First Time (growing legal that is)!

Hey @Tlander . Most people here are sitting in a deep freeze. :cold_face: It is lucky you did not accidentaly rub any of that “seed jelly” in your eye. :joy: Tell your house keeper that we all wish her a happy birthday. :grin:


Well, @Magu I DID tell her and we had a good laugh! She does’t speak or read any English but sees how much of my time is consumed by OG affairs!

Just gonna try to photo dump while the dumpin’ looks good. Will come back with commentary, if it works and if there’s time! I needed some photos of some different palms for a client, so as long as I downloaded 'em II might as well share 'em mixed in.

Here’s a pretty rare Kerriodoxa elegans grown from seed

Naturally occurring hybrid Nepenthes hookerianna made between N. ampullaria and N. rafflesiana

Couple fresh-off-the-bush beans! I seeded the only Orange Goji x Orange Goji female with the 2 males and forgot about her! To be honest, she had a hint of budrot and I moved her out early…then I forgot about her! I was just about to uproot that little runt when I noticed a pollination tag and a handful of beans! The top rt are Goji OG x Orange Goji and they are remarkably dark black and fat! These were on the full Bud Buster Pro treatment all the way through life. And I grabbed another good load off the “Group A” males before chopping.

Some more “Joey” palm from S Africa

Another Kerriodoxa elegans

Sri Siam Palm

And it appears only one single pot picture has come through tonight! @slain :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Made some more progress on the North Annex of Monsoon Hut. Doesn’t ‘look’ like much has changed, but the irrigation main lines all got torn out & replaced and the end-wall pieces got framed in

More 1 & 2-gallons from the E&F tables got transplanted up and moved out. I pinched out 3 Zacatecas x Michoacan plants that recently got their 2 gallon bottomless airpots nested into 3 gallon Dutch pots and plan to leave them in this setup while the majority will go through the new Annex SOG treatment.

I did the same with 3 of the DJ Short 90’s Blueberry as well, pinched them back too. (Oh, I read some great hints, probably sent to me in a DM! about pinching BB and he timing…gotta go search!) Yeah, like I got any time for that! Where’s that Star Trek computer when you need it?
Okay, if more photos show up I’ll try to edit, otherwise have a great week!



Man, your updates are always epic. Thanks for sharing your life in paradise! :pray:.

We have a similar looking fan palm here to your Sri Siam Palm, Licuala ramsayi: or Queensland Fan palm.

Amazing specimen palms in a tropical garden!

That SE Asian looks promising? it should be pretty mould resistant. They can grow to absolutely massive size if they have the dirt and room, and they are super branchy. If you have any broad leaf type pollen to put over it, they bring a lot of vigor and size to a hybrid cross.

Man I haven’t had time to participate a lot lately but I’ve been quietly following your updates.

Peace brother :slight_smile:


Your Pack arrived in great condition. I cannot wait to start growing them. Any thoughts on which I should start with?


Oh thank you! That’s great news! The KD Koh Tao are the ‘most dependable’ of the three. The Northern Thai/SE Burma batch and the Arunothai (which also comes from the same area- N. of Chaing Dao, Thailand) are of ‘unknown’ quality as they were not grown by an OG’er, Some buddies uP North know of my interest in finding landraces to share w/my breeder buddies, so if/when something pops up, they grab some for me. I can’t guarantee there’s gold in there, but I knew somebody would be interested in trying to see if there’s something in there worth preserving. All 3 are Sativa, though lots of us are questioning whether or not there’s been some hybridizing done to it (KD KT) at some point. Good luck bro, I’m so happy they made it! :pray: OGTW!!!

PS I ‘believe’ all of them can get quite tall, if you do them indoor, start pinching and bending quite early on!


All good news! I’ll start with 4 of each to have cousins to compare the others to.
I am really happy to start these. I started with warm spring water with coconut water powder and added a sploosh of aloe. I have them on a ceramic plate on a heating pad (so won’t get as hot).

Wondering if I made a mistake not using hydrogen peroxide to sprout them. I’m sure they will be hearty and happy despite my meddling.


Good plan! Well, as I have been telling buddies, go ahead and plant 'em, I have more Arunothai left, more KD Koh Tao on the way and there’s often something ‘new’ popping uP!

Unsolicited tip: I often have to pry helmets off seedlings here…not sure if I should be planting deeper or 'normal. Best trick I have learned is to use water and time - mist and let sit 2-3 minutes before approaching w/tweezers…same thing afterwards to remove the embryo sac (I really should know the correct term for that!) w/ same 2-3 minute delay to let water soften it’s way in.

No more further movement on any of the Powie Poison (just 1 uP). & I have the Powie Pineapple’s in Solo’s now (7), The Powie Wowie are down in Solo’s in the E&F table and I can’t remember clearly but think there were 10 of 12 of 'em?

Hey, have you ever grown DJ Short Blueberry???

(EDIT: Whops, thought I was in a DM! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
Back to my lunch!


I have never tied that blueberry, but it sounds :fire:.

Hoping for some crackage of seeds naturally, but if not imma gonna operate.


Absolutely love seeing what you have going on, on the other side of the world mate. Cool to see how the different climate makes the plants look completely different to what I’m used to. Wish you continued success and good health. All the best brother



Doing an ‘e-x-p-a-n-s-i-o-n’ in the Lemon Grove. Pulled another 6 Lemons and laid new groundcloth so we don’t have the weeds & bugs to contend with. Opened up a bit more space in the Sun. Which was quickly filled! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not much change in the North Annex, but a few things got done. Moved the Mac1 x Alien OG (???) and more DJ Short 90’s Blueberry out into the full Sun. (Think the day to top 'em has come???) As well as 4 Zacatecas x Michoacan. (Also destined for the SOG , so might get topped as well???

A few late/early bloomers moved up close to keep an eye on. Oh, the “Group A” Unknown looks to have gotten fully seeded from the 3-time pollination! Seeing her siblings I think I’ll be happy to try 'em!

White ginger rhizomes - they are getting mauled by some boring beetle but the rhizomes keep comming back stronger!

The last batch of pucks are starting to arrive, different things for different folks, but all mailed together.

Have a great day!


Well, pretty sucky night for uploading pics…now, as I’m ready to crash, they all come piling in! MMostly a day of catchin’ uP around here, shifting lots f stuff around, straightening out nursery plants, constantly transplanting something or other!

Those bottomless Dutch pots are making great plant stands for the Hoya. I had to move a load of 'em out of the North Annex while we rebuild it.

Found a couple more ‘Joey’ palms tucked back under the trees while cleaning things out for ‘viewing’. Still hoping for the magic ‘single-buyer’ that wants to take it ALL! :pray: :pray: :pray:

Where did all that new ‘empty’ space go to so fast???


Seems like I’ve been waiting on these forever!

The upper greenhouse is ‘almost’ done…the 3 seeded Goji OG x Orange Goji are just about finished. I’ve picked the hell out of some of the buds digging out beans and if it’s too beat up it’ll still make great RSO! The Oaxacan x Lemon Thai seeded plant got mauled by the hypoclorious acid fog a week ago and looks like hell! It looks like there’s a lot of beans in the making but I don’t know if she’ll have the strength to pull all the way through. :sneezing_face:

We’re awaiting an order of clips for the greenhouse plastic and the insect cloth. Not a whole lot we can do until they arrive! Managed to thoroughly clean up the surrounding area and move in more ‘camouflage’ palms!

Oh, and also managed to Grove Bag up a shitl0ad of well-dried, small-batch runs with absolutely NO signs of any mold! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: And on that note, it’s off to bed over here!! Have a great day over there!



Yo guys! Been a bit of a rough patch here…my old case of malaria from decades ago in the Borneo jungles caught up with me again! Bad enough on it’s own but with the Cancer it’s really wiped me out. I don’t think I’m gonna be doing much to help out in the nursery very fast! I found between the double-whammy, I have decided I have to take 1-2 days off of RSO, I think for the first time in 32 weeks now! I did manage to snap a couple plant shots when I made it down there this morning, and a couple others…

Good News! Last night’s spraying of the plants for whitefly didn’t seem to have any bad effects this time (Used PlemoTech, an organic biological compound made here in Thailand)! Yahoo! Here are the DJ Short 90’s BB and the Zacatecas x Michoacan the day after. If I wasn’t so out of it I’d be installing the insect cloth, new plastic and door on the North Annex and threading up the SOG net…I pinched all of these 2 days ago and when I saw them this morning I realized we only have a couple days more to get them all settled under their net and on the drip system.

I mislabeled these! Sorry! The Peshawar are from @Upstate, the other half of the tag is from @Wizdom from his Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese Whoops! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And finally, the Chocolate Sapote took their sweet time germinating but once they did it’s off to the races! Think I’ve got about 30 of 'em now!

Can’t give you a taste, but you get the picture(s)

Well, I really hope I caught most of my typo’s, finding that I type the wrong keys waaaay too frequently these days! Have a great day!!!



Take care of yourself. Hope you feel better soon. :grin:


Sending lots of positive NRG @Tlander.
Your a true Hustler, doing what you do.
Thanks for the update T


You are not kidding about that bro! It just arrived tonight! :rofl:

Thinking since I’m so useless right now I’d try to move the drying tent along towards empty! I just finished up bagging all my seeds from the last month or so. These were all part of the “get 'em early” run where I pollinated about 2 weeks into flower! Was trying to beat the weather so wasn’t concerned so much about quantity as getting 'em in before mold hit the plants! Nothing like the BIG boys around here do, but it’ll keep me & my buddies going for a while! Think I set my sites too high, I’m wiped out already and didn’t even get started on all the pollen! :sleepy:



Did you ever get around to trying this?

1 Like


Just checkin’ in with the Mexicans and DJ Short 90’s Blueberry’s from @DainIronFoot ! All’s looking good! I found about 4 males in the Zacatecas x Michoacan and moved them up to my driveway where they won’t do much harm (it’s a loooong driveway!). The DJ’s have had about an equal number so far and there are still about half of the plants yet to declare sex. I’ve put most to the ones from 1 gallons either ‘in’ the 3 gallon square pots or nested in 2 gallon airpots set into the 3 gallons.

I AM having a blast! Might just go soak the rest of them! :rofl (EDIT: Just stuck 10 more DJ f4’s in soaks!

While I was sick as a dog, my guys knocked out the insect cloth and plastic on the new greenhouse today! I like the fact that the insect cloth has alternating thick & thin threads, makes it hard to see into and it’ll help shade things a bit in a month or two when the heat really starts to hit!

It ain’t so pretty, but it’ll work! Door frame still to be installed!

This is where I will be putting up the Sea of Green (That blue PVC frame on the floor on the right side). Half will be the DJ’s and the other half the Zac x Mic’s

This is the top of one of the DJ’s w/unique coloring of the young leaves (just topped on Sunday evening). I see a few with this coloration of the young leaves, all the others are normal green.


About 4-5 have weird malformed branches or weirded out leaves. I’ve read DJ and others saying the ‘crinkle-leaf’ pheno is the killer…Don’t know if I got a bunch of those or if they are ones I would normally just cull? But with DJ saying that, I’m sure not gonna cull 'em until I’m absolutely sure!

I think this is about half of them, lots of others still in 1 gallon and a few still in Solo’s. There are a bunch of them in 1 gallon airpots nested in the 3-gallon squares, bu they’d be too tall to fit under the net with these so they are out in the lemon grove.

On to other things…

@Kavman I can’t remember poppin’ this bean, nor why I can only find one?

@Upstate First one into a 3 gallon!

@slain She didn’t get much veg time!

One of the un-tagged “Group A” 's. I knew this would happen! I kept a male and pollinated one of the females with him, guess I’ll have to make up a name… besides “Group A”! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The early birds, or the stragglers?

Oaxaca (Cryptic Labs via @Upstate) x Lemon Thai f3 IX from @GMan This one unfortunatelygot burned by either the One & Done’ or the Hypoclorious acid and then attacked by whitefly. I’m still gonna smoke her!

Okay, malaria fever seems to be moving on (not fast enough for me though!). I’m still pretty sketchy in terms of getting distant from my bathroom! Had to cancel the Dr. appointment and reschedule for later in the week. Big storms rolling through and weatherman says it’s here for 10 more days! :sneezing_face: On the “Good News” front - It’s looking like one buyer has stepped up for a few big 10-wheel trucks of a bunch of the large palms and they shot pictures of a lot more stuff and will send me photos and a list to price out. AND a local health resort just acquired a huge new spectacular property and their landscaper was assisting the homeowner and says he is interested in a LOT more…but they won’t be ready for another year! I may or may not be around, but if it’s serious I’ll have a lawyer draw up a contract for them to pay my foreman…oh, and I told them it’s a “dig 'em yourself” job! You bring the laborers, backhoes and trucks and the ropes!

Well, I can’t believe it, but I’m actually hungry for the first time in almost a week now, off to dinner! Stay well guys! Hope I didn’t leave too many typos tonight?



I think you popped a few back a few months ago if memory serves me correctly. Keep up the good work @Tlander. It’s been awhile since I sent you seeds and I am getting caught up here. So probably be getting some more out to you soon. Take care of yourself brother.


Hi @Tlander . I am glad you feel better and your buisiness is doing so well. :grin: I have a good feeling that you will be with us for a long time. You know the Cosmos never lies to me. :wink:


Haa, haa, haa! Good call brother! I just spent an hour in the refrigerator pickin’ out pucks for some mailings and guess what I found while I was in there!

Apparently, I took your beans to f2’s and packed the beans up after drying just last month in December. I must have had one more seed than would fit in my pucks and just stuck it in a solo! I can’t read the date on my tag in the photo, but that’s probably about the right timing for that sized plant. Well, now that I found 'em again… :crazy_face:

Thanks again bro!