First Time (growing legal that is)!

Right on TL! Hopefully the wp x wc makes some thick rso for you! Awesomeness, as per usual!!

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Rainy afternoon/evening…

I was putting some trimmed buds in bags and when almost done realized I didn’t take any pictures!
One of the oddities was a pile of BOG Sour Bubble foxtail buds. These look real smooth and have a soft texture, a lot like Blue Tara

Meanwhile, BBP is kickin’ things uP a notch in the rooting department! Pretty much across the board, but a few real standouts…

Here’s everybody’s babies;

Not a whole lotta room left for expansion! Of course, I DO have another table we could set uP! :crazy_face:

Some Lemon Skunks hiding out from the rains…

A few bromeliad flowers poppin’ around the place! Nothin’ like Mother Nature to make you smile!

That’s it for tonite gang, hope you’re having a great day!


You have a serious plant party going on there. Props. :sunglasses: :metal:


She’s also smiling at you, you take good care of Her … beer3|nullxnull


Little bit more transplanting today, roots all looking fantastic!

Playing with the idea of keeping these plants in 1-3 gallon airpots for the duration of their lives…maybe pick half a dozen to grow in giant fabric pots but keeping everything else smaller sizes for the monsoon season. Means I can pack 'em in one of the greenhouses if need be.

Today’s tpls;




@Budderton She got another stay of execution/reprieve from the Governor! One more night! She’s so damn thick and beautiful, but I know she’s got 2 more weeks to go if I could just keep the mold out!

I’m gonna have to pull out the ladder one of these days and have a look…I try zooming in with the camera but the tops of these are at about 10’!

The “Look of the Day” around here today!

Had another acupuncture session today and it feels like it really helps take the ‘edge’ off of everything! Still hittin’ the RSO at about 50% dosage now. The lowered dosages seems to have reduced the anxiety/panic attacks back to nothing and I’m not quite as ‘forgetful’ as I was a few weeks back. Pretty damn tired of having to take this medicine 5 times a day, every day…forever probably! But the alternatives are all worse! :rofl: Oh well, all I know is Today was GREAT, hopefully tomorrow will be too!



Smaller plants might be helpful when fighting the bud rot. I grew a few out this past winter indoors they turned out like this


Yeah, it’s kind of a toss-up, more smaller plants that I can move easily into the greenhouse makes sense, but then I’ll be crowding them together! Well, I figure I have a month or so to get my fans tuned in!

That plant looks like a beaut! Fingers crossed! Thanks again for the beans bro!



What have you figure out using the hypochlorous acid. Is it effective? @Tlander

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It’s effective! My problem is that the largest generator I can find makes just 300 ml. and it requires 3 times the 8 minute brewing time. That unit is a sprayer bottle (mister) with the brewing equipment built in. I tried ordering three different larger 3-4 liter machines but each time the order got canceled by the seller! If I could make 5-10 liters and spray with my backpack fogger I’d stand a chance, but w/300 ml???

It works really good if you spray as soon as you spot it. The infected tissues ‘dry’ right up in 10-15 minutes and become crumbly. Whatever fungus/virus it contacts with dies! Apparently, you can buy the stuff in the West in bottles, but out here I have to make it myself. Not at all hard, just a pain to do it all for 300 ml.!



Thanks for the quick reply. I have been using it and noticed the same as you. But it hasn’t completely stopped it. New spots popping up here and there. But the acid does really slow it down. I have been using at about 400ppm. It has been pretty wet here this season. Peace

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Yep, I was using 350 ppm. I watched a young kid on you tube make the same generator from about $5 in parts from Amazon and an I-phone charger! So it’s NOT rocket Science! I ‘should’ be able to make one that produces a few liters at a time…just such a run-around trying to buy stuff over here (if it’s not something 7-11 would sell!). I’ve also got a massive hurricane fan that runs 24/7…between that, my dehumidifier and the lights my electric and water bill was $400 last month and probably 600 this month! :money_mouth_face: :nauseated_face: :flushed:


Yeah it is a quite simple process as far as science goes. But yeah making small batches is the biggest issue for me as well. Takes forever it seems. Peace

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Another overcast day, good for getting stuff done! Overcast days are nice for the views too!

Had a quick check on the new girls, everybody is looking happy. I’m removing almost all lower leaves from these plants right from the start…I’ll let lower branches develop for use as clones but I want as few hiding places as possible for any white fly.

The Jag x Honduras @Mithridate have just gorgeous leaf structures, especially when viewed from top-down.

@THCeed 's Freaky Buddha’s looking pretty hot too!

Some of the Malana #1’s & #2’s @US3RNAM3

Gettin’ crowded! But I think I can squeeze a few more in! :joy:

I keep thinking it’s gotta be the last day for the Lemon Skunks, and then I check 'em and not seeing any budrot I let 'em go “One more day”! @misterbee I found a packet of Black Skunk pollen I’d stashed away so 2 lower branches of this one got hit today…pretty late in the game but hell, they’re lowers! :crazy_face:

Here’s a few little BOG Sour Strawberry nuggets I found in a bowl in the corner of the drying tent.

The uPhill Gang

Hope you’re all havin’ a great day!


Beautiful garden brotha!

Even on an overcast days, those views are still epic. :sunglasses:
Hope you have a great week! :vulcan_salute:


Are you using the Saucers “Under the Airpots”, for feeding purposes @Tlander ?

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No Missin’, They are to keep the termites out! :joy: During the hot/dry time they help hold a little moisture, but the airpots have about a 1" rim on the bottom so only 1/2"-1/4" of the bottom soil gets ‘wet’ from the saucers. We’ve drilled a hole in most of them to drain, figure I can always plug it with clay if they’re needed. I actually have turned most of the saucers up-side-down so they drain and still keep the termites at bay.



Thats a malady I am happy that we don’t face here !
Thanks for the info @Tlander
Constant action needed daily is what I’m seeing

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Yep! There’s ALWAYS something! I’m bummed that I had such a great plan to go down to Monsoon Hut and transplant tonight in the cool night air. It’s gonna have to wait until the next airpot delivery arrives, I used 'em ALL uP again! :crazy_face: I tried to order another 50 but they only had 20 left in stock…hopefully arrives tomorrow.

I’m still ‘on-the-fence’ about the airpots for ganja…For fruit/deciduous trees they are fantastic with the air-pruning of the roots. But my ganja plants never seem to fully utilize all the LS mix they have at their disposal. Maybe I need to lighten it even more w/perlite in addition to the pumice stone? It seems like the ganja might do a better job of utilizing the soil if I left ‘em in the smaller pots for an entire run? Most of our 10 gallon airpots put out 8’-12’ plants, but the roots still don’t utilize 5 full gallons of the mix. Hmmm??? I’m (very) open to ideas guys!



I like your use of airpots. Colas for dayz. Props.


Lunchtime! Mid-day download…

Everybody looks happy (if a little ‘clean-shaven’!) in the E&F table (Heavy bottom-clearing action this run)… Excuse the weird lighting, timer is too far away to shut off! :upside_down_face: Started putting up yellow sticky traps to monitor for little fuckers! Fortunately, seeing very few ‘stickers’ this morning. I think the rice hulls on top of the soil mix is helping with all sorts of bugs that normally are attracted to the moist ‘mud’. That combined w/bottom watering and these all seem very happy so far! Loving the BBP! @BudBusterPro




Here’s the Goji OG I quarantined up back (and promptly forgot all about! :woozy_face:)…I was worried it might be leaning towards Septoria. She’s pretty fully seeded out on 4-5 branches and I don’t want to lose beans so McGiever-time! :crazy_face:

Went to clean up the Goji OG area and spotted another 16 Lemon trees awaiting transplanting into 10 gallon airpots. Also noticed that when I moved them last time any roots that broke off have sprouted out new growth! Just gotta find time to go dig 'em all up and transplant!

See ya’ll later this evening!