First Time (growing legal that is)!

Runnin’ hard…just time for a few pics. Looks like we’ll start harvesting this afternoon!
In the meantime, here are a few shots…

Somebody’s tryin’ to tell us “it’s gonna be alright”!

Got a hunch this Goji OG is gonna go male on me, but I’m still hoping! The only one w/purple stems and petioles. (Not that I am after that, but it is rather striking and the mix is the same in all of them.) EDIT: I was just looking at that plant moments ago when it struck me why I found it so attractive - look at the nodes…it’s a tri-ploid (?) Three fans at each node, hopefully 3 branches everywhere too!

I found a couple more pucks of Thai/Burma beans (some new, some not)

So… what goes around…gets grown! :seedling: :seedling: :seedling:

Staring to resurrect the Lemon Grove Gro…

Okay, off to check on how much we gotta take down tonight and whether or not I have to fog another One & Done (A.K.A. Twice m’be :rofl: around here!)



With a view like that I mean damn man. That’s tranquil as anything.


Oh well, guess I’m stoned! :joy: Don’t quite know how I got that post up there twice??? But I’m sure to screw it up if I fk w/it! :rofl:


No problem buddy, I’m sure we all enjoyed reading it twice. I know I did.


Thats what happened. For a minute there I thought it was “dejavu all over again”. :flushed:



E&F tables are pretty full these days!

Some of the Meat Breath S1 fems from @Wizdom

The sad-looking de-defoliated, trimmed-on-the-bush plants in the upper greenhouse prepped for take-down. We took 5 plants out last night…I’m trying to keep in mind this is still part of the NO STRESS GROW! But between bud-rot, whiteflys and spraying damage, I feel like this greenhouse run needs to close out! I want to get EVERYTHING out of there, spray the hell out of it and make room for some of those plants in the E&F tables for the short season. Hopefully I get the delivery of 100 new 3-gallon Dutch Pots this week, just in time! Of course that means tons more LS mixing in the meantime! No matter how much we pre-make, it seems we’re still always having to use it too hot! Probably because some “nut-case” just won’t stop poppin’ MORE beans! :crazy_face:

(Some of) The Mexican contingent! Zacatecas x Michoacan. Can’t wait to watch these grow up! Never had any pot from Zacatecas, but I do remember those great Michoacan buds we’d occasionally get in Cali. :pray: What do you all think of the leaf form? Not what I was expecting, but maybe I’ve just been looking at too many Asian Sativa’s!

And these DJ Short 90’s Blueberry are overrunning the place! I keep finding more! Oh well, for a couple years I have been so caught up in growing ‘some-of-everything’ that I’ve wondered what it would be like to grow a shitload of just one thing? Well, this might be as close as I get!! :rofl: Still looking for ANY hints on these 90’s BB’s.…PLEASE CHIME IN if you have any experience with them!

Okay, lunch hour’s come and gone, back to it! Have a great day!



Still whackin’ ‘em, still trimmin’ ‘em…hopefully back soon! Keepin’ it short today…

Yo @Oldtimerunderground , look what I found! Hoping we’re headed into drier times bro, now’s my chance! :pray: I ‘might’ be able to finish them in a tent if needed?

Yo @Upstate Just gettin’ started! Thanks!!! Peshawar x Ashava Valley Cheese

@Jimdoors “ALL IN” bro! Found 4 more (DPxPangi) x (DPxAppie) from you in my stash in the refrigerator! I haven’t got a number yet, but I think I made enough of them on that one little plant to last me a while now! Can’t wait to see an un-seeded one!

Oaxacan x Lemon Thai from @GMan I believe? I’ve got 2 or 3 of these running, this one’s not seeded and another that is recovering from getting badly burned in a spraying mishap, is fully seeded! Think I pollinated one branch of the third one.

All the seeded plants are still getting their Bud Buster Pro treatments and the seeds are looking great. It’s been 24 days today since the first pollinations and I’m NOT seeing the early calyx splitting as in the past? But again, for a very early pollination, I think we got very good results! @ShiskaberrySavior @CADMAN @misterbee

Okay, chopped another 5 plants tonight and still gotta wet trim and hang 'em before I can get to bed. Thanks for stopping by, hope you have a fantastic day today!

AND…I’m still waiting for tips from anybody that’s grown out the DJ Short 90’s Blueberry!!!



Hmmm. little fkrs… Had a batch of VIP seeds that I saw tails on but only 3 of 12 popped. Gave 'em a few days and this morning decided to do some excavations. I found 7 beans intact which with the 3 that sprouted mean I only lost 2. I brushed them off and put 'em on a jar lid to mist off the dirt and the put them on my blue seedling rack to have a look, Immediately the upper right hand seed had something weird going on! The small translucent threads were wiggling and after 10 seconds had migrated away from the seed. Nematodes in the LS soil mix! Auuuggghhh! Good news was that one still had a healthy tail so it went into a Solo. Back to sterilizing my seedling mix I guess!

Spotted this green little guy while doing my rounds and by the time I got my phone out his friend had joined the party! We have had such a phenomenal increase in numbers and species of Mantis here since upping the ganja game that it’s just amazing! The hatch-outs are the most fun to watch - such perfect miniatures and so many at once! You guys are ALWAYS welcome here!

My buddy’s new Pizza Oven made to match the rest of his rammed-earth home! Nice job guys!

Gonna take down another 5 plants in the upper greenhouse tonight, little-by-little I’m gonna clean that place out! The full-plant re-pollination of the Oaxacan x Lemon Thai @GMan looks like it took quite well! There are probably 25-50 beans from the first try and then the second try seems to have really done well! Looking like I ‘may’ get delivery of those 100 3-gallon Dutch pots tomorrow! Damn, that’s a lot of LS mix…I think I counted 100+ plants in the E&F tables last night! No time to waste!

Okay, that’s it for now guys! Alohahaha!



That didn’t take long to get put to use…I see my 'Buddy" is into the same kind of “Bakeries” as I am!


Okay, on with the show…

Starting off, we popped open a few more of the ‘Jungle Lemon’ air-layers to check on the rooting…pretty good I’d say!

Goji OG’s @CADMAN @misterbee

@US3RNAM3 I called this Malana ‘Chunky’ as compared to the others. Finished a bit faster and could probably go on a while longer, but her days are numbered!

I was doing some Kyle Kushman style plant chiro-work LST’ing one of the (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG’s and noticed a bit of red Dragon’s blood coming from the bend.

I may not get to post tomorrow, my foreman and his son are off to register for Vocational School in North for 4 days and it’s gonna be interesting without him! I’ve got guests arriving in two separate houses, one a potential buyer! But I also got a call saying their truck is broke down and if I want to have my 100 Dutch Pots, 3 rolls of insect cloth and 2x 320 W LED’s I better be there in the morning! :crazy_face: I stopped driving on public roads 2 weeks ago when I realized that between RSO and ‘High Season’, I (and everyone else) am much better off letting somebody else drive! Guess I’ll leave early and take as many back-roads as can! :upside_down_face: :pray: :pray: :pray:



Oh, envy. You have some of the coolest critters in that part of the world. I’ve been to the Jungle in the Philippines and that was very cool. Thailand is very similar.


Lunchtime! SCORE!!! The going-out-of-business owners were feeling generous, so I got 260
of the Dutch Pots instead of the 100 I bid on! But there are only 160 ‘bottoms’! :rofl: I gotta see if they’ll let me go through that overgrown field, no way somebody took 100 bottoms without the pots! :roll_eyes:

Also got the 3 big rolls of insect cloth and 2x 320W LED’s for the E&F tables!

From the looks of things those pots got here just in time!

Ashava or Ashara?

I’m bettin’ these are from @Wizdom ??? I gotta go check the tags!

Well, with all those new pots it’s time for more mixin’! Here’s our ‘usual’ batch size…one big rubber cement-mixing tank holds about 70 l. Peat, 70 l. Compost, 35 l. Rice Hull, 35 l. pumice stone and 10 k. of worm castings…then all the additives!

After thorough mixing and moistening it all gets dumped into these giant grow bags to sit a few weeks (Yeah, likely story around here!).

We’re NOT the most organized set-up! :rofl: But we somehow manage to find most everything around here! (Sooner or later! :joy:)

Thanks for droppin’ by, have (another!) GREAT day!


It’s nice to see you are keeping busy! Good score on the pots too.
And thanks for that last pic, it’s -10 C here. :crazy_face: :canada:


You heard it HERE first!!! Well, second anyway!

I’m amazed that they didn’t open it! But it made it to me! Just when I thought I when I thought was almost caught up!!!

Landed safely!! BIG THANKS!!! (You know who!) :pray: :pray: :pray:



I think customs has given up on you. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
That pack from ace looks interesting.


Yes, I have some Zacatecas x Michoacan growing now as part of the Sativa-shift, these will be a welcome addition…along with all the others! Those new pots got here just in time! See ya at lunchtime!




A buddy up North that knows my seed addiction sent me some fruit from his Chocolate Sapote trees! Well, you know me! :crazy_face: These were in paper towels in zips misted w/hypoclorious acid daily for 8 days now. First signs of life! There are another dozen or two in media as well, but I wouldn’t be able to see this without the baggies.

The old ‘temporary’ Lemon Grove is quickly filling up again. I noticed a big growth spurt the last 2 days now. (Sorry, my phone’s shooting everything yellow today??? Or is that just me??? :crazy_face:

Here’s some of the participants;

The mysterious “Group A” plants??? Anybody recognize your kids? Got a tray of these that didn’t get tagged on a late-night transplant and so of course, they are the coolest things runnin’! :rofl: I’ll be kickin’ myself throughout the whole grow for this fuck-up! The plant below is the farthest along of about 10 of 'em…chopped a couple males, stashed one more up the driveway…just in case I ‘need’ it!

@Oldtimerunderground Got a few of these scattered about. One day I hope to gather them all together for a group portrait…but I’d advise against holding your breath bro! :joy: :pray:

My crosses from @misterbee & @CADMAN parent plants last year. I seem to have planted a lot of these recently…but there’s been a fair amount of males too. Culling a lot, and worrying about it a lot less too! Pretty leaf form on this one…

@slain Yobro, just one of many of these growin’ out here. Looking pretty ‘stout’…I ‘think’ I might have SCROGGED this plant this evening? I’ll have to check tomorrow morning.

@MissinBissin Found another bean! Red-Headed Hippie Rides Again!

Goji OG Lollipop-ed forms. These were a bro-science project to see how not having any low foliage helped w/combating fungus attacks. Things would have worked better if the greenhouse looked like this spacing in the beginning, but this is AFTER removing all the damn fungus-infected poly-hybrids that couldn’t handle the humidity here and defoliating all of these…mainly after the seeds here and getting it through to the end, plenty of other stuff to smoke in the closet! I liked it’s effects (the lollipop-ping) as it seemed to help a lot…but I have always hated the way they look! :joy: Plants/buds are much smaller than I’m used to, but I’m pretty over the donkey-dick-swinging thing anyway! All of these plants had at least one seeded branch. We’re gonna have so fkin many plants now I gotta pray they stay small! :pray: :roll_eyes:

I accidentally pulled off a small budlet off this plant when removing a yellowing leaf today and found 5, black, hard beans ready to fall out! I’m gonna have to look at the tags but that seems incredibly fast to me. I’m not gonna collect any yet, but if I hadn’t snapped off that tiny budlet I’d have thought they had weeks more to go! These HAVE BEEN/ARE all on the BBP treatment program for seeded plants.

We tried it out on a few others as well…

Still a young plant, just first week of flowering

Another just starting to flower…

Well, I popped the Durban x beans from their soaks into plug trays tonight and have to contemplate how much of what I can handle of this mornings’ amazing seed delivery! Been pretty ball-ta-da-walls with all those new pots arriving. I managed to scrub, rinse, fill, dust and then transplant another 15 or so and got 10 more setup to pop in tomorrow morning (Sunday). Might use a big, brand new SOG net I’ve had in the bag forever and try a whole bunch of the DJ Short 90’s Blueberry filling half of one of the small greenhouses? I did take a big wire panel mounted on 4 stakes and acting as a SCROG to one of the plants tonight…more bro-science! :rofl:

Okay, gotta go check beans and buds! Have a great one!



I have a “seed addiction” also. I buy seeds of plants that I know cant survive in my climate but I have to try anyway. They just look so “lonely” in the seed catalog. :pleading_face:


Wow, 10 pm already…gotta make this fast!

I found one of the Goji OG’s that I seeded with one of @ShiskaberrySavior 's Orange Goji males had the top 8" of a cola hit by budrot/fungus so I clipped it. Just remembered and went through it to see how far along the seed development has gotten… I found 47 dark, hard, fully-developed beans mostly ready to fall out w/ maybe 3 still light-colored but hard as rocks! Now these females have ALL been getting Bud Buster Pro treatment all the way through their lives, even today I hit 'em at sunset! But the first pollination on these was Dec 10th, then 11th & 12th, so 28 days today from the first possible start. Seems pretty fast to me, wondering if it’s the BBP or if I just have BBP on the brain? Anybody else make Goji seed lately and remember how long it took?

I stuck in 12 of BobbyBudz’ Powie Wowie in to soak tonight. Managed to transplant 12 of the DJ Short 90’s Blueberry into those new 3-gallon pots which will open up a little more room in the E&F tables for all those new arrival beans! Laid out enough pots and mix to do another 12 tomorrow.

Hearing talk that the new non-recreational use legislation is moving forward and will likely become ‘law’ by April/May (nobody ‘really’ knows!). New LED’s are blazing over the ebb & flow tables and I’ve only got 'em cranked up half way for now.

One of the “Group A” mystery plants that started flowering a week or so ago today threw out some nanners, so it’s been re-located.

One of my favorite scents is blooming again!

The Oaxacan f2’s @GMan are looking like the second pollination really took well! Bummed that I burned it so badly with my impure water supply in the Hypoclorious acid fog. :sleepy: But while she’s not gonna win any beauty pageant, she looks like she’ll pull through!

Okay, last check and off to bed! Have a great day!



The beans look Prime brother. 4 weeks is about the earliest I’ve ever gotten them, which is 28 days. But these are the fastest I’ve ever had, to form in a month is quick. Awesome job, I might have to send you some stamps. LOL


The “BobbyBudz show” is on-the-road, all the way over in SE Asia now! Here’s the first batch - Powie Wowie that have been soaking for 24 hours now and are going into plugs tonight! Lookin’ good so far. I believe I can see about 8 tails out of 12 (make that 10 of 12 when planting!) now. @BobbyBudz

And here’s a few shots for the kind seed donors…(sorry, my cell phone and my new lights don’t like each other very much!)

@Wizdom Yo Wiz! These Meat Breath have at least two very distinct phenotypes at this young stage and it looks like I got a 50/50 split!

More @Wizdom ! Sorry about the lights! These just got moved under the new lights yesterday or the day before, but I can see that they like it a lot better! Others are in another table.

@DainIronFoot These also got moved under the new LEDs a day or two agao and likewise seem to be happy about the change! Bunch more elsewhere in the tables.

Made another 5 gallon batch of Hypoclorious acid tonight and pulled 4 or 5 superfluous males and set them aside to test it on tomorrow morning. This time I tested over 25 water sources for ‘purity’! That’s a joke - one bottled water came in at .007 PPM on my TDS meter…all the rest ranged from 60 PPM to 286 PPM and that includes a bunch of the reverse osmosis machines on the roadside (that no one maintains!)! Bob also recommended I scrap my 5% vinegar (all that’s available here) and switch to Glacial Acetic Acid, which I did. It’s a lot stronger than the vinegar. I still used 200 ml. in all, over 2.5 hours of brewing. In the end, I wasn’t seeing any change in my test strips as far as strength…we hit 200 PPM at about an hour and a half and it never seemed to get much higher than that, so I pulled the plug at 2.5 hours and dropped the pH down to 4. Will test it out tomorrow and if all goes well in the morning, we’ll be fogging away by afternoon!

Tried to transplant more of the DJ Short 90’s BB today but after the first one I realized the 1 gallon airpot plants need 4-5 more days to bind their rootballs together a little better! So I pulled out a bunch of the undeclared Goji OG’s and stuck them in the pots I had prepped already for the DJ’s. Everything in the Lemon Grove has kicked it into gear now! Still smallish bushes for the most part, but filling out quickly now. It’s ‘short season’ here now so I’m not really trying for huge trees for the next few months…don’t think I could even slow them down now if I wanted to!

The guys and I discussed the idea of pulling everything out of one of the small greenhouses, rebuilding it properly. screening it w/the new rolls of insect cloth and putting on a new plastic cover and installing a large SOG net before moving all the DJ Shorts back in. Everybody likes the idea but nobody knows where we’ll find the time! :joy:

Okay, well those beans aren’t gonna plant themselves! I gotta get back to it. Thanks again for dropping in!

PS If you thought the White Ginger flowers looked good yesterday you should have seen/smelled them today! :heart_eyes:
