First Time (growing legal that is)!

Wow what a post, again. I can’t imagine, with your internet issues, how much time you devote to making us smile, thank you.


Mighty fine looking mexican plants (and others) ya got there! I think you will find the zac/mich plants may develop much more narrow leaves as they mature. Good work! Happy for your success.


Few more mornin’ shots…

These are going nowhere fast! It was just a bro-science project, stuck two whole plants in the ground and made a bunch of clones, but they never got a proper re-veg!

Lovin’ the new LED’s @DainIronFoot

Got a whole bunch of these going, Should be interesting to see how they turn out. @slain

Likewise, bunch of these around too! @Oldtimerunderground

@slain She’s just a little girl, but quite the little beauty too!

A try at a screen of green, for giggles!

I’m just lovin’ these, but what a FU to have not labeled them! :roll_eyes: I’ll be forever wondering… (Unless one of you can recognize your kids!).

Planted the Chocolate Sapote seeds this morning from the zips. 11 of 13 had tails. The ones in media are about to break ground.

And hired some more security guards!

Stuck another 10 beans from @BobbyBudz in the soaks, these the Powie Poison. The Powie Wowie are in the plug trays but haven’t broken ground yet.

We’re 4 for 4 on the (Durban Poison x Pangi) x (DP x Appie) beans and still watching for movement on the Durban Hercules OG x Bubblegum.

Okay, that’s gotta be it this morning, off to the Doc’s. See yo this evening, if I can finish up in time!



Well, I’m just gonna start this uploading and if it works, it works! With my internet connection, it’s a 1-in-a-million chance… but hey, I ‘could’ get lucky! Long day and it ain’t over yet, so short on commentary, but loooong on photos! (IF this works???) :joy:

Makin’ progress around here…more transplants in, more beans in plugs, more beans in soaks. Decided that while the rest of the DJ’s BB’s need a few more days before I can move them up from 1 gallons, the Goji’s were ready to go now! So transplanted a bunch up into the new 3-gallon Dutch Pots and then decided that I would do the same with half a dozen of the Zacatecas x Michoacan too! :upside_down_face:

A few whole plant shots of some ‘oddities’! :rofl:
Backlit final daze of “Chunky” Malana


New staff

Gotta go check those soakers! Hope you all have a great day!



Have a good night, Brother


@Tlander I love the prep you’ve done for the Scrog Screen on the Thai x VN Black x Goji.

She looks ready to Fill that Grill
Just one of the hi-lights from your Post Bro.

Better Get some Sleep !


Well, starting off with a continuous BIG BANG are @BobbyBudz 's beans! This is my third set to go in the soaks since bean-arrival (he DID say to please plant 'em soon!) and germination times and rates are all fantastic so far!

Started out w/the Powie Wowie popped 10 of 12, I believe, overnight and there are now 8 of 12 standing up in the plug trays, with 3 more above ground, but still helmeted. (Seems I either didn’t ‘take’ pictures of these, or couldn’t upload 'em? (…or…of course, I could just be stoned!).

Then came these, the Powie Poison. I dropped 10 in to soak and by morning (9 hr. later) I counted 9 tails/cracks. Now despite recommendations, I’ve been using @Budderton ‘s (and others’) ‘very hot water and aloe’ trick for my initial soaks, and after really good results I’m stickin’ to it!

The latest batch are the Powie Pineapple,. 10 beans in soak, these a little longer as I’ve been busy…so about 10 hours. Now 2 of them have sunk to the bottom and I can’t see them, but with some creative side-lighting you can see that all 8 others have tails!

So, from a germination quality perspective, I’d say BobbyBudz Beans couldn’t be much better! Now let’s just see if I can keep ‘em happy without fup’in’ 'em uP! :upside_down_face: Thank you Bobby for the opportunity to try these out over here! :pray:

Okay, didn’t have much time for pictures today (see below)

A few of the Meat Breath


Gifts from @Upstate :pray:Bro!

The DJ’s BB that went straight from Solo’s to 2 gallon airpots are still filling their pots, so think I’ll let these root up a bit, pull the bottoms out and then set them into the new Dutch Pots half-buried. most of the on-gallon ones are already transplanted into the Dutch Pots.

On other fronts, I managed to fuck another crop up with my ‘backyard-chemistry’! Yesterday afternoon’s test spray of hypoclorious acid looked fine by this morning, so went ahead and sprayed/fogged the whole Lemon Grove area…FUCK! No Stress Grow…remember Tlander! :rofl: Oh yeah! Well, spent a few hours clipping bags of damaged leaf, then an hour of LST, since everybody was so easy to see structure on! In the end, while it’s a FU that shouldn’t have happened,…it DID! Move on! But I’m getting gun-shy! I’m really need to have the Hypo as my weapon against fungus, but I can’t keep burning 'em in the process! :roll_eyes:

Realized with the 260 new pots and only 160 new bottoms, I now have a perfect source for “stands” for a shitload of hanging baskets that have had nowhere to hang from! Lined a whole portion of the driveway in an unsuccessful effort to clear out one of the greenhouse for a rebuild! Came down late afternoon and found one of my guys transplanted various plants from the nursery into the Dutch Pots to see how they’d look! F’ing fantastic! Told him to go ahead and do 10 or 20 more! :crazy_face:

Managed to transplant another row, thin the E&F tables out a bit, check on all current seed projects. The Oaxacan x Lemon Thai 'whole-plant pollination took, but they are a long way off. The 20-50 seed from the first pollination are already approaching ‘ready’ so I’ll have to pull out some more old sheets to cover the gravel. The Chunky Malana is ready, though she’s starting to throw out new pistils, but I think she’s just gonna foxtail out. I want to sample some of that so may just harvest her soon. I really want the upper greenhouse empty a.s.a.p, which means as soon as the last 5 females are finished w/their seeds. The few other large plants can hang outside for their finish.

Okay, gotta go check on the Chocolate Sapote seeds! Thanks for dropping in!



Hey man, exactly how hot is that germination water ?


Pretty damn hot! Bud said “as hot as you can get out of the tap”. My only hot water is in the bathroom so I use a kettle, make coffee and as soon as I can sip it without burning I use that same water to crush the aloe in, then add more hot water and float the seeds. I used to always stir my seeds under but the last years I switched to trying NOT to sink them until first rinse at about 12 hours. But lately, everything has cracked and has tails at 8-10 hours! :joy:



Great process @Tlander , it sounds fool-proof at this stage.

Thanks as well @Budderton, I’m adding Aloe to my next Seed-Floats

(I think Gunner was a Grower in a previous life)


If the Peshawar are crossed to something they are from someone else. It’s just Peshawar from me. Looking good.


I have bean telling members this and now some have tried it. Water, as hot as you can get from your tap. This is the way I have germinated every bean in my life, minus the aloe vera. Best way to get a tail started and fastest.


555! Nah, they’re YOUR gifts bro, just my RSO-addled brain that can’t keep things straight! The Mac`1 x Ashava Valley Cheese are from Wizdom, The Peshawar are from you…now I just need to figure out why/when I screwed up the label? Good part is that I know I only got a low number (3) out of the soaks/germination of these, so they have been in my personal care on the porch up until I moved 'em to the E&F tables for transplanting. :pray:



Runnin’, just time for a couple…


And out the door again…


They are so cute at this age. :heart_eyes:


Well, internet sucks again today, think I sent myself photos at 9 am…it’s 8:47 pm and I just got the very first batch! Maybe more will show up, but here’s today’s shots, a bit of mix-and-match! Looks like the garden photos are the first ones to come in…

(Forewarning: No ganj photos downloaded, so it’s only a partial garden tour today! Sorry!)

Sri Siam - Really nice shade-loving clumping palm grown from seed. Probably 12-14 years old now.


The guys transplanted some of the begonia’s (and lots of other things!) into the Dutch pots to try 'em out! I took a look and said, “More”!

Home-made hybrid, 16 years from seed!

Where my ‘spare’ plants go to get away!

Just a nice bromeliad flower

Okay, more of the BIG photo load just arrived…

The red jug bubbles over into a giant saucer the then falls down a natural 6 meter waterfall to a small rock seat beside a pool at the entrance to the guest house, and then recirculates back to the red jug.

A Carnivorous Nepenthes along the pathway…

About 17 years ago I put this (but much smaller!) clump of cymbidium orchids on 3 pieces of rebar steel I drilled into the rock, figuring it wouldn’t twist & spin w/3 points. Guess it worked!

Just love the leaf on these Chocolate -marbled codylines!

Gotta keep the Spirits happy!

Some of the Hoya hanging baskets that had nowhere to hang (while we re-do a greenhouse!)…another use for the 100 pots w/no bottoms (yet! I got the okay to go through the giant overgrown lot where everything was left laying for a year, so if I can get there I bet I find the other 100 bottoms! :pray: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

Another seed-gown carnivorous Nepenthes globossa

Kerriodoxa elegans in the background and a giant Black Bat Lily in front…

Another of my un-named hybrids

More of the guys-gone-wild with the Dutch Pot transplanting! With 160 of 'em, why not?

A seed-grown carnivorous Nepenthes globossa, endemic to SW Thailand.

A “Joey” Palm from S. Africa. One of half a dozen I’ve been coaxing along for 15 years or so now!

Another of my weird hybrid palm experiments! This is either the second or third generation of these now. I’m trying to advance the odd ‘twist’ in the leaf…neither of the original parents had it? But I’ve taken the most extreme and back-crossed them and am getting more of it…why? I don’t know! :upside_down_face: Guess I just like the ‘weird shit’! :rofl:

Okay, that post was like putting in a day at the office (yeah, like I’d know anything about that!) s I’m outta here. Sorry, no kiddie-shots for the donors this time. Pray a prayer to the Internet Gods and have a great day!!!



Thanks for today’s tour @Tlander. You’ve thrown-down some real Roots in your time in that Garden.

I’ve never seen such a diverse sampling and nurturing of Nature. My Heart goes out to your efforts and passion T


Simply wonderful. More pictures of the small shrine please. :grin:


555! There’s one more in the phone but it’d take another 8 hours to post it! :rofl:



Everytime I look at the pictures on your posts I think "this dude lives in paradise ".
Bravo my man :clap: