First Time (growing legal that is)!

Merry Christmas @Tlander . Dont get a sunburn in all that nice warm sunshine. You lucky bastard. :cold_face:


Good luck with those Peshawar and Merry Christmas!
Those are some fancy looking pastries! We don’t see that type of pastry here upstate. Most have a little hole in the middle lol.


Well, took a little time to sort seed-drying bags out a bit. Today I cut down another three or four females that have been tickled for seeds for about a month now. My ‘Maternity Ward’ is gray gravel and losing seeds is a bummer after so much work keeping males and females isolated. So we generally pluck off any beans that look like they might not last until tomorrow. But by today the last Freaky Buddha, (DP x Pangi) x (DP x Appie), and Ethos Super Lemon Haze were in such man-handled condition that I told the guys to just pull ‘em when we were done pluckin’ beans. Came home and started combining the last few weeks mini-bags into my frisbee…I’m grinnin’ :joy:


Whoops, sorry! Did it again bro :roll_eyes: (Mis-labeled as “Budderton’s”! But after 2 hours uploading it’s gonna have to stay that way!)


Yo JinglePot, where ever you are! :pray:

ALL of these got Bud Buster Pro from seedling stage through seed harvesting. I’m real happy with the results. This was (for me anyway) a speed run to finish before monsoon could destroy it. Most things were germinated in the first week of September, was pollinated right at very first or second week of flowering (around second week of November, and seeds were harvested from second week of December onward through today. The Ethos Super Lemon Haze beans are tiny, but everything else is bit ‘oversize’ compared to normal. Some seeds were picked too green, but when mold is threatening you do what you gotta do! The majority have nice dark-patterned coats, the Ethos being a bit lighter colored than the others.

So another BIG THANK YOU to you seed donors, I do “HIGHLY” appreciate your trusting me to run your beans over here! Now I’ll try to get some unseeded ones going to we can see what we get when they aren’t picked to bits on the bush! :joy:



Happy holidays, from the Great White North, TL! I hope your day is filled with satisfaction and contentment!! Have a good one !!


Too wiped out to post much today, gotta take it easy… Internet’s still all pucked up.

This little guy was crossing my stairway as I was heading out. He’s a KuKuri snake, non-poisonous but has ripping teeth and a nasty bite! I’ve stepped on one and been justifiably bitten on the toe. They seem to eat a ton of frogs/toads from what I’ve seen around here.

Chopped almost all the man-handled buds off of the God’s Cookies from @CADMAN Not very many more, but I still have to go through them tonight! I was so excited on Sunday when I opened the drying tent and discovered my trimmer has finished EVERYTHING!!! AND Grove-bagged it all! I got out a broom and swept up a quarter pound of bud shake off the floor, cleaned all the dehumid and AC filters and realized that as soon as the seeds and pollen are dry, I’ll be able to turn off both machines for the first time in about 5 months now!

I rolled a doobie and went down to check on the greenhouses and it was almost depressing to find we’re gonna have to start harvesting again next week! :upside_down_face:

Transplanted a few more one gallon airpot females up to 5 gallons…C99 x Alien OG come to mind right away, @Oldtimerunderground but it was getting late so I didn’t shoot pics.

@Upstate sent me some Wonder Sativa beans that have been soaking and I saw 3-5 tails showing this morning so I imagine I’ll be putting them in plugs tonight. I managed to totally destroy 9 clones of the Original Haze Re-veg Bro-Science project! (To be honest, I might just as well have sabotaged it to just get it over with! They were never gonna be anything but 5" single-cola plants!)

Okay, I’m gonna rest a bit, NOBODY should have to deal w/ The Bank, The Post Office, The Phone Company and the Internet Company all on the same day! :roll_eyes:

Have a great one!


Tell me more, this is interesting :thinking:
Growing Aquarium plants.?


Not any more, but for a while we did a lot of incredible bio-filtered natural pond/landscapes and I had big collections of pond plants to use in them. That’s they way it went for 20-30 years…I needed some plant for an installation and couldn’t find it so I’d propagate it…then I’d suddenly find I have (Sometimes tens of) thousands of 'em! :joy: Then some other odd ball wasn’t available so we’d start on those. Carry that on for a few decades, with intermittent visits to the World’s Botanical Gardens!) and you can see how acres just fill right uP!

Hey, if you’re ‘into’ plants (outside of ganj!) I could occupy years of your time! Here’s a ‘taste’…

Well, self-dox is better than DOX! :roll_eyes:



Very cool looking plants, that must have been alot of work.
I’m mostly into Anubias & Bucephalandra plants that are used in freshwater aquariums


They’re cool! The Bucephalandra are big time in Borneo, might even be the origin point?

There are some absolutely stunning Asian Aquarium “Enthusiasts” (wrong word for it…waaaay more intense!) that put on big competitions on planted tanks. Singapore is one big hub of it and Japan & Korea have something similar. Always blows me away to see some of their creations! There was a true Master in Japan that embraced new tech and he set up an Aquarium Art Gallery, school and workshop that just blows peoples’ minds…but he passed away a few years ago now. I’m sure it continues on after him but just not the same.



I’ve always been fascinated by meat eating plants.
So cool. I had a Venus fly trap and a honeydew plant when I
was a kid.
The pitcher plants are amazing.


Those pictures are beautiful @Tlander ! You are living in paradise. :grin:


Yoguys, Internet’s still fked–uP, can’t up/dowwnload//post pics. In 2 days I managed o get one, single photo of the reemerging Gro-within-a-Lemon Grove!

That’s it! None of the Malana bud shots, none of the Oaxacan x Lemon Thai seeded colas, none of any of the others at all!

Pretty low energy anyway and need to save some of it, so slowing down w/posting until the internet speeds up! I really enjoy this but I can see I’m starting to find it challenging, esp w/bad internet!

Thank for stopping by!


EDIT: Minor breakthrough!
@US3RNAM3 @ShiskaberrySavior @DainIronFoot @GMan

And a few of the E&F table plants coming along. Been transplanting 'em up, a few every day and moving 'em out into the 10-gallon air-pot lemon grove. Sorry for the weird yellow lighting special effects!

Here’s a few of the air-layers off of the Lemon Grove trees freshly potted up. I’d say it’s been about 6 weeks since we started them with those plastic clam-shells and they were very well-rooted! None of us thought to snap pictures of the rootballs! But there are still a few left to do yet. And seeing as it worked so well, I think we’ll do another 10-20…I’d just be clipping them off anyway, might as well try for a whole new tree!



Everything is looking good nice garden .


Same-same, ran up to the top of the mountain to send myself pics! This is f’in’ crazy! :crazy_face:


Haa, haa, haa! Done for giggles!


Some more of the seemingly endless flow of 1 gallon airpots!

Think these are some of the Mexicans, Zacatecas x Michoacan just transplanted up to 1 & 2 gallon AP’s.

Lovin’ watchin’ the seed development on these Goji’s!

Think these are mostly DJ Short 90’s Blueberry’s

Yo @GMan Looks like we’ll get a few beans bro! I had to seed this one when it barely had any pistils showing! I recently went back and hit the entire plant again…just to make sure (and seeds!)

Had to check on the rooting of the Jungle Lemons…guess setting them directly on the mulch layer was a big fuck-up! there’s a flat disc on the bottom of the pot that’s meant to be removed! That one somehow didn’t get a plastic sheet put under it! Whoops!

Okay guys, I’m still pretty bushed and try to turn in early. I hope I didn’t triple-post pictures or leave too many typos, but my minds too far gone to care much these days! :crazy_face: Hope you all have a great lead-in to your weekend!



"More pics, less talk!" I think that’s gotta become my new ‘theme’ around here!

Malana purp pheno all about done. Tiny little budlets, but boy do they look like they’re gonna be nice to smoke! This was, for a time, the only Malana I seeded out. Didn’t get very many beans, but it turned out lucky that I happened to pick the only purple pheno before it even showed itself! I later seeded out another of the green pheno, which likewise only yielded a few beans. I’ve put in a few more of the original beans I was sent and they’re in one gallons now.

Here’s a couple of the Malana tip-tops

Sorry about the weird colors…I often forget to turn out the lights for portraits. There are a ton of these DJ Short 90’s Blueberries comin’ on. Got 'em in a mix of 1 & 2 gallon airpots right now. The “Plan” was to grow everything in 1 gallons for short season and try to keep things smaller and more manageable…so much for ‘plans’! Guess I’ll just watch 'em and if they look like they want 5/10 gallons we’ll give em! ANYBODY familiar enough with these to make suggestions??? (I meant pot size, but am VERY open to ANY clues, nutrients, times or otherwise! These are my first BB’s!) :upside_down_face:

I ‘believe’ from L to Rt. we have; DJ Short 90’s BB, Meat Breath, can’t remember, and the Bro-Science Original Haze re-veg clones in Solo’s. Back row are more DJ Short BB.

The Mexican crew is feeling right at home here! These 10 were all in Solo’s only yesterday, looking happier now. Bottom Left plant is an “Unknown”…so of course, it’s one of the ‘coolest’ ones! Pretty sure it’s one of the (Thai x VN Black) x Goji, guess we’ll see!

Not much space to spare in there these days! I’m potting up a couple to 5 gallons each day and slowly easing them back into the Lemon Grove area. I’m blown away again at how far South the Sun has shifted…was gonna get out the ax for a couple of the old oil palms…then realized the worst is over and the Sun’s coming back already! But meanwhile, I’ve been potting uP a tray of Solo’s to one gallons every day and we are quickly reaching the point where there’s no more room in the tables!

The upper greenhouse has seen better days. Everything (almost) in there has been flowering for quite a while now. The poly-hybrids most all got hit with budrot about 2 weeks ago and while the hypoclorious acid stopped it dead, the damage was already done. The Sativa’s handled it pretty well. A few buds here and there got budrot, but it stayed isolated to single buds that were easy to pluck off after the hypo spray. The bad side is the fuckin’ whitefly! Little suckers managed to get a good foothold despite every 3 day fogging with One & Done. The last week I hit EVERYTHING in there especially hard with it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday…today (Sat) as I tried to clean up some of the damage on the polyhybrids I noticed a tons of whitefly coming out of the bad buds. Moved all the worst offenders out and will just bag 'em and burn 'em…unfortunately not the way I planned to burn them! :rofl: Then we’ll see if I can harvest all the Sativa at one time. I’m really wanting to shut off the dehumidifier and AC in the drying tent, but still have seeds and pollen in there…by next week it’ll be full of buds again! :crazy_face: Picked up some jugs of bleach and we’ll just fog the hell out of the whole greenhouse and then hit it w/hypoclorious acid and then maybe we can move some of those E&F table plants up there.

Okay, waaaay more typing than I had planned to do, but I get around you guys and it’s so much fun I can’t help myself! :rofl: Thanks for dropping by, I hope by resting up a bit I’ll be able to get back into posting as normal again…if the internet ever gets sorted!

Have a great weekend!


To ALL my fellow Growmmee’s here on OG, a HUGE Thank YOU for your friendships! This has been one hell of a year in my Life and without the support of this community I’d have been dust blowin’ in the wind long ago! Lots of ‘communities’ talk about how great they are and how supportive of their members they are…but this one PROVES it! I can’t express properly just how much this has meant to me this past year…but I AM still here and I AM still poppin’ beans!

Thank you! :pray: :pray: :pray:

Please join me in waving this one goodbye!

My best wishes to you ALL for 2024!!


You ARE what OG is my friend. Hope '24 is good to you.


Have to agree with @Boozer . You are the epitome of OG! Goodbye to 2023 and hello 2024!! I hope it’s the best 2024 for you possible Brother!!


Hey @Tlander. Keep on keeping on. :grin: Happy New Year brother !


Runnin’ hard…just time for a few pics. Looks like we’ll start harvesting this afternoon!
In the meantime, here are a few shots…

Somebody’s tryin’ to tell us “it’s gonna be alright”!

Got a hunch this Goji OG is gonna go male on me, but I’m still hoping! The only one w/purple stems and petioles. (Not that I am after that, but it is rather striking and the mix is the same in all of them.)

I found a couple more pucks of Thai/Burma beans (some new, some not)

So… what goes around…gets grown! :seedling: :seedling: :seedling:

Staring to resurrect the Lemon Grove Gro…

Okay, off to check on how much we gotta take down tonight and whether or not I have to fog another One & Done (A.K.A. Twice m’be :rofl: around here!)
