First Time (growing legal that is)!

WINNER! Well, we both think so anyway! Send me a PrivNote w/your deet’s bro!



Thanks @Tlander !
I’ve heard and seen about LSD x Blue sunshine and would love to try it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Privnote on the way.


I really enjoyed growing them and hope you do too! Pretty much the biggest colas of the season, from start to finish! Things got crazy around here and I didn’t note the date of first flowering on the tags, so have no idea how long they flowered for. Whatever it was, they could have gone 2 more weeks if it was in a drier climate! I tried a little freshly-dried/uncured and it was trippy! But I’m gonna hold off and let 'em sit in their Grove Bags a while. Your beans will head out after the holidays here on Tuesday! First new ‘recycled bottle’ puck to go! Yahooo! Good luck with them bro!



Awesome! I’m happy to be the first tester for your new pucks. That envelope has a long trip ahead of it.
I’ll let you know when it hits my mailbox. :v:


I’m ALWAYS poppin’ some more beans around here and, like everyone I suppose, I get some ‘good’ batches and some ‘bad’ batches. I’ve tried worm castings ( :+1:), water soaks, water & hydro Peroxide, cracking, sanding, zip-locs…you name it! Here’s my latest results w/float-tech!

Now, in the interest of Bro-Science… 555! I had a short run of shitty germination lately. Discovered that it was nematodes in my seedling mix that were causing the problems. But I also just had 2 or 3 strains where I got “ZERO” germination (Not even a root-tip pop in soak!) and both times I got belated messages saying they should have been lightly sanded. Now I have a cigar tube with a piece of rolled up sandpaper inside that I use ‘when I know to expect difficulties’, but this time I decided to just very lightly draw a fingernail file across the ridge of each seed (2 sides) with 5 light draws. No pressure downwards on the seed, just dragging across. These were soaked by dropping onto the surface of the 45 ml. h2O & .5 ml. of 6% hydrogen peroxide. After 24 hours, I ‘sink’ the seeds, pour off the water, decanting it 3 times. The third wash (50 ml.)stays on the seeds with no additional H.P. added. At 19 hours after they went in, here’s what I see (and updates at 30 hours);

Lemon Thai - 6 of 8 (EDIT; 6 am (30 hrs.) 8/8!)

Orange Goji - 3/5 (EDIT; 6 am 5/5!)

Goji f2 x Lemon Thai 4/5 (EDIT; 6 am 5/5!)

Oaxaca x Lemon Thai 3/5 (EDIT; 6 am 4/5!)

UPDATE: 6 am = 22 out of 23 germinated w/tails and headed for the plug trays! Good enough for this non-governmental work!!! :heart_eyes: So at the very least, it doesn’t appear to have ‘hurt’ anything! :joy:

And this concludes our test of the Emergency Germination System, we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming!



Your method seems to be working. :+1:
Experimenting and trying new things is the way.
I know that when I stumble upon something that actually works, it’s a great feeling.


Haa, haa, haa! Yep, it’s a nice feeling when things go ‘right’! I’m just over-the-moon with the events of the last few days around here! One BIG mishap - the Cloner! Auuggghhh! I should have misted the whole thing down with hypoclorious acid when I saw the first signs of stem rot. Oh well, remember… NO STRESS Tlander! :joy: There’s gonna be more than enough clones to take again very soon!

I gotta run down to do my rounds but should be back in a couple hours to check in…meanwhile…
Let’s do another GIVEAWAY! :partying_face:

For a puck full o’ my weird-ass Goji OG Giants f2’ed from @misterbee and @CADMAN 's originals;
How old are my foreman’s oldest AND youngest sons (2 boys)? Good luck! Arnold & I’ll be back!



28/15 it’s just a clue


Haa, haa, haa That’s great guesses! Just not the right 2! :joy:
Keep tryin’! Let’s make it easier, everybody gets 2 shots at it!


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How olds the Foreman?

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46! plus 10 char


30 and 15 for my second guess.

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23 ad 18 for me.

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16 and 14. Ten chars

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10/5 for me

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Ummm … Perhaps… 19 and 17?

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15 and 13 second guess.

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Second guess… 12 and 5 years

I don’t know if the one in the pic is the oldest or youngest… … 555

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Second guess is 16 and 12

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555! This appears harder than I thought it would be! One of you has got the older one right! :joy: And two of you have gotten real close on the younger one! Tell ya what, let’s make it 3 guesses each (for now!) :crazy_face: Hint: there’s a pic of the younger one watching the huge beetle larvae I was harvesting from the compost! Good Luck!
