First Time (growing legal that is)!

That’s cool I just made a bunch of F2’s also you might still get some bud 2 of mine just refuse to finish 1 especially is just getting wider and don’t see many red hairs its starting to get lemony from the pangi. Loveing the pink pistols they show alot more outdoors.


Little more transplanting today, trying out some more of the new square bucket pots given to me by a going-out-of-business grower last week. Ive been directly transplanting 1 gallon airpot females as they declare and trying out double-decking a lot of the 2 & 3 gallon ones into the square pots, just removing the bottoms.

Got a lot of LSD x Blue Sunshine f2’s poppin’ up around here and a lot of (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG,

@US3RNAM3 's Malana’s are starting to bud up.

Collected another 20 seed off the God’s Cookie’s today and checked on everybody else. All pollinated plants look to be cranking out seeds! The DP x… got one more night of sex before they get a cold shower tomorrow morning! The Ethos Super Lemon Haze male finally popped some pollen today and tomorrow I should be able to be finished up with the males for a while! There was only one batch of nanners on a single Jag x Honduras this morning, so she gets another day too!

That’s about it for today! Hope you have a great one!


Those malanas are going to be huge colas. Damn.

@Boozer 555! I personally, don’t have a clue what to expect! I’ve been thinking they look awfully ‘skinny’, but with the RSO I completely lose my sense of time! When I look at the tags, or old pictures, I realize these are all still really young plants! The Malanas are from @US3RNAM3 and I believe are 2 different batches (?). I’ll have to do a count, but I know there are two of them in the upper greenhouse and one lightly-seeded plant in the maternity ward. I think one of those is within 4" of the plastic roof now! Gonna have to either lay her down sideways or do some serious late-stage LST! I’ve broken so many tips trying to remove stem-benders this week I was ready to throw them all out…then I noticed all the new branching happening! :rofl:



Hate those things. I never get em off right.

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I just posted today in another thread here on OG (3D Printed Seed Shipping Pucks and Loader - #134 by Tlander)

about trying to find someone with the file to print these. The cheap things snap in two parts after only 2 days in the Sun, but for those 2 days they work great! And they come ‘off’ really easily with NO damage! I sometimes use a plastic clip/clothes pin to hold the clip and stem together.


The other types I have tried all can only last a day or so on the plant before it becomes impossible to remove without damage. The 2-piece ones are ‘better’ but they weigh more and can cause branches to droop where you don’t want them to.


The little curved black ones were the worst offenders, breaking 4 tips today alone! Plus they only cause a slight bend in the stem.

The biggest problem is that they try to make it a one-size-fits-all deal when it’s obviously NOT! If we can find a 3D-printing file for these it can be scaled to many different sizes…or so I believe!! :roll_eyes:



Good Luck @Tlander.

They (green ones) just seem to be a bit on the Small-size to start with, and then its becomes too-late too quickly.

The Freaky Buddhas image that you just shared, seems to be a cool version of some stem-benders

Have a great Evening T


Yes, those blue ones are the ones I want to make more of…but w/better plastic material and in various sizes! They work until the plant starts off-setting it’s branches, but even then you can do one branch by turning it sideways.



And then there is the truly, Olde-School elegance of the approach by @defharo, @Tlander

The LST of his grows feature “Paper-wrapped wire”

Its guaranteed Custom each time you use it.

Wherever and whichever scenario is desired, he makes it a Bondage Dance and the Plants thrive!

Below is a beautiful 2023 (Punta Rojo x Red Snake) grow of his; Thx again defharo, I love your style
(no limbs get Broken T, they’re simply secured & can be re-applied x after x)

(seed: @deeez99)



I have a 500m roll of wire to use up!! :grin::grin::grin: Thanks for the mention mate, a hug!


Well,I figured out a work-around for the uploads! I just have to drive to the other side of the island to upload 'em to email to myself, come home and try to download 'em and then upload 'em again to OG! :upside_down_face: Hey, whatever it takes!

Start off with a couple I haven’t shown yet…

PePe le Pew @PioneerValleyOG I had no idea what to expect with these (2) but coming from PVOG I just couldn’t resist trying! Just transplanted these up to the new newfangled pots to give 'em a try. They’re sort of like airpots (on the bottom) but without the holes on the sides. My pot roots NEVER seem to fully utilize the airpots the way deciduous trees do, I think the ganja’s natural season isn’t long enough for them to get that established. And, the tiny side holes are a perfect entry point for fungus gnats and such, so these new (FREE!) pots deserved a test! In the second pic you can see we’ve nested the smaller 2 gallon airpot (after removing the bottom plate) inside the larger ‘new’ pot (though it’s a bigger airpot).

Chocolope was another left-over freebie seed from last year (think there’s 2 of these too).

A couple Goji OG’s

Seed City Seeds Durban Poison freebie (there are 2 of these flowering now). Another ‘nested’ pot test.

@Budderton I’ve had a really rough time with these Biker Slush! Not that they were tough to grow, but I think this is one of only a couple that didn’t pop as males out of all the beans that you sent to me in that batch! Now to be fair, it’s like last year when we planted in August…everything is ‘outta season’ for these girls and monsoon has hit us already! Then they got a few weeks in the E&F tables under lights for 16/8 and then 14/10 before going into the greenhouse on natural light 11:55/12:05. But from now through about April we can, and do, flower just about anything outdoors. So these were one of those things where we said “Why not?”. I’m hoping I can nurse a few across the finish line.

LSD x Blue Sunshine - The Next Generation! @Greenfingers also in a nested pot…and looking happy about it! I put in quite a few of these beans made from Greenfinger’s beans last long season. Pretty sure most people that are/have been expecting any beans from me probably got a puckfull of these too, hey gotta make the most out of those stamps! :rofl:

Moved the 2 seeded female (Durban Poison x Pangi) x (Durban Poison x Appie) @Jimdoors back under roofs from the driveway. They each had 3 days of dusting with a few intermittent rain showers in between. But I put one in the maternity ward and one in the upper greenhouse just to try to play it safe! You’ll see why next!

I fkin’ HATE TERMITES!!! MFkrs got another one, and this was a seeded-out female Fighting Buddha x Freaky Buddha!! I had such “High” hopes for these! This was the ONLY plant in the maternity ward without a plastic dish under it! @MissinBissin

Looks like somebody put the stem in a pencil sharpener!

Oh well, remember Tlander - No Stress!!!
That’s all the photos I had time to upload from the other side! Hoping cell signal returns to normal one day!


Edit; 555! My buddy up North just sent me 22 kilos of plants…I’ve asked him how he managed to work it out in advance to get that total? :joy:




Oh you gave it a great shot @Tlander
Super-Nice try brother.

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555! Well, I de-leafed it and hung it to dry…I doubt that there’s any seed mature enough to germinate, but I will be SURE in a week or two. If I’m honest about it, I fucked up when I pollinated her…I ‘thought’ I was dusting another Freaky Buddha and it wasn’t until I went to tag the plant that I realized it was the Fighting Buddha instead! :rofl:



Bro with everything you got going on if that the only mistake your way! Head. I had no clue termites would eat my weed!


I believe @Tlander gave Thai termites their first taste of cannabis, and the word spread
throughout the land !!!


Well, monsoon continues! It wasn’t bad today, but steadily threatening until late afternoon and then it let loose! I’ve been hearing the waves crashing on the reef most of the day and that’s pretty unusual for here. It’s that time of year when plants go from looking fine at sunset to looking like mush by morning! This being the “NO STRESS Grow” I’m just cutting and baggin’ anything I see, hardly any mercy this time around! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Took a bunch more clones off of the re-vegged Original Hazes, only to find I only had room for half of them…cloner was already 3/4 full! :clown_face:

I checked in on the maternity ward and most are looking good. These current little girls were just out of puberty when they got knocked up…I wanted to make even a little more seed of some of the strains/hybrids OG’ers have sent me and knew monsoon would hit soon! :rofl: I just looked it up - these Freaky Buddha’s went in on Oct 6th, making them 7 weeks old and look like they will have seed ready in 1-2 weeks! I’m gonna try to keep 'em going as long as I can, but with monsoon and those soft, downy leaves the FB’s are gonna be tough to keep from molding. So far there’s been two seeded plants lost (Fighting Buddha x Freaky Buddha to termites and another Freaky Buddha to budrot…oh, and a BOG Sour Strawberry I forgot about!). We’ve hit 'em with hypoclorious acid as soon as we spot it but that doesn’t repair the damage already done. It probably DID save the seeds that were in that bud though!

But meanwhile I think there are 8 or 9 seeded ladies left, each with beans plumping up nicely. I pulled another 30 or so mature beans off @Cadman’s God’s Cookies today. And one of them had already sprouted a tail in the monsoon weather, so I stuck it in a Solo in the E&F table. I think we’re gonna hit :100: beans of that little tiny plant bro! :call_me_hand:


It appears the two (DP x Pangi) x (DP x Appie) I pollinated both took it REAL well, but the 3 days outside the greenhouses in the drizzle means they look a little frazzled! On the last day of pollination I dusted the females w/a tiny paint brush but then I chopped off the male’s branches and beat/stroked the females with them. Apparently I should try this more often - every bud looks packed with seeds and that’s probably only the ones from the first 2 days of pollination! I put them in two separate greenhouses to raise the chances of success…or dampen the chances of loss, depending on your outlook! :rofl:

Oh well,NO STRESS!!! Internet’s still pretty bad here, cell worse.

On a sad note, we keep on finding hermie male flowers on the Jag x Honduras. It’s only been a handful each day or two but it’s too much risk with everything else going on! I may try to find a far-off out-of-the-way place to stash it and just see what it decides to do?

Okay, another weekend in the books. Hope ya’ll have a great next week!


I would be really stoked to see the Freak come through on those Freaky Budda f2’s
Nice job.


Man, Thailand is gonna have no shortage of good seed, thanks to you TL! Keep making those beans!


Well, I think we have a couple more weeks on the plant (hopefully) then a month in the tent, so about New Year’s the testers should hit the dirt (God willing!). If they go in then, we’ll run a bunch of them for the short season, finishing up in April or so. But we should spot any Freaks way before that! Thanks again for letting me try these out over here! :pray: As usual, I’m sure they came out nothing like you’d expect from your experience! :rofl:



And YOU, and THCeed and Cadman and MisterBee and Gman and Kavman (I think I need to borrow DD’s list! :rofl:) and an endless list of OG’ers eager to see us OGTW!!!

Thank you ALL, on behalf of myself and SE Asia! :pray:

It’s still pretty cool, we can still mail seeds within the country without problems, so tall vials of 100 beans in padded bubble-wrap pouches really save on pucks! I’ve managed to spread 'em from the very North to 3/4 of the way to the Southern border, from islands off the East coast to islands off the West coast! But there’s still a lot of ground to cover! :rofl:
