First Time (growing legal that is)!

Well, looks Like I don’t have as much time until harvesting as I’d hoped! Yesterday I was hoping for 1-3 more weeks …at least. But by this morning we had to chop another big ‘Unknown’ down. Wish I had another drying tent, or better a house with a real ‘closed’ room in it! :joy: Problematic as there’s a couple lbs of Black Skunk in there that I just ripped out of their grove bags last night after finding one that had a hint of mold…put away too wet! Fortunately I’d put them in 1 oz G.Bags so it didn’t spread far!

Thai x VN Black-top @slain That’s one of the seeded ones bro!

Top-heavy BM snapped last night. That’s the ‘top’ of a 3 meter steel cage (on stilts!) :upside_down_face: @BigMike55

LSD x Blue Sunshine!!! I just now spotted 2 LSD x Blue Sunshine hanging in the back of the tent and thought…WTF is THAT??? Pulled one out to trim (Grower’s choice - I took the gnarliest Big Cola!) and I’m stoked!!! Thank you @Greenfingers :pray: Funny, but when they went into the tent it was purely ‘out of sight, out of mind’! Caught myself wondering about them the other day but then, like everything else, it slipped my mind! :crazy_face: Just had time to rough trim one cola and really hope nobody finishes trimming them all before I get back from my acupuncture appointment - these are actually FUN to trim! I’ve gotta re-bag all the Black Skunk that’s been re-drying when I get back so there’s room in the tent for all the wet stuff coming in by sunset. :flushed:

Okay, off to the Doc’s! Have a great day!


Busy day with an acupuncture appointment and banking for payroll tomorrow. Managed to dose everybody (old girls, not the seedlings!) with a good flowering fert, supplemented with Sugars, seaweed and a dash of Cal-Mag.

Meanwhile, back in the Ebb & Flow table…

I’m just Gaga over the Jamaican Blue Moutain Jag x Honduras! @Mithridate These are just some of the ‘prettiest’ Sativa plants I’ve grown! Really nice serrations on the leaves, great color, nice branching happening! What’s not to LOVE? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m also watching the Freaky Buddha’s @THCeed ! They, and @CADMAN 's God’s Cookies are really exploding now…as are the Malana from @US3RNAM3 ! Excuse the weird lighting! :crazy_face:

A couple of the Original Hazes @WVMountainGhost @Budderton

These are my weirded out ‘gigantor’ Goji OG’s. I crossed a male and female Goji from MisterBee and Cadman (no idea which was which!). Every seed I have planted out has been 9’ +…I’ve never grown Goji’s like this before :crazy_face: Is this ‘normal’??? Let me hear from you Goji Og’ers please!

Pulled 371 mature beans out of the main 8-10" White Papaya x White Castle cola from Budderton’s beans! Really frosted plant, probably make great RSO or hash…but I’ll likely just smoke it! :woozy_face: I’m putting it off as long as I can 'cause I just know once I start it’s probably gonna be my ‘go-to’ for a while!

Okay, gotta get some dinner in me! Thanks for stoppin’ by, ‘Dew Drop Inn’ again! And thanks all you wonderful OG seed donors! OGTW!



Orange goji on the right side.

They definitely can get beastly.


Thanks bro! Yep, that’s pretty amazing. That Orange Goji Seed run was a few years back, right? Anybody still have any of those laying around that want to go on a tropical vacation? :rofl: I just went out and pulled 15 of the biggest Goji OG beans outta the refrigerator stash and they’re soaking! There’s enough for a trade, if somebody still has the Orange Goji and wants to try 'em 555!


I might be able to find a few I’d f2 ‘d that strain a while back . I’ll check see what I’ve got left. No need for a trade I believe I’ve got some goji seeds from a seed increase that a OG member had done thanks for the offer though.

Give me the weekend to check my stash I’d passed out several and not sure what I’ve got left .


Nice update TL! That Haze is still truckin along eh? I hope they are worth the wait. :crossed_fingers:
I wanna see what pure, inbred OG Kush grows like over there! I bet it expresses a bit more sativa in your tropical paradise.


They -are- beautiful :heart_eyes: the deep 45° serrations are giving them an “aggressive” look I very much love.

I can hardly believe how fast they all are growing. Puts my veg game to shame really :yum:

Keep it up !

1 Like

I’m lovin’ the Jag x Honduras but I’d put money on the Bud Buster Pro @Mithridate ! I just came back from the E&F table checkup…need to down/uPload pics! Today I was looking at them with an eye towards gauging if I’ll be able to take clones off all the lower branches? I’d really rather defoliate the hell out of the bottom half of everything and try to keep lots of space between the ground and any foliage. I’d say about 40% have lowest node branches that’ll be ‘takeable’ in a week or two (Who knows with the way BBP works?)!

@US3RNAM3 Malana’s looking good. There are a few more that were ‘late poppers’ so scattered elsewhere. Nice and strong looking!

@THCeed Absolute Reggae Stars bro! :pray:

Side view;

Bug-Check! Yep, we got 'em…but not too bad (for over here anyway!). That’s about 36 hours and was probably the ‘fullest’ of 15 of them.

A couple more ‘late poppers’! The PePe Le Pew @PioneerValleyOG and the second batch of Freaky Buddha’s @THCeed really didn’t like my sprouting mix this time. Seeds popped tails in soak, but most never emerged from the soil (without digging). Those that did had a hard time getting out of their ‘embro sack’ and after 2 days of struggling, in the process of ‘helping’ them, I broke 2-3.

Threw in a few more Goji OG’s just based on how the last batch are looking. I REALLY want to hear from outdoor Goji OG growers about typical size for a 5-10 gallon pot?

And found a few old Durban Poison & Chocolope ‘freebies’ from Seed City Seeds laying around so why not? :joy:

The big girls are havin’ a rough time. We’ve been missed by most of the rains that are hitting the rest of the country, but there’s still a shower or two a day/night and humidity is at 70% at 11:36 am. Septoria is rampant and I can’t make enough HypoClorious Acid with my little generator. Anybody here a DIY Pro? I’d like to just make my own generator capable of producing 2-4 liters at a time. It does NOT look that difficult…but it never does to somebody that doesn’t know what they are doing! @BudBusterPro Anyway, once we plucked off all the yellow, things didn’t look too bad!

@slain 's Thai x VN Black (Bloody Monsters in Left hand row, T xVNB (left by path)

Franken Bubbles on Left, T xVNB middle, Bloody Monsters Right;



Some Franken Bubbles

@WVMountainGhost @Budderton We’ve been stripping leaves left and right…the Original Hazes actually look smaller to me this week than last! The buds look bigger, but the overall plants look like they shrunk! :woozy_face:

Found a couple more of the LSD x Blue Sunshine hanging dry in the tent last night. Little rough looking untrimmed, but I’m REALLY looking forward to trying this one out! Thanks @Greenfingers

Now it’s time to start worrying about where the hell I’m gonna dry all this! :crazy_face:
Ahhh, the problems of being an “OverGrower”!


(Late edit);

Found some little nuggets hiding away in the drying tent! The Grape Dragons were gifted to me via @Budderton , I believe…can’t remember off hand who it was that made them? They were just gorgeous plants, completely frosted out, really soft-textured leaves that reminded me of Blue Tara. Unfortunately, they have all molded out every time I have tried to grow them! The buds are just too dense for our humidity levels over here. (Of course, I made a few more seeds just to keep trying! :upside_down_face:) Somehow, I got one small bowlful of tiny nuggets that were rot-free and I’m gonna enjoy 'em!



Your growing game is in point my man. Love this thread


Thanks bro, it just keeps on getting better! I bettcha by the end of the next lifetime I’m gonna be a “Pro”! For now, a lot of it is due to you and Bob and BudBusterPro! :pray:

There’s nowhere that compares to our gang at OG!


OMG!!! You guys are not gonna believe what I just found!
I’m not gonna even look at the prices yet!

Look, they even make one with bud-tumblers built-in! :joy:


And I hear all you Sativa growers! Got ya covered!

Here’s the link, tell 'em I sent ya! :innocent:

@THCeed @Budderton @Boozer @US3RNAM3 @Mithridate @Greenfingers @misterbee @BudBusterPro @PioneerValleyOG @CADMAN @MissinBissin @slain @Maddawg @MoBilly @WVMountainGhost @Oldtimerunderground @DougDawson @GMan @Kavman @Jimdoors
Please tag anybody else I forgot!


Dang! Thanks for the tag. I forgot to set this thread to watching! My apologies. :pray:t4:
I’m locked in now and you’ll see me around. :slight_smile:


Yo @MoBilly Great to have ya back bro! You know, somewhere out there there’s an obscure website auctioning off used military equipment left over from the Gulf War and somebody could get real lucky and score a pallet of these! :pray: :crossed_fingers: :pray: :crossed_fingers: :pray:


Fuck! Now, just gotta figure out how to turn it into an automated Light-Dep unit??? :joy: :joy: :joy:



Can’t help on the outdoor size but orange goji in my room were 7 plus ft tall and about 5 ft around once finished . Check out shiskas tin box thread for some pictures.


WoW! Those Orange Goji are fantastic bro! Thanks for the link, I had started reading there but lost track…way back when! My Goji OG’s have always been smaller, but similar in stature to yours…until now! Who knows, it’s not like I’m some big-time Pro breeder, maybe I got some Frankie pollen in there? :joy: Whatever it is, I like 9-11’ tall Goji OG’s! :joy: We’ll see how they smoke!

Speaking of which, @Greenfingers Thanks bro! …I just rolled a joint of some of the dried, but still uncured LSD x Blue Sunshine I found in the drying tent last night…That first hit was like Heaven! What a great taste (I’m terrible at descriptions of scents) 15 seconds later I knew the wisest move would be to set that joint down in the ashtray! FUCK! LSD, they aren’t kiddin’! So, of course, I had another hit! Might not be of much use around here until tomorrow! :crazy_face:

Have a great day everybody!



I’m glad you liked it, I’ll have to grow some myself. So many seeds to grow. :wink:


You’re kiddin’ me right bro? You HAVEN’T grown these out yet? Start ‘em soakin’ NOW bro!

Mid Sunday afternoon break time! Had a Chef buddy drop by with a bunch of fantastic food that’s all on the menu of what I can actually eat! Outrageous stuff, GREAT friend! So we rolled a couple LSD x Blue Sunshine doobies and headed down for a quick look around. Didn’t have time to shoot much variety, but here’s some tastes, if they’re unlabeled then I probably don’t know/can’t remember! :crazy_face:


The plant above and the plant below are like inverse twins! Look at the two structures! :crazy_face:



Off to enjoy the afternoon!


I’m liking your Thai x Vietnam black, I grew some Vietnam black almost 30 years ago, wouldn’t mind growing that one again. My Molokai project and all my other stuff is on hold until I’m done with a project.


Yobro, pretty sure I’m gonna get some beans from those Thai x VN Blacks and you’re on the short list!. Not a gonna be a ton of them, but I did dust one plant lightly all over and another I hit w/ Goji OG and those are the farthest along so far.

Here’s some of the youngsters…
Tags; @Mithridate @CADMAN @THCeed @US3RNAM3 @PioneerValleyOG @jinglepot @slain @MissinBissin @WVMountainGhost @BudBusterPro @Maddawg @Boozer @Budderton

Sativa crowd ‘before’ rearranging


Original Hazes against a Hazeless sky

Another bromeliad flower backlit by the Sun

Lemon Skunks are hangin’ in there. I’ve still got the hurricane fan blowing straight on them and so far it’s working!

A few odd carnivorous Nepenthes, or "Tropical pitcher plant"s…

Okay, hit everybody (new girls) with BBP again this evening at sunset. Dropped another 15 White Papaya x White Castle from the soak into plug trays, as well as another 15 LSD x Blue Sunshine. And then as I was about to put the old soaker containers away I remembered a flip of Biker Slush beans from @Budderton that have been just waiting for a chance! :upside_down_face: so they’re soakin’ too! And I’m really trying to resist it…but I pulled out another tube of 100 Black Skunk beans! :rofl:



Those pitcher plants are awesome TL. I collected a few samples of our local variety from the swamps around here and grew them out in a Rubbermaid of swamp quagmire, with the help of my son. They grew well, flowered and produced seed, which we collected and saved. Love those carnivores!! And your Herb plants are pretty cool too!!