First Time (growing legal that is)!

Time for just a couple quick shots to show I’m still kickin! :joy: Actually, so nobody gets worried…tomorrow I have 7 guests arriving after a 24-hour drive (IF the ferry is running!) for a 22-hour stay before turning around and driving another 24 hours home! This is one of the top educators in the Country that I had the opportunity to work with for almost a decade, and her husband a Major in the Army, their family and a few of our students from 10 years ago! This woman risked it all on me when she decided to arrange a meeting for me with the Royal Family…which led to our working together for a decade in Science Education programs in schools and critically-endangered plant species preservation throughout Thailand. So gonna be a bit busy tomorrow gang! :face_with_monocle:

The one Malana #2 that I chose to pollinate has turned out to be the one (or maybe just the ‘first’ one!) to get the purple calyx! I’ve been noticing a lilac-hued sparkle on this plant for a few days and today it was clear that it’s not from the pistils but rather the calyx deep down in the budlet. @US3RNAM3 sent me some pictures of these a while back at my request and the shots he sent were of some incredible purple buds! I had no idea! :upside_down_face:

Only way I could get focus!

Seeing some seed development on the Ethos - Super Lemon Haze from MIA @Jinglepot
These scared the hell out of me today! I came in kind of blurry-eyed and saw little glints of ‘yellow’ peeking out of a bud top at me! My first instinct screamed “HERMIE”, but on closer inspection all was well, just green beannies spreading calyxs wide and early! Phew!

@CADMAN ‘s God’s Cookies seeded - This young little plant has given up about 125-150 seeds with a fair amount still left in the top colas! I’m just a little bummed that I’ve had to pick at this gal so much and I don’t have any others of the strain. Well, the whole idea was to make some of these to shoot back to Cadman to replenish his stock that he so kindly had passed to me a year ago! Lookin’ good bro, just a week & an envelope short of “Mission Accomplished”!

And closing out with what I found to be just a gorgeous new palm leaf unfolding tonight. This is a seed-grown Kerriodoxa elegans, a native of S. Thailand but still pretty rare. A hotel that has a natural grove of them was sent to me to consult on germination techniques and since it worked, they sent me some seeds! Absolutely gorgeous, thin, black-stemmed/petoiled fan palms that love it as an understory plant where it’s leaves don’t get damaged by Sun or wind.

Have a great weekend everybody!


Wow!! Very interesting!
Have a nice day with your old friends. Sure you have many things to talk about.
That palm opened is beautiful!.


Definitely keep a bunch for yourself my friend, especially since you grew this for me. It’s the least I can offer :wink: :wink: the plant looks great. @Tlander


Phew, guests have come and gone! It was great to see everybody again, but boy it can be exhausting! I had to laugh - the professor’s husband is/was a Major in the Army and an instructor at the Royal Military Academy where I taught. He had always seemed a pretty straight-laced military guy for the 15 years I’ve know him. Well, he retired last fall and seems a much happier guy for it! And boy, was he interested in seeing the ganja growing! :joy:

Well, I had a blast today, but I never did get around to the HST set out to do! I’d decided it was a perfect day to roll a fattie and go down and HST some of the larger Goji OG’s in the upper greenhouse.

I happened to notice the trimmers had finished up some of @slain 's Thai x VN Black, so twisted one up while I finished some OG DM’s. Got up to go and then had to spend 10 minutes looking for the joint! Finally found it…or the remains of it, in the ash tray! Okay, rolled another one after joking to Slain that I wasn’t gonna light it until I got to the greenhouse this time…so of course, I FORGOT and immediately fired up the second one! :rofl: :clown_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Got down to the maternity ward to find an overnight mold-wave has flowed through! Damn!
Oh, the Horror! NO STRESS!!!

Even some of the pure Sativa’s got hit! Fortunately, as such young plants they have such small buds so distantly placed from each other I can just snip out the molded ones, for now.

So, I shucked a bunch of both of the seeded Freaky Buddha’s, picked a few more God’s Cookies beans and a handful of the purple Malana. Hit everybody w/hypoclorious acid and then used up 1/4 bottle of alcohol getting my fingers clean again. Discovered that I screwed up the other night and didn’t label 8 Solo cups after transplanting plugs. I’m ‘pretty’ sure they’re either the Goji OG’s or the (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG, but it really sucks not knowing! There’s another 45 seedlings in the rack in Solo’s and my feet are itching to make their way to the refrigerator again! :upside_down_face:

Found a male Oaxacan @US3RNAM3 showin’ balls today so gonna stash him away for later. None of the others have shown anything yet. I’ve pinched out the tops on a lot of the Oaxacan and am putting some of them through the plant-bondage routine. Not sure that I’m gonna have the time or energy to maintain them all with LST/HST this time around! Guess we’ll see!

I found an oddity hiding in the back of the E&F table today. This Goji OG seedling has popped 3 branches at each node! I’m tempted to continue to pinch out all of them and double up on colas…but it’d also be cool to just let it do it’s own thing?

Another guardian angel cruisin’ the stems…

That’s it for tonight, hope you all made it through the weekend!


Ouch, ouch, OUCH.


Yeah it’s hard to hit the like button when you see that damn mold. Can’t imagine trying to flower in 70%++ . Eff that.


To confirm, it was the Oaxacan or Malana? Either way love your updates! God speed!!

Side question, do you have any wispy sativas still going like more of slain’s lines or the original haze? Curious how they responded to the rain/high humidity that took down some of the thicker/fuller flowers.


Yo @US3RNAM3 ! Yes, even the Sativa’s got hit, just not as bad. Stuff like the Freaky Buddha’s, BOG Sour Strawberry and the Grape Dragon’s just doesn’t stand a chance with their overlapping sugar leaves trapping too much moisture even in front of the hurricane fan! The Malana hasn’t gotten hit too hard, just an occasional bud here and there. Again yesterday I was amazed at how easily the seeds ‘release’ from the stem…If I keep this up I’m gonna have to consider pouring a cement slab to replace the gray gravel…too hard to find seeds that fall off! The Oaxacan are still pretty small and not in bud yet, so no problems there.

@Boozer @PioneerValleyOG Meanwhile…the Original Haze re-veg clones Bro-Science project is moving along… 18 rooted out of 22, and a few of those 4 have beginning nubs showing. I see that cleaning the cloner is high on tomorrow’s to-do list! :confounded: The 2 OH reveg that we put in-ground are hannging in there and look like they could produce shitloads of clones…just don’t know what I’d do with them all! :joy: If I had any spare time I’d clean out all the old dead-leaf/bud from them both but the reveg don’t seem the least bit bothered by the mess… (I, on the other hand, can’t stand seeing it!).



Weird week! We’ll leave it at that!

We’ve got 2 ID’ed males from the Oaxaca x Lemon Thai’s so far. They’re tucked away up the driveway where they can’t do much harm.

@ShiskaberrySavior I’ve ID’ed at least 1 female and 1 male so far.Stoked to be able to expand by Goji :jeans:-pool! :pray: bro!

The Malana purple pheno, @US3RNAM3 the only seeded Malana, is starting to show some nice lavender color in the calyx’. I had to pollinate this one really early when there were only a few pistils showing at each crotch. So, I’m not expecting many beans from her, but I’m REALLY stoked to be getting any at all! A few of my friends here have mentioned individually that they tend to find the purples that begin in the calyx lead to the better plants, by their preferences. I’ll DEFINITELY be planting these beans!!!

Gotta run the crew up the mountain, see ya later gang!

Late Edit; Few afternoon uploads…okay, granted - they suck, but being honest here! Not everything is ‘perfect’ in the tropics! :sob: Here are the Original Haze re-vegger’s that nobody has had time to clean up for weeks now! Finally stuck both plants in-ground…maybe someday! Meanwhile, they just keep cranking out the clones non-stop!



Just love it when I move a pot and find this!

I keep tellin’ the Goji OG’s that the plant bondage days are past…then just when they kick back into gear we throw another fetish-fest! :crazy_face: Today was the day for a couple more to get bent waaay over! A couple of these were set to hit the roof in a day or two, so with a bit of shifting things around (BIG Fk’n understatement!) I might be able to hold 'em in here a bit longer!

Goji Before

And after

I have 2 PePe le Pew’s going. @PioneerValleyOG Nice looking plants…really hoping I only planted 2 and have more stashed in the refrigerator! Holding up well against the mold, so far. Nice domed bids so far, but it’s still early! The smell really grabbed my attention as I bent over it today, which is unusual for me since Covid. But I still suck at verbalizing scent descriptions! :crazy_face:

Sorry for the blur…it was a good doobie, that’s just how it looked to me!

A couple new transplants. Haven’t had time…or a clear enough head (!) to figure out the economics of these new rectangular pots with the raised bottoms. They were freebies from a shut-down grow op. I’m liking the stability of them and the fact that, at least with young plants, they can be put in a grid with great space utilization.

(Partial) Re-arranged room shot to make room for the tall Goji’s in the center of the room with the Malana & Jag x Honduras (all off-camera to the left!).

Okay, got shitloads of catchin’ up to do around here and it’s already mid-evening so I’m off! Have a great day where/when-ever you are reading this!



More LST/HST on the Goji OG’s, @misterbee @CADMAN more re-organizing the GH and more hypoclorious acid. This Goji is starting to come around to my vision now. There’s absolutely NO leaf below waist height and everything else is bent over to create a nice even canopy. 555! It only took 13 poles! :rofl:

And a smaller 10-poler!

Canopy shots…

I put in a ton of these Goji OG F?'s, made from crossed beans from MisterBee & Cadman. The is the 3rd generation, in both previous trials these have been the tallest Goji’s I’ve ever grown (Disclaimer - I’m NOT very Goji-experienced or anything!). The first three that have undergone the bondage routine have convinced me I’ve found my best method for shaping these to be good producers with minimal molding…but we’ll see about that as monsoon finishes up this month (hopefully!). I transplanted about 15 of them from plugs (this time in sterilized soil mix!) to Solo’s about Dec 1 and in 1 week half have gone to shit! But it’s quite odd that all the ones that went bad are in one row and all the others are fine!

The “Good

The “Bad & Ugly”!

Started out fine but 2 days in the Solo-soil and noticed yellowing, 2 days more and it’s clear it’s gonna be a die-back. All I can guess is that in a hurry, I perhaps filled one row of Solo cups with the ‘hot mix’ that was sitting in a wheelbarrow nearby? Seems unlikely, but with the disorientation of the RSO, I better not go around pointing fingers at anybody else! :crazy_face: Whatcha’ think???

Meanwhile, the Malana budlets, while still tiny, are starting to form up. @US3RNAM3 (These on the ‘green’ pheno)

Here’s the top of the Chocolope freebie from Seed City Seeds. I’m quite likin’ this one! Still holding off the mold!

Hoya cutting hand-carried to me from a breeder friend in Hawaii about 10 years ago is flowering out!

Just getting shitloads of 1-gallon airpots and a bunch of the new square pots ready for the weekend transplant. The solo’s in the seedling rack are gonna need to move down to the E&F tables soon, so everything that’s there now needs to get transplanted up and out!

OH! @BudBusterPro BIG NEWS!!! My 5-gallon hypoclorious acid generator has been shipped!!! If it can be believed…they say 9 days and it should be in my hands! If I can make 5 gallons at a time and spray it with my gas-powered backpack mist-blower and get freedom from mold it’s gonna be a big game-changer!

Okay, another lunch-hour OG session over-and-out!


You can certainly use it !
Monsoon season…be damned ! :upside_down_face:


Yo guys, hope your day goes/went well!

Day of aggravation for me between fighting w/the bank over a machine-eaten ATM card (and the fact that they claim I don’t have an account with them - news to me after 22 years!) …and just how did I have an ATM card to withdraw money from your machine and a receipt, if I don’t have an account with this bank…and a bankbook! …And then onto deal with the phone/internet company that hasn’t been able to provide cell or internet coverage for a month now! They asked me to go home and send them a Google Map of the location…ahhh, am I stupid or you??? How can I send you a map from a location with no signal???

:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

So, now that’s all over and done with, back to the plants! Mold wasn’t too bad this morning. But I spotted some whitefly, so everything got another “1 & Done” spray. Been keepin’ a close eye on all the youngsters…lots of plants in the ebb & flow tables getting close to declaring. Found 2 male Oaxaca x Lemon Thai this morning and one hermie. I’m hanging onto the males to make seed w/any females in the rest of the planting and the hermie might just go up the mountain for a week or two more to make sure? We’ve had a couple early male-flowering plants that switched over to full female w/no future problems, so I want to be sure before chopping it.

On the other hand, I’m stoked to find I’ve got a male Orange Goji! As long as some of the others are female, I’m happy to add this one to the gene pool! I need to go brush up on this strain, don’t know much about it really! @ShiskaberrySavior ! I’d like to get to see the females in bud before I use the male pollen on a bunch of things…but between the weather and the Cancer, I think I just have to take a chance and go with it on a couple of the now-flowering last generation Goji that just got a hard LST hit. Maybe just 2 branches of each of the 3 big plants? Looks like there’s gonna be plenty of balls! I know I should wait for at least the second male…but he might never come! :crazy_face:

I’ve been having a really good time with the Goji OG’s made from MisterBee & Cadman’s beans and I think the new ‘modified lollipop’ form of plant, (as much as I have always hated it!) with a wide, flat-top canopy is gonna be a huge difference-maker in the mold department here. I’m really hoping the new 5-gallon hypoclorious acid generator is gonna make that immaterial soon! But it’s been kinda fun playing around like the ‘real’ breeders do (kinda!) trying to achieve some ends that I have in mind…it’s even more fun when it works! We’ll see!

Just noticed the fkn grasshopper feasting!

I had moved two of the Jamaican Blue Mountain x Honduras plants that had shown nanners out of the upper greenhouse and in amongst a grove of palms where they are pretty unlikely to cause problems for anything else. It had been about 4-5 days that I hadn’t seen any and my hopes were rising…but today they’re baaaack! Damn! Always something!

Okay, after the runaround, I still had to deal with an acupuncture appointment and get back home with a load of rice straw for mulch & composting before dark! I’m wiped out! :yawning_face:

Let’s see what tomorrow brings bros (and sis’)!


Congrats :balloon: n the boy gogi. As for customer service? Well that is a lost art. It’s actually rather sad. Went to the sandwich shop and was greeted at the door. Dude says we’re closed. The computers are down. I replied what does a computer have to do with a 12”turkey sub? He says “we can’t do that without the register”. I walked away shaking my head. We’re screwed.


Sunday, Sunday…

Malana (this the green pheno bud), but we’ve still managed to get a few nice beans off of the purple calyx pheno!

I’ve lost a good portion of the Freaky Buddha buds to mold, and, wouldn’t you know it…today it feels like monsoon ‘may’ have ended! (Probably just fk’n w/my head!). Oh well, that just means it’s time to put some more of these back in soil and try to get a short-season through mold-free! Still got a bunch of greenies in there (often-times hidden in the mushbuds!), but there are enough good ones that I’ll be able to spread a bit of @Budderton 's blessings around over here! Thanks Buddy!

Yo @CADMAN ! Your replenishment God’s Cookies pucks left last week (w/some friends keeping them company!) headed on vacation, but I found another 100 more since then! They’ll need another month or so to dry in the tent. There’s not many left on the bush anymore, but I’d guess another 10-20. Not too bad for such a tiny, young plant that got pollinated when it barely had any pistils open yet!

I pulled 3 beans off of the (DP X Panhi) x (DP x Appie) bush @Jimdoors as they were in a molded out bud. 2 out of 3 look grow-able! All the rest of the beans are still tiny, but the 2 good ones were likewise tiny, so there’s hope still! Same situation with the Ethos Super Lemon Haze - tiny plant, heavily pollinated but in a race between mold and ripe beans! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

One of the Oaxaca x Lemon Thai females has followed the lead of many of the other in going hermie. I’m a bit bummed as I had high hopes to be pollinating a couple of them about now. There’s still hope, there’s one pure male and a few more undeclared plants and another batch of young ‘uns in Solo’s comin’ uP! @US3RNAM3

Plucked a few more nanners off of the 2 hermie Jag x Honduras plants @Mithridate. Seems every 2-3 days they tend to throw off a couple nanners right at the top of the newest buds. I’ve moved them far off and am gonna just let them go for it, plucking all the nanners I see (unless it gets too crazy!).

Okay, gotta meet some friends for a beer at the beach at 4 pm and its already 2…and I haven’t even had breakfast yet! Hope you all have a great weekend!

By the way, I’m back up at about a gram a day on the RSO, so…if I have said I’d send you beans and you haven’t gotten them yet, PLEASE DM me! I’m trying really hard to keep track, but…I want to be sure I don’t space anybody out!



Freaky Budda was from me. Glad to see that you got a few from them. Awesome post.


555! I blame the RSO bro! Sorry about that! :joy: I can’t believe I even checked my list before I typed it and I STILL got it wrong! I’m really hoping we manage to pull off a crop of these in the dry times! They were fun to grow and other than the budrot, no problems. I think the last week of rains was just too much for them. That said, it feels like the monsoon may have finished up for this season…though we’re not really out of the soggy forest until sometime in January. Thanks again for letting me give these a run. I’ll DM you when the new ones get going!

Nice afternoon/evening with friends at the beach!



It’s all good, Brother. I just love what you do.


Well Tlander, you are much more patient than I. Those blue jag are living in paradise and are still acting up, they would have met the bin presto! :upside_down_face:


You got any bed and breakfast there? I’m packing my bags. Man that’s beautiful.