First Time (growing legal that is)!

Okay all you zip-coders, your beans are airborne!

It would appear that monsoon has announced its arrival in force! Last night’s lightning and thunder was the most amazing display I’ve seen/heard in my 66 years! The US term and mission name for their bombing campaign on N Vietnam was called “Rolling Thunder” and that’s what this sounded like! Eack clap was so intense and then it echoed in a way you could visualize it as moved on for miles and miles…each thunderclap would roll for 15-25 seconds getting farther and farther away. Just astounding to experience! I’ll admit it, a couple of those hits were so explosive I did worry about the house shifting on it’s foundation (as I tried to sleep in the loft in the highest point!)

Anyway, looks like a momentary break in the rains - gotta dash for a look before sunset!



Well, got caught up sorta…

First off, it looks to me like the pollen on the God’s Cookes took!

The Bond-age girls are still looking haggard! I promise I’ll stop torturing them soon. Starting to see the forms I’m looking for on a few now…but still…pretty haggard! :crazy_face:

Then there are a few I’ve just let do their own thing. Was thinking of taking clones but they’re already flowering.

The ‘Ladies-in-waiting’! About half of these have been pollinated already and the rest will hopefully be done by the end of the week…if the rains let up!

From the outside looking in at Monsoon Hut. A lot of these are gonna get topped and cloned.

Trying for an early night! Hope you all have a great day!


Another mostly monsoonish day over here. More transplanting out of the E&F tables and into the upper greenhouse to fill it back up after all the males got cleared out! Oh yeah, that reminds me…Pollinations; I decided to make this “Gro-With-The-Flow-No-Stress-Grow” a combo of test out my own seeds along with what for me has become an on-going saga of “Is this my LAST crop” of all the great things OG’ers have sent me to try out while I have time! :pray: :pray: :pray: So, I’ll try to make f2 seed from/on 1 or two of each strain people have sent me, if at all possible. (I’m learning that even I have limits! :crazy_face:)! So today was; Malana x Malana (x1 female), Freaky Buddha x Freaky Buddha (x2 females), Ethos - Super Lemon Haze x Super Lemon Haze. Tomorrow, if it’s not raining too hard, I’ll try to do; Fighting Buddha (2x males x1 female), (Widow Bush x Temple Flow) x (Widow Bush x Temple Flow) (number undecided) and @slain 's SE Asian Mix #2. Then I really hope one or two of the Jag x Honduras males starts popping balls open soon! There are at least 3 females starting to flower profusely now that I want to hit at least one of heavily to make Sat seeds for the Brotherhood! So, if I’m really lucky with the weather and the pollen, by tomorrow night there should only be Jag x Honduras males left standing…I think! :roll_eyes:

Ethos - Super Lemon Haze pollinated Nov.1;

Male #1


God’s Cookies pollination took! There weren’t many pistils available on such a young plant, but with so GD many males to juggle around here I gotta hit 'em once or twice say a prayer and chop the males quick! Pretty much a One & Done (w/a prayer) of seed-making! :rofl:

Now, on to The Re-Veg Project!
This is another Bro-Science project! Which basically means it just happened - so I’m gonna pay attention to what happens next! :crazy_face: These are now right up against the bug-net of monsoon hut and get the extra lights from inside…it’s not the same as being ‘under’ the lights but I can’t risk bringing in any, (let alone the number these must have on them!) bugs from outside now. I decided these buds are just too ‘larf’-ey to make anybody deal with them anyway! A few are ‘tagged’ seeded branches that we’ll just let run. So we’ll see. If they never go back to 3-fingers it’ll still be a successful Bro-Science project 'cause we’ll know NOT to do that again! :joy:

Few more seedlings poppin’ in the rack!

Managed to pass quite a few hours in the upper greenhouse doing something I think I vowed never to do again! INTENSIVE LST wire-training plants! I did it to half a crop last year and was blown away at just how w–i--d–e you can grow a single plant! :clown_face: In the end it was all a ‘wash’ due to early and intense monsoon, but boy it WAS fun! Afterward, with all the on-going downpours during harvest and massive composting of whole plants, I never did get to figure out whether the ‘natural/xmas tree’ shapes or the ‘HST/LST-shaped’ plants did better? But either way I realized I put in just tons & tons of hours at it over 3 months and it was just too much! But today, it was raining out anyway and after two weeks of everybody searching for it, the big roll of insulated wire was finally found! 555! Right where I put it 2 weeks ago in the drying tent! :crazy_face: (and, I’ll add, where I NEVER ONCE used it as intended anyway! :clown_face:

All that to say, my promise to back off on the plant bondage was all a ruse! They’re more tortured looking than ever now and though I’m embarrassed to say it, it turns me on to look at them! (pics in a few days when they settle in.)

Okay, I took a hit off a random joint sitting on my desk an hour ago and feel like I could go on here all night…seems like I barely scratched the surface of the day so far! But I actually DO have to get some more plants pollinated tonight before the rains kick back in! :diving_mask: :diving_mask: :diving_mask:
Take care everybody!

Hey, we broke a new airmail record! 12 days T’land to BC! :dizzy:



Great pics and plants.
I think you are having too much fun. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
But that is good :+1:


What an amount of work you have there!

Fighting against the monsoon, the humidity, the temps, what ambient tempetarures are you having there now?

Don’t stress yourself… Only the plants LST… 555


555! Thanks @Tuned & @Piter
It’s 73 degrees F (22.8 C.) and 90% humidity at 8:15pm now. Raining on and off.

We chopped 3 more big, but useless, plants today…just tired of worrying about them already! I think that only leaves the re-vegs and 2 or 3 smaller stragglers. The new crop is coming along nicely…they’re gonna be “weird”, mostly smallish, LST’ed plants but then again that suits me! Some have started flowering right in the E&F tables under 24/7 lights, some got plant-bondaged hard, which slowed them a week or two…many of those are flowering now but are still small enough that the buds won’t get so dense that they mold (hopefully) until after monsoon (if we’re lucky!)… I figured there’s time for a quick seed increase and to ‘get to know’ a few of these strains even if they won’t get a full-grow. Remember - I just gotta remember… this is the NO STRESS grow! :joy:



Yep, monsoon’s here! :diving_mask: :diving_mask: :diving_mask:

Found half-a-dozen pizza boxes with a mold outbreak! :sob: But it’s like 6 out of 27…and there’s an 8-level drying net bag full and a living room full with fans blowin’! And it’s pouring still! On the Good News front - my waterfall is flowing again!

Well, can say we definitely got pollination on the God’s Cookie! I’m stoked…it was a one & done shot at making the seed as I just had to get the male(s) outta here fast! Kind of playing Russian Roulette here with all these males around. So far it’s all looking good, except for needing the damn Jag x Honduras males to catch up! Got 2 more Fighting Buddha males down in the driveway, at least a day off from pollen. And one male Widow Bush x Temple Flow. The bathroom has the Slain’s SE Asian Mix #2’s, the front porch holds the Ethos - Super Lemon Haze, and there’s three or four more strains looking like they’ll flower male soon! Remember…NO STRESS T’Lander!!! :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

The Jag x Honduras females are all starting to go off, but the males are lagging behind! Can’t remember the last time that happened??? Cool little 4-branch node w/o any pinching;

The "bud"ie’s on Koh Tao sent over a little Thank-you gift for all the OG beans they’ve received the last few months! I’d dig seeing the same thing done for outdoor grows, but that’s just me! Beautiful photos, quick rundown on profiles of 100 strains.

Whoops - a break in the rains! Gotta run! Bye



Cool, got a couple hours in without getting soaked! Managed to do a 10-liter back-pack fogger tank of “One & Done” from @JohnnyPotseed 's thread of that name…figure it’s a ‘contact’ killer, so if it rains again in 10 minutes it really doesn’t matter too much…there’s not any residual action anyway. I’m really starting to like the stuff now. I’d say we’ve made 6 liters of concentrate and I’ve lost track of how many 10-liter back-pack fogger tanks I’ve sprayed. I’ve got a few acres of land full of nursery stock, so I spray EVERYTHING I can when I’m doing it. Stuff is cheap and easy to produce and it works! Thanks Johnny (and our anon benefactor!)

I’m starting to like the smell as well. I just walked back after spraying it in the nursery and wondering what was flowering! Stuff spreads well and the force of my fogger blows the leaves all over the place, so I get great coverage. I probably don’t need to spray as much as I do, tending to get runoff, but other than a slight sheen on he leaf surfaces for a few days. Now I’m also running Bud Buster Pro @BudBusterPro on most everything, so that complicates observations! :crazy_face: Here’s some ‘just-after-spraying’ shots;

Alternative “Pest Control” - a Nepenthes rafflesiana

Pitcher at pre-opening stage. Contents (digestive fluids) are already present inside the pitcher, 2 or 3 more days and it’ll pop open and start eatin’!


Random Bromeliad flower

Remember the Black Bat Lily pictures a while back?

I said I was starting to get some good sized ones now…

Some of the seed-grown palms along the driveway on my walk back home.

And that concludes our tour ladies and gentlemen! Sun just went down behind my back!



Beautiful :heart_eyes:
The pitcher plants are fascinating, amazing how plants evolve to live. They attract insects by scent yes? My father used to grow them in his sunroom attached to his house. Looked like the same variety that you have. :v:


Those plants are beautiful and wet, just the way I like it. :smirk:


Thunderstorms are so amazing to watch.

Heaven (for a week or two anyway), I’m in Heaven!!!

Not only did I get another 100 pucks, the printer threw in 20 “sub-standard” ones as a freebie. I can’t tell the difference myself!

2 more females pollinated, 4 more males gone! Fighting Buddha tonight…Widow Bush male is lagging…worst of all, the one Jag x Honduras male I set aside for breeding has now decided ‘his’ pronoun is “Her”!



Its amazing how their Sex’s can literally Hang-on the Fence for a Week.

Male … Female. Shit Male

They know your watching @Tlander


Not too bad today, started off rainy but dried up rather nicely. The guys decided it was time to swicth the plastic on the upper greenhouse today. It’s been pouring for days and this was the break they’d been waiting for!

We’re slowly filling her back up now that the males are all gone. The outside edges with the low roofs will hold the bondage girls and the center with the extra height can hold the ‘natural’ formed ones.

Since there was so much room after chuckin’ the males, I decided that this will be mostly 5-gallon airpots and the E&F tables will just get packed with 1 galloner’s. The Bondage girls are still lookin’ ragged, but they’ll come along soon. Starting to see the canopies forming on the LST’ed plants.

@THCeed (This is just one of the little late-starters. Another is already pollinated and forming seeds!)

@Kavman I ‘might’ get pollen off the male tomorrow?

@Mithridate Damn bro! My only male of the Jamaican Blue Mountain Jag x Honduras bunch decided to switch genders yesterday!!! There’s a few females already horny as hell! Holding out hope that one of the (Durban x Pangi) x (Durban x Appie) or one of the Seed City Seed Durban Poison’s is a male!

@US3RNAM3 One of many of these around here. I broke the stem of the branch on the left in a clumsy move! :roll_eyes: There are about half and half between LST’ed and ‘Natural’ form. The Natch ones are winning the race so far!

Gotta throw a couple of these in every time!

Some of the Goji OG monsters are gonna be “Twin Towers” format this time around!

Got another 35 seedlings in solo’s comin’ along in the rack. Hope to keep things moving out of the E&F tables so there’s room for all the 1 gallons early next week. If I can get everything set up, it doesn’t matter much if it’s monsooning, I can still transplant.

Tent is finally kickin’ ass on drying…Good thing - Just got a $250 electric bill for the last month! That’s been with both the dehumid & the AC running 24/7 in a 1.5 x 1.5 x2m tent. But managed to fill a bunch of 1 Lb Groves with buds from the giant 8-level net bud rack hanger…24 hours outta the pizza boxes and into the nets and done! Wish I’d remembered that it was just folded up around the corner of the tent…at ANY time in the last 2 months! :clown_face: We’ll see how it smells/tastes/smokes in a few weeks!

Managed to puck uP some more beans and even found half a dozen cards in a 7-11 store! Had to rip off the little foam pads they used to glue shit to the cards to make them “cute”, but they’ll work! :joy:

Alright, off to bed early! Hope ya’ll have a great day!



Your Crew did a Fantastic job, wrapping the Poly on the structure !!!
You have a Slick-Crew T


My foreman is worth his considerable weight in :dizzy:GOLD :dizzy: to me! As I get older now, the guy is like my younger brother I never had! He’s taken over the day-to-day landscape and nursery business and 50-60% of the growing/harvesting (I’ll add…just as I had planned!) and put up with ME for 23+ years now! :crazy_face:

Last time I had to do an around-the-island trip I came home to the same thing - nobody said anything but that evening when I went up to do a sunset check it was an all-new double-layered plastic roof! Yesterday I noticed and mentioned that the bunji-corded bag of gravel had pulled down the center of one side of the roof…but this evening I saw there’s also now a 1" PVC column support tied into the roof structure!

Yep, I’m very lucky to have the crew I do! :pray: :pray: :pray: Between them and the OG Crew here,
There’s no stoppin’ us! OGTW!!!



They are supposed to be fems, one might be shaky haha

Happened to me with on my skunk run, one male out of 140 plants… he looked solid but when I brought cuts inside they went switcheroo and grew all female :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:


Well today I think I see one (Durban Poison x Pangi) x (Durban Poison x Appie) that’s leaning male. The seed City Seed Durban Poisons both look to be female…so far. There’s also one of @slain 's SE Asian Mix #2 males that probably 2-3 days away? Seeing a fair number of “males” that we moved away to safety now switching back to full on female flowering. Can I trust them???

I hit the Ethos Super Lemon Haze w/pollen today, as well as the Widow Bush x Temple Flow and the Fighting Buddha! We took down the fully-seeded Goji OG that I had rigged uP MacGiver-style with sheets to catch errant seeds. I’m guessing we’ve pulled 500-1,000 beans off of her in the last month. I spent 15 minutes sifting dirt and leaves and who knows what else and only found 7 seeds on the sheets. Now, both my foreman and I each tried to spend 30 minutes-to-an hour a couple times a week squeezen’ 'em outta buds-on-the-bush for the past month. So it appears we didn’t miss many!

Got a few more plants from the E&F into 5 gallon airpots, started stocking up on pre-filled 1 gallon airpots for next weeks big transplant outta solo’s for the next wave. Thinking to can the hazes/goji’s/etc that have started to re-veg. Right now they’re just great big floppy bug/mold/fungus magnets hanging out in close proximity to the next gen while they re-veg. It’s a fun experiment… but it’s not like I really NEED the clones! :joy: Put in my daily time in “Puck-Jail” and got another batch loaded up.

Another gorgeous day up on the hill!

Yet another Hoya mindronensis bloomin’. This one a peach w/purple corolla’s.

Just cool flowers on my walk home!

My favorite White Gingers! What a scent!!!

Perhaps a bit scarily, it appears that “The Great Clean-out” may have begun! I’ve been threatening to start throwing stuff away for months now, (even had a backhoe dig a big pit in the nursery!) but it just never got started! Until today…I have not seen my actual physical desktop in 2 years! I KNOW it won’t last, but I took a picture to prove I actually DID do it! :joy:

Okay, more to get done! Thanks for droppin’ by!



You live in the Garden of Eden :hibiscus: :seedling: :palm_tree:, thanks for sharing it with us … beer3|nullxnull


Thanks @George …That “Garden of Eden” thing was one of my ‘earlier’ landscaping jobs back in my younger daze! :rofl: Unfortunately, the client didn’t like the snake!
