First Time (growing legal that is)!

Well, they just might meet their end today bro! One of my guys came in on his holiday to specifically check the Jag x Honduras hermie plants. He sent me a picture of his hand filled with balls he’d plucked this morning shortly after dawn!

There’s one left in the upper greenhouse that hasn’t shown any nanners but it is a very slender, small-budded plant w/ a few browned out budlets after hypoclorious acid treatment. The buds are fine getting sprayed w/it and it’s only if there was fungus present that the leaf turns brown and dries right up. There’s another one that showed nanners early on, but seems to have backed off the last 2 weeks.

You know me, planting around the clock & calendar! That’s probably got something to do with the numbers of males and hermies we’re getting right now. The Oaxacan x Lemon Thai are doing the same thing - about 4/4 or 5/5 hermies so far. Hoping some of the younger ones will show female…keeping the one solid male for now.

@THCeed Yobro, pulled another 100 seed off of the Freaky Buddha’s today! I’d guess there’s another 30 left on the bush, but none that are far enough along to pluck yet. I got some pollen off of the Orange Goji today @ShiskaberrySavior an hit upp 1 or 2 branches of each of the three largest Goji OG Lollipops and then I found another small male, so he’s stashed up the driveway in case I get a chance to re-pollinate in a week or two. I’m finding the Goji calling out to me after seeing the plant bondage effects. Just don’t know if I have the energy it takes to say on top of it, even for just another short season! I’d hate to give up on them part way through a grow, but I just can’t stop myself from poppin’ more beans! :crazy_face:



Haa, haa, haa! Bro, you of all people are ‘covered’!
Just give me some lead time!
and if we can get away…this isn’t all that far!



That’s what I’m talking about. It looks virgin. Like us idiots haven’t trashed it yet. Stunning my brother.


WhaaaaaHoooo! Man, OG has the greatest people on the Planet!!! HUGE thanks to you all!

@Wizdom (Mac1 x Stockton Slap, Mac`1 x Ashara Valley Cheese, Meat Breath S1 fems)

You DID say “Plant 'em right away” as I recall! :joy: They’re enjoying Life in the Tropics bro…as a matter fact, they’re already in the pool! :rofl:

@DainIronFoot (DJ Short f4 Blueberry regs 90’S Blueberry op and F5 DJ Short Blueberry, F3 Zacatecas Purple x Michoacan derived from Snowhigh via CS) These are about 10 minutes away from taking a dip themselves! (DONE!) And thanks for the big numbers! These are gonna run all though the short season(s) for the next few months…as long as I myself can keep runnin’, I’ll see to it they run too!

@Tuned (Corey Heim x Blue Kush) Haa, haa, haa! Don’t worry, I’ve got another pool ready for these too! Thanks bro!

Unfortunately, my memory has been under constant bombardment by RSO for almost the last 6 months! If anybody is expecting seeds from me and we haven’t talked about it in a while, please do NOT be afraid to DM me! I’m happy to follow through, it’s just that often after mailing I can’t remember long enough to write it down in my list! :upside_down_face:

Not much of a ‘get things done’ day here! Re-re-pollinated the Goji OG Lollipops w/ @ShiskaberrySavior 's Orange Goji for the third time…and just because I could…I pollinated one of the lower Malana branches with it as well. Then off to argue w/the internet company again! (They swear that THIS time it’ll be working by the 15th of December…I forgot to ask what year!

I know of a few Ag workers on the island that are pretty good at their trade and one is one of my suppliers for rice hull, rice straw, cow shit and other ‘shit’, literally! When I stopped by his godown to load the truck the other day I happened to notice a few little ganja plants strewn about the place and we had a little ‘talk’. So today he got loaded up with Goji OG & Black Skunk beans from the f2’s I made from @misterbee & @CADMAN 's beans. (Thanks guys, I’m spreading 'em around!)

Then off to the acupuncture appointment and an hour of chill. Maybe it’s because I know I have the needles all over during a session, but any other time I can’t ever seem to lay down and relax without tossing and turning…until I get on the acupuncture table that is! Then I don’t want it to ever end!

I’ve made some great friends here on OG and lately I have been lucky enough to be contacted by a number of people here battling cancer (either currently or in the past) that have reached out to me in the last 8 months. Considering that the fkn doctors felt so sure I should have been dead a few months ago, I’ve decided that their opinions really aren’t very high on my priority list! I’ve been the recipient of many e-mailed documents and studies, numerous DM’s checking in on me, hints from long-time users and producers of both RSO & CBD, and seeds of strains people feel will be the most effective for my RSO. I cannot say THANK YOU enough!

To anybody else out there that ever gets a diagnosis like this, reach out here on OG - you will find it hard to believe how many others are willing to help. It only FEELS like nobody can understand what you’re going through all by yourself…there are a LOT of us out there! And Hey, this is OG - we GOT your back!

Okay, I got a lot of anxious, disoriented beans trying figure out where they are in the World, and they’re all waiting to go swimming! Have a great day all!



Happy they have arrived mate. :crossed_fingers: Hoping they do well in your climate, this will be a first. My seed fridge is open to you mate, anything you want of mine, I’m happy to share. Love seeing what your doing on the other side of the world. All the best with your health


See! That’s what I mean! :heart_eyes: OG :heart_eyes:



So glad the seeds made that long trip!
I hope you get something interesting :pray:


Bro, it’s 6:30 am, I put the first ones in soak 10 hours ago, just checked beans and yours have started to tail already! Well, to be honest about it, I too saw that post about HOT water germination…and the crushed aloe vera leaf…so just about everything I put in soaks last night has had ‘the treatment’ and ‘some’ have cracked already! Coffee hasn’t kicked in yet so I’m not completely sure, but it looked the same w/ @DainIronFoot beans AND @Tuned 's beans! Great start! Thanks again!



I only do this. As hot as the water gets from my tap, fill up my mason jar and in with the beans. Nothing else, just hot water. Works every time. Some members did a test of this, I think on the WMBK contest thread.


Likely where I read it! Can’t remember clearly (Boy, is THAT an understatement!) but I think it was @Budderton (?) on here that spoke of the Aloe vera? Lovin’ the tips!



10 hours @Wizdom :rofl: :heart_eyes: Not too bad bro… 9 for 9! (that’s the Mac`1 x Ashara Valley Cheese … but I don’t think the others are very far behind!) I’ll be plugging’ them in after lunch! Solo’s by dinner time…do you think we can flower in time for dinner tomorrow night? :rofl:

And, @GMan Bro, I FINALLY got some females of the Oaxaca x Lemon Thai (2)! I hit one up fully with the male pollen this morning. Gonna have to keep going over EVERY node on these EVERY day to watch for nanners or balls!

I managed to collected a bit more Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior 's male to save for later use.

Another bit of good news - The new 5-gallon Hypoclorious acid generator is getting closer and closer!

image Yahooooo!
(Well, a little early!)



Found a little Powdered Gold Dust! One of my staff has been trimming whenever she can and it just occurred to me to check the base of the trim tray. I’ve got too much pluggin’ & transplanting to do tonight but since I scraped it all into a pile I had to do ‘something’ with it! I’ve been told that my little brass hand-screw press is best doing 1-2 grams at a time…didn’t even bother to weigh it, but I think I’m at least doubling or tripling that! The good news’ is; It Fit! :rofl: Haven’t even tried it yet!

And a buddy in Chaingmai said his gardener’s 86-year old friend gave him this after visiting his garden today! Not much to look at, definite NLD, pretty rough! I said it’s interesting that there are almost no serrations to be seen except at a few leaf tips. I asked him to ask the guy if he grew it and to take pictures of a ‘live’ plant for us. He said, “If you wanna see it alive, you’re gonna have to grow it!” :joy: It was then that I noticed it’s seeded! Something tells me we’re gonna have new visitors. Told him unfortunately I really don’t have time to try it unless there’s something very outstanding about it. If somebody out there wants to try it, let me know and I’ll see what I can do!

EDIT: Word just came back that he liked the scraggly looking stuff. He mentioned a ‘fermented’ smell and I asked if it was the same one as we got from the old stix in the 1970’s? “YES” was the reply!!! Hmmm. may have to try a few after all!

And another orchid beauty going off up the mountain! Can’t remember the species name for certain, but know it’s a Coelogyne and I believe its rochussenii. I swear, I didn’t hit it with Bud Buster Pro!
@BudBusterPro :joy: But can you imagine if I DID!

Phew, did a big time plug-tuck of all the tailed beans. Put some in at lunchtime and finished up about 2 hours ago.

And hard as it is for me to believe…The first “Meat Breath” and “Mac1 x Ashara Valley Cheese” from the lunchtime transplant are ALREADY uP! Guess I’ll be using the hot water & aloe vera method a lot more!




I was just curious if any Vanilla Orchids are grown in Thailand?!

YES Bob, they do! Planifolia and Tahiti strains mostly. When I lived in the S. Pacific (Tonga) back in the late 1970’s they were just starting to develop the industry there…I wonder how it’s gone? There’s an amazing little dessert shot (drink) made from soaking 2-3 vanilla beans for a few months in about a pint of Toddy Palm juice (sugary) made when you chop off the tip of the flowering bracts. My friends brought back some connoisseur beans (Vanilla!) from Madagascar and we did it with them…delicious!



Sent you a PM…Merry Christmas !

1 Like

These are various still-young Malana’s, I just want to let @US3RNAM3 get a peek at how they look over here. As usual, they’ve been pushed hard and fast at a really young age, endured their first monsoon season and hopefully can keep going for a while longer… if it’ll dry up a bit now! Hypo-Gen should be here any day now (Reminder to self - Buy Kosher salt!) :rofl: @BudBusterPro

EDIT: Just checked…

:crazy_face: :laughing: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Plant in the first 2 pics has a little bit ‘chunkier’ buds, compared to the one right next to it.(next photo please…)

Here’s the ‘thinner’ bud structured plant, more clustered around the stem than the above plants

Then there’s the beautiful little seeded out Malana #2 purple pheno plant over in the maternity ward. I gave her a hard look-over today, but didn’t see any more beans ready to pluck. The purple calyx don’t really show with my cell/flash and it was too late for natural light. My first time with these so I don’t know what to expect in terms of flowering times, but I’m so damn disconnected from time it really doesn’t matter! :crazy_face: When they’re done, they’ll be done!

And not to be forgotten, here we have PePe le Pew @PioneerValleyOG These are real beauties! think I have 2 running in the upper greenhouse and last week in monsoon budrot reared it’s ugly head(s)! My little 300 ml Hypoclorious acid generator made enough to spot-treat any outbreaks, but you ‘lose’ that bud. Any tissue that has been parasitized/infected dies instantly and shrivels up into dead leaf matter that you can pinch right out…at least on the Sativa’s! :innocent: It doesn’t effect ‘healthy tissues or pistils’ in the least bit. I’m awaiting my 5-gallon gen any day now and look forward to Over-dousing the World! (or my small part of it!) :rofl: But for now, you’ll notice I didn’t do a ‘full figure’ shot! Still, there’s plenty left that I’m looking forward to trying out in the New Year…should I be so lucky as to see it! :joy: :partying_face: :joy:

and some Chocolopes …same story…selective de-budding in progress, but Hypo seems to have stopped the fungus from spreading. I’d try these again, they are gorgeous…but I think I only had a couple ‘freebies’ from Seed City Seeds laying around. In the end, it’ll be all about the taste on this one…does it live up to it’s name??? Inquiring Stoney Minds Want to know!

Sorry guys, times short, so that visual update has got to cover for today. Hope you’re havin’ a great one where ever you’re reading this! Go hug your plants!



@Tlander, remember that you can use potassium chloride to replace the Kosher salt.
It’s usually cheaper and readily available. Just use KCl amounts EQUAL to the NaCl…
The molecular density of NaCl is insignificantly different than KCl :wink:


Haa, haa, haa… @BudBusterPro I know I’m moving uP into the realms of commercial production here, but Kosher Salt is really pretty low on my expenditures…so far! Thanks!

Checked security a little while ago for the generator, but it’s not here yet. Gotta be within about 2 miles!
I had a great question for you on my way home from acupuncture…too bad it’s gone again! :crazy_face: I’ve got something like 6 whiteboards and 4-5 chalkboards strewn around the house and still manage to lose too many thoughts!



Looking happy as heck nice parenting!


Well, I’m really happy that I decided to stop by the Oaxacan x Lemon Thai males and pluck open flowers this morning! @GMan Made quite a haul, but being late for a doctor’s appointment I had to just stash them away in the drying tent until I get time to deal with it. My pollen Shaker is full of Orange Goji and all I had handy were some little vials. Threw some silica packs in the open zip and hung it.

Mis-labeled…I lost a day…and a marker! Don’t worry, that’s pollen on the inside of the tubes not moisture!

Came back up the driveway this evening after finishing up in the nursery and thought I better harvest the rest of any open flowers and then, much as I hate to do it, chop the guy down! Get there to find a huge Arenga undulafolia palm frond, weighing about 5 kilos, has landed dead-center on the male, splitting the 2 largest branches straight down the middle! :upside_down_face: I pulled it off and took a photo of what was underneath…

I’ve got another Oaxacan x Lemon Thai male stashed up the driveway as well, so I cut this one back heavily. Might keep it around in case more females declare in a week or two and I can then make back-up-beans on another one.

Meanwhile, I pulled one of the females out of the upper greenhouse and pollinated one branch of her. Will do more tomorrow if pollen collection goes well.

Oh, and I got shitloads of pollen off of @ShiskaberrySavior 's Orange Goji male this morning! Wish I wasn’t so out of it as I have a lot of other Goji’s I’ve been working on and I’d love to use more of this (orange Goji) on some of them…but I haven’t even seen a female in bud yet! :crazy_face:

Whatda’ you think guys? Do I just GO FOR IT?

Okay, tons of helmeted seedlings to deal with this evening…what was I thinking putting in that many different beans at once! :flushed:

Back to it! I hope you have great one!