First Time (growing legal that is)!

You are right about that, you will have to teach me more, so mine can measure up.

555! Ya lost me there bro! But if there’s any ‘teachin’ & learnin’ going on, it’s mostly going in the same direction as the beans…from over ‘there’ to over ‘here’! :rofl: Think I’m just gonna have to remember to put in FB’s in about March/April so they get the best shot at a dry run through budding out. 'Course with global warming the monsoon pattern’s will probably change next! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Goodnight from over here!


Amazing job brother, plz stay safe during the terrible monsoon season.


I thought I said; NO STRESS!!! Well, not too much stress! As I said only yesterday, in this season plants can look fine at sunset and by the next morning…well…

@BudBusterPro @JohnnyPotseed
Scary part is…I’ve been hitting the greenhouse with ‘One & Done’ spray about every 2-3 days…but when I look closely I can see webbing that looks like spider mite tents! (See next 2 photos, zoom!) :confounded: I’ve used all the magnifiers I have and can’t spot anything moving, but they didn’t look like that last night! I sprayed everything in the greenhouse (and outside!) w/ ‘One & Done’ spray again (twice this morning!) and then moved the three affected plants to isolation. I was halfway expecting mold problems with the Freaky Buddhas as the fit the bill with their soft, floppy, resin-covered leaves. (They remind me a lot of Blue Tara in that respect). But I’m really bummed to see the DPxP.… seeded plant looking like it may succumb? It’s so fully loaded w/seed it would be a shame to lose her now. May try moving the big hurricane fan up to that greenhouse

…we put the two big re-vegging Original Haze ‘in-ground’ today so they no longer need it. They are really ‘weird’ looking plants - the old Haze buds just hung on the bush and then died, leaving masses of foliage. But then they started revegging like crazy so I just put the huge fan on High and let it blow directly on them! I’ve taken 22 clones off of her…well - I’ve taken about 35, but only had room in the cloner for 22!). I figure putting 'em in-ground will just be another Bro-Science experiment…don’t know how many more Haze clones I can handle here!

Anyway, here’s the photos that have me worried about Spider Mites;


Meanwhile…spotted another new mantis species, or perhaps just a new morph, in the greenhouse.

The boxes of plants from up North arrived last night and along with 20 kilos of white & yellow ginger rhizomes were packed a bunch of old, dried flowerheads…each containing a bunch of seeds. I’ve always grown 'em from rhizomes as its so much faster, but what the hell, I need more Bro Science in my life! :clown_face:



I looked up from reading a chapter heading in my book in the loft at lunchtime and watched the most amazing monsoon storm-front blow through…one island after another disappearing from view…

Decided to stick the 2 Original Haze re-veggers in-ground. I’ve taken a shitload of clones of of both of them but figure it was time to get them away from the young plants

@US3RNAM3 ‘s Malana’s are coming along. I don’t know if it’s a common thing or not, but I’m finding that the Malana tends to let her seeds go really easily. With monsoon blowin’ in I check every seeded plant 3 times a day minimum right now. The God’s Cookies were the earliest pollination’s and I’ve been picking any beans with wide-open calyxs for a week now. Today I saw that a number of the Malana beans had split calyxs and I decided to check one…with the slightest touch the seed fell off the stem. In the end I found about 22 that were fully ready, and each one came away from the stem the same way. Glad I discovered this early! Here’s another Malana just a bit behind the one in the maternity ward.

I just pulled another puck of these **Goji OG f2’**s out of the refrigerator. These look like they are gonna be big stretchers like the parents were! Hoping the weather shifts and we can move 'em outside before they hit the ceiling!

Had to pull 4 plants from the upper greenhouse today due to mold/pests? That meant there was enough room to move in the big Hurricane fan, so did some rearranging and let her rip! Also meant there was room enough to move 4 more plants up from the E&F tables and transplant into the new square pots. This evening I’ve put 4 Malana #1 in plugs from @US3RNAM3 in and 14 BOG Bubble from @Cyr_grow. And since I had to go to the 'fridge anyway, I’m soaking @Oldtimerunderground 's Mighty Mites and his C99 x Alien OG… Oh, and the aforementioned 17 Goji OG’s! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Hey, short season will be here quicker than you think!

I’ve been feeling like I need to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n a lot! Cancer is a BITCH! I’ve ramped back up to just under a gram of RSO/day again and with the CBD the anxiety levels have stayed pretty low, but I’m still pretty damn tired most of the time these days. My new RSO production crew has given me a second, larger batch from the buds I gave 'em last week now that they have got the hang of it and it means I can actually put a large enough quantity on my bandages at night to have some effect, as well as ingesting it. Tomorrow night marks Day #171 of RSO and one month of the bandages and I am really happy to report that one lesion has fully closed itself and the larger one is 60% closed and gaining ground rapidly! I don’t know that the lesions healing over means I’m actually “winning”, but I’ll sure take it!

Okay guys and gals, gotta get some rest! Hope you all have a great week ahead!



Fucking right TL! Kick that bitches ass! :+1::+1:
It fills me with emotion when I see how the plant I love and have had a relationship with for near 40 years is a real and true medicine that can help when nothing else does. Be it a child with severe epilepsy or an old brother fighting cancer, it warms my heart when they recieve respite and validates the risks we took back in the dark ages of prohibition. Shine on @Tlander !!:gem::gem:


Mother Nature can really whoop our asses huh? Well I can’t say enough thank you amigo

You, my friend rock.


Thanks @Budderton I’d be hesitant to talk about my Cancer on OG except for the fact that somebody else out there may find themselves with limited options to deal with something like this and it’s good to hear there ARE other options! Like you, I feel lucky to have been involved with this plant most of my life…seems fitting that it be the ‘cure’! One day at a time - NO STRESS! 555! Another thing that makes a difference is the ‘support’ from other OG’ers, be it words of encouragement or all the fantastic beans you all send me, is likely the biggest factor in my still being here today! Thank you ALL! :pray:

@Boozer 555! Well bro, I’m gonna have to look that one up! Seems to me either that left a long time ago or I switched up somebody else’s card with yours! Not a problem, (unless you’re sitting w/an empty tent!), I’ll get the ‘right’ one out to you soon! :upside_down_face:

Still raining!


Oh @Tlander please this is so much more than I need. I appreciate your generosity and I believe you will beat the struggles that face you. You seem a very motivated and smart gent. I’m with you my brother.


Another day, same monsoon!

Some (most) of the plants are just lovin’ the abundance of water!

@CADMAN Yobro! I think I counted something like 46 beans that were ready today on the God’s Cookie!

And, as predicted, though I’m stoned,…I count over 100 there in the little dish! Yahooo! And we ain’t done yet bro!

Then, I’m gettin’ a peak at the first of the next generation of the (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG’s made this last long season. @slain @misterbee @CADMAN The pure Goji OG f2’s are looking like a shaped plant that could work here in our climate. I’ve trained a bunch of them into candleabra’s that start at about waist high and try to keep everything below that entirely leaf-free. I’ll try to take/upload a picture of one or two…still young, but showing promise! If my cloner wasn’t already full, these would fill it! But I have enough on my hands already! :upside_down_face:

All that to say, if the (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG’s pick up some of the best traits of each, we could have a real winner for the humid tropics!

These are a few testers of recently made hybrids around here and one or two OG’er beans (I thought I tried so hard to get all the tags visible, I didn’t check the flash glare!) :clown_face:

More testers…but these turned out to be males of the LSD x Blue Sunshine, so on their way to the chickens! Plenty more females around here!

Chocolope A beauty from Seed City Seeds…a nice ‘freebie’ that appears way better than any of the stuff I actually paid for! :joy: There’s 2 females of this.

@ShiskaberrySavior One of a few Orange Goji scattered about. This was just transplanted from 1 gallon airpot yesterday. I’m excited to see what these do! My runs w/Goji have all been fantastic and I hope to experience more variations on the theme! (This one got hit w/ a “One & Done” spray before moving into the upper greenhouse and transplanting, so still looking a little ‘coated’!) Thanks for sending me these to play with bro! :pray:


PePe le Pew! Groan…oh God, I gotta go look it up… @PioneerValleyOG sent me these beans and I only have 2 running. Really hoping I held back a bunch for later? Just easy-going, healthy plants with no complaints about anything! Damn, if I’d recognized it for that I’d have made 100 clones, put 'em on drip irrig and laid in the hammock the next few months! :upside_down_face:

Okay, finally…Jerry says:

Just realized, I got loads of beans soaking and I saw tails 6 hours ago! Bye for now gang!



Sweet brother, thank you for all your hard work. Your amazing @Tlander everything looks fantastic :heart_eyes: :heart:


Whoops! +10 char! :upside_down_face:

@CADMAN Hey, I noticed that there were two more seeds with tails when I was pulling them today so they’re in solo’s in the E&F table with yesterday’s! So much for the idea of needing to ‘dry’ them for a month! :joy: (I DO anyway, but three sprouted beans on the bush in two days is a pretty strong case.)



You must have really high humidity :sweat_smile: :rofl:


101%!!! And then the rains hit! :joy:


Lmao. Dammm man. That’s insane :flushed:


I know I’m pickin’ these early, believe me, I know! But I also know what being one day too late can mean in monsoon season! Even if 25% germinate it’s better than losing them all! So I’m daily doing the rounds, collecting anything that looks like it’ll fall before tomorrow! Getting a few ‘too green’ ones and still leaving a fair number on each bush (unless there’s any signs of budrot!).

SIDE NOTE: Malana seeds - This latest batch seem to fall off the bush at even the slightest touch! I’m really fortunate to have discovered this early on! Don’t know if it’s a “Malana Thing” or just an odd plant?

For a bunch of really young plants, grown out-of-season with tropical stressors like monsoons and 90% humidity levels these have done a remarkable job of achieving what I set out to do with all the fine gifts I received from OG’ers! We look to be well on the way to over 100 beans each of 8 strains/hybrids in less than 12 weeks from germination…555 and ALL done at ONCE!!! :upside_down_face:

Way too many greenies here, but they were huge swollen calyxs and the plant is showing signs of budrot! Hit it hard w/Hypoclorious acid, but still had to clip a few ‘mush-balls’. Many of theese green beans were in those mushballs so I’ve cleaned 'em off, sprayed 'em down w/ Hypoclorious acid and put 'em in the tent to dry.

That’s all I got time for today guys! Have a good one and thanks for droppin’ by!



It is always a pleasure starting my morning off here.


Well, the Goji OG’s that got bent-over hard yesterday have recovered (for the most part - I broke 2 branches off!) and are looking closer and closer to what I had envisioned. I want totally open lower levels with no leaf to hide any pests or mold spores. Plus, if monsoon drags on, these are gonna have to stay inside for a while longer!



The Malana #2’s are still reaching for the sky! I’m not used to little Sativa buds, so these are scaring me a bit. But they still have a long time to go I guess. After seeing them, I stuck in 4 more of the Malana #1

Here’s one of the two Durban Poisons

I loaded up the cloner with a bunch of the re-vegged Original Haze clones

Just starting to see some tiny root hairs emerging!

The upper greenhouse hasn’t seen this much open space in a looong time

Just “might” have straightened out my internet problems… a bit anyway! Still no Bluetooth, but email’s working again.



I need your clone game. Looking good as always bro


Bro, it’s easy as all hell! I think we made 4 of those cloners last year, hardest part is finding boxes with flat lids! I can’t remember off hand, but there are a couple threads on DIY cloners here on OG. Everybody finds a new '‘trick’ as they build. Getting proportions right between the bottom box and the top one can be a challenge! I’m using an ultrasonic fogger and you need to know it heats the water, so you need a larger volume of water in the bottom box. I have an airstone and a little aquarium pump…don’t know if it really makes a difference? Clonex “Solution” (not the gel) is all I use…and hypoclorious acid to wash everything down. Playing w/venting the upper chamber by wedging something under the edge can be helpful in reducing the humidity levels in the upper chamber. BUT! If you move/change anything about the position of the cloner you start all over - everything changes radically! My ‘normal’ venting of .5 cm. was waaay too much for the first batch of clones I tried in a new position and I lost 2 rows along that edge!

Go for it, you’ll be cloning everything soon! For a while I was letting all lower branches grow, but de-leafing them except the tips, and then using them for clones. Surely NOT the most vigorous clones, but hey, there was Bro-Science to be done and they were free! :clown_face: Hit me up if I can help! (I do remember posting a bunch of stuff on construction hints I found along the way…just not ‘where’!)
