First Time (growing legal that is)!

Yes, he certainly has created his own paradise around him.


Beautiful plants!
If I had your climate, the space, and 20 years to build up a collection of plants, I would do the same as you. :slightly_smiling_face: @Tlander
Rare and exotic cultivars. :heart_eyes:
And of course as much cannabis as possible. :v:



10 of 12 on the Powie Wowie from @BobbyBudz , one had helmet-head and I couldn’t free it uP. One other just never cracked. I believe I only planted half of each of these (…just in case!), so 85% germination rate will do just fine!

And 4 for 4 on the (DP x Pangi) x (DP x Appie) @Jimdoors

Got staff off today so gotta run! Have a great day guys!


Just got a message from my old partner on Koh Tao. He stopped by to talk to Khun Bom, KD’s breeder in residence, and discovered him in a back-room working on some beans I’d sent him a while back! These are from f2’s beans I made of some wonderful Doc’s Shoreline beans sent to me by my buddy @Maddawg early on when I had just joined OG. :pray: Thanks bud! Anyway, I told Bom to be sure NOT to pollute the KD’s, but he knows what he’s doing, just put 'em in their own room!

P. Bom

K. Andre, my old partner (Minus the dreads!) and our magic-bean courier!

Thanks Maddawg! @Upstate @MissinBissin @Budderton @THCeed @US3RNAM3 @GMan @Caveman @Mithridate @Wizdom @Gpaw @Greenfingers @WVMountainGhost @Jimdoors



And here I was thinking I would never see (Shoreline x Doc’s OG) again in Thailand due to the buds being prone to botrytis in the more humid climates.

Glad to see them going indoor.

Ya made my day! :call_me_hand:


555! Yeah, they had a rough time of it outdoors here! I asked if he wanted to try any more OG strains ‘inside’, if he had the room? He said, “For sure… he’s about to set up 5 more of those 10-gang lighting rigs to go full time indoors”. Guess he’s getting sick & tired of dealing with weather too! Also said my next batch of KD beans is a week or two out.

I got a buddy to drive me up to the overgrown lot so I could search for the missing 100 Dutch Pot 'bottoms today (That’s just what I called 'em)…no luck! Grass was waist high and the driver had a pickup at the airport so didn’t have a lot of time to search. I might go back with the weed-wacker one day, but it’s probably 5 acres! Guess we could fabricate something out of wire mesh and groundcloth. I’d look them up and see if I could buy just the bottoms, but I don’t even know the name of the pots let alone the manufacturer! Anybody know a name for these things?

EDIT: 555!

Well, they all ‘looked’ similar, but not one has the same style of bottom insert! :sob:

We got new Gals (hopefully) transplanted up to 3 gallon pots, plugs up into Solo’s and more beans in the plug trays. Snapped pics of everybody but the Internet’s still fkd!

Just got a late delivery of a couple of photos of the Powie Wowie from @BobbyBudz now in Solo’s! Going to go with 10, one of the others sprouted but got helmet-head and one just never popped (yet!).



Just a couple quickies…

@Wizdom Just lovin’ these bro! At minimum I’d say we have two distinct pheno’s going here, one much fatter, rounder leaves and the other more ‘normal’ leaves. I’m gonna watch 'em closely!

Loving these too, though a remarkable difference in size of some of the young plants. There are more of these in the other table but for the time being plants are 1/2 distributed by ‘name’ and 1/2 by height of the lights! :rofl:

@DainIronFoot There’s more elsewhere but these were all together on one group! About 1/2 are already transplanted intto those new 3-gallon square pots from the 1 gallons, but these went from Solo’s to 2 gallons so letting 'em fill in a bit under the lights. Soon, soon!

Had to hit everything in the E&F tables w/ one & done again. Fkn whitefly! Where they are coming from and how they get in the greenhouse to begin with is driving me nuts! (Well, that’s what I’m blaming it on today!). Got a bunch more 1 gallons ready to transplant up to 3’s this evening. Took down Chunky Malana last night…not much to her after all the fans come off, but I’m sure I’ll enjoy whatever there is when it’s dried & cured a bit. The Goji OG x Orange Goji seeded plants are almost there…picked about 20 beans from the buds this morning and almost all dark & hard! Oaxacan x Michoacan full-plant pollination likewise is looking good. It’s a little early to tell, but unless it’s fakin’ me out, it looks like the second pollination took really well!

Okay, gotta down some lunch and get back at it! Have a great weekend everybody!



Runnin’ hard on Sunday afternoon here! Started in harvesting some of the Goji OG x Orange Goji @ShiskaberrySavior Pulled 100 dark, hard shiny beans that were ready to fall! Lot left on the plants, but I think they could use more time. There are 6 more plants left in the upper greenhouse, 4 of which are seeded. As soon as I harvest them we can move the other 2 out and treat the hell out of the place. DEATH UNTO WHITEFLIES! I took two of the male “Group A” and pollinated one of the females heavily. Did it lightly 3 days ago, but there was an excess of pollen this morning, so hit her again. These “Group A” plants are the ones that didn’t get tagged when they went into Solo’s and I just knew I’d be kickin’ myself! Always the way, the unlabeled ones are ALWAYS killer! :rofl:

That’s Goji “In-the-bag”!

A few more Solo’s full, destined for the E&F tables soon.


And a couple more Wowie Pineapple’s from @BobbyBudz

Well, I gotta go mix up another batch of Bud Buster Pro and get everybody misted down before sunset. Got a few Mac1 x Achara Valley Cheese moved up to 3-gallon pots and a few more Meat Breath and Zacatecas x Michoacan as well. DJ Short 90’s BB are coming along fine. Okay off to Bud Bust!



Your group A could maybe be the seeds I sent you?

555! If you mean the Corey Heim x Blue Kush - Photo Reg’s it’s not them bro…I only know because they came out of the refrigerator last night! :rofl:

I keep a flat on my porch and every time the seedling rack starts getting too full, I dump the ungerminated ''odds & ends" of the plug trays into the flat and try to remember to water it. There’s always ‘something’ sprouting out in there and I can only ever know it was a bean I must have thought was “something special”! But this “Group A” one was just being too out of it on RSO and transplanting until the middle of the night! I didn’t even notice for 2 days when watering and by then there had been so many strain seedlings/flats through my hands there wasn’t even a short list!

But it’s a comment like yours @Tuned that’s probably the only way we’ll ever know what they are! So, if you meant something ‘else’ that you sent, let me know! I’m really grateful to all the amazing OG’ers who have sent me their beans to try out over here. Right now I’m pretty damn excited about the various strains we have running…whole lotta ‘totally new-to-me’ stuff, lotta learning and not much time (in a number of senses!) to do it in! Trying (always!) out some ‘new’ things like the outdoor SCROG and maybe a geenhouse SOG with all one (or maybe 2?) strains, trying to keep a bunch of the same thing instead (more likely. “in addition to”!) 50 different strains! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But Man, AM I HAVIN’ FUN??? :partying_face:

On with a show! Everybody in these shots (I think) got misted down w/Bud Buster Pro just prior to the pictures, so the slightly milky film is what you’re seeing on the leaves.

@Wizdom You say “Ashava”, I say “Ashara”! WTFII??? I can’t keep it straight! I know one tag is wrong, but can’t remember ‘which’ one! :rofl: Just moved these up to 3-gallons tonight.

WoW, talk about different expressions! This seems to happen quite a bit over here! @Budderton can tell you tales of weird expressions of throw-backs to edge of time! I’ll keep posting these as they grow and hope you can let me know which ones you’ve seen before back there.


@DainIronFoot Lots of purple stemmed ones in here. I’ve heard of the rare ‘krinkled-leaf purple-stemmed’ pheno that was claimed to be the ‘top of the line’, but I’ve never ‘seen’ it in pictures - ANYBODY gt any??? I got a couple that appear to have krinkled leaves, but it’s more like something you’d want to cull than keep! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I 'think ’ this is the DJ Shorts 90’s BB on the right and the Zacatecas x Mixhoacan on the left…or was that from the other end???.. :upside_down_face:

This Phalaenopsis orchid has been blooming for almost a month now, don’t know how nothing has munched on it yet?

AAnd another shot of a Nep

The BBP treatment done for the week! A few more transplants in, bunch more seeds collected, more “Group A” pollen collected, not bad for a Sunday! Hope you all have/had a great weekend!



Holy shit TL! I don’t know how you keep track of anything, with the amount of stuff you have on the go! Never mind the copious amounts of RSO! Good on you for keeping things as straight as you do. When I get asked what my most important tool, after the essentials, I answer “my permanent marker”.

This one is an OGKB (OG Kush Breath) dom plant.(lots of info on the origins online but beware of rabbit hole).This plants grandfather was an OGKB mutant named Studley Spewright (I shit you not😁) that was used by a seed maker named Thug Pug to make Meat Breath. Besides the weird structure, they are known for slow veg, and low yield with insane terps and effects as well as huge trich fields, if you get the right one. I had a Meat Breath f1 OGKB that vegged slow as shit, only yielded thumb size buds on a 3 foot plant but the smell, taste, and mostly the effects where exactly the place I wanted to be. I hated having to grow it, but I like it that much. Anyhow, I hope it’s a good one for you!


Yeah I only sent the Corey x Blue Kush.
And take your time, no stress! Run them when you have time/room. :slightly_smiling_face:
I have a LSD x Blue Sunshine from you vegging in my tent. I hope it’s a girl, it’s refusing to show gender while all my others already have.
I’ll post a pic of it here when I get home from work. :v:


Oh FK!!! Those were from YOU! So much for my great “Keeping Track” record! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I had a look at what call’s itself ‘my seed log’ and there’s other stuff from Wizdom, but not those! I imagine I came across them in an envelope in the refrigerator and just said, ‘okay’, but then somehow I wrote “Wizdom” on the tags??? Been tagging him ever since! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Anyway, thank you bro! :pray: So yet another one of yours get the maxi-tropical-stress-test and pops multiple phenos!

@Tuned can’t recall (much of anything, really!) how long they vegged for me here, but then once they started to thicken up the really did so with a vengeance! Kinda looked like a ‘Wookie-in-a-Gillie Suit’!: We trimmed her ‘on-the-bush’ the last week so we could watch for mold as humidity levels were 85%+ and it was pouring! Hope they pop for you!



No man, they are from Wizdom. I have some Meat Breath S1s from him as well.
I was just giving you the low down on that particular type of structure. I wasn’t sure if you knew about the OGKB phenotype. It’ll pop up, for time to time, when growing cookies and it’s crosses.


Beautiful plants, good work!
The zacamich plants had some color in F2, the male for this cross included.
The F4 djshort blueberry will stretch, F5 too, but F5 less so, and darker color…

1 Like

Here she (hopefully) is. LSD x Blue sunshine.
It’s a unique looking plant. Unlike any I’ve ever grown.


Cool! Great to see them over there! ALL credit goes to @Greenfingers , I just made f2’s! Hope SHE turns out something special for you! She was a bitch to trim! Lots and lots of single-bladed leaves to trim! She budded out somewhere in the middle of the Sativa/Indica spectrum…buds not too tight like an Indica and slightly more open like a more Sativa plant (Think - Kush buds).



I tried everything tpo locate those inserts. I made just the image of the isert large and asked Google to look up other similar images. It kept coming back with images of rubber car parts that looked similar, but no inserts. Sorry man.


Yeah, if we ever need new brake pedal covers, we know where to find 'em! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yo guys, sucky internet again! What’s new!

@GMan She’s not the prettiest gal at the ball, but she’s the most-knocked-uP!

A close second!

Couple more of my odd hybrid palms

The “Group A” male(s) have just been dumpin’ pollen. Seems crazy to collect it when I have no idea what it is but…since I’m crazy already…I pollinated one of the females very heavily (3 times in a week!) and have a bunch to dry. Chopping 'em both tomorrow morning.

New clam-shells for Lemon air-layers arrived! These are the 12 cm. ones. Previous ones were black which make sense, but these may stay cooler?

I have a grove of semi-rare Arenga undulifolia that have produced huge amounts of seed! A rare palm collector is itching to get some of them planted and I promised I’d help out. Time has come! Picked out 55 large, fats, solid ones, clipped 'em from the stem and washed 'em down with hypoclorious acid to knock out any mold/fungus. Sun-dried 'em, packed em up and tey head off tomorrow! I discovered that the fruit themselves contain Oxcylic acid in the ‘jelly’ around each of the 4-5 seeds inside the fruit. I swatted a mossie on my rib cage and in minutes I was on fire! Won’t ever make that mistake again!

Meanwhile, a few changes happening in Monsoon Hut - North Annex! Probably gonna seal it in with insect cloth, re-cover the top w/ new plastic, install end walls/door(s), re-do the drip system and probably SOG the whole place w/ the DJ Short 90’s Blueberry or the Zacatecas x Michoacan??? Here’s half…

These Zac’s got transplanted uP today. The three on the right got the ‘nested pot’ treatment of a 2 gallon airpot in a 3 gallon Dutch Pot.

Lots of other stuff happening but no more time to write! Tomorrow’s a Dr-Day as well as my foreman’s wife’s (and my housekeeper’s) Birthday so probably not much time to post. Thanks for dropping by and see you all soon I hope!
