First Time (growing legal that is)!

Thanks @Magu ! Yeah, losing the fever, gaining an appetite and seeing some ‘financial light’ at the end of a 23-year long tunnel are all most welcome! I’m glad you have the good connection w/ the Cosmos, hope she’s right! I’ve joked before, saying, “I may have a lot more hassles coming if I actually live through this Cancer BS!” Ya gotta laugh, or you’ll start to cry!



Glad you figured it out. I do remember something about that as well. My memory is also not too good. I don’t remember reading or seeing anything about wether or not they performed well for you. I am guessing you don’t either lol. No worries here friend. I still have your addy from last time. Will use that unless you tell me different.


Glad you are feeling better buddy. Time to pig out!


Big day, lots to show & tell and still got seeds in soaks that need to get into plugs, so away we go!

Been wanting to try a Screen of Green-style grow in one of the new greenhouses for a while, might as well not put it off! Of course if it gets too hot we could always take off the insect cloth and the covering and let the first screen become a lower support grid and throw another over the arches…dreaming BIG, but I think these girls will be done before we know it!

This mornin

By afternoon

Still have to tighten up the grid, but that can happen later! Just wanted to move the plants in to see how the fit looks. Tried to leave “crawl spaces” to access for branch-tucking in the back, 'cause we buried the insect cloth all the way to the next shade houses and buried it again under gravel! :crazy_face: I wasn’t thinking!

@DainIronFoot You got a whole house to yourself over here bro! :joy:

Inside. Plants just moved in under the highly-raised screen to see how layouts work. 10 DJ Short 90’s BB on the right and 8 Zacatecas x Michoacan on the left…with 2 probable males.

Group shot 1/2/24

Still gotta install drip lines and trays and only about 1/2-2/3 of these have declared sex yet. Plenty of backup outside but that’s mean more bugs! Still some in the ebb & Flow tables that we can use.

Current ‘crop-top’ view, DJ’s in front, Zac in back.

Lovin’ these DJ Shorts! We’ve had a fair share of males and I need to start cullin’ some from the driveway, but there’s a lot of variation to chose from. I have a lot more of the gals outside so I’m sure we’ll make a little seed!

About 1/3 of them are purple-stemmed plants with this great looking candy-striping!

Some of the purple-stemmed plants have nice reddish-purple tint to the young leaves right from the start. The other are solid green stems & foliage. Still hunting better info on the ‘crinkly-leafed’ pheno???

And down at the far end, we have The Mexicans! Found 4 males this morning and the two w/red tags here are likely as well. More plants outside, but bringing them in would bring in pests. Seeing some 'weirdneess, twisted stems and occasional malformed leaves but otherwise healthy.

They all got pinched on Sunday evening (it’s Wednesday now…I had to look!) and they have really responded well. Think I’m gonna try to pinch every third node for a bit…but they want to go into flower NOW! What’s the best advice any of you Pro’s got on that??? I really want to know! And fast!!! :rofl:

Got a new 'Magnetic" screen door up and zip-tied in place!..think my next investment is some cheap, much bigger magnets! This one’s got two magnetic licorice-like magnets sewn into the center so they just fall back into place…if you don’t live in the tropics! Can’t remember, but think it was 250 THB, so about $7! I’ll take five please!

To hell with future under the sea!

Tossed in a few more of the long-named strain from my buddy @Jimdoors think I only had 2 females last run and one of them got totally destroyed by my picking out all the seeds I made! The other is in a Grove bag around here somewhere (I hope, or else I consumed it as RSO!) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@BobbyBudz sent over some killer beans and I’m excited to see what they do over here. Each strain had a Hawaiian-connection in the parentage, and having lived and grown on Kauai for 9 years, it’ll be fun to have an Island-connection! As an experiment, I put 4 of each of the above two stains into 1-gallon airpots at the same time as I put 4 into 3-gallons Dutch pots. Just want to see what difference it makes? The 3-gallon ones are looking like they are wearing their older, bg-brother’s boots!

Okay, I’m runnin’ outta steam, it’s getting’ late and the beans are a 'callin! Hope you all have a great day where ever you’re reading this from! Sorrry about the typo’s…I can’t seem to help it…or find them all! :upside_down_face:



So cool seeing all the young budz growing up. I am learning about cracking seeds now to get them to sprout.


Thank You for the package @Tlander.
Hugely appreciated
Goji OG & Thai x Vietnam Black also got my Cat very interested. She’s Not a table climber, until today !!

Bring the New Year in with a Bang


You are doing great. Variegation in Blueberry is common in my experience. The F4 bb were very uniform for me but the F5 had more phenotype variations in terms of stretch. F5 tended to be hard core purple in my grows.
Hard for my eyes to tell but it seems you may have mostly Zacatecas looking phenotypes in your Mexican run. The Michoacán leaning plants (at least as I call them anyway) are stretchy and very narrow leaf.
Thanks for the great updates!


Little color to start things off!

Think my staff have bigger plans than I do for the next seed run! :crazy_face:

I curse myself when I see these gals from @Oldtimerunderground (OTUG around here). They got badly burned in the bathwater as mere juvie’s and looked pathetic, but I couldn’t bring my self to cull them. After removing most all the leaves, we had some skinny little beanpoles that didn’t look like they even had the will to survive.

Well, never give uP! Now I’m really hoping I didn’t pop all these beans already! Would be great to see how they do without me f’uping it all up! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Think they’d make beautiful plants, given the chance.

Meat Breath’s have two distinct pheno going here, It’ll be obvious! The second pheno with the fatter leaves looks a lot like what happened to a lot of @Budderton’s stock when grown in our conditions outdoor. Odd throw-backs from earlier breeding pairs suddenly emerged to the forefront. Usually turned out pretty ugly, but interesting! One Appie #11 x HP actually made dense, big nuggets without a single pistil to be seen on the plant…ever!

Slowly adding a few things in…

Can’t wait to see how these babies from @Wizdom run! Pinched all these over the last few days and starting to kick out branches now. They’ve got the prime Sun-spot. Got 1 male stashed away up the driveway.

Lots more going on around here but pics having a hard time tonight so gonna cut it short. Felt a LOT better today…you know you been having it bad when a loud fart brings a sigh of relief and thoughts of how lucky you are! :rofl: As always, thanks for droppin’ by!



An update of the LSD x Blue Sunshine from seed that you sent me.
It’s a female and doing really well. I’ll up pot to a larger fabric pot soon.
This one looks like it will grow to be a beauty. At first I thought it was hungry all the time, but the new growth starts out a lime green then darkens up.


Look completely different to what I know. This is some Meat Breath S1 finishing up


So frosty!
Nice :+1:


FAF for sure. Well done.


Nice one @Tuned ! That reminds me a lot of what I saw…but it’s gonna look like “Cousin It” soon! Expect her to suddenly shift into single-bladed fans (lots) and bulk up nice! What size is that pot?



Just amazing bro! God I’d love to grow 'em like that over here! Gotta get my Hypoclorious acid work tuned up first!



I’m going to guess the pot is a 2 gallon. I might up it to a 3 or 5 gal. It’s in coco.
The other plants in the tent are in 5 gallon fabric pots which I like because I don’t need to water as often.
The LSD x Blue Sunshine needs water once a day in that pot, sometimes twice.


Quick one… didn’t even have much time to snap many pics today.

I told the guys to keep an eye open for ‘interesting’ plants to move in outside the greenhouse door. They’ve been finding some cool ones so far!

Late afternoon sunshine makes for a nice glow

It was a tasty tangerine… and solo’s were closer than an ashtray, so… :rofl:

These emerged strongly…and stopped! For a few days, ow there’s movement again… Think I better get a lot more mix ready fast!

That gotta be it for tonight! Hopefully, back again tomorrow!


Your a true plant shepherd TL!! Ride that green wave man! And your late afternoon glow is so much more uplifting than my early morning gray.

Happy to see you back in action!! I hope you continue to feel better my friend!!


More bs internet problems!

Been talking about those clamshell airlayers with a couple people. Today I had a look at one of 'em that got chopped and potted a in the 3-gallon square pot a week ago. Tons of new growth at the tips and really great color!

Of course, with new growth there’s butterfly eggs freshly laid by the hour!

Had to pull an old pressboard shelf unit as the termites found it. They guys stuck it in the godown (and lashed it to the mast!) and we can almost find most of the soil amendments now for the first time in years!

Okay, if more pics drop I’ll swing by again! Have a great weekend!



Hey Tlander - I got curious & looked up what a Chocolate Sapote is - found this Wikipedia entry.
“Mature trees can grow to over 25 m (82 ft) in height and are evergreen.
Fruiting takes about 3–4 years from seed and the trees are heavy bearers.
The fruit’s texture and taste is often likened to chocolate pudding when ripe.”

Perfect to grow alongside Cannabis - Have the Munchies? Grab a chocolate pudding fruit cup! :yum:


Thanks for that! That’s actually pretty fast for a fruit tree! Don’t know if I’ll be eaten 'em, but somebody’s sure gonna enjoy 'em! Onl;y one survived the mailing intact and edible! But I got ALL the seeds!

First one shed it’s helmet today.
