First Time (growing legal that is)!

Gotta down some food so uploading pics…for the record, all plants have been undergoing treatment w/ Bud Buster Pro since seedling stage. That’s the “Plus” side…on the downside they have had to contend with ME, monsoon season, botrytis, Septoria, whiteflys and so on! I’ve had my losses, but overall I’m happy that we made the loads of seed we did, I got a lot of RSO for my cancer out of it (Today received a batch for the next month and a half! :pray: :pray: :pray:) oh, and just a weeeeeeeee bit to smoke, of course! :upside_down_face:


Oaxacan x Lemon Thai (Somebody help me w/the tag? I’m brain-dead) I pollinated one branch of these last week and today I did the whole plant) and I found another green male at just the right moment! She’s about 2 weeks into flower (I only ‘think’?).

This is a different one nearby. I’d love to continue playing with the plant bondage, but I just don’t have the energy to spend 12 hours a day playing any more!

Okay, here’s some seeds-in-the-making shots from today. The earliest of these pollinations was 9 days ago, manyothers 7 & 3 days ago.I’m blown away at the speed of development! That last 10-plant seed run was the “get it done before monsoon kills” it run! Very fast and furious (and nerve-whacking!). Hoping as things dry out…and whenever the Hypoclorous acid-gen gets here???) I will be able to let these go full term in the bush. Here’s some samplings…

I’ve pollinated 2 colas of this Malana with the Orange Goji and I believe I can see seeds developing all the way up the cola!

Here’s the Mexican immigrants in their new Solo cups and now lounging under the lights in the Ebb & Flow tables. Got 'em a bit deeper and a lot more stable. The fans are better down there too, need to toughen 'em up a bit while they’re still young!

Here’s some Mighty Mites @Oldtimerunderground just gettin’ settled into 1 gallon airpots in the E&F table for a while. Pretty interesting looking little plants right from the start! Thanks bro! I’ll try to pop in shots of 'em as they grow. :pray:

Well, I’m gonna give up for tonight - been trying to upload photos for 5 hours…I quit (for tonight!). Have a great day you guys!



You sure make me enjoy having my coffee.


Well, gonna try to catch a quick 6 hours and I’ll be back down again for mine bro! Thanks for stoppin’ by!


This is where I start everyday, thanks Brother.


I see I forgot to add the picture of the latest (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG lollipop-in-the-making’ plant. Been hoping that I’m taking these in a direction that will lead to less fungal problems by eliminating ALL leaves on the lower 1/2-2/3 of the plants.

Found a stack of the metal rings I used last year for spreading canopies and just decided to re-use a few! Should be a nice little 12-cola-er!

I’ll try to take a shot of the older giel’s that I did this to…working great so far~



All good here, been away for a minute! Hope you’re in high spirits :grin: Love seeing the updates. Curious how the second gen of the lucky purple malanas will evolve for ya ^^


Looking great brother! :grinning:
They are fun to look at, leaf shape is pretty elliptical :thinking: almost like slightly serrated bay leaves :joy:
I have a “few” going indoors right now :shushing_face::smirk:


Yo guys gals! Start things off with my version of a Georgia O’Keeffe painting…


Here’s a shot of the Malana (green pheno) seeded plant that I hit up w/pollen just 8 days ago! It’s tough to see on this one, but if you zoom in you’ll see that the calyx have already split open revealing the green seed coat. I have been assuming that it has to do with the Bud Buster Pro treatments effecting the seed development process. this is now the second seed-run using BBP and to my eye, it’s an across-the-board thing…all the plants have been doing this calyx split really early on. I have been hoping to let these beans run long-term on the bush…last run was a tag-team match against the budrot with monsoon assisting! Had to take what I could get before they succumbed…hopefully not this time!

Here’s one of the Ethos Super Lemon Haze (last seed run) that shows the effect a lot more clearly…

Same thing on the Goji’s, these at 10 days.

And 8 days ago! Again, see the calyx starting to split?

Odds & ends…

In the E&F tables now…

These’ll get transplanted directly into 1 gallon airpots in the next few days and then move into the E&F tables. Those that thrive will probably get transplanted uP to 5 gallon pots, but it’s into the short season here and the 1 gallon really help reduce the amount of LS mix I need…not to mention that other than to impress someone (who?) I don’t really NEED quantity any more and smaller plants are a lot easier to deal with around here!

I’m not used to these sparse Sativa’s yet, it’s really fun when you pull out a loupe and start traveling to the “Center of the Bud”, but when I first step in the door, I’m like, “Am I in Biafra?”

Next generation…

The lollipopped Goji OG’s are starting to bud out. All 3 got at least one (and some 3!) branches dusted with Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior 's male. I also managed to stash away a bunch of Orange Goji & Oaxaca x Lemon Thai pollen today.

@BudBusterPro @BigMike55 @Maddawg @Boozer @US3RNAM3 @MissinBissin @Oldjoints @Oldtimerunderground @DainIronFoot @Wizdom @Ottafish @ShiskaberrySavior @Tuned @Greenfingers Anybody else???

And Now… :drum: :drum: :drum: :newspaper_roll::roll_eyes:

It’s HERE!!! My new 'Blemished" 5 gallon Hypoclorious Aid generator from Controlomatic has arrived! Oh MY GOD!!! I’m tempted to brew up a 5-gallon batch tonight just 'cause I can!!!

And, I paid a little extra to get the 3-amp charger that speeds up the process of batching! They sent the normal one as well. So far, I’m stoked with Controlomatic! They were really helpful with my overseas order and freight, responded promptly on my questions and lived up to the predicted shipping times and rate. And I had NO Customs hassles at ALL! Delivered straight to my security guys, I believe, in the 9-days predicted!

Now, this unit (NatureChlor-Max) normally sells for $469 + shipping. BUT they also sell “Blemished” units at a very highly reduced rate! I paid something like $225 US including postage! I’d recommend ‘asking’ about pricing on shipping…when I went direct to the website it quoted me $271 but they had already checked the shipping price and quoted me $50 cheaper and when I asked about it they sorted it out right away.

They also make smaller models that are less expensive, but I need VOLUME here in the tropics! I want to be spraying this tomorrow morning with my 20-liter, gas-powered backpack fogger! Screw those whimpy little pump sprayer jobs! :rofl: And, like everyone else I have spoken to that has bought one of these ‘blemished’ units, it took some time to find the blemish!

Finally, BIG Thanks to @Upstate ! Your Peshwar - Afghan Sativa beans hit the box today!

Yobro, have a look… Tirah valley: The land of pure hashish
It’s not all that great of a story, but ‘from the source’.

Have a fantastic day everybody!


You can see how intelligent mantises are. I’ve also had them become almost friendly. It’s like they figure out you don’t want to hurt them, and they even WANT to hang out with you. Sometimes, anyway. Have you ever left a light on all night, just to see what sort of critters show up?


Haa, haa, haa - EVERY night! And yes, I’ve seen what shows up! We’ve always had Mantis, but nothing like since we started growing ganja openly! I’ve seen more species and variations than ever! And yeah, they are a blast to hang out with! The best is when a newly hatched egg case opens and all the tiny miniature mantis emerge!



Im still reading from the beginning. I just saw your “ albino skunk hat”. Ha ha ha ha :joy:. That is some funny shit man :joy::joy::joy:


Alright, between all the gifted beans from the great folks here at OG and ALL my ‘new’ beans that I’ve got to deal with, I decided I need a little more room for the girls, so!

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-22 at 1.03.42 PM

Just kiddin’! I found that CAT on the side of a mountain in Borneo on one of our botanical expeditions.

A grower who went out of business gave me some sample pots to try out. Anybody ever use, or even ‘see’ these before? I’m kind of liking them. They have ‘pop-out’ bottoms and leave a nice 2-3" air-gap on the bottom…really wish my ebb & flow tables were 4" deep! They are not huge, maybe 3 gallons? Should be fine for a bunch of short-season plants. I filled 20 over the last week or two and am giving her a ridiculously low offer on another 100 pieces. I still have a few hundred airpots left and don’t really NEED them, but if the money is enticing and it turns out to be a win/win we’ll both be happy! But just to sweeten the deal, I also put in some low-ball offers on a couple big LED lights and a couple big rolls of white insect cloth ‘cause, you know, I just don’ feel like I have enough to keep me busy around here! :crazy_face:

On duty! I watched this mantis on the seedling rack on my porch last night for half an hour! She/he was voraciously eating everything in her path! If you’ve ever looked at a mantis’ mouth parts you know how amazing they really are. People get all excited about their forelegs, which ARE cool, but pull out a macro lens and focus in on that mouth…had to be the inspiration for some of the Predator movies!

Well, it was hypoclorious acid generator testing day today! The new unit from ControlOmatic showed up (right on the predicted time!). My foreman and I mixed up a batch this morning (details later!) and I had to run off to a doctor’s appointment. So I had him totally spray down a male (Thai x VN Black) x Goji male that was gonna go to the chickens at 5 pm anyway. I came back, parked the truck for the guys to unload supplies and ran off to check on the male - no signs of anything problematic so loaded up the big gas-powered backpack fogger and fogged EVERYTHING! Insides and outsides of ALL the greenhouses, all the outdoor, all gravel and anything within about 5 meters of the plants. I saw one plant just before sunset that looked in bad shape, very droopy fan leaves w/ no turgidity to the petioles. Likely either ‘had’ fungus on those leaves or there’s something ‘else’ going on because no other plants showed the same kind of thing.

Shot at ‘start-up’. Within 2 minutes the water was ‘clouded’, but here you can see the bubbling action just starting.

I have the BartOvation test strips that are said to be the only ones worth using (Link elsewhere in this thread…way back!). I also had the new pack that came with the generator. Likewise, had 3 pH testing routes available. Used them all! :crazy_face:

At the end of a one-hour brew session I got these readings; (BartOvation on Left) The generator company-supplied strips tested out at the high end of the spectrum - between 100 and 200 ppm. But the BartOvation strips still only showing 50PPM

At the end of a two-hour brew session, I had 5 gallons of Hypoclorious acid which I had kept at pH 3.5 - 3.9 the entire 2 hours. Brought it back down to 3.6 and tested with the PPM strips.

In the end, with a 5-gallon generator, some cheap water & salt and only my own precious time as the limit, I can now spray this stuff as often as I want! YAHOOOOO! Thank you Bob! And all the guys that directed me towards those “Blemished” units! :pray: :pray: :pray:

Well, I got transplanting to get back to here! I was hoping to leave these plants in the new much larger plug trays for a week more…but the shallow planting has resulted in some awfully long stems that I’m not liking the look of right now, so ‘up to their necks’ they go! Figure I can put 'em in one gallon airpots in the E&F tables for a while and if I get those 100 square pots we’ll just move 'em up when the time comes. Otherwise might see what a shitload of 1 gallons is like to try to maintain through a short season run! (Yeah, right! :roll_eyes:)!

Okay, at least I like this more than trim jail! :rofl: See ya in a while if I can finish up early!



Sorry guys, Interweb sucks tonight! Been trying to download pictures since noon, it’s now 8 pm! Pulled another 200 beans off of the Ethos Super Lemon Haze plant today…that was from “Jinglepot” who seems to have left OG??? Anybody know what’s up? Anyway, tiny seeds from this one compared to everything else, but if they sprout that’s fine! Shifted all of the last few night’s transplanted 1 gallon airpots down to the ebb & flow tables. Really hoping that deal on the 100 square 3 gallon pots comes through…and soon! :joy: If it does, the 2 new 320W LED’s will go in over the E&F tables and we’ll be able to veg a lot more stuff a bit longer during these short days. Okay, sorry for the boring no-picture post! Hope things change up soon!



I think that you can reach him by DM message.

Good luck with the HClO generator… hope it keep the problems with mold away.


Thanks Piter! No, when you type in an “@” and his name it doesn’t appear like everybody else…makes me wonder if he’s “left” OG? I think there might have been some ‘incident’ or something, but it slipped past me. I wanted to thank him for the Super Lemon Haze beans that started this!



Hit the “Mother Lode” on photo sending! I went up to the top of the mountain to see some friends who are just arriving and had the idea to hit “Re-Send” on What’sApp for the last 2 day’s pictures…by the time I got home most of them were here!

Almost walked into her web! Golden Orb spider. These are the ones that they used the silk from as the bio-mimicry model for making bullet-proof vests! You can actually sometimes just back out of a big web like this without breaking it!

Last few evenings have been transplanting time around here…changed up my seedling mix with better results, though I attribute it to the hot water & aloe soaks! :pray: Also tried out a much larger plug tray than I’m used to using. (rt. side 1st photo). Gotta admit, I liked 'em! With my new mix, they didn’t fall apart at all, even though they were far, far from root-bound. But I didn’t plant deep enough so they needed to get buried a bit deeper before they started falling over.

Here’s the latest 200 beans off of the little Ethos - Super Lemon Haze

Then of course it’s time to move 'em outta here! So into the Ebb & Flow tables for a while.

The Mighty Mite in the center of the right hand column (in 2nd pic below) threw out huge balls in the 6 hours I was away! I came back at sunset and needed some Aloe Vera for my seed soaks. Just decided to have a quick look! At least12 big ball sacks hangin’. I chopped the top, pinched the sacs and stashed him way up the driveway until we see what the other 2 do.

They’ve been looking really interesting to me the last week, sure hope the other two are females!

The “Group A” plants (555! Meaning the ones I forgot to label on transplanting to Solo’s!) have started to reach for the sky. Pulled two males tonight already.

Phew, and I just realized that wasn’t even the pics from today yet! I’m still playing catch-up! I hope I tag all the folks whose beans are here, but pretty spaced out tonight??? @DainIronFoot @Wizdom …aaahhhhmmmm…See! I’m brain-dead! :roll_eyes:@Oldtimerunderground @US3RNAM3 @Greenfingers @misterbee @CADMAN I’m sure I’m still forgetting somebody???

I decided that due to my using the Hypoclorious acid yesterday, I will put off the Bud Buster Pro treatment a couple days. Good excuse - it’s dark already too! :roll_eyes:

Thanks for droppin’ by guys, always a pleasure! Really hope I can get this internet shit fixed soon!



Always a pleasure @Tlander glad your still enjoying life and visiting friends and planting loads of seeds ,) do you also have vegetable gardens ?


Yo Cadman! Yep, was laughing the other day when I thought that I need to tell somebody here to make my final post on OG a description of exactly what I was doing when I dropped! There’s about an 95% chance it’s gonna involve my plants! :rofl: Honestly, I don’t have time for veggies around here any more. Besides the ganj, I’ve got 3 or 4 acres of rare plants, palms, fruit trees, greenhouses full of Hoya’s and mosses, orchids and Bat lillies! And it’s just as much of a battle with the bugs and fungus as it is with buds and usually not as enjoyable afterwards! Our “Natural” soil sucks here! And if I put the good stuff in the ground the termites are on it in a flash! I ran a hydro-farm (lettuces) over here about 23 years ago with my Rasta buddy and his then wife. That was pretty cool, about 2 acres of waist high NFT benches. Between his dreadlocks and my hair & ZZ-Top beard, none of our suppliers could/would believe we REALLY WERE growing Lettuce! :joy:


Merry Xmas all! I can’t eat 'em, but they sure looked good! :joy:

BIG Thank-you @Upstate First time I’ve grown a strain specifically for my health!

Best wishes for a wonderful 2024!


Happy xmas and happy new year Tlander!!!

That has a good look… I just got up and it’s time for breakfast!!