First Time (growing legal that is)!

Yep, but his hat blew off somewhere along the ride!


Lazy Sunday! Spent over half the day here on OG, finally got out of the house and down to the gardens by mid-afternoon. Did a bit more transplanting, a lot more sexing, a bit more pinching and bending. Starting to get the first flush of males… a couple of each strain it looks like so far. Fine with me, I have seed-making plans for my buddies, but I’m constrained as to how many males I can safely keep. My mountaintop hideaway is gonna be occupied by guests for a while, so need to sort out something/where else.

The Bondage fetish party is still going strong! While they still all look horribly abused, I’m starting to see the beginnings of the envisioned candelabra forms coming along. Wish I had another dozen of those blue ‘benders’! As it is, I only use 'em for 1-2 days and then switch 'em to somewhere else… they have to come off or they never will!





I tried out the gel-capsule filling apparatus today…when using RSO as filler, the capsule-‘holder’ isn’t really necessary as I need to be able to see how much I have put in. But even filling them one-at-a-time w/a syringe it didn’t take that long and now I can finally just carry them around with me instead of going through such an ordeal every 3 hours! Yahooo!

Being Sunday, it was Bud Buster Pro evening. All the young plants got treated and I just have about 10 more seedlings in the rack to do before lights out. Grabbed another 20 pizza boxes for the trimmers! The first of the Lemon Thai @GMan beans have started to pop, as have another batch of those crazy big Goji OG’s!

Well, if I can get my shit together, I think I’m gonna splurge and go get a 2 hour foot massage!
:foot: :foot: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Have a great weekend you guys!



Beautiful, as always. Things look to be rocking.


Today was a Nat’l Holiday here, so a little more catchup time!

Sorted plants in Monsoon Hut again in the morning, little more transplanting, shifting to fit the lights and toppin’ up the rice hull mulch.

Up in the upper greenhouse/ which I’m renaming “The Fetish Palace!” the “Bond-age Girls” are comin’ along! These are surely gonna be some very oddly-formed plants, but I’m looking forward to some more ‘manageable-sized’ plants! Monsoon IS comin’! :diving_mask:

We had a bunch of boys showin’ their stuff today. I gotta make some hard decisions tonight on a lot of things I haven’t ever seen in flower yet! :sob: Think the front two are Malana’s, bk lft is Freaky Buddha, middle bk is Ethos Super Haze (or Silver Haze??? Gotta look at the tag!), bk rt. is Melonaide x ? …m’be Temple Flow? There’s 4 more in the driveway and one up the mountain still! Tomorrow morning it’s curtains for the majority of them I’m afraid…way too many w/way too much at risk! But…there WILL be beans! :partying_face:

Freaky Buddha’s @THCeed

Some of the various Jag x Honduras @Mithridate

@GMan Startin’ to poP! :pray: (Along with some Orange Goji & some Oaxacan x Lemon Thai!)

I never did make it for that foot massage last night…maybe tonight???



Damn, sorry about the males.

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Me too! Any other time it wouldn’t be a big bother, but right now it’s quite a hassle to have to deal with. I’m probably making it more of a problem than it needs to be…just pick up the clippers in the morning and go to work! I’ve been having such a blast making seed this year after being inspired by all the greats here on OG! Makes it hard to even cut males! Gonna put 1 M&Fm Jag x Honduras together somewhere and 1 Freaky Buddha M&Fm somewhere else…got a @CADMAN special plant that needs to get dusted and happen to have a male that’ll be dropping in the morning. The Malana males (3, I believe) look strong with two having great stems and branching, might keep the strongest looking one around. Oh, and I MUST keep the male Ethos Super Haze to put out with at least one of the females.
:rofl: :crazy_face: :rofl:



Well, it was a massacre! Found 10 males on this morning’s rounds. I’ve stashed quite a few until they get a bit further along and I can choose who gets used.

Some of the"ALL-MALE" review for the donors.

A ‘keeper’ male to make some seeds for @Cadman

Likely getting the chop! @Kavman

“On-the-fence” ??? Will see what the girls look like. @Kavman

Also likely getting the chop! @CADMAN

Freaky Buddha male - one of a few to choose from! @THCeed

Definitely a ‘keeper’ - Got a couple females! @Jinglepot (Who it appears has dis-appeared’???)

Malana male @US3RNAM3

Probably the ‘keeper’ of the Malana males

Mixed up another 2 liter batch of One & Done spray and hit all the young un’s again. Drying tent seems to have stabilized again, only 4 ‘biggies’ left standing in the field… 555! and 6 crammed in under the roof of Monsoon Hut #2 in front of the Hurricane fans!

Back to work! :crazy_face:


What is in this?

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There’s only 6 ingredients and one of those is water! :rofl: I’ll DM you the file I made from JPS’s post of an anonymous benefactor’s recipe. It’s named the “One & Done”. All organic, simple list of stuff you can get on Amazon/Lazada if not elsewhere, easy to make (10 min for 2 liters concentrate this morning). I use it in my backpack fogger and spray EVERYTHING in sight! (My Application rate; 15.5 ml/l. h20 (High rate) = 155 ml/10 l. h20 in back-pac fogger 1/2-full) Knock the fuck out of em even in the ornamentals! I’m lovin’ what it’s doing for the Lemon Grove! Great stuff!



Stupid Stoner brain.
I was thinking of reversal spray.
Good day guys I am still interested in this.

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555! The “One& Done” is kinda like the Hypoclorious acid generator - Every grower should have one! (and a bottle of Bud Buster Pro!) :rofl:



Another day, another rainstorm! Well, 2 actually…so far! NO STRESS! This is the "Grow with the Flow Gro!

Launched another “Green Bean Bomb” at Koh Tao! The guys have been really cool about sending me their best seed from KD so this’ll give 'em plenty of OG material to test out! Think they got somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 beans of 9 different strains or hybrids! :crazy_face: and it’s ALL because of YOU OG! :pray: :pray: :pray:

Domino’s can’t touch that!! @misterbee

Meanwhile, back in Monsoon Hut, things are perkin’ up again after Sunday night’s BBP treatment. I’m heavily pinching back about half of the plants, but everything is gonna start flowering in the next week, I can just feel it coming! (Only labeled those I either remembered or were obvious - you can right click ->‘open in a new tab’ ->magnifier’ and read the tags if you really want to know! (it’s late!) :crazy_face: Probably pretty boring unless they’re from YOUR seeds! :joy:

Just had to test germination on these! Dried 1 month in the tent. @Greenfingers




Back up in the upper greenhouse, there’s a little more room after yankin’ all the males. It won’t last! :rofl:

And one of my BIG TIME favorites, White Ginger - most heavenly scent imaginable!


And a parting shot…(not mine!) …a reminder of the season!



Start off with a little bit of some 'other ’ flowers…

This tiny Orchid blossom goes off every year about this time just as the rains start. I’d have overlooked it this year but my phone sent me pictures from a year ago today, so I went and looked!

Hoya mindronensis - yellow form

And some more Male Cull/Call. Damn, been pulling a lot of males the last week. Got about 8 stashed, of which I’ll pick the best 4 to use and the rest will feed the chickens (along with the dozen they already ate this week!). Too bad, there were some nice looking candelabra forms coming up on a few of them.

Which reminds me…It appears that I lost half of the Orange Goji (6), 1/2 the Oaxaca x Lemon Thai (6) and 1/2 of the Lemon Thai (6) beans I put in the other night - fkn nematodes! Today I cooked a kilo of mix in the oven at 275 C for 15 minutes…hoping that’ll have fried the little fuckers! Will start more soaks!

@CADMAN Gonna use this tomorrow morning/afternoon on the female God’s Cookie and then he’s getting the chop. I’m only gonna get one shot at this, either it takes on the first go, or she’s a smoker bro!

@US3RNAM3 Cool looking striping on the stem of this Malana. It’s the only one that did it and they are all in the same mix. I lopped off the upper parts that were just to close to opening to give me a couple more days.

@Kavman Hope I’m not sorry when I see the females later, but this guys gotta go tomorrow too.

@THCeed I think there are 3 Freaky Buddha males now? At least one of the females is gonna get seeded out.

More Pizza!

Been stayin’ busy and puckin’ things uP a bit more in my spare time!

Okay, trim jail and pucks are a-callin’



Yeah man @Tlander hoping they survive the weather. I wish I could send you a cut of the Flo I have. It’s always the last one standing and is resilient to bud rot. Hopefully the temple Flo holds those traits for you.




I grew out some of @Budderton 's White Papaya x White Castle and they really frosted up nicely. I made a batch of seed and I’ve been wanting to test out the germination as a lot of them are lighter in color than what I’m used to seeing. All passed the hard squeeze test and feel good by weight…so I decided I just have to soak some and see! I had about 4-5 pucks worth of extra-gigantic beans from this last run so I popped 1 puck of 10.

Hope they all pop! @Budderton - There’s a special puck of these fatties just awaiting me to find a new source of cards and they’ll be on their way to you bro! :call_me_hand: (Remember our ‘watermelon’ discussion? It’s definitely open-centered pucks only for these beans! :crazy_face:

Almost clear enough to see the mainland.

Having to choose between males on who to keep around. It’s a bit nuts at the moment…I have 13 males in ‘holding’ patterns and have probably chopped another dozen already. These two were a pretty easy call! Mr. purple ribbon will see the sunrise tomorrow, his wingman crashes and burns!

Bummed to find that I hadn’t done the greatest job of checking on my Grove Bags…Probably through no fault of theirs, and likely just my rushed packing…the buds must have gone in still a little too high on the humidity level. Been okay for a while now, but that just meant we relaxed! Not all that bad (for the most part anyway)…can save a lot of it by making RSO. I actually had wanted to use the Black Creme Auto - String of Pearls green & purple phenos to make RSO because of how thick the tricomes were on it…then I thought, “No, gotta smoke some of that”…then Life got in the way! Moral of the story - ALWAYS smoke good weed as soon as you can! :rofl:

It was mostly all small bags meant to be taster-tester for myself!

On the uP side - the tent’s maintaining about 62% pretty well now. Really bummed with that seedling mix with the nematodes…looks like I’ve lost half of the 50% that actually germinated. I’ll test out the Wt. Papaya x Wt. Castle and if those germinate well in the newly ‘cooked’ seedling mix, I’ll soak the remaining Orange Goji, Lemon Thai and Lemon Thai x Goji.



Holy shit, those are some fat seeds!! They remind me of the first Afghan seed I got in the late 80s. In my minds eye, they were as big as orange seeds! Good luck with the germination TL! There should be some resin monsters in those. Did you age the seed out a bit?


Thanks bro! I hung them in paper bags in the drying tent for a month (to 6 weeks), pucked 'em uP and they’re now in the refrigerator. I did try some (like 10) of these fresh off the bush, but it was really bad germination at the time. I was just anxious to try 'em! :crazy_face:


More “KetchuP” around here… got a couple potential buyers for the nursery stock dropping by tomorrow for a look! So we have a ton of work ahead of us today moving some big quantities and massive palms into view…right as my favorite clients arrive for a couple weeks’ stay this afternoon!

Plus we’re in the midst of the male-flower first-bloom, requiring constant management. Pollinated the God’s Cookie yesterday and chopped the male. Today, if everybody’s ready, it’ll be Jag x Honduras and Fighting Buddha. The Malana is touch & go right now - there’s 2-3 males, 2 of which need to get chopped this morning. Then I’ve got figure out who else I have left to deal with…Ethos Super Lemon Haze and SE Asian mix are 2 I remember off-hand.

Found this little girl hiding out in the back

That Sandpaper Vine at my hay supplier is now going into full-bloom!

For those that thought I was joking about the Pizza Boxes.I wasn’t! I’d been having a hard time drying everything in the little 1.5m x 1.5m tent, even with the dehumidifier and AC running 24/7. There was just too much volume to fit. And every time we’d add a new plant levels soar. Now chopping big plants that are 60-80% dry and putting 'em in the cardboard boxes has saved the day!

They work GREAT! And it’s easy to deliver a whole stack to the trimmers!
Have a great day guys!



Got a quick on-arrival snapshot from the gang over on Koh Tao! Thumbs uP! Everything’s a GO!

Catchin’ my breath Day here…sorta! Long time friends and clients arrived today and we’ve been working for months to have their gardens and home in top shape! Their place can put a number of Botanical Gardens to shame! It was also another deal-with-the-males Day! Nobody else was quite ready today but I think I’ll be dusting one of the Jag x Honduras girls (the BIGGEST one!) and the Freaky Buddha tomorrow…and m’be the Ethos Super Lemon Haze? Pretty sure the @CADMAN 's God’s Cookies pollination took! It was a one-shot thing, the male has already gone through the chickens! Here’s (some of) the guy’s hanging out in the driveway. (Checked all these out again and thinned this down a bit more before sunset)

Now, I need advice! It looks to me like 2 or 3 of the Original Haze are either getting light from the E&F tables plants’ or they just are freaking over the photoperiod here right now! Either way, it looks to me like they are going into re-veg. Take a look and let me know. I’m wondering about trying to reveg 'em and then clone the hell out of them? Anybody ever do this with Hazes? (I’m sure somebody does it all the time, I just never have!).

And of course, I tripped again but it’s alright…the beans all ended up in cups! :rofl:
This in prep for a retry of the now (hopefully) sterilized seedling mix!

Have a great weekend!
