First Time (growing legal that is)!

Hope your Kind to yourself this week @Tlander.

May have to send you an upside down LITFA t-shirt to wear for a week… each time you look down at it, you gotta take a break…

555 rest well


Now I’m not a pro, but I was looking at it and it looks like all you need is an electrolysis setup and the water + salt (+ vinegar? idk lol). You should be able to use the same designs people use for derusting stuff in big tubs, but the HOCL might react with a metal electrode and lessen its shelf life, so people are recommending graphite/carbon electrodes :eyes:


I believe the EcoOne uses a tungsten carbide electrode…FWIW


Thanks guys, for the “Hypoclorious Acid” tips! I’m gonna have to ‘study up’ a bit…and then I’m gonna have to go visit a friend who’s a DIY Engineer! Fortunately, he just LOVES good bud! :joy:

Speaking of DIY…today was my RSO workshop training two new people who are going to take over production for me of my medicine. I just feel it’s too risky doing it while also consuming it at these levels. Went pretty well, considering I upped the buddage x3 compared to normal. I also decided that this time I’d tilt my rice cooker as it cooked down (as usual) but to only suck up the very liquid RSO with a 50 ml. syringe without doing any scraping of the rice cooker bottom. This means my 1st-run batch has none of the ‘burned’ material from the edges of the pan that dried out first. All the rest (That I DID scrape) I lumped together in a separate container to give out for use on wounds/warts/mole/etc. From 350 gm. buddage, I got 35 g of the double-filtered #1 RSO and I’d guess another 10-15g of the thick stuff. Oh, and we made another bottle of RSO-infused coconut oil from cleaning the rice cooker out! :joy: Gonna let it all sit on the coffee mug warmer over night to cook out every last bit of ethanol. I should be good now until November! Whaaaahooo! (well, sorta!) :crazy_face: And by then the trainee’s should have it down!

On with the show…
Seed Donors; If you’d rather NOT be tagged, just let me know!
Tags; @Mithridate @CADMAN @THCeed @US3RNAM3 @PioneerValleyOG @jinglepot @slain @MissinBissin @BigMike55 @WVMountainGhost @BudBusterPro @Maddawg @Boozer @Budderton @JohnnyPotseed @Jimdoors Apologies to anybody I missed!

Okay, table check… Freaky Buddha’s


(Durban Poison x Pangi) x (Durban Poison x Appy) - 3 on the right & front of 2nd column…and the tall one in the back/middle is Earth Magic

On to a few of the bigger girls…

Thai x Vietnam Black backing away series;

Those with sharp eyes & memories will notice the missing Bloody Monster in a cage!

Couldn’t resist a shot of the giant Black Bat Lily in bloom.

Chopped another Bloody Monster this afternoon, hangin’ already. Moved the new - old Ebb & Flow table into Monsoon Hut today on low stacks of tires. It’ll give the youngsters a couple more feet of headroom for a while…which I have a feeling they are gonna need!

Happy growing everybody! Love ya Guys & Gals!


Looking righteous there, brother. Nice work.


Little more transplanting catch-up going on tonight. I decided to see how germination looked on the LSD x Blue Sunshine (6/12) and with @Budderton 's Biker Slush (6/12).

Threw in a few more Goji OG just 'cause the last ones looked so nice!

Couple late sprouting PePe le Pew’s

Freaky Buddha’s & Goji OG’s

Post transplant

Freaky Buddha’s, Chocolopes’s & Durban Poisons

That’s it for tonight! Back to trim jail!



Bat lilies are really cool. Are they a sun plant or shade plant?


Full shade! And quite moist leaf-mulch soil. Took me almost 12 years to figure out the best germination tech! But now I have 'em everywhere! I tried to grow the Chinese Giant White bats, but they all got hit w/a virus and I lost 'em. Will probably try again, but the contact was really hard to reach in China!



You’re a proper pot factory TL! If only the LPs over here did it as nice!!slow clap…:clap::clap::clap:


Yo guys, What’s uP?

Starting off, I gotta share the view from the hill today! Just gorgeous!

Well, one look at the Ebb & Flow table this morning and it was clear that it is transplanting day! All the larger plants were already reaching for the lights we just raised to max on that table 2 days ago!

The stems on these Malana are gonna be historic I believe!

Unfortunately, we aren’t ready! The second Ebb & Flow table is semi-ready, but the lights needed a structure to hang from and Monsoon Hut’s coming up on a year old now and she’s sagging like Grannie’s tits so we have to incorporate “roof support” into the “light supports”! :roll_eyes: I bought a new 360-degree, 24" wall-mount fan (couldn’t find a pole-mount anywhere!) but it still needs mounting ‘above’ the second table before we can start to use the table itself. Then I MUST get the cloner set up in there…no more on the porch clutter! I’m itching to top these girls (I’m hopeful!) and make clones of all the tops. Oh well, we’ll get there…maybe not on-time, but we’ll get there! :rofl:

All the one-gallon airpots have roots and worms dangling from the bottoms! The bottom watering in the Ebb & Flow table is just amazing! Roots are just pulled down in no time. I have some white puffy filter material laid out to act as a capillary mat, but I think it probably causes more problems than it’s worth…(algae and roots growing into it). And I’d say the rice hull “mulch” (about 1/2") likely made a difference with various common little pests like fungus gnats, white fly, etc. Stuff is cheap as can be (here anyway!) just a little messy if you have strong fans! :joy:

Post-Transplants (Jamaican Blue Mountain Jag x Honduras in foreground, Freaky Buddha’s in the background)…trying to get back down there to do a bunch more transplanting but there’s loads of dry bud that needs to get “Groved” before I can leave!

Okay, my ‘break’ s over, see ya soon!


Okay, Sun’s down, guess I can chill a bit! Well, until the Warden shows up anyway!

Fun afternoon! Went up the mountain and checked on the male Jam x Honduras plant, it had one giant ball ready to burst and a few small ones, but I think we got a week or two to go before its worth collecting any pollen. Meanwhile, there was plenty of transplanting to get through. My foreman, cool as he is, in his “spare time” took all the stuff I bought yesterday and hooked up the roof/light support structure and rigged the lights I picked up! We didn’t get to the fan (yet!), but the giant Hurricane fan is just outside blowin’ on the Lemon Skunks for now anyway.

Seed Donors; If you’d rather NOT be tagged, just let me know!
Tags; @Mithridate @CADMAN @THCeed @US3RNAM3 @PioneerValleyOG @jinglepot @slain @MissinBissin @BigMike55 @WVMountainGhost @BudBusterPro @Maddawg @Boozer @Budderton @JohnnyPotseed @Jimdoors Apologies to anybody I missed!

The one gallon airpots would just barely fit into a 3 gallon and the height of both the airpots is the same, so I opted to transplant 'em into 5 gallon airpots which leaves room for a good double handful of red wrigglers and castings directly under each plant, dusted w/Mychors and trichoderma. So much for the “plan” to keep everything in one gallons this run! :roll_eyes: :rofl:

Here’s a little transplanting before/during/after action; Left row; Jag x Honduras in the foreground, Freaky Buddha’s in background. Rt, row; Malana’s in foreground, mixed in background. By the way, ALL of these have had three treatments of Bud Buster Pro so far, and will get another tomorrow evening followed by a “lights off” night. (Hence the need to move 'em back in under lights tonight!).

The thick-stemmed Malana’s

My single Earth Magic has me wishing the others had popped! Gorgeous!

Only transplanted one Fighting Buddha so far, others will follow when ready.

Right behind them the Lemon Skunks are blowing in the breeze of the giant Hurricane fan trying to keep the mold at bay. They’ve been pretty well wet-trimmed on the bush already, won’t take much work to manicure! It’s Saturday night here already so the crew’s off tomorrow. I’ll do a morning check and see who else needs to move uP and pray they don’t start molding before Monday morning.

View at almost Sunset

Little less crowded Table #1

And of course…once I got started… I couldn’t just leave 'em out in the dark, rainy but covered greenhouse! Not with a new E&F table w/lights just awaiting! :joy: So, a quick B-Vit dousing and back in they go!

Time for more RSO and some food! Have a great weekend all! And BIG THANKS again to ALL the seed donors! :pray:



Always enjoying your updates, take good care of yourself as you do with your lillies… beer3|nullxnull


Lovely garden there, wishing you all the best @Tlander


Looking good I just love the way Jag x Honduras are looking.


Another Sunday rolls past, ending in a downpour!

More transplanting, reorganizing, a hand-spray job of Johnny Pot Seed’s “One & Done”, a little more transplanting and finally everybody in Monsoon hut got their 4th BBP treatment. Rack at home gets it tonight.

Original Haze fans, these shots are for YOU! @WVMountainGhost @Budderton

A couple Lemon Skunk buds;

Okay, everybody got a spray down with JPS’s “One & Done” solution just before these shots! :roll_eyes:

The Freaky Buddha’s!!!

Jag x Honduras (Jamaican Blue Mtn. x Honduras) I dare ya, try to find just one you don’t love! :heart_eyes:

Whaaahooo! Well, looks like we got at least one mate for the guy up the mountain already!!!

Malana! I’d say we have our second female declaration among the “Photo-periods”!
Here’s some shots of the tops of a few plants;

Goji OG Tops


That’s it for this download! Hope you have a great weekend, I’m sorry it’s almost over here already!



Holy shit, those O Haze are beautiful!! Thanks for doing such a great job with those TL! They’re looking closer to being done, when do you think you’ll cut them?


Great update and beautiful plants!
:clap:t4: :clap:t4: :clap:t4:


555! Thanks @Budderton ! Well, about 5 minutes after those pictures would have been good! It’s been pouring for the last hour now. :diving_mask: I’m having a real hard time gauging them as these are my ‘firsts’…I thought they likely had many, many weeks left. But lately they have ‘faded’ on me, even appearing to ‘shrink’! I probably screwed them up with nuets trying to ‘fix’ things, when in reality it was probably just a case of Sativa yellow-fan-fade! I also hadn’t gotten the memo on going with lighter nutrients, so perhaps between my really charged up Living Soil and my organic liq-nutes it was too much?

Anyway, that’s why I tried to shoot a couple bud close-ups so you Hazeperts can clue me in! PLEASE DO! :roll_eyes:

My seed-making endeavors w/ the O. Haze are looking pretty dismal. I’m quite bummed about that as I had High Hopes! :roll_eyes: I’d tried @DougDawson 's Blue Kush pollen that we had tried shipping as an experiment. Well, if we try again we gotta change up something! I’d have to go back and hunt it up, but however long it took in the mail must have pushed it past it’s prime. I also hit a few branches of O.H. with (Thai x VN Black) and I saw one small branch that looked like there’s maybe 8-10 seeds. A couple of the Goji OG giants appear to have set seed but again, I just dusted a few branches here and there to pass out beans to friends. Then again, I think it was the Goji OG that I counted out on a Frisbee last night at right around 200 beans collected from split calyx already.



I’m definitely not a Hazepert but I’m having the same experience with the Mullumbimby Madness x Nevils Haze, I’ve got going. I think you have to get the N into them early to keep them green. Mine was fading pretty bad, around 8-9 wks in, so I bumped up the N and ended up burning the tips a bit while not making a huge difference . Any signs of botrytis on them? I’m wondering how resistant they are compared with other “sativa” types you’ve got going.


I’m seeing small bits of budrot, but unlike in all the hybrids, these seem to self-isolate on the plant and are easy to just snip off. The rest of the plant just continues on. That’s very unlike in the hybrids that once it get started spreads like widfire…you can even see it move through the stem as a gray blotchyness. I’ll admit to it…there’s been a couple mornings I’ve run the gas-powered leaf-blower through the rows scattering dewdrops to the sky! But the Sativa’s sure handle it a lot better over here. But you know me, I’ll keep tryin’ anyway!
