First Time (growing legal that is)!

Your Garden is like a dreamland Ganja catalogue @Tlander.
Truly I’ve never seen Haze Colas like the ones you’re Loving.
Wonderful Work T.


@MissinBissin Hey bro, it’s OG BEANS that are doin’ it! It feels like every grow is a group effort around here! I’m just the one in the place that gets to have most of the fun! And man have I been havin’ FUN!!!

The flip side of being told your days are numbered (besides being able to flip off the Doc’s) is that you don’t have to hold back much on the rest of your Life! 555! :rofl:



Let’r Happen !!!


Holy those look great! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I need that lemon skunk in my life :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Stellar garden man. Thanks for all the reports. Loving all the pics.


That’s a bummer man but I suppose it’s just the way it goes. Fresh pollen collection will soon be under way :wink:


Haa, haa, haa…no worries Doug, guess if we knew the answers to ALL the answers to the questions without testing there’d be no point in trying! :rofl: Besides, with all those Original Haze they probably have a few beans hidden away inside! Thanks again for trying! I Highly’ appreciate it!



Well, last night’s rains had me out there with the gas-powered leaf blower this morning! I wasn’t kidding! Seeing bits of mold and budrot, ready or not, lot’s comin’ down tonight!

Last look at how far the Lemon Skunk’s got;

A couple wet but healthy Original Hazes

Staff came home with some new trimmers, just in time!!



Well, another pretty crazy day, starting off with all night rains. Blew water off everybody and the guys put in 24 man-hours pluckin’ yellow leaves and mold anywhere it was to be seen. I hit Monsoon Hut w/ JPS’s “One & Done” sauce for a second time as I still found a few white fly this morning. Figured since I’ve re-stocked on the makin’s I might as well spray all the Lemon trees and everything else within a hundred meters with the big backpack mist blower! :joy: Hopefully I knocked out some shit we didn’t even know we had yet! :laughing:

Here’s some of the Lemon Skunks…two out of three here look like they can keep on going, but one was making it clear she wasn’t liking the humidity levels and she’s too waaay far from the tent so… TIM-BEEEEEERRRRrrrrrrrr. She was 3/4 manicured on the bush already, so it didn’t take all that long to work through.

Finally, out of the greenhouse and into the full Sun! …If only for a few hours!

Couple O. Haze shots…

Late in the afternoon, I had to run out for a meeting at 4 pm, telling my guys I’d try to be back before sunset to help with the take-down. I made it back before sunset and made a quick dash for the house to grab my clippers. Walked in the front door and found I had a surprise waiting for me!

These are mostly Bloody Monsters (and the Lemon Skunk Monster!) that Septora had taken the vast majority on fan leaves from already. Would have loved another week or two, but then again two weeks of rain would really have put a hurt on them. And besides, it’s not exactly like I haven’t got anything else to smoke! :rofl: So I thought, okay I’ll start hangin’ em’ in the tent…

Whoops! :roll_eyes: Well, I happened to stop at a Macro Market today to try to buy big brown paper bags so I can follow advice and clip everything 75% dry into bags to make room. I also discovered they sold Bulk Pizza Boxes! :heart_eyes: Bought a big pack and about to get into it.

Hope you’re a havin’ a great day/night!



Lunchtime! (almost!)

Managed to get most of the semi-dry stuff into the pizza boxes last night and all the new cuts inside the tent by bedtime.

New tray of starts moving down to the E&F tables

The “Leaders” of the pack, so far! Freaky Buddha’s! I was eyeing how many big clones are gonna come out of those tables in the next month! :joy: Cloner setup should be done today or tomorrow, just a couple missing items to find! @THCeed

Malana - Can you see clones coming from here too? These have the thickest stems of everything so far. @US3RNAM3

Just gorgeous Jag x Honduras (W/at least 1 declared male & 1 female so far.) @Mithridate

Alright, I admit it…I couldn’t resist soaking a few more of the Freaky Buddha’s and the Goji OG after seeing the way the last ones ran! (Two days after second BBP treatment!) @BudBusterPro

Okay, off to another acupuncture session! Big evening cutting again tonight I think! :roll_eyes: Ordered another big case of pizza boxes! :rofl:

Have a GREAT one!


Phew, made it back and it’s been a sunny afternoon! Looks like only 1 plants gonna have to come down tonight. That’s good news!

Nice local vining flower just comin’ into bloom

Everybody in the tables got hit w/ “One & Done” on Sunday morning, w/BBP on Sunday evening, and again w/“One & Done” again this morning. When there’s only this many plants in the tables its pretty easy work to make a loose circle w/your fingers around the base of the plant and gently caress every leaf to the top most. If you’re watching closely, any white fly will make a quick flight to the next plant. I only saw about 8-10 this morning and that was doing every single plant twice (15 min?). But 1 is too many in my mind, with this many plants in close proximity. Put up a ton more sticky traps as well…pain-in-the-ass that they are!

Meanwhile @BudBusterPro , the BBP seems to be kicking ass! ALL of these plants in the tables have been ‘on-the-BBP-program’ for 4 weeks now I believe. I’ve barely dented the 118 ml. bottle I was so kindly gifted…I’m too excited about what I’m seeing, so I keep treating more and more plants! :crazy_face: I MUST :stop_sign: or I won’t be able to carry through until the end! :rofl:

That tray of seedling Solo’s w/Goji OG/Freaky Buddha/Durbans from yesterday’s post is just blowing me away! I had to transplant the biggest Goji OG (Ctr. rt. column) and the 2 Durban’s (Two blue tags in back left) to 1 gallon airpots already today!

Nice lookin’ roots! Good dose of Mychor’s, a double handful of red wrigglers & castings in the bottom of each pot with our LS mix. Back into the Ebb & Flow tables on 3x flood/day w/ basic organic veg nuet’s. I think these have been in the E&F for almost 2 weeks now under 24/7 “MaGeiver” lights :crazy_face:

New beds made!

The Original Hazes…Now you see 'em…

Now you don’t!

555! No worries, just moved 'em to a place where they get sun earlier in the morning to cook off the night’s rains! Everybody got re-staked and plugged into the automated dippers. Figure EVERY little thing helps and another hour of direct Sun should help! But I feel heart-broken when I turn around and see them gone from where I’m so used to seeing them! Oh well, those table-juveniles are gonna need new homes soon! :joy:

Ahhhh, the Jag x Honduras! Damn I just love these! Better views below!

Okay, gotta grab some food! Thanks for droppin’ by, you’re always most welcome around here!



Again, I just love it.


All’s looking well this mornin’! Growth and branch development w/BBP just blowing me away!

Seed Donors; If you’d rather NOT be tagged, just let me know!
Tags; @Mithridate @CADMAN @THCeed @US3RNAM3 @PioneerValleyOG @jinglepot @slain @MissinBissin @BigMike55 @WVMountainGhost @BudBusterPro @Maddawg @Boozer @Budderton @JohnnyPotseed @Jimdoors Apologies to anybody I missed!

On to the big girls…

Lemon Skunk hangin’

Okay, off to cut all the giant oil palm leaves (now that the Hazes are not under them!) that had been overshadowing the Haze area to get it ready for the next residents! Then on to setting up the cloner system. Managed to figure out where I stashed the air-pump last Spring and my Clonex solution arrived yesterday. Having a really hard time restraining myself from taking off the top three or four nodes of everything!

Any (informed) opinions on that? (Take a look at the top 4 photos again) Am I better off letting them get quite a bit larger and taking more clones at once…or take the ‘tops’ now and all the lowest branches in a week or two? I REALLY want to hear from you guys based on your experiences! Thanks all!

@Budderton - Bro, as cool as it is with it’s Natural stenciled fern & palm leaf paint job,

Can you get any hints that this is the ‘plant seed bank’? :joy:

my refrigerator has a big thermostat problem! I have taken it to 3 shops each of whom ‘did something’ in terms of replacing parts, but it still tends to suddenly freeze everything! Hence my not doing the baggie-in-the-box routine!)



I know what I’ll be seeing in my dreams tonight.
Thank you.


Looking KickAss Bro. :sunglasses: :metal:


Completely unqualified opinion here, but I say…take your clones.
You top those plants now, you’re going to see some awesome lateral branching with the BBP…


555! What ‘ya dreamin’ of @THCeed ; a new E&F table or a new refrigerator paint job…or a GIANT bottle of Clonex Solution? :joy: First big oil palm defoliated, another to go! Fan’s up & runin’. Cloner’s all set up, just couldn’t remember the metric directions on the Clonex solution/water so had to come home to check again! (5-10 ml/liter of water).

People always freak about my little see-through cloner box and “light leaks”…I know it make logical sense to have the roots in a dark environment…but I have NEVER had a problem with these clear boxes! I literally laugh when I read about people searching for light leaks on their cloning collars. That said, I am contemplating spray-painting it, just to see how much better it can get! :rofl:

Got another declaration - a male Malana. Up the mountain he goes!

I try to plant White Gingers anywhere I am going to have to walk past daily! The smell is my version of Heaven!

Jag x Honduras top!

Misc. ladies-in-waiting! There’s still 20 standin’ tall around here!

This mornin’s haul from the splitting calyx crews! (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG and Goji OG straight up! Into the paper bags in the tent they go with all the rest!

@BudBusterPro Great minds think alike! I was happy I had to come home to get the Clonex directions ‘cause I figured a few of you guys would chime in! Thanks! I took a close look at every plant in those tables this morning and thought the same thing! The lower nodes are all ready to crank-up and I’ve barely started feeding them yet. Better take tops now and repeat later on too! I’m gonna have to find a bunch of local outdoor growers to gift a ton of stuff to in the coming near-future! Nothin’ like promoting the “OG WAY”!



Quick, I’ve gotta find a contact for an arms dealer! I need LOOOOOnger arms! Couldn’t hold the camera far enough away to get the top! :joy:

Just tried to lean a Lemon Skunk out of the drying tent for a picture! I really DO need longer arms!

Drying buds in an ‘open’ house in the tropics, on the edge of monsoon season with 80-90 degree F temps, 75%-100% humidity , even with drying tent, dehumidifiers, portable AC still takes a ton of babysitting! It’d be one thing if all I had to do was sit here in trim jail! But I got fans to test and clones to prep! …oh, and plants to transplant! :rofl:

Have a great day everybody!



Go easy on trim jail. I e been here for so long I forgot what day it was more than once. Your garden, well brother it’s badass. I’ve been holding a lemon skunk pack for a year or so and those pics just decided for me to put them in the next round. Keep killing it my man.


Thanks @Boozer , These were gifted to me by @misterbee and I F2’ed 'em last short season. I’m just a pollen-chucker with really good luck! :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: This being able to more or less do things ‘out-in-the-open’ changes EVERYTHING! If I could have been doing this 40 years ago…OMG! Hey, guess I’m just INCREDIBLY lucky to be even getting this chance!

I’m also really lucky that my staff are 100% family now after 23+ years of working with me. My foreman’s wife has been doing the lion’s share of the trimming (and she got really good at making the Thai Stix really fast…and they put mine to shame for consistency!). :relaxed:

Thanks again for turning me on to the BBP! :pray: I am BLOWN AWAY by what I am seeing in the way of results…and it’s only like week 4!

Been a busy day over here…gotta up/download pics…back in a bit!
