First Time (growing legal that is)!

555! I saw you lurking @ShiskaberrySavior ! :laughing:



I’d say go for it if you liked the looks of the male it’s definitely a stable strain . I’d grew a lot of orange goji and never had a bad plant out of the bunch .


Thanks bro! That’s the direction I was pretty much leaning already! The male was pretty young, but I used him to hit up a single branch on 3 different Goji OG’s. They’re the ones I’ve made from MisterBee & Cadman’s Goji OG’s. I’m running them as “Lollipops” and it’s seeming to help a lot through monsoon conditions over here. I made a lot of beans of them and keep sticking in more! I haven’t kept any of the males this run so using yours and hoping for the best looks like the way to go! Thanks again for sending me these! :pray:



Yo Guys, howzit?

@DainIronFoot @Wizdom @BudBusterPro

Weather is still holding here, a couple brief showers but nothing substantial. Managed to do a bunch more transplanting of Solo cups into 1 gallon airpots and a lot of shifting plants around. Moved another 10 of the new square 3-gallon pots out to the lemon grove so there’d be room for the next batch of Solo’s in the Ebb & Flow tables. And they are already sprouting in their plug trays! And they’re quite the bunch of exciting ones for me to try! Thanks to all my Growbuddies! :pray: :pray: :pray:

Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese were the first to pop and are looking great.

The Meat Breath look to me like I should have planted them a bit deeper than the others. They all have elongated stems, some even making a loop! :crazy_face: I’m just mounding mix around 'em and will transplant them first off the bat, burying them a little deeper and leaving room to top-dress them into stability.

Looks like I may have killed one off removing the helmet that had got stuck. (I DID de-helmet a lot of these starts, not just the MB). I ‘could’ plant my seeds a little deeper and let friction do its job, but I’m to impatient to see my little buddies pop!

I’m lucky to be running two different batches of DJ Short Blueberries, f4’s & f5’s from Dain! The f5’s are 90’s BB and every one of them has popped! The other BB’s are the f4’s and 11 out of 20 are uP already! (They were the last ones to go in!).

I’m excited to see 13 of 15 of the Zacatecas x Michoacan. I can (barely) still remember getting long, thin wispy buds of Michoacan weed rolled up in a single sheet of Mexican newspaper diagonally. Damn, that must have been 40-45 years ago! :joy: I’m looking forward too seeing what these bring! :pray:

Mac1 x Stockton Slaps have only seen one pop so far, but I’d bet we have more uP by mornin’.

Okay, what else do we have here today? More seedlings likely…

And… yobro @otug :pray: They’re moving forward!

@US3RNAM3 The back row are your Malana #1’s and the front, yellowing plant is supposed to be a Red-Headed Hippie! The rest are various Goji OG’s.

And now, time to admit a fuP when I make it! A couple days ago I looked into the seedling racks and saw 8-10 plants in a tray that had been part of a 45-plant transplant into Solo’s and which ‘somehow’ didn’t get tags! They have them now, but all they can say is “Group A”! I must say I’m ticked off at myself as…of fucking course, they’re the most interesting looking things in the tables! First thing you notice is the width of the middle of the leaf compared to the proportions of the rest of it… Really nice, fast early growth and good color.

My apologies to whoever gifted me these wonderful beans! :pray: I’m gonna be on these and am just bummed that I can’t keep you updated! Last hope is someone see’s em here and tells me what they sent me! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Add these haven’t even gotten their 2nd dose of Bud Buster Pro yet!!

Speaking of which, everybody is gonna get back on the regular “Sunday BBP program” tomorrow…it got a little too wild with monsoon and trying to spray so many plants in one day that I had to break it up into multiple days…never again! :laughing: Too easy to make excuses once you start! I’m liking what I’m seeing in terms of my plants w/BBP. I’m pretty convinced by all my friends’ testimonials about the stuff and I’m not into plant cruelty (other than moderate doses of plant-bondage!) so I hit EVERYTHING! None of the side-by-side testing that I should (and Bob probably wishes I’d) do! :upside_down_face:

I’m also amazed at how far it goes, even when doing big numbers of plants! I don’t think people looking into the product can grasp how far those bottles go! I’ve still got 3/4 of my 100 ml. bottle left and I’ve been spraying for a couple months now! Of course as the size of the plants get big, you start to need more for coverage. I should have asked Bob before, but at one point when it was becoming too much (!) I remember it getting dark and I decided to just hit the last 10 plants right at the nodes with a good blast and move on. Can’t say I see a difference between the two!

Now, I also continued on spraying about 10 seeded females all the way through the on-plant harvest (which we are almost at the tail end of.) I’m NOT a big-time breeder and my experience is limited. But as anyone on OG knows, that doesn’t last long around here with so many seed guru’s to inspire one! :mage: I noticed that about 8 or 9 out of the 10 seeded plants all had calyx that started to spread apart quite early, while the seeds themselves were very green still. On a couple strains I was worried I was gonna lose a lot of seeds to windfall. Now all 10 of these were intentionally seeded when they had barely started to flower as monsoon was right around the corner and I’d promised a couple people I’d replenish their gifted seed stocks asap (and all the others were just too cool to not make more of while I had the chance!). In the end (almost the end anyway) I think we pulled from 100 - 300 beans each off each little plant, of which I’d guess 1/3-1/2 will viable after drying and squeeze-testing. There were a lot of greenies as I found some buds that had drooped and I just squeezed out everything I saw to sort later. I’m seeing nice color and good form to them and I’m quite happy at how fast the finished up. (going to have to look at the pollination tag dates tomorrow!). I thought that the 2 Freaky Buddha’s had about 10-20 seeds left on them after yesterday’s picking…pulled 100+ off one plant tonight! :crazy_face: and got my first 25 off the (Durban Poison x Pangi) x (DP x Appie) @Jimdoors !




Okay, with my frikin’ internet connection, this post has just taken up 4 1/2 hours! WHAT??? I gotta get outta here! 555! Have a great weekend everybody!



Nothing like drooling in my coffee, again.


Mornin’ bro! Just getting ready for bed over here!


Sleep well, my friend.


Outstanding! So happy to see and follow your success!


Another Sunday in the books! Kind of a slow day around here, a least in terms of getting anything done! But seeing as I still had a male of both @ShiskaberrySavior 's Orange Goji and @US3RNAM3 's Oaxaca x Lemon Thai I grabbed a couple pollen tubes from the tent and some fresh brushes and ziplocs, set out whistling “I’m OFF to see the Wizard!”!

(I’ve been going back and reading the OG (Orange Goji) tales here on OG (OverGrow), since putting these in bro! Thanks!) Think I’m feeling pretty good about using the Orange Goji pollen after all the outstanding tributes posted about it! So, I got to the upper greenhouse (eventually, having tried out a joint loaded with finger hash from all the seed shucking!) and had a look around to see if there were indications of success from last weeks dustings?

First I checked up on the 3 lollipopp’ed gals I pollinated last week and am happy to say there are clearly many well-set seed on at least one branch of each plant!

The Malana @US3RNAM3 with the lighter structured buds was at my eye-level when I turned on the stool from the Goji OG and I had the crazy thought that I might just as well try pollinating a branch of it with the Orange Goji…just for giggles! :joy: I’ve been really liking the Goji OG’s with the new lollipop-then LST’ed form here for reducing fungus issues. If a cross somehow added the Goji plant structure with the Malana Bud-lites it might be an amazing plant to run here…or not! :upside_down_face: Anyway, just as I decided to go for it, I notice a tag hanging from a lower branch saying…“Malana #2, Cone 4 x Orange Goji - poll 12/10/23”! So I found another cola around the back! :rofl:

Okay, here’s a couple of the green pheno Malana’s (Purp pheno is down in the maternity ward still)

And beside her was the ‘Chunky’ bud Malana

Can’t forget PePe le Pew! @PioneerValleyOG These are gorgeous budded plants! But I can tell that just like @Budderton 's Affie’s and The Blue Tara’s and Grape Dragond - all are very similar bud structure and it’s just too closed and dense to survive without molding out. This one is borderline on the mold index here…so far! I’ve heavily defoliated them to try to let the fans hit the buds better. I can’t quite believe they have made it this far without totally succumbing! I’ve had to cut out a few rotted buds here and there after hitting 'em w/ hypoclorious acid, but just look what’s left!

I snipped off a rather nice-sized, but molded, bud and gave it a light squeeze and smell…I suck at describing smells and after Covid I don’t even try…but this definitely had a ‘stink’ I haven’t smelled before!

All right, I got the outdoor and greenhouse Bud Buster Pro treatments done by sunset @BudBusterPro , but I still need to hit all the seedlings in the racks tonight before light-out… and there’s a ton of clones calling me and probably row after row of helmeted little soldiers just waiting for me to flip their little caps off! And it ain’t gonna get done from the computer, I can tell you that much! Have a great rest of your weekend guys and gals! Thanks again for droppin’ in!

Whoops! IIII FORGOT (Gee, Imagine THAT!) :rofl:
Bob, I was extremely careful to make sure he didn’t get to drink any BBP! :flushed:



Thailand :thailand: being represented today in the final of the Scottish snooker open!
Noppon Saengkham vs Gary Wilson.


Man this thread is GREAT. Im still reading from the beginning but I had to jump to the recent post to see whats going on now. Your pot plants are wild but the pictures of your property are what amaze me. It looks soooo warm. Im freezing my ass off right now. :cold_face:


Fittingly, being in Scotland, Gary won! :rofl:

(Disclamer: I didn’t know either one by name! :flushed:)

Welcome on in Magu! Pull up a chair or a hammock, or just kick back on the grass! But it’s still wet from the rains! :rofl:



WoW! After a month of fkn around I finally managed to link a What’s App account to my camera feed and can send myself photos again. Resolution will likely suck big time, but we’ll see!

Well, not too bad, I can read the tags anyway! And FAST!!! Man, I spent 4.5 HOURS uploading some photos the other night - this was 5 seconds! Yahooo!

@DainIronFoot @Wizdom @BudBusterPro
Sorry, I’m not gonna type all those names out! (Right click ‘open in a new tab’ → click ‘magnifying glass’ - you won’t need it!)

A day after their first Bud Buster Pro treatment and everybody (almost, 2 MIA’s) is lookin’ happy to be in SE Asia instead of seein’ snow out the window!

And I may transplant the Mexican’s tonight (Back row (10) and middle row - right (5). @DainIronFoot They stretched out quite a bit at soil-break and I’d like to get 'em a bit deeper.

Think they’ll all go in Solo’s for a week or two. Well, I’ll start with 1! :partying_face: Post-script; 10 out of 15 in Solo’s … so far! (Morning Post-Postscript - All In!) @DainIronFoot

Had to make some more ‘deposits’ in the seed bank drying-packs today. I cannot believe how many Freaky Buddha beans came off those two tiny plans! @THCeed I added these to the others already in the bag(s)! (I probably need to make a signature on my posts that explains that EVERYTHING shown has been treated w/ Bud Buster Pro all the way through seed harvest via the kindheartedness of …(I hope he doesn’t mind me ‘outting’ him???) @Boozer and then through Bob himself @BudBusterPro ! HUGE THANKS to you both :pray: :pray: :pray:

I pretty literally didn’t think I was gonna get the chance to try it in this Lifetime! I feel like I ‘almost’ wish I had my brain back so I could either get it together to post a this on the BBP thread or collate my BBP posts somehow, and link it to them… But Alas, on RSO, my mind has WAY more holes than Swiss Cheese these days! If any computer-savey OG’ers wanna try, I’d love it! This was my first run w/ BBP and I did NOT do side-by-side grow-offs. everybody got it!.. So, from my very early early results on a very fast 10-plant seed run I’d say this stuff needs to be shouted from the rooftops! Sorry, my mind’s too scrambled to make much sense! I’ll continue this discussion further down along…suffice to say, I’ll be using it for the rest of MY lifetime! :rofl:

@Jimdoors Yobro, I thought I better check over the ‘tiny’ little (Durban Poison x Pangi) x (D.P. x Appie) gal, even though the seeds are still pretty tiny… Well, I forgot to factor in The BBP treatments! I must have pulled 175 beans off of her today! Now I’d bet 50 are too young, fail the squeeze test or already germinated on the plant! But hey, I’m quite happy! Can’t wait to see what their little sisters do in the upper greenhouse!

Whoops, I downloaded 2 of these and missed another of something else! :upside_down_face:

A few more God’s Cookies literally “In the Bag”! (now, anyway!). LOVE the size, dark coloration and patterning on these beans!

Not very many, but these are important! The “Lucky” Malana #2 purple pheno - the only Malana plant I seeded (until just lately!). I’m hoping there’s another harvest-able 23-50 in the small sativa buds

Pollinated the only female with the only male…still more to come…

I hit up the farthest along Orange Goji @ShiskaberrySavior with the male OG today, just sparing the top cola! I cut all the male flowers with about 3" of stem each into my pollen shaker and stashed it in the drying tent. And since I had it with me, I dusted another lower branch of the Malana #2 w/ OG as well. All of these are getting the Bud Buster Pro treatment all the way through seed development. From what I just experienced on my first seed run of 10 strains/hybrids, I doubt I’ll ever risk NOT using it! And even my “Gentle Giant” worker (remember the guy that just carries the wheelbarrow instead of rolling it?) commented that the seeds just got so big so fast!!! I spaced out leaving my phone hooked up to my computer trying to download pics and didn’t realize it until I wanted to re-create yesterday’s photo of the Goji OG x Orange Goji seeded branch. I could not believe that the size of those barely discernible beans had doubled overnight!

OMG! did it again! I gotta get outta here guys it’s almost 10 and I still got Solo’s to do!


Very nice work!! Looking good! The updates are fun.


Right on TL, look at you making shit tons of beans! Awesome man! It’s good to hear you’ve got a decent interweb connection again and nice to see you putting it to work with another beauty of an update.


Yeah bud I’m sure your not as sharp but God damn do you got it going on. Jelly.


Thanks all! Good morning from over here! Just saw this cool article on CNN on an OG seed planting method that’s pretty cool! Take a look!




Carnegie Mellon is only 50 min from here. They are some smart folks.

1 Like

That seed drill is f—-ing AMAZING ! All these years Ive been doing it the hard way. It gives me hope that we may actually fix this climate crisis. Thanks @Tlander


5 minutes ago, I had no idea vanilla was an orchid. Very cool.