First Time (growing legal that is)!

That’s cool as f. :sunglasses: :metal:


Wow… like the nepenthes, beautifull


I got myself a new "O. Haze Gillie Suit! :rofl:



If you make a series of pictures, you can make a “Where is Tlander”:rofl:


Well, 30 days under 24/7 lights (except BBP nites) and we have our first declaration! One of the Jamaican Blue Mountain Jag x Honduras @Mithridate started looking a bit ‘odd’ at the top yesterday and I mentioned it to one of my staff. Sure enough, by this morning his balls are hanging out in the wind!

So, this guy’s going up the mountain tomorrow to chill on the hill for a while! Hopefully he’ll toss enough pollen that I can dust a few of the girls when they’re ready.

Meanwhile, @Budderton ‘s Biker Slush kept up the Budderton’s Bean’s Reputation with 16 of 16 sprouting tails in the first 16 hours! They’re in the plug trays now, as are the LSD x Blue Sunshine & the Wt. Papaya x Wt. Castle. We’ve been pullin’ beans from plants if we can see the calyx splitting for the last few weeks now. One of these nights I’m gonna have to go into the drying tent and pull down all the paper bags and actually do an estimate of sorts. I know I’ve been adding 10, 20, 30 a day to each bag, but I haven’t really done a good count yet! Still trimmin’ away. The LSD x Blue Sunshine are really actually pretty fun to trim! So much so that as soon as I finished trimming the first big cola I went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and put another 15 in the soak! :rofl:



One word, amazing.


Sounds awesome and looks even better. Sure missed your thread while I was away.

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Where you been bro? Glad to have ya back around! Hey, if you missed 'em, scroll up a bit and have a look at your Freaky Buddha’s! There’s been a neck & neck race between Jamaican Blue Mountain Jag x Honduras (who took the early lead) to the Freaky Buddha’s who surged from behind to even overtake the Bobsledders! One of the Earth Magic (possibly the ONLY E.M.?) also jumped hugely in 48 hours. A couple of the Malana have massive stems on them already!

I’d say there’s about half a dozen laggards in the bunch of 50 or 60 seedlings, not bad. I think we lost about 4 to damping off, potential virus culls or just weak seeds…can’t remember how many ‘no-shows’ we had at germination…not all that many and what there were were all big groups of the same things that didn’t fire off at all. I DO remember that I was bummed the Durban x Romulan didn’t pop a single tail! But the Durban Poison x (Durban x Appy) popped about half.

Just realized that the LSD x Blue Sunshine is Fkn good stuff! burned a joint…well, took three hits about 2 hours ago and suddenly it’s 10:30 pm! :upside_down_face:

Goodnight! I’ll hopefully be back tomorrow to continue this adventure! Thanks all for droppin’ by! And welcome back from wherever @THCeed



Very cool start. You gunna go organic or controlled? I use the 3 part gorilla brand for grow, micro and bloom. Keeps soil at 6.5 Very acidic ground around here. Not to mention blight, hard water, moose and bears. The matter tried to muck up the garden last night. Seems like everything is trying to kill the ladies. Lol Makes for a challenging crop, that’s fr sure!

It will probably take away my like I’m out for at least another 3 hours they say. I just got back from a 14-hour drive to a 1 hour flying fish in fishing trip, way up in Northern Canada on the Albany River.
One more surge, lol, and it sounds like we will be in the lead. Have a good rest brother we will chat later


Moose & bears? I thought I had pests! :rofl: it’s purely organic here bro, living soils and lots of red wrigglers! I use my weed for cancer meds, so I only want organic, sun-grown weed and the only way I can really be sure… :crazy_face:



Right on TL! Good to hear the Biker Slush is working out so far. Should be some nice lemony OG Kush types in there for you. Happy hunting!!


Nice. Keep on keepin on.:v:

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Oh God, if you’re short on time - better skip today! :rofl:

Seed Donors; If you’d rather NOT be tagged, just let me know!
Tags; @Mithridate @CADMAN @THCeed @US3RNAM3 @PioneerValleyOG @jinglepot @slain @MissinBissin @BigMike55 @WVMountainGhost @BudBusterPro @Maddawg @Boozer @Budderton @JohnnyPotseed @Jimdoors Apologies to anybody I missed!

Well, we had to raise the lights today! Seems like a day or two after the BBP treatment everything jumps! We’ve only got about 6 more inches of headroom left so today we cleaned out the other E&F table and started hunting up my old truck tires again! Think I may just use 6 tires instead of 9 and get some extra headroom. It means needing to find a bigger, wider, lower water reservoir.

On to the bigger girls…sorry, they’re all all kinda mixed up together tonight!

And now, for all you lovers of Original Hazes;

Phew! We had a couple downpours today, really humid and now still as can be with no breeze. We’re back to trimming plants on the grow! Opening things up where we can spot any mold before it spreads. Had to take down a Franken Bubble that was looking like it’d be in melt-down by tomorrow morning. :cry: It’s gonna be another close one with the weather this year! Fingers crossed!

Thanks to everybody that (ever) sent me beans to run! OG’ers are truly the BEST! Have a great day/night!



Wonderful garden brother. Looks like some nice dreams are in store for you. Congrats.


Dang what an update! You keep them happy and that can be clearly seen.
:clap:t4: :clap:t4: :clap:t4:


Bloody epic update TL!! Live the dream!!


Thanks guys, the very fact that you even bother to drop in tells me I’m doing something right! But boy, do I get a LOT WRONG too! :crazy_face: Figuring out that in our environment Boutique Craft Farming means trimming buds ‘on-the-bush’ a week or even two before harvest! Even w/my little 300 ml. Hypoclorious Acid generator going full on I can’t make enough to use it effectively yet. Hence the trim-on-the-bush tech!

I’ve been thinking 2-3 more weeks on most stuff and a month on the Sativa’s…but every day now I start to question if we have that much time left…555! Well, it’s really a three-way question;

  1. When will Monsoon hit? :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :diving_mask: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:
  2. When will plants finish? :evergreen_tree: :palm_tree: :evergreen_tree:
  3. When will I drop dead? :innocent: :japanese_ogre: :innocent:

Meanwhile, 24/7 lighting is wreaking havoc on some plant’s DNA! Got two more declarations today, both female. Both Auto-Fems of Forum Stomper and each about 2-3" tall! :joy: Now these WERE hit w/ BudBusterPro last Sunday (Wed now) for the second time…but they’ve been in the “runt’s” tray for 2 weeks.

Gotta grab some lunch! See ya!


Couple Goji OG shots. God they are looking sweet! All I had time for today!

Chopped a Bloody Monster today, she’s hangin’ already. It really would have liked another week or two but budrot rules said today was the day. Managed to get the other old Ebb & Flow table cleared, cleaned and moved over to outside Monsoon Hut. Still thinking to put in on lower stacks of tires so I can have a bit more headroom. There’s not gonna be much room to move around in there with 2 E&F tables and I really want to set up the cloner in there too! :crazy_face:

Today’s offerings from the splitting calyx-busters! These are headed to join the others in their paper bags in the drying tent. Excited to see such nice dark, hard beans!

Well, tomorrow is my RSO workshop! De-boned about 350 grams o’bud tonight in prep. Tomorrow morning we’ll make up a batch that should get me through into November. I’m back up to about 80% dosage (.8 g/day) and not quite as spaced as a few weeks back. Had a couple real rough days/nights dealing w/pain this last week…something I’ve been very lucky to have quite little of. Pretty sure I got infection back in one of the lesions and hence the sensitivity. Back on antibiotics for a 5-day course and hope that makes things right(er)!

We’ve been busy fertin’ palms and fruit trees, layin’ out truckloads of cardboard and mulching it down w/ cow shit & rice straw. Cut down a lot of low branches and dead palm fronds today. Place is starting to get back into shape!

Okay hope everybody’s having a blast today!


Sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself, hope all go better soon.

Best wishes