First Time (growing legal that is)!

There’s no doubt in my mind, if you set your attention to it…it would happen !
You’re certainly a talented and prolific propagator. I’m betting there are many individuals that have learned from you, and improved their lives because of your largesse!


Thanks Bob, I hope I’ve touched a few…I need to do a lot of payback from my end still!

Had to laugh!

Yesterday the Ethanol arrived and I was finally able to make another RSO batch. I decided to double up so I don’t have to do it again next weekend. I’ve been almost 2 weeks at highly reduced dosage and just the ‘clean-up spoon licking’ really threw me for a loop last night - and I mean in a very SCARY way! Wasn’t real sure I was gonna see the morning light. Damn, it means I gotta go back and build tolerance all over again. :sob: :scream: :sob: Sucks! Well, I’m set for at least a couple weeks I think.

(Side note); If anybody knows the 2 or 3 MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE people on OG working with RSO (Like really providing patients w/material and instruction, actual interaction.) Please DM me their user names so I can DM a question or two I haven’t been able to solve. (My questions are NOT about the making-process, more oriented towards time-frames from past experience.) Thank You ALL!

Here’s a lowest branch tip on “Cousin It”, of the Original Hazes

Here’s a little more of "It " (That’s from about the 7’ mark at the bottom of the photo upwards!)

“It” on rt.

A little ‘Paradise Tree Snake’ hangin’ in the driveway

Okay, it’s time for another “OG Treasure Hunt” guys! Here’s some shots of the seedlings with BBP treatment 7 days ago (well, 6 - these were last night!). Again, I tried to get the tag in most of them to be legible? (Rt. Click → ‘Open in a new tab’, then click magnifier). Thanks again you guys, I’m really excited with ALL of these and especially with getting to try out BBP on them! BIG Thanks again @Boozer & @BudBusterPro So far it looks like we have lost 3 out of 57 beans (1 - Forum Stomper, 1 - Earth Magic and yesterday somebody clipped off one of the {(Durban x Pangi) x Durban Poison} that popped and left me a cluster of leaves laying on the rice hulls - Fkr - didn’t even finish the meal! ‘Monster Ghost’ & ‘Forum Stompers’ seem to be lagging pretty far behind. All soils are the same, as is light, temp, humidity. Only variable is position under the lights…I’d like to rotate them so it’s more even but they have to settle for a simple tray flip around for a couple more days until they go into the Ebb & Flow table.

@Mithridate @CADMAN @THCeed @US3RNAM3 @PioneerValleyOG @jinglepot @slain @MissinBissin @WVMountainGhost

Sorry, got carried away w/the ‘Jag x Honduras’ photos! :rofl: Check out that branching! The largest one is 3" from soil to tip! These hit soil on 9/1.

Confusion reigns! Damn! Again, I think I may have made a screw up on labeling here? I have them tagged as “Malana #1” & “Malana #2 from @US3RNAM3 . Now I “THINK” that’s correct, but there’s more to the story at the very bottom pic of this post. Did I twist the “Strain Name”??? Or did I twist the “Sender”??? Or did I get lucky? Help! :sweat_smile:

@CADMAN 's Contingent!

(Munched plant btm lft.)

Yo @US3RNAM3 I need some help here! I labeled these wrong! Flip was labeled WB x Temple Flow and M.A. x Temple Flow, but I’ve lost track (of my mind) and can’t remember! I ‘believe’ that the “Malana” part on the tags is incorrect, that’s why the yellow ‘reminder’ tag is there. I want to re-write the tags but need some input on what M.A. & W.B. are! Thanks bro!

Okay, off to say Good-mornin’ to the girls. Have a great day all!
You guys & gals are THE GREATEST!!!



Thanks for the update, envious of your environment! Sorry, I have no idea what WB or MA are relating to


Thanks bro! I probably mistakenly wrote out your name on the tags for all three sets then! :scream: Guess I’ll just have to see if somebody recognizes them! I remember the ‘Temple Flow’ (was written as TF on tags) was right! But the Malana #1 & #2 ARE from you, correct?


EDIT: Mystery Solved! (By Us3rNam3!); Outer ring; 5 (Melonade x Temple Flo) and inner ring = 5 (Widow Bush x Temple Flo) from @Caveman , I 'believe???



Beautiful work as always sir @Tlander
I love seeing all these photos :camera_flash:


I make a lot of tinctures I never knew it was called RSO before I don’t know if I can help but PM me your question and I’ll see what I can do


Late additions…Time for the second BBP treatment!

Seedlings in the bottom tray (w/3 black soil) are about 9 days younger and this’ll be their first treatment. I’m loving the way they’re (almost!) all looking great! 119.5 ml. of mix; (118.5 h2O + 1 ml. BBP - Mist bottle on left in lower pics) was enough to do all of these and left me with enough extra to do a bunch of other ornamental plants on my porch with the leftovers! Lights are out for the night and I’ll check in on 'em in the morning! I hope! :rofl:

Pre-treatment A

Pre-treatment B

Pre-treatment B Back Rows

Post treatment A

Post treatment B

Here’s the 'Leader of the Pack", Jag x Honduras, branching out very nicely for a 17-day-old seedling! Root development looks great too! May have to move these to the E&F table pretty soon!

Oh, and…

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Top row have been soaking for 4.5 days…not seeing 1 tail yet on any of them…so, hence the lower row! Can you tell I had just came back from looking at the Goji OG’s & Lemon Skunks? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: @misterbee

By the way, the guys up North with the big co-op venture posted again today. They grow out the Hang Garoke (or Karoke) strain which in English is “Squirrel Tail”. Anybody that got Hang Garoke beans from me might be interested. There’s a lot more blog posts as well. Ubon Motorbike Cannabis Farm in Ubon – Mekhong Hangkrarok Company Limited



Bit of a ‘cloudy’ day, both inside my head and out! First day back w/RSO…pretty woosey! Seeing a ton of yellowing by the upper areas that I’m not at all happy about, as well as septoria rearing it’s ugly head! My hypoclorious acid generator doesn’t make the industrial quantities I need! :joy: Gave all the yellowing plants a double handful of worm castings to see if it’ll help bring things back into line.

Took a few more snapshots while wandering this afternoon…

The Lemon Skunks @misterbee are riding out the storms so far. Not seeing any budrot, but a touch of septoria. Quarantined a large, fully-seeded Goji plant a few hundred meters away up the hill…re-discovered it today for the first time in 2 weeks! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Couple shots of the Original Hazes; @WVMountainGhost @Budderton

Yo @slain I gotta check the tag tomorrow, these are really early, but the calyx’s were splitting already and I didn’t want to lose 'em! Hopefully the first of many! :crossed_fingers:

BBP seedlings looking just amazing! Early night, hopefully! Take care everybody!



Just might have a couple of more Varieties/Strains to send your way. I’ll put 'em together, get your “personals” again, then send them on their way. Everything’s looking good, continued success, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’ve said it before but those O Haze look like they’re right where they ought to be! So cool with the jungle behind them! Shine on TL!!


More overcast and drizzles! Just about enough time for everything to almost dry before it repeats! :woozy_face:

Oh well, life goes on! The Thai x VN Black/Franken Bubbles/Bloody Momsters that all got a double handful of worms & castings 3 days ago are coming back green again! Everybody looks a little ‘sparse’ after we did 3 days of extreme de-fol, new growth comin’ in green! Now just gotta keep the Septoria in check!

The first batch of seedling going through the BBP trials have been looking good in the racks on my porch but today was the day to move 'em on out! These have now had 2 treatments and will hang out in the Ebb & Flow table under 24/7 lights with 3 bottom-soakings a day (6am-12pm-6pm).

Well, I missed the ‘light bars’ on 2 outta 3 shots!

Today was cutting day for a couple more Goji OG’s @misterbee @CADMAN . These have been under the big hurricane fans the past week and it probably helped a lot. But by today we decided they had to go…just too many brown bottom calyx hanging on. I was pleasantly surprised at the wet weight on these…fkn’ monsters! Of course my cell battery was down to 7% and it wouldn’t let me take flash shots! We’ve been wet-trimming ‘on-the-bush’ the last few weeks to minimize mold/budrot issues. It has helped a lot, even if only to make it easier to spot faster! :rofl: Best part is trimming is kinda ‘fun’ again when they start out like this!

Two more Durban Poison from Seed City Seeds (freebies) and 2 of their Chocolope have cracked tails and are now in plugs. No movement on any of the other 4 soaks. Slowly culling them as I see ‘halos’ forming.

Didn’t see clear and convincing evidence of @DougDawson 's Blue Kush pollen taking on the Original Hazes @WVMountainGhost that I did last week, nor on the one Goji OG so will try again tomorrow if it’s sunny. Found another 30 or so Thai x VN Black beans @slain splitting their calyx today! I’m a bit shocked, those were pollinated less than 3 weeks ago (and yes, I saw they were ‘clean’ when I pollinated) yet the seeds are hard, dark and quite small but ‘normal’. Into the tent for a month and we’ll see what we get!

Okay guys, had another acupuncture session today, quite calming and centering…feels helpful…that’s enough reason! :smile: I’m thankful for today… will be thankful for tomorrow if I get it!

Have a great day over there all and enjoy every minute of it!



Shots from the mornin’ dash.

First light! @JohnnyPotseed




BBP Seedlings going great! First full night/day in the Monsoon Hut E &F table.
Tags; @Mithridate @CADMAN @THCeed @US3RNAM3 @PioneerValleyOG @jinglepot @slain @MissinBissin @WVMountainGhost @BudBusterPro

Saw 2 damaged leaves this morning and 3-4 seedlings leaning towards culling. I’ll let 'em hang until they become a threat.

And finally, @Slain check it out bro! 2.5 week-old seeds??? :woozy_face: :crazy_face: :heart_eyes:



They look perfect bro, whole garden is looking great…definitely looks like those seeds will germinate! 3 weeks after pollination is often not unusual for seeds to be good to go in my experience, sometimes I have the next generation going long before to previous one has even finished lol.

They starting to frost up yet?


Thanks bro. I’m a tad disappointed, they were all cranking along just fine until I noticed that yellowing. I threw too many changes at them at once to ever determine what the actual problem was and likely produced 3 more problems trying! :rofl: There’s daze where I’m so RSO’ed out of it that catching a look at every single plant gets rough, but I should have caught the larger ‘group-reaction’ as it happened.Tried a few things to bring 'em back around…looks like in the end it’s the good old red wrigglers and their castings that pulls everything back to where it’s supposed to be!

Nope, not frosting up yet, but most stuff of the same age around them is at a comparable stage now. It’s all with the weatherman now! I’m very stoked with the new beans! I’m trying to remember back to see if the beans you sent me were also very small? I think so? We can jump to DM’s if you want to discuss it?



Is that my Earth Magic?


I DO believe I can barely see the “VO” at the end of the tag through the dirty solo bro! Sorry, I moved 'em down to the E&F table already so can’t just lean over and check on siblings! Will do so and try to let you know!

EDIT: Dug deeper, Yes those are your beans @PioneerValleyOG I put in 3 but only got the one germination so hoping it’s a female!



Mostly a catch-up-on-trimmin’ day today. Nice to have a little ‘break’ day without a ton of non-stop obligations! Did a couple more soak-to-plug transfers and tried out a few new trains I haven’t had time for. We’re setting up for transplanting the solo cup plants into 1 gallon airpots. Just seeing the root action on a lot of them in the last 2 days makes me think they are gonna need to move up in the next 48 hours or suffer getting root-bound! The BBP so far is just astounding!

Couple close-ups on the Original Haze @WVMountainGhost Nobody gettin’ to ‘dusty’ looking yet, but it’s early still. Cousin It has a real nice look to her, but those loaded branches make me wonder if I don’t need a lot more staking?

Cousin IT

Couple Twin Towers! (Unknown) about 23" of colas now!

Few more ‘unknowns’ from the ‘late-sprouter’ binn;

Okay, back up over the 50% dosage on RSO today and handling it better. This batch tastes REALLY BAD! Yuck! Tried it sandwiched between some salmon at lunch…now moved on to a dallop of peanut butter, zero the scale and as RSO on top to weight! Cover with another dallop of PB and down the gullet! Okay, time for some dinner over here, thanks for droppin’ by!

Over and out!


Another day of trying to catch-up! Started off making a batch of @JohnnyPotSeed 's “One & Done” bug juice. Using the BudBuster Pro means no using any other foliars, but this one both JPS & Bob say is fine! The initial batch made about 1.5 liters of concentrate and at 60ml/gallon I can afford to spray this through the big backpack-fogger. Will hit the High Zone tonight at sunset if it’s not drizzling!

Meanwhile, I took one look at the Ebb & Flow table this morning and my mind was made up - Transplant Day! These plants are just going wild!! Everybody got set into pre-made holes in 1 gallon airpots atop a scoop of red wrigglers and a handful of their castings sprinkled w/mychor’s & trichoderma.

Big load of photos for the donor’s, hope you can find your kid’s! I tried to get everybody’s tags in the photos…not gonna have time to label 'em unfortunately! Good Luck and thank each of you, these are a blast!!! There are a bunch more I didn’t photograph but tried to give a sampling…to be noted; all of these have had 2 treatments of BudBusterPro now.

Tags; @Mithridate @CADMAN @THCeed @US3RNAM3 @PioneerValleyOG @jinglepot @slain @MissinBissin @WVMountainGhost @BudBusterPro @Maddawg @Boozer

Lunch hour’s over…back to work over here!



Good morning!!!
What an incredible weed garden you have there.

Someday in spain will also be possible… hope it will before I pass away :rofl:

How are the orchids doing there?


Thanks @Piter ! I never would have believed it could have happened here in my lifetime! Keep hoping bro! My orchid collection has dwindled over the years now…only remaining ones left are on the trees around my house…of course a few are VW Beetle-sized! :joy: