First Time (growing legal that is)!

Missing your beautiful pics but good to see you around… beer3|nullxnull


Curious what sort of differences in expressions you’re seeing on the Malana sativa-hashplant? I sure hope there wasn’t any contamination through it’s journey of reproductions

555! No, no worries bro! I meant from my manipulations - squat - wide forms, tall gangely forms, mid-way forms! Most of the ones I did LST/HST on stretched immediately afterwards and really look “gangley” (first word that comes to mind!). They really should have gone in a month earlier (at least!) but with my condition I have NO TIME to wait! :crazy_face: As a result they will probably be much smaller than ‘normal’, but it’s monsoon season, it’s been dumping and will likely continue to do so for a while so small is beautiful! Thanks again bro!

This no-bluetooth/internet/cell shit sucks! I’ve got hundreds of pictures backed up but no way to share them! AAAuuuggghhh! Stay well!



Hope you don’t mind me posting some pics since you can’t post any. Sorry for the poor quality using a cheap tablet since the replacement charging port for phone didn’t work well here’s Aruno Thai female about a week in flower I get a strong sweet mango smell when rub stem

KD Koh Tao
@Upstate lambsbread

3 durban x pangi x dp x appy
And @Foreigner triple spice 4 weeks 12/12 shes a monster thats the Aruno pokeing up at the bottom.


Thanks much for posting those!!! I’m drooling over those (DPxPangi) x (DP x appie)! Mine have just started flowering. Some fuschia pistils, but by this morning they’d faded somewhat. Damn, somebody here on OG asked me about looking for “mango” flavored Thai for them…now I just gotta figure out who it was! :sweat_smile:

:call_me_hand: (I had to run out to town so found signal here!).


One of the Freakers reproduced mango thai recently. Lots of seeds floating around. I can’t recall at the moment who ran that one. :thinking:


Nice looking plants. That KD is supposed to be a good one…and my fingers are crossed that it’s a female.
Fingers crossed @slain’s se asian mix plants recover. I’m hoping they don’t look like my thai plants I grew this summer. They had this weird leaf browning thing that sounds similar to what yours have. They grew like they had a deficiency. Hopefully you can get your phone going and get some pictures.
I haven’t heard of Aruno Thai. Where is that from?
@Tlander I’m looking forward to the Se asian Malana updates. I bet they handle the weather splendidly.


@Tlander generously sent me them in a trade he said Arunothai’, named after the Thai/Burma border village where the seeds were acquired from a Hill Tribe vegetable seller! The plant was hanging in the back of his shop and he said he used it for cooking. Arunothai (from the village market in the bordertown between Burma & Thailand…North of Doi Tung, which is North of Chiangmai.


Thanks guys, it’s hit and/or mostly miss withe the uploads. WoW! Can’t believe it but think I got 10 pics through and uP!

If my luck holds I’ll post some more, but I better just get this up if/while I can



Looking super awesome, my friend. Glad to get to see some pics again.


Thanks buddy, Man, I have such a backlog of pics I can’t even start to go backwards! Took most of a day to get 10 pics up! :tired_face: Monsoon has arrived, an announced itself loudly! We get an hour or two of overcast or light drizzle in which to get things done and then it’s either run for the greenhouses or into the godown/barn to find something to do until it lets up again…IF it lets up again! :diving_mask:

Had to cut off a limb of each of the two farthest along of your Freaky Buddha’s! They were fine last night but by this morning the humidity levels were just too much. Bummer, they were looking gorgeous and already starting to glisten and sparkle! I’ll keep watch on 'em closely as well as the female I seeded that’s in another greenhouse…she looked just as susceptible as the others to me tonight!

I’ve been pretty shocked at how fast seeds developed this round…or maybe its the RSO? :crazy_face:Probably pretty likely the RSO…anyway…I tried to shoot pics of some of the BLACK (and patterned) seeds. I’m really stoked to find that of the 10 pollination’s I’ve done, all 10 have produced seeds. Numbers are gonna be low, but I knew that going into monsoon season (again!). (Almost) everything I was growing this round (Except the Jag x Honduras and the Forum Stomper) were ‘regs’ and I got and kept at least one male of each strain and pollinated within 2 days of male flowers opening, before feeding ‘em to the chickens. At one point I had 15 separate males to try to keep isolated and keep track of (while on RSO!!!). So it was “Once & Done” with most of the chosen females barely showing pistils outside of a multitude of tips. But despite all odds, (so far!) it’s lookin’ good!

To be honest, I really miss being able to post pics of people’s incredible plants grown from seeds given with such generosity, on a daily basis here… Of course there’s never time for them all, but pretty regularly everybody gets some snaps of their kids (and grandkids!). I still go through the motions, shoot & label the pics…and then argue with customer service for another hour about my internet and cell service! Oh God! In the end, IF I WAS SMART!!! I’d chill and enjoy a couple extra hours on the couch every day letting my body heal…555! If wishes were fishes…



I am not sure I could keep that much shit together sober. Amazing job.


555! Well, sure you would! When your life depends on it, you can do all kinds of :poop:! Course you pay for it in little things like no longer having short-term memory as a tool! But that helps you forget all the stuff you forgot to get done anyway! Sooner or later, I’m just gonna hafta admit it…Okay, I’M FUCKING NUTS!


See if my luck holds tonight…

This is The Guardian of God’s Cookies! Keepin’ a couple close compound eyes on those beans! @CADMAN

I was crossing a local footbridge and noticed the coolest grove of breadfruit trees growing alongside a year-round stream…just gorgeous trees! Said only to propagate from root cuttings or air-layers so follow where man has taken 'em.

My favorite scent; White Ginger is lovin’ monsoon and I’m lovin’ it!

Middle back row is Orange Goji @ShiskaberrySavior but all the others are from @GMan Oaxaca x Lemon Thai. There’s more (of both) elsewhere too!

Okay, early night, listing to the thunder and rain!


They look fine… Plenty of crosses are you making.

Well, you are remembering to post pics, so perhaps not as bad memory.
Take it easy mate, relax, enjoy life… And growwww


Thanks bro! I think it’s out of ‘habit’ more than ‘memory’! :crazy_face:



Glad you’re getting my “coffee pics” back up. I was looking every morning to see this operation. I’m with @THCeed im not sure I could do all that! Bravo brother. Bravo. :clap:


Thanks guys, to be honest I’m enjoying it being a little ‘slack’ right now. With monsoon weather controlling everything, a lot is on ‘cruise control’ and ‘mold watch’! I’m trying to keep in mind that this has been designated “The No Stress” Grow! I’m through grieving over mold issues - if you’re gonna try it in monsoon, you better be prepared to chop it and move on!

Pollinated the (D.P. x Pangi) x (D.P. x Appie) with the first handful of male flowers during a rain window this afternoon. Two Freaky Buddha males are 1-2 days away and the spare Ethos Super Lemon Haze male is still holdin’ out on us. Tomorrow’s Bud Bustter Pro day - I have to check my charts, might be getting close to the last spray on the earliest ones? Planning to re-hit all the seeded females as well, and all the new starts in solo’s and the one-gallons in the E&F tables. Might have to make this a two-day venture! :crazy_face:

Had a potential client and his wife come by today to do a tour of the nursery. I’ve been putting out the idea of selling EVERYTHING…if the price is right, to one buyer. Like Johnny Pot Seed’s “One & Done” sauce! There’s more than 20 years of a propagator’s dreams growing here, the weirder it is, the more likely to be here! Well, it’s all a dream until it happens, just laying the groundwork! :crossed_fingers: :pray: :crossed_fingers:

Damn, I thoroughly cleaned the cloner and all the collars, filled it, hooked up a new fogger & airstone, got the Clonex Solution out…and then completely forgot to take the cutting off of those re-vegging Original Haze! :clown_face: They started throwing out three-bladed leaves next to the E&F table lights and in the interest of Bro Science I’m gonna follow up!

Okay, I’ve had internet more in the last few hours than I have had all week combined! Might just be getting somewhere with all my venting to customer service! One of them ‘leaked’ to me to ‘expect’ 2 more days!



Yobros! Just a quick drop in… Other than the first one, I’m not gonna tag seed donors (lunch hour is too short!). Hope everybody see’s their kids! :upside_down_face:

@CADMAN - While it’s not much compared to what we see posted here on OG regularly by the seed Pro’s, you definitely are gonna get your God’s Cookies beans back! There’s still a large number left on-the-bush bro, but these are in the tent drying for you already!

I hit the single female up as the very first go at pollinations this round and started noticing an awful lot of splitting calyx the last couple days on this one. Now, I’m an outdoor grower so there’s no ‘leaving them on the bush’ to mature…we had 60 mph winds the other night and I’d never find beans in the gray gravel! I’m just trying to take any that don’t look like they will stay put until tomorrow!

Today it’s sunny (for a change) so I hit the (DP x Pangi) x (DP x Appie). The male has been hulking over the shorter female for the last couple days and this morning I found 9 fully-open male flowers ready so dusted every little budlet 3 times!

All the other seeded plants are looking good too! Unfortunately, the Freaky Buddha’s are getting hit by mold/budrot and I had to can one of them this morning…got 3 more females seeded - if they survive I’ll plant more, if they budrot in our conditions, then I guess there’ll be some more pucks going out to drier climates! :rofl:

One of the Jag x Honduras started showing me a couple nanners yesterday. That’s the second one (or maybe the same one as previously flowered male for a short while at the beginning?). I was so excited I thought I had a bunch of females and one male - then it was pointed out to me that these were fem beans! That one reverted to female - and now either it or another has done the same thing.

Goji OG Candelabra’s are coming along nicely now…During the pinching and LST they were all looking like shit! Now that I’m pretty much only bending (and occasionally breaking!) new tips they are looking like they might become something after all!

I have two Durban Poison freebies from Seed City Seeds that are starting to look real good too!
But my internet’s all screwy again now. :sob:

Oh, and I took about a dozen clones off of the Original Haze re-vegs to see if I can coax 'em back! We got three-bladed leaves just from a couple weeks of the E&F table lights nearby. I had chopped all but two of them (and even those had all the upper portions cut) so figure it’s time for a little “Bro Science”!

Okay everybody, hope you have/had a great weekend!



@Tlander looks great :+1: I appreciate your efforts. Your amazing in my books :books: :heart_eyes: :two_hearts:


The (DP x Pangi) x (DP x Appie) that I wanted to seed has been hit up pretty well, but just before I cut the big male I had a thought… so bent him over the female and let him hang out for an hour while I checked on everybody else. The other (DP x Pangi) x (DP x Appie) has shown some fuscia-colored pistils and has a nice form to it. So, in the end the guys helped me load her in the truck and drop her next to the first one and I cut the male and thoroughly dusted every little bud using the whole top half of the plant! I may want to kick myself for not keeping one plant seedless, but hopefully I, and many others over here, will get to try again! :joy: Thank you bro! :pray:

The Durban Poison from Seed City Seed are starting to bulk up a bit now, although 1 has bean-poled lately…as have 2 of the Fem Jag x Honduras. Had to yank 2 of them due to some nanners showing but just moved 'em out among the palms to watch a little more.

Speaking of males, I decided that the 2 seeded out Freaky Buddha’s are enough! But before feeding the last male to the chickens, I collected enough pollen to re-dust the first one that already has seed that looks to be a week from ready! Kinda cool, double seed harvest in one short season! (IF it works!). :crazy_face:

Bummed to see this beautiful BOG Sour Strawberry show as a male. Can’t afford to keep him around. @Mithridate …I think???

The Goji OG f?'s I made last long season from beans from @misterbee & @CADMAN are starting to look a little more like what I had in mind. The LST was brutal on them for a while there! By the way, the little black benders shown below are pretty useless except at one particular point of the stem’s growth! The two-piece ones work better but are heavier weight and I still just haven’t ‘clicked’ with using them.

And there’s a bunch of hybrids that I just wanna test out before mailings! These, like everything, got a dose of BBP on Sunday and by today had jumped a few steps ahead of my expectations!

Yo, @slain & @misterbee & @CADMAN look what your seeds made while you weren’t looking! :rofl:

Okay, internet’s still fk’ed here, this seems to have been a multi-hour post…gotta break away! Stay well guys!
