First Time (growing legal that is)!

It really is beautiful. I bet in real life it’s even more so. :+1:t2:


555! This pic, while hard to make out, reminds me of those pictures of the Chihuahua trying to hump the Great Dane! The two Fighting Buddha males reach up to about 1/3 the female’s height!


We’re starting to get some of the girls declaring themselves and one plant of each strain of the early ones has been pollinated and the males disposed of. I’m already kicking myself that I didn’t collect more pollen for future use, but it’s easy to say now that the pressure is off! These will likely all be smallish plants going straight into flowering, so seeding out a couple really young plants while there’s still only a handful of pistils available probably seems pretty stupid, but it was the only option I had! My mountaintop hideaway for males is ‘occupied’ with guests and there’s waaay too many females here so it was isolation, pollination, assassination as fast as I could! They will be little girls, but seeded little girls! The stuff OG’er’s have sent me is way too valuable to sit around in the refrigerator! :joy: :pray: :joy:

Here’s all (well, almost all) the pregnant girls lined up outside Monsoon Hut

Here’s a couple shots of one of the Malana that got seeded out @US3RNAM3 ;

And @CADMAN 's God’s Cookies seeded. Not that many, but he only needs a few!

@THCeed Female Freaky Buddha’s after pollination (too early to see anything!)
Thanks :pray: for these bro…I can just tell already! (See last 2 pics) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

A non-pollinated Freaky Buddha

One of the Jag x Honduras let grow natch’ form…still no male(s) in sight! Gonna have to be which ever Sativa male pops first… @slain 's SE Asian Mix or the Seed City Seed’s - Durban Poison or the most likely; (Durban x Pangi) x Durban x Appie) @Jimdoors (It’s looking like we’ll have 1 male and 2 females? If so, one will get seeded.)

Another female Malana @US3RNAM3

A few ‘other’ shots from today…

I’ve turned a whole bunch of Goji OG F2’s into Twin Towers forms this run. The cheap plastic ‘spreaders’ are BS! Things crack in sunlight after a week or less! But I have 160 of the much better 2-piece removable ones en-route…I hope they hurry! In the meantime, I’m doing big “X” supports like the one in the back left.

@US3RNAM3 There are a whole bunch of Malana’s scattered about around here! And in two very different ‘forms’ - one batch in bondage and the others let go straight up! (I may have to top them before long!)

The upper greenhouse is starting to shape up again. The extreme bondage is almost over (or so I keep teasing them anyway!) They all got BBP again tonight and we’ll hit 'em with a bit of upped nuets this week.

Some of the ones coming out of bondage trama!

A couple of the ‘natch’ ones in the high-centered part of the greenhouse

A couple more Nepenthes

The mobile Lemon Grove is just killing it! (This is about 1/3 of it) I’m too damn busy, but I need to find time to prune and stake them or they are gonna be out of control soon!

Well, it was also Bud Buster Pro @BudBusterPro evening and I’ve finally hit the point where I need to divide treatments up into 2 sessions! Got all the way home and remembered that I was gonna continue spraying the seeded girls to boost the seed quality…but I forgot! :roll_eyes: Oh well, from now on the preggnies get it on Monday nights! I still gotta spray all the little ones in the rack tonight…

Oh and I gotta plug-in the “Red Headed Hippie” beans I found that I stashed from @MissinBissin and @SativaKid ! They’ve been soakin’ about 36 hours and I see tails! I decided to use my ‘new found’ technique of lightly drawing a fingernail file across the ridge (both sides) with no pressure downwards. Then into the usual 50 ml. water & .5 ml hydrogen peroxide 6%. Last batch came in at 100% tails…these are lagging w/5 out of 12 cracked or showing tails so far. I’m gonna give 'em until morning.

Well, hope you all have a great weekend! It’s almost over over here already! :sob:



Incredible, Brother


Wow Thanks for that update @Tlander.

I’ve got two Lucky sets of Seeds running through a Playground in Thailand.

I say playground, You say Showtime!

Thanks for throwing that NRG of yours at the RED GSCookies & Fighting Buddahs.

Your going to have the @SativaKid dancing


Just putting this up here too (posted in the 3-D thread) for anybody that’s interested in “Benders”…

Yo @bluelizard ! Since you’re into it…figure I’ll drop another idea for you to look into! “Benders” - I bought some cheapies and some (of them) worked! But most self-destructed in about 4 days of sunshine. Round II: I just bought 2 different types, likewise cheap as can be! These look less destructive! The green ones are 2-pieces that snap together via a hex/octagon shape ball and socket…means you can remove them by pulling apart, rather than over-bending and snapping your stem.

To look at them it’s be a snap to 3D print! Don’t know if there’s already a template out there or not? Any other 3-D printers know anything about these, or similar?

I’ll report back after trying them out!


Well, the green ones take some ‘work’ to get set correctly. Neither they nor the black ones do what I want which is to spread the tops to the sides. Both of these new ones only can do one branch-bends. But seeing as they are ‘in-hand’ I went ahead and used a shitload of 'em! :crazy_face: There are a few of the old blue ones in some of the pics.

Did 2 Durban Poison’s in 3 gallon airpots which I removed the bottoms from and the sunk them into 5 gallon airpots to abot half their depth. More Bro Science! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Goji OG ‘Twin Towers’ form is gonna be BIG this season! I think we have 8-10 now and a bunch more comin’! These are f2 testers of the crazy big ones I grew last season. Germination was great, they tend to want to really stretch and so I’m now topping 'em much lower down. (These are the ones that taught me the lesson, not the lower topped ones!)

@Jimdoors Bro! It’s looking like I lucked out and might have one male and two females of the (DP x Pangi x (DP x Appie)! I’ve pulled one female and the male and put 'em in my driveway to cook for a few more days! Fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Did the Fighting Buddha pollination this morning and ditched the two males (used both). Then moved over to the other side of the hill and did the Widow Bush x Temple Flow and got a really good load of pollen and so I believe really good coverage of what few pistils the female had to offer…I hit them ALL three times! The @CADMAN 's God’s Cookies looks like it has a few more seeds than I thought a few days ago! Still can’t see anything on the 2 Freaky Buddha 's…oh, the one Malana has seed set! That’s another one I now wish I’d saved more pollen from…there are a load of females & I could have done more than just the one early one! Still waiting to see who is gonna play Sat-Daddy for the Jag x Honduras girls, they’re getting very horny!

We whacked 3 1/2 of the 5 remaining re-veg Hazes today. It was just too stressful having them hanging so close to the young ones. Haven’t figured out what to do with them…probably going in some local’s curry tomorrow night! The 1 & 1/2 are actually only the bottom 4-5 branches on two stumps! I don’t think the re-veg are gonna be worth the trouble myself! But I’ll let 'em run a couple more days as long as there’s no mold spread!

Gotta grab some food! See ya guys! Have a great week!



Glad you found a male looks like a nice one. My (durban x pangi) x (durban poison x appy) are at 9 weeks and look to need 1-3 weeks they all have the durban smell my favorite has the most stretch dense buds and best smells has some pink pistol too. My charging port for my phone went so no pics.


All good here, just too busy! I have an out of town visitor for a few days and some ‘wild times’ adventures that I’ll have to circle back w/stories on later! Just started dumping rain again at 7 am! Back in a day or two hopefully!



Raise hell and stay outta jail!!


@Tlander the moonson has landed! 10days to spain!!

Many thanks!!


Whaaaaahhhooo! That’s incredible! And GREAT news! I really hope you get something great out of those! What were they anyway? :joy: mm sure that I logged em, but with the state of my memory, I’m just too tired of looking it uP! :roll_eyes:

Good luck wityhh the, if you tell m what they are I’ll tell you what I know!



And I’m not even stoned! Excuse the typing errors and forgetting to check before hitting ‘send’! :roll_eyes:


They are Goji Og, LSDx blue sunshine, and white papaya x white castle!


Okay, how could I forget? :crazy_face:

Gogi OG’s - f2’s of plants from seeds from MisterBee and Cadman, I pollinated the ‘normal’ Goji OG plants and the next season they came out giants (Compared to any I’ve grown in the past, that is). I’ve put in a bunch more of these now and they are just about to start flowering. I suck at describing smells and highs, suffice to say I smoke this one a lot! Needed tall supports (like 3 meters!).

LSD x Blue Sunshine - These are f2’s from beans from Greenfingers. Can’t remember what I sent him, but he sent back these great beans and I’d seen an LSD plant and thought it worth trying, so these were a welcome unknown. They grew just fantastic, fairly large bushes, quite thick leaf, monster colas! Another of my ‘regular’ smokes. Surprisingly for their size and thickness, we didn’t have any mold problems with these.

WP x WC - These f2’s are from Budderton’s original beans. Soft-leaved, resin-covered buds of fun! Often gets sugar leaves that ‘taco’, rolling the leaf edges up, exposing the resin-covered veins of the leaf on the undersides. Budderton is BIG into hash making and I believe these were probably bred with that in mind! My f2’s didn’t have real good germination this time and I’d advise trying to divide some of them up into separate containers for soaking…a couple got that weird ‘jelly’ film around them in the soak in the first 24 hours.

AAAUUUGGHHH, Past midnite here again! Goodnight!



And happy weekend!


No worries/No Stress guys, I haven’t dropped dead! But my bluetooth connection has :roll_eyes:, and with the way I take pictures I just can’t see individually up/downloading them all! So a pretty quiet thread tonight (and a few days until I can sort out the computer.)
Stay well!



Well, sorted out the problem with the internet…sort of! The phone company says they know what the problem is…but it’s going to take 2 weeks to fix! Auuuggghhh! There’s not gonna be any ‘catchin up’ on the photos! :crazy_face:

Shot pics of the Maternity Ward today…we’ve got 10 females set aside, 8 of 'em pollinated and confirmed with seed set! Still hoping for a great Sativa male to use on the Jamaican Blue Mountain Jag x Honduras females. One of @Jimdoors ‘s (Durban Poison x Pangi) x (Durban Poison x Appie) is looking to be a male so I’ll use that on one of the females and if nothing else is ready I’ll use it on the Jag x Honduras too. Oh, and there are 2 Seed City Seed’s Durban Poison starting to pop and both look female! Spotted a late-bloomin’ male of the Ethos Super Lemon Haze and think got lucky and got one more late-blooming male Freaky Buddha from @THCeed so I’ll get another shot of hitting up one or two more of the females.

Okay gotta get some sleep. Hope I can figure out another way to access the internet more regularly soon!
Stay well everybody!



It’s always good to hear from you TL! We don’t need fancy pics! Just good to know you’re still around and doing it!


Thanks Buddy! Been a "Couple of THOSE days…First my keyboard & mouse started acting funny, then Bluetooth went out, then WiFi, then cell! I laugh at myself - I feel like I want to post pics for the seed-donors as some slight ‘pay-back’, but it’s (as you well know) time-consuming to do on a daily basis and in my condition I’ve toyed with the idea of cutting back…but now when I can’t even post I’m still taking all the photos! :rofl: I’ve got some shots of the Freaky Buddha’s budlets from @THCeed , the (Durban x Pangi) x (Durban poison x Appalachia) from @Jimdoors are throwing out some gorgeous fuscia-colored pistils, as he mentioned above). Everybody got their Bud Buster Pro treatment last night. Yanked a couple more males, found a nanner on one of the Freaky Buddha’s. The f2’s of the Goji OG I made from beans received from @misterbee & @CADMAN are looking like they may be trying to do it again! I’ve topped most of them pretty high up and stripped all lower leaves and we’re just starting to get that candelabra effect now. The Malana’s from @US3RNAM3 are still figuring out what they want to be when they grow uP! We’ve got so many different forms on the various Malana plants you wouldn’t think they were all the same strain!

Man, without the pictures to clue me in, a half brain-dead person has a hard time remembering what else is going on around here! :joy: Let’s see…there are still 2 Jag x Honduras awaiting pollen and I found another Earth Magic @PioneerValleyOG male yesterday so have had 2 now…if there weren’t enough pistil showing to get much good pollination last time, I’ll re-hit them uP! And finally there’s @slain 's SE Asian Mix which have gotten hit w/a mystery ailment. I left them sitting outside on my porch overnight when I brought them up to isolation. The next morning almost all the tips had strange browning tips. As far as I can tell, no one watered it or ferted or anything else in the middle of the night…but whatever it was it sure knocked 'em back a spell. I have a male and female waiting on the porch for the male to start popping flowers.

Okay, well that’s the abbreviated, photo-less update for today…a bit boring but done none-the-less!


Very nice brother. Keep up the amazing work.