First Time (growing legal that is)!

Same-same w/internet! Oh well, got a couple through anyway…

Here’s some of @BobbyBudz beans freshly transplanted from Solo’s to 3 gallon square pots today. I had a germination issue w/one strain, but 90-100% on the other two. Really liking the look of these plants, so much so that I’m tempted to pop the rest! I just wanted to see if going straight from Solo’s to 3 gallons makes any difference…I probably won’t be able to remember which ones they are anyway! :crazy_face: There are a bunch more that went from Solo’s to 1 gallon airpots to 3 gallon as well. GREAT beans bro! :pray:

Powie Pineapple

Unfortunately, I only have one of these Powie Poison I think. These were where I had germination problems.

Bunch more of these Powie Wowie in 3-gal & solo’s. They were the first ones in and uP!

Local lizard approved the clamshell airlayer on the orange tree today.

Some of the Tacca (Black Bat Lily) are kickin’ out fresh flowers…and seed!

This little gals still just chugging along, I totally lost track of how long it’s been flowering now!

Same with the mini-me Goji, weird ass little plant!

First DJ Short 90’s BB hit the screen today in the new greenhouse! Lots of males pulled & chopped today and a couple more hermies yanked. I gotta cull the remaining males up the driveway tomorrow! Been saving the best males of the DJ Short 90’s BB and the Zacatecas x Michoacan and the Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese for seed-making but I think there are 3 of each even after I culled 4-5 others today. The three goji got a reprieve…it just got dark too fast!

More good news - the buyer of the palms bought more land after seeing what’s on offer! He figured he had picked out enough for more than he had room for, but knows he probably won’t get this chance again!

Okay, maybe one day the internet will return with force…until then???


Yo guys,

A few quick ones…

I went down to check on my Kerriodoxa elegans to make sure the buyer could even get down to them. I was excited to find that the oldest one has thrown out 4 blooms! I’m really hoping they can self-pollinate?

Our latest batch of cow shit came from Happy Cows!

The newest Bro-Science project. The first plant hit the screen! Gonna be a lot of bending coming uP!

The Chocolate Sapote’s are looking good.

Finally, I gotta give a big SHOUTOUT to @BobbyBudz Your beans are currently my favorite plants! The Powie Wowie are looking fantastic! There’s about 8 of 'em in 2 gallon square poys right now, a few in 1 gallon and a couple in still in Solo’s. I pinched about half of them the other day and may do the rest. My fingers are itching to soak the rest! Thank you so much bro! I hope anybody else you sent testers to have popped 'em!

Peshawar (1 of 3)

E&F has gotten too full!

Okay, back to work! Have a great day!


Yo guys,

A few quick ones…

I went down to check on my Kerriodoxa elegans to make sure the buyer could even get down to them. I was excited to find that the oldest one has thrown out 4 blooms! I’m really hoping they can self-pollinate?

Our latest batch of cow shit came from Happy Cows!

The newest Bro-Science project. The first plant hit the screen! Gonna be a lot of bending coming uP!

The Chocolate Sapote’s are looking good.

Finally, I gotta give a big SHOUTOUT to @BobbyBudz Your beans are currently my favorite plants! The Powie Wowie are looking fantastic! There’s about 8 of 'em in 3 gallon square pots right now, a few in 1 gallon and a couple in still in Solo’s. I pinched about half of them the other day and may do the others. My fingers are itching to soak the rest! Thank you so much bro! I hope anybody else you sent testers to have popped 'em!

Peshawar (1 of 3)

E&F has gotten too full!

Okay, back to work! Have a great day!


Yay! They don’t get very big indoors, but they sure are pretty, and easy to clean too when time to harvest,


I just saw an episode of “Rudy Maxa’s World” on PBS. He was in Bangkok. It is a beautiful country but that traffic is INSANE. 🫣

1 Like

555! Well, they are destined for ‘outdoor’ pretty soon. Been keeping 'em under the lights in the E&F table as long as I can. It’s that time of year and everything just wants to flower out, so they won’t likely get very big But that’s also the point of switching to the 3-gallon square pots for short season. Pretty tempting to toss a couple into 10-15 gallon just to see what they do?

I’m excited about all three strains I’m testing! If anybody hasn’t been there to look around yet, I’d recommend checking out BobbyBudz’s website! (I don’t know the “OG Rules”, so am hesitating to post a link…but Google will get you there!).

@BobbyBudz - Any thoughts on ‘pinching’ these Powie’s? Best results w/ early or late pinching? As I said, they are itching to go to flower right away, so may just get one quick shot at it in the next day or two. :pray:


Just throwing this link a friend sent to me out there for “News” value - “Humboldt Seed Company’s High-THC Triploid Cannabis Seeds” Humboldt Seed Company's High-THC Triploid Cannabis Seeds | stupidDOPE

Oh, and too bad…on closer inspection, the flowering Kerriodoxa appears to be a male! Guess I’ll collect a bagful of pollen today!


They don’t get very tall so I’ve been letting them go. They make little Christmas trees. I’ve topped a few and got more kolas as expected, but it didn’t increase the finished yield by too much so I haven’t lately.


Runnin’ late!

Went back down in the valley and grabbed a bunch of pollen from the Kerriodoxa elegans palm.

And we finally took down the **Goji OG’**s and the one un-seeded Oaxacan x Lemon ThaI today. I enjoyed the week without the AC/Dehumidifier running 24/7, oh well…Think that just leaves 3 plants in the upper greenhouse now. Hopefully tomorrow they can get moved outside and we can start to disinfect the whole space. There’s loads of 3 gallons in the E&F tables that need some space!

The SOG plants all got the Kyle Kushman plant chiropractic treatment today…only broke 2 stems! The first 2 plants are at screen height already. Still have half a dozen undeclared plants under the net, but there’s plenty of replacements outside if we need 'em.

Okay, that’s it for today guys, have a great one!


Yo guys, how’s it going today? Got a nice Sativa surprise today from our buddy @Roms at Atao Genetics! We’ve been trying this for quite a while now with packs going ‘missing’ several times - GREAT to see it work! :pray: bro!

The recent load of happy cow shit has the place poppin’! These Copelandia cyanensis (Yah, I know they changed the name, but that’s the one I remember!) are springing up in a lot of the 3 gallon nursery pots now. I cutoff and chop up about half a dozen a day and fold 'em into a big jar of honey…lasts forever! Just might start micro-dosing again!

Another big day of clearing pathways to the various palms I want to sell. A good friend and fellow nursery owner and her husband came by today to help me with pricing of some of them, but I had to mark them first. In the end we decided I can pretty much ask whatever I want on a lot of 'em, as the stuff is so rare nobody else has 'em! (As a matter of fact, when my friend mentioned a famous palm collector over here, I suddenly realized he’s the type that wouldn’t bat an eye at paying $5,000 a palm if it’s something he wants.) I’m putting off doing the Excel file until tomorrow, but have to quote everything out by this weekend.

Cleared out the last few plants from the upper greenhouse today, bleached everything down before lunch and then hit it all again with hypoclorious acid through the backpack fogger! Just to be sure, I’m gonna do both of 'em again tomorrow! Whacked another hermie Zacatecas x Michoacan today and pollinated one of the Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese. Bad news - had to toss a couple pounds of Goji, Thai x VN Black and some old FrankenBubble that was in Grove bags but not heat sealed. Opened a bag and could see the mold-cloud drift out of the top of the bag upon opening. :sob: Thought about saving it for RSO, then thought again!

Okay, well I think I probably have some beans waiting to go into soaks! And they still haven’t figured out how to open the refrigerator door by themselves!



Thanks for the update @Tlander. Sorry to hear about the cloud at the Grove bag…
Your Thailand is taking Tech to its limits.
Follow those Cows


Sunday update…

Upper greenhouse - "All cleared/bleached/Hypo’ed, blown-out, old driplines pulled, new mains installed, almost ready!

My new favorites! These beauties are from @BobbyBudz

The Peshawar; @Upstate

Found a couple ‘spares’ stashed in the refrigerator! @Jimdoors (I think?)

The Chocolate Sapote are looking strong! Roots seem pretty ‘contained’ so far, hoping I can keep 'em in Solo’s for a while yet.

Okay, it’s still light out for a couple more hours, so I gotta get back into it. See ya all later, if we got the time!



Another Sunday come and gone! Ahhhh…

I was just reaching out with the pollination brush when I saw this little guy watchin’ me! This place is like an all-you-can-eat buffet for them and I’ve never had more species around at once than on this property!

I gotta beg mercy from @Oldtimerunderground OTUG on these C99 x Alien OG plants. I did everything wrong but kill them! And they still are kickin’ out the buds! I can only imaging how great they’d have been if I’d just LTTFA! :rofl: As is, they are each a single, slender cola on about a 50-100 cm tall plant. The thrashing they took as youngsters meant we defoliated them of almost all fans at one point. My apologies OTUG!

Meanwhile, back at the SOG…we’re just starting to reach the net on some of them…the close end are the DJ Short 90’s BB and the far end are the Zacatecas x Michoacan. I’ve pinched out most of both strains once already and they are just starting to need 2-3/day attention! The dream would be to be able to do 20 plants like this of one strain, all at the same stage all along the way. Then I can still go crazy with 20 other strains and know there’s always the fallback on the SOG. :pray: What do they say, Want to make God laugh? Tell her your ‘plan’! :joy:

The view from down-under…

And finally, the Lemon Grove is fillin’ in again…lots of odd’s & ends, 3 of this, 5 of that, a few seeded out, some getting hard LST twisting. This is kind of the ‘overflow’ area that’s getting filled up while we prep the upper greenhouse for the 3-gallon square pots and a dozen 1 gallons that I don’t think will do much even if I transplant 'em uP! Anyway, the upper GH is ready, just need to layout the pots and plug in the drippers and away they go again!

Okay, few more beans in the plugs, a few more beans in the soaks! @Roms Some of the JLB and his Swazi Ruz both hit the water! Re-organized the E&F tables today, in my spare time! Loving how much more efficient the new LED’s are compared to our old lights…that…or I just had a run of some REALLY good genetics lately! :rofl: @BobbyBudz and @Upstate and @DainIronFoot all sent me beans that went in using ‘new’ protocols and under the ‘new’ LED’s and man the branching is fantastic! Thanks guys! :pray:

Okay, gonna try for an early night! 555!



Outstanding work! So happy to get this report. Love keeping up with your project! I will be starting a new grow late February. Stay tuned!


Lookin good!


Few more, took the morning off to visit an old friend uP atop the mountains. I was shocked to find it was hot even up there…not looking forward to the next couple months of hot!

More cow blessings popping uP!

Shortly thereafter, destined for the cutting board and into the honey!

A couple Tillandsia

A few more C99 x Alien OG’s

About 25% have hit the net now…

Found one of the male Mac1 x AVC just covered in open pollen sacks today so decided to just bring in a little female and let 'em go at it for 12 hours!

Okay, got some catchin’ up to do around here, tomorrow’s a Doc-Day so hopefully I’ll get back in the evening to check in. Hope you have a great start to the week!



Hi bro, i look forward the Swaz and JLB performing in your magic garden, enjoy and good luck with them! The combo will offer you nice window of pure sat declination between Red and Gold. :upside_down_face:


Thanks for another awesome post.
Sleep well, Buddy.


Here a fairly quick CNN video on the US’s newest system to use AI to intercept packages…wonder if foil stickers on pucks would make them ‘more’ or ‘less’ suspicious looking?



If you need to go stealth, I think the best way to send seeds in the mail is to mix the cannabis seeds with other seeds. Bird seed etc.
Easy for the recipient to sort out.
Small ziplocks for each strain/mix.


Everything is looking good! What a unique place you have. I love the little black Praying Mantis. Looks like a wasp.