First Time (growing legal that is)!

Well, it rained…more…
Remember…NO STRESS!


And the flip-side - The Beast…

We spent a few hours pluckin’ yellow fans and moldy buds. Sounds like we have a plan organized for this afternoon’s takedown match! Gotta empty most of the tent (massive job!), chop anything dry enough down to fit the pizza boxes (By the way, they were another GREAT DIY product!), move all last night’s plants into the tent from in front of the fans where they’ve been hanging since I finished trimming at 2 am last night! :flushed: (Remember…NO STRESS! :rofl:)

On a better note, this Unknown late-sprouter has turned out pretty nice! It looks to be 85% top cola and LARF from a distance, but up close I’m liking what I’m seeing! Camera did a shitty job of capturing it (NOT the photographer of course!). Buds are small, dense and very ‘chocolatey’ looking!
This one’s ‘on-the-fence’ as to getting taken down tonight. Even w/so much Sativa in it, whatever else is in there, it had really compact bud structure! I’m afraid to let the mold-get-a-hold! :angry:

The Lemons were taking up too much valuable space, so about half got moved to a temporary new home. @JohnnyPotseeds One & Done, now that I’ve worked out my ‘bugs’ is kickin’ ass! And so relatively cheap to make that I can use my 20 liter backpack fogger to distribute it! AND…“Wait There’s more”… it works with Bud Buster Pro! :crazy_face: @BudBusterPro The knock-down on the bugs, and the problems they vectored to the Lemons, is astounding! Of course them all getting a top-dress of worm castings and a drip emitter didn’t hurt either!

@ShiskaberrySavior @misterbee @Tappy @50State @CADMAN
Finally, here’s one of those Goji OG Tall gals I was talking about earlier;

Damn, lunch hour’s over…already??? Grove Bag Time! Then tons of 5 gals to move from E&F to the top greenhouse this afternoon before the chop commences! Say a little prayer to hold off the rains please! :pray: Remember…NO STRESS!!! :crazy_face:



With beans as good as get given here on OG, who cares what it’s ‘name’ was! :rofl: Another of the late-sprouters from the tray-dumps. Seems there’s always a couple ‘killers’ without a name every time! :crazy_face: Damn, right -click 'open in a new tab, then click the magnifier on these two! Anybody recognize their OG kids? :rofl:

These Original Hazes have been fun, and they probably ran out of steam based upon me fucking up on feeding them (I didn’t…feed them that is! :relaxed: But now they are kinda nuts! I’d need a boxcar for storing a couple kilos of this stuff!

Turning the tables…swithched everything up today, moved a bunch (all) the 5 gallons up to the other green house and moved most of these in under the lights…for whatever good it might do for a few days?

@Slain Look at this beauty! She hopefully has a twin sister too Wanna double date? (Think these are both SEA mix #2)

Liking the rounded leaves on these Seed City Seed freebies. Hope they grow better tan the ones I paid for! :crazy_face:

Porch tonight when I got home! Remember Tlander…NO STRESS! 555! :rofl:
(W/homage to BOG for the vacuum cleaner photo-bomb!)

Pizza boxes…I kid you NOT! Fantastic, cheap drying technology! Even better if comes w/pizza! Get the ones w/the ‘smell-slots’ on the edge!

The flip-side of the room!

Another shot of the “Unknown” chocolate-budlet plant

How’d this get here again? Oh well! The temp holding ground for 20 or so of the Lemon trees.

Random bromeliads

Now this is cool, but really hard to see against the background…this is the final ‘trim-on-the-bush’ session! On the left half (Ladder left) is the hard-to-see bud-trimmed Original Haze “Cousin IT”, while on the right IT’s still got a trim to go.

It’s always lurking…

NO STRESS! there’s always Goji! :rofl:

We’ve hit the ‘re-set’ button up top! It’ll be full before you know it. Front 6 are Freaky Buddha’s with LST/HST. Back rows; 5 or 6 are Malana’s (of which I’m finding there a quite a few more around here!)

All the “Candelabra” efforts will end up in here…I think?

Random Nepenthes rafflesiana pitcher

:crazy_face: :crazy_face: Damn, that took a lot longer than normal…what did I smoke???



Thanks again Brother


Man that unknown does look good

1 Like

More overcast, showery weather again, gave us time to move more 5 galloner’s up to the greenhouse.It’s a bit frightening to see all these plants subjected to this bondage fetish after they had such a healthy start! But give 'em a week or two and you won’t recognize 'em!

In keeping with the NO STRESS plan, we had to take down another seven whole or partial plants today. Here’s the one Unknown I’m calling the “Chocolate Drop”. Not a whole lotta weight but looks pretty tasty!

A few girls hiding out under the roof

Most people would probably use the bed of their truck to haul things…think different! :rofl:

Hard to see where you’re going though!

Oh boy, somebody’s gonna be doing trim-jail time!

Luckily, my staff showed up with these the other day! And I picked up another 20 pizza boxes! :rofl:



Yummy, yummy, as always.


I remember a story of a bus full of Thai grandma’s workers that went from harvest places to another and trim :scissors:, guess it was in the U.S.A. but you would need two buses full of them … :sweat_smile:


Okay, too cool…well…too hot actually! Just found a story on the guy who has been awarded a Guinness Record for the hottest chili! Guinness World Records declares Pepper X as world’s new hottest chili pepper.

Love the caption - "Pepper X is grown by Ed Currie, founder of Puckerbutt Pepper Company in South Carolina. " :rofl:


On with the show…

Moved a couple more 5 gallon airpot plants to the upper greenhouse today. Starting to fill up! The other half of the room is gonna be 1 & 3 gallon airpots, but I’m letting them hang under the lights a few more days.

My buddy looked at this picture and said, “Nice Bud-barn”! I enjoyed my lunch-hour nap, but had to keep opening my eyes to look again! :crazy_face:

@ShiskaberrySavior @GMan @Oldtimerunderground

Highlight of the day was mail call! Got, not one, not two, but Three cards from OG’er’s on the same day! And What a HAUL!!! You guys are the Greatest! :pray: :pray: :pray:

Looks like one card had some damage on both top and bottom of the envelope…appears like it got wet and ‘soft’, but they bagged it up with the Orange Goji still safely tucked inside!

This is pretty WILD timing! I have just about finished up with the last grow. There’s probably a dozen plants or half-plants left standing…the drying tent is full, my living room is full, my neighbor’s house is full, I’ve been delivering “Pizza’s” around the island (my new-found love of wholesale pizza boxes for drying buds and delivering them to the trimmers is working out great! :crazy_face: :crazy_face:).

Anyway, since everything is winding down I should be able to chill for a bit…but this is T’lander we’re talkin’ about, and you know how :crazy_face: he is! So there’s a couple greenhouses full of amazing beans already a month old and now these drop in my lap! :rofl: Any other year, I’d say no problem, next season…but with the Cancerous sword of Damocles hanging by a thread over my head this year I’m gonna have to just say, “Fuck It!” What’s another greenhouse full? :rofl: Thanks again you guys…I think! :upside_down_face:

So, seeing as you three guys were so damn cool about sending me beans that all arrived together today…and since they got here so fast…and since I’ve just been ‘Puckin’ around" all afternoon…I’d like to ask you each to DM me w/your deet’s…and a hint on whether you’ll be doing indoor or outdoor! What goes around (or some facsimile) comes around! :rofl: I’m s-l-o-w at getting to the PO, but I DO get there eventually! OGTW!

Have a GREAT day everybody!

Edit: Damn! Midnite…again!!! 555!

Got a few more in the tent and a whole bunch more pizza boxes filled (forgot to take a picture of what’s becoming the Berlin Wall of pizza boxes! :rofl: But man, they are handy when schedules get tight!

Remember that lumpy Lemon Skunk plant?

Finished up the night loadin’ a few more pucks & tubes!



Tl, it warms my heart to see such a great steward to the plant! All that seed your making and sending out, you’re a true Plant Sheppard! Shine on!!


Beautiful harvest, many hands make light work. Some stinky pizza that for sure :pizza:


Looks like some interesting seeds you have . Halloween treats it reminds me of .trick or treat. Your pizza buds are looking good.


Yobro, it all comes down to the great OG’ers around here like you that have kept me ‘supplied’ and ‘inspired’! I cannot possibly explain to you all how much your gifts mean to me! Were it not for the madness I have spun myself by planting soooo many beans around here, I’d be wound up tighter than a spring worrying about the Cancer! As it is, I don’t have ANY time to sit around and worry! Truth be told, with the quantities of RSO I’m eating, the hardest part is remembering WTF I was trying to do! :crazy_face:

555! Just placed an order for another 100 open-centered pucks! Yahoooo!



Is important to have the head occupied or at least in the clouds :sweat_smile:

Sorry to hear your affliction, your latest posts had me suspecting, but I did not want to importunate.

Now it is clear to me what could be the cause of that accident in your truck… :rofl:

Have a nice day!


Well, it was a “Ketchup Day” here yesterday! Moving more plants, re-amending LS mix, checking drip lines, and generally playing catch uP!

@Mr.Sparkle @ix3u @Bobgrows
My local 3D printer-guy met me with a sample batch yesterday…he printed me @Mr.Sparkle 's 8-puck loader and 4x open-cell and 4x 10-cell pucks…I pick up the other 92 tomorrow! This/these are 100% made with recycled PET water bottles from the beaches of Thailand! :rofl:

The guy is a engineer from Europe that retired here long ago…runs a NGO in Brazil helping schools turn used water bottles into 3D printing line. He showed me a bunch of (well-produced) videos on the machine he created and is trying to spread around the World (He’s NOT into it for the $)! Pretty cool…if pretty s-l-o-w process, made with parts he 3D printed and turns most of a 1.5 liter water bottle into line in about 8 minutes! He’s working (constantly) to improve the design and ramp up production. Think he had 3 of them running in series yesterday.

He sent me the ‘link’ to his site if any of you 3D printer people are interested in the idea?
(Redirecting...) and YouTube Channel;

Okay, got a late start today and an acupuncture appointment (and another Post Office visit!) comin’ uP and still haven’t done my rounds so that’s it for now guys, hope you have a fantastic day/night!



Very cool puck holder, even cooler it was made from recycled bottles


That’s outstanding!! The plastic that lines so many beautiful beaches can be “harvested” and reused. Beautiful! I hope this takes off and doesn’t get suppressed.


That’s sick dude! I’ve looked into making a “bottle recycling” jig! Most are made from an old 3d printer, which I happen to have sitting around.

Also, mrsparlkes prints are :ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2:


Thought you guys & Gals might find that interesting! Ideas like this deserve the small amount of energy it takes to put them into the right hands…spread the word!

The guy is very open to helping people (hence his printing pucks for me when he doesn’t do ‘production’ jobs). Feel free to reach out to him with any questions…I get the feeling he wants to share this as widely as possible and I told him I had a small, but very unique, set of friends who would probably be very interested! He’s not a grower, but he’s aware what they’re for!



Well, all I can say is;

Today was yet another remarkable day! First off, my 3D printer buddy knocked out the rest of my 100 pucks and 2 loaders for me! We met up for a hand-off (I moved the location to an Ag-supply store just down the road from the previous accident site - 2 entrances and no nearby intersection! :rofl:) Between trim jail and bean counting, I think I know what I’m gonna be doing for a while! The OG’ers around here really inspired me with their seed-making, and I feel blessed by all the good will shared around here, especially since it ALL gives me an opportunity to make more free beans to give back to the local growers here! :pray: :pray: :pray:

So, right now in celebration, first one to answer correctly gets a puck of LSD x Blue Sunshine F2’s! They’ve been 3 weeks drying in the tent and it’ll be another 3 before they get to you! No germination test done yet except a quick 10, out of which I got 7 uP!

Q: What application # of BudBusterPro do “I” think I will be applying to the plants this coming Sunday? GO!

Continuing with the events of the day, I dropped off another stack of pizza boxes for the trimmers and ran into a friend who said, “Perfect, I just happen to have the gel-capsule filling machine/rig I told you about in my truck!” I’ve been going crazy having to come home every 3 hours to dose out RSO when all I want to do is keep planting! This is gonna be a life-changer! Pic’s will definitely follow! :upside_down_face:

Finished up my acupuncture session, which went well but which went past waaaay too fast! I think the Doc needs to rent a multi-room space so patients can just lay around for an hour afterwards! Picked up another truckload of rice straw for mulching down the 200 kilos of cardboard the guys laid out this morning. Got a few more girls moved to the upper greenhouse and sorted out the remaining ones in Monsoon hut, put in the new light hangers (well, one anyway!) so I could adjust heights to the plants.

The Original Haze looks to be ‘done’. Not seeing much in the way of new pistils and seeing occasional small patches of isolated mold, so the time is near! We’ve been pulling fans for a couple weeks now and they look almost trimmed already! Probably tomorrow or Saturday. (Whooops - tomorrow IS Saturday here!) Tent, de-hum and portable AC units are finally functioning consistently (likely because I’ve finally stopped stuffing wet plants in there every single day! :rofl: Next month’s electric bill is gonna be a killer though! :sob:

Starting to find a bunch of early males poppin’ on the next batch. 2x Fighting Buddha, 4x Malana, 2 or 3 x Jag x Honduras and one or two more. My mountaintop hideaway is gonna be occupied w/guests for a while now and I don’t want to cause any commotion, so I’m gonna have to both reduce male numbers and pick a new spot for 'em.

Now, in the interest of Bro-Science… 555! I had a short run of shitty germination lately. Discovered that it was nematodes in my seedling mix that were causing the problems. But I also just had 2 or 3 strains where I got “ZERO” germination (Not even a root-tip pop in soak!) and both times I got belated messages saying they should be lightly sanded. Now I have a cigar tube with a piece of rolled up sandpaper inside that I use ‘when I know to expect difficulties’, but this time I decided to just very lightly draw a fingernail file across the ridge of each seed (2 sides) with 5 light draws. No pressure downwards on the seed, just dragging across. Today while still early, at 19 hours after they went in, here’s what I see;

Lemon Thai - 6/8 (EDIT; 10 pm 8/8!)

Orange Goji - 3/5 (EDIT; 10 pm 4/5!)

Goji f2 x Lemon Thai 4/5 (EDIT; 10 pm 5/5!)

Oaxaca x Lemon Thai 3/5 (EDIT; 10 pm 4/5!)

So at the very least, it doesn’t appear to have ‘hurt’ anything! :joy:

Okay, gotta get on to sterilizing some seedling mix and cappin’ some RSO! Hope you, too, have a remarkable day everybody!



It will be your 6th application I think?