First Time (growing legal that is)!

You’re not gonna slow down at all, are you TL?!:grin:
Yeah, that Haze looks to be revegging. If you can, get it under lights on veg time, to help things along. Wait until the new growth is throwing 3 bladed leafs again, before you cut clones. And have a great weekend!!


Thanks bro! I’m kind of enjoying the lightened load right now…gave away a couple more big Haze plants that I didn’t think would ever amount to much…made a couple people’s days (and curry dinners!). Still a bit crazy w/all the males! I was shocked in the upper greenhouse to find it less that half full today! So, instead of being smart and seeing it as a sign to back off and relax a bit…I popped more beans into the soaks! :crazy_face:

I think it’s probably the lights on the E&F that’s causing the re-veg and I’m fine with it. There are 3-4 other plants still just flowering away beside them, but these three will become the next experiment! It’s not exactly like I’m running out of seeds or anything! :rofl: So might just leave 'em where they are on the ‘outside’ of the bug cloth walls - no need to bring 'em in and infect all the little ones! If they return to 3-claws I’ll give 'em a snip…otherwise the chickens always love a little snack!



555 and you said NO-STRESS…
If you follow along with this rythm you are going to need half thailand for the plants!. :rofl:
Well, it is good to be able to grow at your scale, and that helps have the brain entertained and occupied, but is a big job. Only thinking in trimming all that make my artritic hands hurt.

Keep the good work and take care of yourself. That’s the way.


@Tlander that’s a nice looking male God’s Cookies my friend :pray: much appreciated.

1 Like

Yobro! Well… he WAS a nice looking male! I took about 10 fully ripe male flowers off of him, put 'em in a tiny vial and dusted the entire female target plant with a likewise tiny paint brush top-to-bottom-and-back-uP again! Sunlight angle was just right for me to be able to see the little explosion of pollen grains off the tip of the brush. I could see multiple wilted, jagged-looking browning pistils by sunset tonight. We should get something from her! Meanwhile, the chickens thoroughly enjoyed meeting the male! :rofl:




Awesome stuff brother :clap: :raised_hands:

WoW! A FIRST - A day without a photograph! 555! Too busy, between hourly checks on the males, 6 clients stopping by for a ‘viewing’ for potentially buying out the nursery stock, and it being Bud Buster Pro Day! But managed to get it all done.

So, in honor of my using uP the last of my brand new 100 pieces of 3D printed pucks…Let’s do a GIVEAWAY!!! It’s late here already so I’ll throw this up and check it when I come down in the morning.

This’ll be a FAT PAC, let’s just say you better either have a really BIG tent or a lot of room outdoors, I was running out of pucks and decided to see how many beans I could fit in! This is for a six-puck-pac of strains I f2’ed over the last few months. Seeing as I already taped them face-down to the card I’m gonna have to just guess what I think I pucked uP!

Black Skunk f2
LPC x Cherry Punch
Shoreline x Doc’s OG f2
London Pound Cake f2
BOG Sour Strawberry f2
Mango Smile x Low Rider UV f2

Okay Vanna, for what’s behind curtain number three…
What is the Thai name for this structure found near most homes & businesses?

(Hint; it’s usually 3 compounded words but I’ll accept the one-word shorthand. But in THAI, not English! 555!)

Have a great day, I’ll be back to congratulate the winner in the morning!





Close, but no! That’s the place where the monks stay! But I didn’t put any limit on the number of guesses! :rofl:



San Phra phum



@Tuned bro! Congrats! You’re on a roll! I guess I’ll have to mail you the 2 cards a few days apart or they may start wondering at your post office! Then again, they’ll probably both end up on the same plane anyway! Hope you find lots of things of interest…I’ll pre-warn you though…start making up soil batches NOW! I kinda tripped and wouldn’t you know it, some ‘extra’ pucks fell right into the card with your winnings of the last giveaway! :joy: Now you hit the 6-pucker too!

It’s usually called “San Phra Phum” or just ‘San’. They are “Spirit Houses” and are a shrine to the protective Spirit of a place/location. There are various forms these take, depending on the Spirits involved.



Nice One @Tuned


I’d like to split this win with @MissinBissin if he’s up for it.
I’m pretty sure he’s in Canada as well. If you mail to me, I’ll send him his half.

Thanks for your generosity @Tlander


Well congrats to both of you then! Very OG @Tuned …If you haven’t already, check out @MissinBissin 's thread, he’s just about as crazy about planting beans as I am! But his plants come out waaay better than any of mine! :crazy_face:



Lol! I will check out his thread thanks.

Do you need my mailing deets?


Haa, haa, haa! No bro, I can just copy it off the other envelope sitting right here on my desk! :joy:


Ok good. If you need to stagger the mailing that’s cool. You don’t need a suspicious post office.
Thanks so much @Tlander I really appreciate the seeds.
And now you’ve got me reading up on spirit houses. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Oh @Tuned what a way to start the day Boss!

And really, there is “no way” I could say No Thank You, to your generosity !

I’ll send you a DM my Friend.
Thanks a Million


You’re welcome!
We’ll have to compare our “@Tlander” grow when we pop these seeds. :v:


Little more transplanting and HST/LST work. Slowly moving some of the older plants from the E&F table up to 5 gallon airpots in the upper greenhouse. With so many males lately, it was looking pretty sparse up there yesterday!

I’m slowly getting my beans sorted out…but a long way to go still! Figure getting even a few pucks out there will help lighten the load. Recognize your zip code? These will all fly out tomorrow! Good luck! I think we have pretty much pushed the limit on the number of beans to fit in a card with this one!

Got a bunch of young ‘uns comin’ along. Pretty boring…some are runts from earlier plantings, some just late poppers.

Still torturing the girls with the bondage gear. Just ordered another 160 clips of the 2-piece ones that allow you to remove them without damaging the plant stems. (Unlike many of the inferior ones.) The “One & Done” spray has seemingly knocked out the white flies!

One of the more rad bends!

Okay, busy day tomorrow! Probably won’t be able to post until late, if then. Have a great one!
