First Time (growing legal that is)!

Well, it took a little scrambling, but I did manage to take some clones and get 'em in the cloner before dark. I decided rather than rush it, just to do the 6 largest Freaky Buddha’s and the Malana (except the male). Ended up w/11 clones taken (6 FB +5 M). I’ll have another look tomorrow and see who’s next! I’d bet the Jag x Honduras will be close! And there are a lot of random 1 or 2 plants per strain that are getting some size to them. Both of these strains had very thick stems.

The Freaky Buddha’s @THCeed

On to the Malana’s (Please excuse the weird lighting!) :crazy_face: And NO, those are NOT giant shadows cast by spot-lighting on the screen behind the table! :joy:

(There’s one ‘un-cut’ Ethos Super Silver Haze in the center of the picture amongst the Malana’s)

Everybody nested down for the night with the ultrasonic fogger and air pump/bubble stone!

1/2 of the “New” table view

I was just heading home when I decided to climb up the ladder to try to take a picture of the top cola of this “Unknown” plant from the mixed ‘late-sprouters’. By the time I got to about 10" above ground level I started spotting a few bits of mold! :scream: Took off the two longest tops of the plant and will remove the shit tonight!

Haa, haa, haa… :roll_eyes:

Got home, walked into the house and received an automatic weather warning…they say 80% of the country is gonna get hit! Oh well, none of the 20 remaining big girls will fit through any of the greenhouse doors…I guess I will see if prayers can influence anything! :pray: And even if not, it’s not like they haven’t been practicing the last few weeks! :joy:


Okay, off to transplant seedlings (Again!) :rofl: And a little spell in trim jail!

Just a damn shame I don’t even have time to deal with this… (And of course, this is from the top 1/3 of one of the “Unknowns”!



Great looking plants! I really enjoy your thread. So much variety of strains, and the scenery is magnificent.
I have some cold winter months to put up with soon here in Canada. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I’ll be following your biker slush grow, I have a pack of those @Budderton beans. :v:


Mornin’, over here anyway!

Just a quick couple shots of the LSD x Blue Sunshine buds dried… Gotta say a BIG thanks to @Greenfingers for sending me the beans to try out over here. :pray:

These were a really fun strain to grow. Harvested aprox. 120 from planting - lost notes on date of first flowers seen? Pretty damn strong growth straight out of the gate and no slowdown along the way. The cola’s on these were gorgeous, thick and managed to stay mold-free (for the most part! Required using the big “hurricane fan” directly on it for the last 3 weeks or so to keep it mold-free!) and despite the weight, limbs stayed unbroken with just a couple stakes. I burned one the other night even though they’ve had no cure…taste didn’t blow me away, but the high was quite nice…I’ll try it again and let you know after the cure which I expect will vastly improve the taste.

W/o flash!

These beauties are so nice I’ve already soaked, planted and transplanted the next batch! :joy:



Well, Sun came uP again this morning and so did I! First Victory of the Day! :rofl:

Had a check on the girls that got topped last night at sunset. Everybody looks like they took it in stride and I’d swear the lateral branch starts look 40% larger this morning! I had to shoot some pics as a few of them really show off how much they want to just explode w/growth! These were cut 14 hours before photos.



I screwed up on the cloner last night, leaving the cloning too late to get back to check on after dark. I usually leave a 1/2cm. air-gap between the top cover and the lid w/collars so the fog doesn’t make the leaves overly wet. Did it last night but didn’t take into account the Hurricane fan oscillates in that direction every minute or two! The three clone closest to that corner were looking wilted this morning.Closed it back down and will check in again later. Looked to be 2 of the 6 Freaky Buddha’s and one of the 5 Malana.(There’s more Malana but not at this growth stage yet…hmmmmm…there’s more Freaky Buddha’s to! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

Seeing as there’s still 40 or 50 more plants in Solo’s I’m starting to go back to my original plan of a shitload of small airpots and trying to grow out a bunch of ‘easier-to-handle’ plants during monsoon season. Fortunately, we just did an inventory on all the airpots of various sizes and in addition I just discovered a 50-pac of 1 gallons in the go-down!



Nicely done. I’ll be dropping some for spring. I kept a few for myself but sent out most of them.:peace_symbol:


I think you’ll love 'em too! Can’t wait to burn one!

Well, yep - I fk’ed 'em! Have tossed 3-5 of these and moved the whole rig back to my porch where it’s always been (always been IN THE WAY!)! :rofl:

Took a fresh batch about sunset; Widow Bush x Temple Flow, Jamaican Blue Mountain Jag x Honduras and (DP x Pangi) x (DP x Appy).

Widow Bush x Temple Flow post cutting

Jamaican Blue Mountain Jag x Honduras

Earth Magic!

Quick cleanup and into the cloner they went!

Jamaican Blue Mountain Jag x Honduras

We had to take down another Franken Bubble today, the daily passing rains and high humidity levels mean we were pickin’ yellow leaves so heavily on a daily basis she was almost trimmed when we cut her! :joy: Got a bunch more 1 & 3 gallon airpots filled and ready for Solo transplants tomorrow. Prepped two of the small greenhouse spaces (well, ‘covered roofs’!) for the 5 gallon gals, drips all laid out and ready to go! Of course tomorrow’s a holiday (Commemoration of the Death of the previous King of Thailand) so I’m on my own and have a mid-day acupuncture appointment! Oh well, will get done what I get done! :upside_down_face:



Morning Edit;

I just KNEW I shouldn’t have tossed those limp cuttings last night! No matter how bad they looked, as a Stage IV Cancer patient, I should have known to have at least given them as much hope as I give myself! :rofl:

But they looked to be ‘beyond-healing’ to me at the time! The ‘air-crack’ when combined with the Hurricane fan was just too much stress…then the afternoon Sun took the temps inside the cloner way uP. Disaster-in-the-making! :disappointed_relieved:

Got up this morning and checked on the new batch alongside the old batch now that I moved it back to my porch, where I know the environment and it’s easier to check on…even the worst ones from the wilt-down that I had left have sprung right back. (Cloner has been turned 180 degrees!)

Off on a quick check-up round!



Running late for acupuncture appointment…commentary later! :rofl:



Phew! Was that only THIS morning??? Came to post the afternoon shift’s shots and realized I actually got one Hell of a lot done today, mostly on my own (Today’s a Nat’l Holiday here). Of course, nothing happens without a little mishap now and then…

They say "Don’t operate vehicles or heavy machinery when on RSO, but I didn’t think I’d do much damage with a shovel! (This is AFTER repairing the pipe I chopped while trying to cut a root!) :upside_down_face:

Managed to get most all the newly transplanted solo into 1 & 3 gallon airpot plants mulched w/ rice hulls and back in the E&F tables (or on the ground close by anyway!). I’m gonna try to mix up another batch of “One & Done” to hit all the table plants and then move on to one of the empty top greenhouses and spray/fog the hell out of it so I can move in some of those girls in the 5 gallons taking up way too much space in the E&F…there’s more little one’s on the way!

Well, artificial lights or not, some of these plants are getting horny!


Great lateral growth on the plants I cut only 2 days ago! Here’s the Freaky Buddha. @THCeed Spent a little time doing Kyle-Kushman-style plant chiro-practice; twistin’ and crackin’! I really want to try some ‘lite’ candelabra action on a lot of these girls in 5 gallons. Just 4-6 colas, NO Larf, full ventilation…and BBP! Just transplanted a bunch more of these out of solo’s today!

Jag x Honduras @Mithridate I got a lot of size variation on these from the start. The biggest one is 3x the rest! I think I’ve seen 2 males and 2 females already and there are a bunch on smaller ones following behind. I took cuttings off of 4 (I think) but the others are much smaller and/or have started to flower already!

Took 2 cuttings off of the largest (DP x Pangi) x (DP x Appie) Hoping to get 2 more. @Jimdoors

The BBP treatments are making things hard to call! Some of the plants suddenly started to look like they are doing a thing called “cresting”; the meristematic tissue just goes wild and the top bud just gets wider and wider! I’m seeing it starting on a few different strains right now. What look like small clusters of male flowers also look like they could be multiple new growth sites? Time will tell! @MissinBissin

It was a hard call, but in the end I decided to top the Earth Magic plant. I saw the first female pre-flower and she’s got such a nice Christmas tree shape I almost didn’t want to cut her! But I think I only got the one germination and it looks like too cool a plant to pass up the opportunity to make more! @PioneerValleyOG

How many grows have I said, “I’m sick of LARF, next time we’re gonna strip ALL the lower nodes”! …yeah and then what, never have the heart to pinch 'em all off …or I say 'm gonna make clones of all those lowers…and end up with tons of the dreaded LARF…again! Not THIS grow! Went through and did some clearing…they were pretty thinned before but now with being ‘topped’ and ‘bottomed’ there’s nowhere for the bugs to hide! :joy:

Okay, I gotta catch up on a few non-ganj things around here, so I’ll see you all soon! Have a great day where ever you are!



Thanks for the Fighting Buddha update. She looks spectacular, on the other-side of the Planet @Tlander


Here’s a couple MC Escher-esque Hoya mindronensis with their interlocking petals forming a globe in full bloom. Cool little crystal-like 'snowflakes tucked away underneath. I always wonder how many ‘unknown’ plant nectars there are out there we haven’t even considered yet? (Hint; if you ever get a chance to lick a globe of Hoya pubicalyx in full bloom - DO IT!) These don’t have any scent unfortunately, but the color’s so cool I keep 'em around! :joy: Been breeding these between the red/white/yellow varieties for 10 or 15 years now…only cool results were oranges! Many of the other varieties are heavily, and heavenly, scented!

Well, we’re thinning things out day-by-day now. Actually, I’m already looking forward to the all new BBP grow (too much so, need to not walk away from the finish of the other 20 big ones still!) Also realizing I need to keep this ‘driveway’ vehicle-accessible. Lugging 5, 10 and 20 gallon pots up-hill to the greenhouses is a real pain! The ‘right hand’ side is too shaded for the first 4 hours of the day anyway! And the first row on the left could find a new home and still leave room for 4 or 5 plants.

Sun wouldn’t let me get both parts in one picture! Top is a bunch of different Tillandsia, bottom is a local Southern Thai Cymbidium orchid


The new “Reverse Tuck” where instead of ‘tucking’ big leaves under - we tuck new branches ‘under’ the leaves! :upside_down_face: (I do it for the Bro-Science!) :rofl:

Couple Original Hazes makin’ me thing they’re about done.

Some **Goji Og’**s frostin’ uP!

Goji OG Seeded, “Quarantined” plant;

Now THIS Goji OG got pollinated and a couple weeks later I got worried about her possibly having Septoria, so I moved her to a remote location…and promptly FORGOT ALL about her for a few weeks! :crazy_face: Last week I saw her and realized she had at least ‘some’ seeds set so I rigged up this temporary catcher. Today I decided it was time to pull up a chair and have a sit-down with her!

Okay, well McGiver would fire me! Best laid plans and all…

…but I didn’t count on how much shit falls outta the sky!

Only found 6 beans in the sheet (after 15 minutes of siftin’!) so I turned to checkin’ out the buds themselves. My foreman has been bringing me a small zip-loc daily for a week or two, but I had an hour, there was some shade and I’d like to share out some of these beans as they were the cross that made the 9’-12’ Jolly Green Goji OG Giants (That’s JGGOGG!) this recent grow! I was pleasantly surprised to have pulled almost 200 good-looking, dark, hard beans in an hour or two of pickin’. And there’s still a few more branches to go before the top cola! I think we had about 180 in the bags hanging in the tent already!

Again, unfortunately my fingers are so blistered from trying to rub off the finger hash from the other night’s seed cleaning I can’t even try to collect this…bad part is the alcohol is gonna sting anyway! :joy: I was pulling dead bromeliad leaves off of the bottoms of plants in a landscape feature and got ‘nailed’ (not sure if bite/sting/?) on the top knuckle of my right thumb! Had to walk around pointing at the sky until I could get some antihistamines! :rofl: Still fkn sore as Hell! (It’s the ‘other’ thumb"!!)

Sad to see one of the Thai x Vietnam Black get hit by budrot today. On the plus side, it seems to self isolate to one or two buds which because they are so ‘open’ are easy to see. Learning w/Sativa’s!

And finally, popped the dome and all the clones are looking just fine again!
Welcome (back) home again gang!



Lazy Sunday… did a bit of transplanting and checking for sex markers. I’ll probably drive Bob of BBP crazy with my switching of plans, but today I decided to do some HST/LST on a lot of the 5 gallon gals. Been trying to take clones of the primary growth and trim off almost all under-story growth to lessen hiding places for the bugs. I’d like to try to make a shitload of candelabra-type plants that are ONLY top colas.

I’m playing with the idea of starting this uP as a new thread…maybe “The G®o with the Flow Grow” ! I told my crew, you know I’m fkn nuts planting this much just going into monsoon season
again…but this time NO STRESS! I have more than my share of stress going on right now and the whole point of these grows is to LESSEN my stress levels, not increase them. Since my bean popping addiction clearly isn’t gonna be the thing that gives up first, it might as well be the ‘getting stressed’ part that goes out the window! If it molds - cut and burn it! If it’s looking too weak - cut it and burn it! Don’t want to trim it - make RSO! :crazy_face:

So, in the interest of ‘Bro-Science’, I give you my newest ‘creations-in-the-works’! Plant Bondage 101! I tried out these ‘benders’ last year and found them useful as long as you remove them within 1-2 days. Otherwise the stem gets too thick to get out afterwards and they’re hard to snap with pliers without damaging the plant. There’s some really cool ones that snap 2 parts together, making it easy to remove…but…

I only did a couple/three of the Jag x Honduras plants this way, and 2 females are already starting to flower out so they’ll stay ‘entire’.

Couple more new trays comin’ along…gonna get their first BBP tonight!

My housekeeper brought me a vase of the slender-trupeted Dohn Bpeep flowers for my desk this morning! They’ve got a scent that’s really hard to describe - kinda like the ‘ocean breeze’ scent fabric conditioners try to emulate! Wish we had scratch n’ sniff!

Last couple of 5 &10 gallon airpots are finally showing signs of the roots colonizing the entire pot! This from one of the Black Skunks.

Oh, and took 2 more Malana cuttings and 2 more of @CADMAN 's #77 Specials!

Okay, just back for a bite to eat and then it’s back to Goji Bean collecting and BBP treatments! Have a fantastic weekend everybody!

EDIT: It’s been absolutely down-pouring for the last hour now! I cut one big “unknown” plant this morning thinking to myself, “If it rains again, this one’ll be toast”! :rofl: Wishing I’d taken a few more now!


I like the “no stress” idea. Gonna try that.


Well, it’s all great in ‘theory’, let’s see how the ‘practice’ actually goes! :joy:
Downpour just let up so I’m off to check the damage and fire up the gas-powered leaf blower…unless it looks like more on the way? Then mist down all the girls w/BBP for sunset! Thanks once again for turning me on to this wonder juice!



Okay, rains were torrential, but only for an hour! Stlll, by sunset I knew a few wouldn’t make it to morning if we get another dump like that again. So I took down the top half of the Thai x VN Black seeded with Goji OG. Been picking seeds for an coupe hours now. Guess M.Nature wanted to test me on my “Stress-free” plan! @slain

The ‘benders’ are hanging in there. Gave everybody another shot of Bud Buster Pro tonight, I believe that’s the 5th time now. The growth on these girls is amazing me! Of course with my new change of plans and the candelabra shaping HST/LST it is gonna take 'em a couple weeks (I think?) to catch their stride!

Okay, gotta get ready for another week! Enjoy your weekend!



Can I ask was the goji OG from the fall box seed giveaway? @Tappy was inquiring

1 Like

Yo @ShiskaberrySavior ! The Goji OG came in from two different sources, I’m afraid they would have to tell us the origin stories. One batch was gifted to me by @misterbee and the other was from @CADMAN . I don’t know which it was that provided the male and female used in seed-making. I try to take the males uP the mountain and stash 'em away until I can collect enough pollen for my use. I took the best looking male Goji and pollinated the best (in my opinion) female. Now I’m not an OG-Pro at seed making, just a rookie pollen-chucker here! So there’s always a chance I botched it, but every Goji OG grown from those seeds has been 30-50% larger than any Goji OG I have every grown before! So since I had three of the Thai x VN Blacks, one got seeded to make F2’s, one got 2 branches seeded with Goji OG and the third got left alone!

Just finished up pluckin’ seeds from the (T x VNB) x Goji OG. Looks like we got a little over 400 beans! Not a huge haul compared to many around here…but I’ll bet it’ll make a whole lotta growers smile over here in Thailand!



I do believe BOTH Goji OGs came from the same original source, OG’s own @50State. Glad to see you’re OverGrowing your part of the world. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I know my originals all came from 50
State :slight_smile: sunshine daydream, orange goji, orange sunshine


Well, thanks for the lineage search guys, that’s more than I’ve ever known about them!

HUGE :pray: to @50State @misterbee and @CADMAN (and pretty much everybody on OG! :joy:)

These have been the most fun Outdoor Goji’s I’ve grown! Don’t know if I somehow got something ‘else’ in there at pollination, but the size/height of these has been amazing! I really kind of doubt that I could have cross pollinated with anything else…The G. OG male was up the mountain w/a few other male plants, so guess there’s a slight chance that ‘some’ other pollen ‘could’ have gotten onto the Goji male flowers, but it would be a very looong shot! And the progeny have been fairly consistent so far, which makes it harder for me to believe it was a cross-pollination - but WTF do I know? I’m just a happy (and stoned!) pollen-chucker :rofl:

Most all of them came out really tall with nice, fat nug-buds and massive top colas. Unfortunately they are so tall that it requires the fruit-picking ladder to get up to see the tops and hence I missed a few mold spots and should have chopped a day or two earlier. I’ve been asking people on OG about the “average size” of their Goji OG’s (in 10 gal pots) …most responses have said about 6-7 feet. These have been about 9-12’. The plants look "lanky’ with good stems and branching, but w/heavy defol to combat the high humidity levels (and rains) they looked pretty sparse except for the top buds. That worked to our advantage as there wasn’t as much leaf to hold water in the buds. We use 3 meter steel rebar rods pushed into the ground 50-100 cm. and/or 2 meter pre-welded steel road-mesh “tomato cages” raised up on steel rebars to provide support, and it was needed for these. The weight of the nugs would have pulled the buds right down to the ground if not supported.

After those last plants,I’ll DEFINITELY be growing these again! Oh… I AM already growing these again already! :joy: Have to check my notes, but somebody was mentioning the Orange Goji in a thread last week and I thought it was an amazing looking plant…might have to try those soon too!

Thanks again to EVERYBODY involved! OGTW!
