check out those (4/6) Jamacian Bobbsledder’s at the bottom! (Why don’t we have a Rasta Icon???)

Okay, goodnight…
…again! :joy:

(EDIT) I swear, I’m almost done! Went to bag up some dried bud to cure in the new batch of Grove bags (I bought a whole bunch of small ones after trying the big ones!) but realized I left 'em somewhere in the nursery where I likely set 'em down “for just a second”! Seeing as I was there already…decided to try more “Weird” flash shots…not so great, but I had fun, and that counts! :joy:

Oh, and yeah, found the Grove Bags exactly where I left 'em! :woozy_face:

:call_me_hand: If I show up here again in the next 8 hours, unplug me! :rofl:


Thanks for the mentions @Tlander and @Boozer
Some things just have to be seen to be believed!!

Many times, the first application may take 3-5 days for the plants to ‘learn’ their improved capabilities.
It’s the subsequent applications where you often see ‘overnight’ responses !

The lateral branching is exceptional and should be expected. I really enjoy that feature in ornamentals.
You can grow a Gardenia, Camelia, or Azalea and obtain nice, dense, well branched growth without much trimming at all.

Your ornamentals look just beautiful ! I think many of us envy your ability to stroll through paradise whenever you wish !!


So I did not breed these. They come from my friend tychomonolyth, who passed last October. He was an avid traveler and quick to make friends, he smoked with locals everywhere he went and collected seeds from the best he could get his hands on.

While in Honduras, he smoked some crystal clear head weed, it was his favorite. When he questioned the locals they told him it was called what can only be translated as “trash” probably for its appearance :joy:

He sent me a pack when I tested his supergerm…
If I had to guess I’d say he named it Blue jag(uar) for its clear focused effects.
The Jamaican is no slouch either :wink:


Holy shit TL! Flowers are looking stellar over there!:star_struck:
And the seed starts!! Can’t stop, won’t stop!! Good on you @Tlander !!
Oh yeah, it was @WVMountainGhost that passed those O Haze seed to me.


Okay, this morning I had to shhot a couple DM’s off to @Mithridate and Bob @BudBusterPro to show them the Jag x Honduras seedlings in solo’s.

Happy second-week birthday!

I’d like to set clear solo’s inside colored ones so I can lift them out to check root development, but it seems they are no longer available here??? Anyway, root development’s looking good and branching continues! I can see a couple ‘standouts’ in the other trays starting to kick in a bit.

I spent about 12 years trying to get these beauties to germinate! I finally broke the mystery a couple years back and we started producing these for a buddy who wholesales out of Texas. Just about the time we had enough big specimen plants to ship and tons of smaller ones ready to go…Covid hit! Airfreight for one box went from $150 to $550. So yeah, I now have an amazing collection of these!
Just gorgeous flowers, and like me, pretty weird! :crazy_face:

Goji (These ones fit under the 8’ roof when I saw how black the sky was getting! The tall girls had to rough it!

Next to her we have a Lemon Skunk I f2’ed from @misterbee

One of the Goji OG buds that turned out a little closer to what I’m used to! This plant’s only about 3’-4’ tall.

Goji OG (Same as above bud)

I just love how this one reminds me of a spiral staircase!

Okay, trying to make this a fast one tonight! I ‘think’ I could see seeds forming on a couple of the Original Haze crosses…really, really tiny but there! We’ve been pretty lucky with the weather. Everywhere else around the entire country is getting dumped on, but it’s been a morning and an evening shower here. If I only had the Indica hybrids running I’d be freaking out! Humidity is 85% and was higher today. The Sativa’s and Sativa leaners are all handling it like everything’s normal!


Those black bat lilies are gorgeous ! Just curious how long they hold their flowers in bloom.

Led Zeppelin’s ‘Stairway to Heaven’ just started playing in my head ! LOL


Yo Bob,

Thanks for the friend’s advice and that on my seedlings! All looking great (well, we had 2 “Dud’s” out of 45 beans) this morning.

The Tacca chantrieri last quite a long time (on the plant). I’d say it’s hard to put a timeframe on the bloom as they tend to ‘open’ and then the flower just keeps growing in size for 4-6 weeks. Towards about the 1/4 way point the seed capsules start to grow larger and larger, then finally the flower itself starts to fail but the seed capsules get so heavy they droop and crack the stem until capsule rest on the ground. Start-to-finish I’d guess about 4-5 weeks fully open. The other side of it is each plant will produce multiple blooms in the season and it’s not super uncommon to find 3-5-7 at once on a nice large plant.

“And she’s buuuyyyyyyyying a stairway to Heaven”! Ahhhh, that takes me back to my High School daze!



Wow !
I’m guessing that ornamental would be in very high demand !
Very Nice !!

Yeah, I came across a small patch of them on a piece of land a friend was buying, surrounded on 3 sides by Nat’l Park land. I collected a bunch of seed and started trying to germinate…and, and, and no luck! I’m generally MUCH better w/propagation than actual ‘growing-on’! It’s pretty much been my ‘thing’ all my life…the stuff botanical gardens or commercial growers have a hard time with, they send to me to try…I have a ‘pretty good’ record with the “Mission Impossible” stuff, as long as I have enough seed to keep trying!! :rofl:
