First Time (growing legal that is)!

Runnin’ still! Laid out a possible layout leaving plenty of room to work between 'em, this would be 20 x 3 gallon pots. I’m sure we’ll crowd in a bunch of smaller 1 gallon airpots that don’t look like they hold a lot of potential.

Some of the 3 gallons awaiting the move…

On patrol…

Couple more of the C99 x Alien OG colas

And an odd-plant out! @MissinBissin found this lonely seed in the refrigerator!

Early night…well, 10 pm!


Well thats a definite Hurray @Tlander.
She is also on my 2024 outdoor list, thanks for the Peek at her .
I know @SativaKid will be excited to see her as well!

Thanks T, really appreciate the Find; PS she looks great


Bummer! Got up this morning and went to transplant my latest batch of plugs; More Powie Wowie, Jamaican Lambs Bread and Swazi Red. Flipped on the lights and discovered that either a mouse or rat or? decided to chew off every seedling just at the dirt level! AAAuuuggghhh! Fortunately it wasn’t ALL the beans I was sent, but that’s twice now in less than a month. Damn, looks like I have to start to grow seedlings in closed domes from now on.

Moved a bunch of 3-gallon plants into the upper greenhouse last night and transplanted a bunch more 1 gallons & solo’s into 3 gallons under the lights in the E&F tables.

New beginnings!

The SOG is getting crazy now, need to tuck tips at least twice a day. Pulled another 100 beans off of one of the LSD x Blue Sunshine, pollinated 2 Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese’s and 2 DJ Short 90’s BB. I can’t find a Zacatecas x Michoacan female that I’m willing to pull from the SOG to pollinate.

The C99 x Alien OG are getting frostier, just a shame that they got git so hard by whitefly and thrips.

The Goji OG and the (Thai x VN Black) x Goji are both going strong with half a dozen 6’-ers starting to bud out.

Peshawar, from @Upstate is looking fantastic! I only got 3 germinations from the first round, but 2 of the 3 are charging, while one is a bit of a runt. his one has some weirdness happening on the two top leaders.


Chocolate Sapote’s still charging! Root development is pretty slow, so think I can keep these in Solo’s for a while?

Powie Wowie from @BobbyBudz (There are a bunch of these now, but I only snapped a couple shots).

Okay, time to get to work! Have a great day everybody!


Hey @Tlander !

Just finally got through reading this whole thread and all I can say is You are doing some amazing work! You are an inspiration and you have me wanting to chuck some pollen now! haha. We are currently doing some phone hunting at a new space so will keep ya in the loop.I want to thank you for the beans we got from you also! Shane is my Growmie up here in BKK. I just dropped in some BOG bubble and some bloody monsters that you gifted him:) Really excited to run some BOG gear. I used to run a few of his strains 20+ years ago so I love his work. sorry about the shit tasting RSO my brother made haha
That was his first batch so Im sure he will get better at it. well just wanted to drop in and introduce myself now that I found ya. Cheers man! keep on keeping on! loving the show…


Well, got a momentary jolt of Internet, so downloaded a bunch of pics…but gotta run…

Peshawar’s from @Upstate

Powie Wowie’s from @BobbyBudz

Another straggler!

No time to type! Gotta get back to it… Stuck in more Jamaican Lambs Bread, and Swazi Red and Red Thai from @Roms at Atao Genetics to make up for the mouse-eaten ones! Damn! Setbacks suck! :upside_down_face:



I finally got some Thai seeds to grow. :slight_smile: Still learning how to crack seeds without damaging the seed.


You can crack seeds between your teeth. You can control the pressure very well and you can feel them pop. 🥸

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Thank you, I built a sandpaper box and tried the first batch from Burma, they died. I tried using a nail file and razor blade to cut grooves, they died. I tried cracking a few between my teeth after they had soaked, but I’m guessing I should do that before I soak?
Also, what do you put them in after they are cracked I have tried

  1. 1/5 Hydrogen Peroxide and 4/5 spring water (Mosca Seed Method)
  2. Aloe and Coconut Water powder
  3. POWER Si with water
  4. Clonex with water
  5. Xseed BAC soak for 1st 24 hours., then paper towel.

The Aruno Thai 3 of 4 sprouted with just 1/5 hydrogen peroxide and spring water.
The other 8 (four seeds each from the other landrace strainsTLander sent me) rotted or were mangled by my blind assed attempts at it 2 at a time. So 4 failed attempts total before I stopped wasting seeds. I didn’t want to use up any more of these babies until I had perfected this.


Crack them first. Then try soaking them for a few hours in room temperature water. Then maybe a damp paper towel or humidity tent? I think Thai seeds do best with plain water but Im sure someone else has more experience than I do. 🥸

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I saw someone on Overgrow with a 3d printed seed cracker. Can’t remember who.

For germinating stubborn seeds I use chamomile tea. Brew the tea, let it cool, mix with water 1 part tea/3 parts water. Let the seeds soak in this solution for 12 hours.
Then the seeds go in damp paper towels in ziplock bags (use the same mix to dampen the paper towels)

Chamomile is a natural antifungal and prevents damping off.

Edited to add - also keep them warm, about 78 F🌡


'll try it, I have that tea.


Hot Water is proving to have a real impact on opening seeds when it comes to Germination tricks @BobbyBudz


I’d agree! I switched over to hot water on Budderton’s advice (I think?) and have been happy with the results. I did do some w/crushed aloe vera leaf and others w/ actual coconut water. The coco water one grew an enormous cloud of fluffy fungus when I forgot about it for 48 hours (no beans in it!).

I bought a micrometer that has a small ‘detail’ thumb-screw for ‘fine tuning’. But its still a trick to get the seed aligned correctly and keep it there while tightening! I have a plastic cigar tube with sandpaper rolled up in it that I like to use if I’m ‘expecting’ problems. Put some samba on and shake away!

I personally spent an hour in a client’s kitchen today cooking a couple kilos of dirt in the oven! I’m sick and tired of the nasty little white soil nematodes that just have a magnetic draw towards moist seeds! I love my ‘Living Soil’, but figure I can start out in tiny plugs of ‘dead soil’ and move 'em up into LS in Solo’s. Cooked everything for 30 minutes at 200 degrees C., tossed & turned it a couple times and it almost melted the plastic bag when I poured it in! I stuck more beans in the soak to make up for the batch that got eaten last night! The E&F tables look soooo empty now! I mean I can even SEE table!

Sold off a good-sized truckload of the Giant Black Bat Lilies today to a client that came to buy palms!

The palms he wants are all too big to move via my crew, these need backhoes, cranes and 10 to 18 wheelers! So I guess he didn’t want to leave empty handed! He bought out all the nicest ones I just moved up in front of my house last month! Oh well, we’ll start potting up more tomorrow!



I always take the seed in my fingers and use a pair of nail clippers to clip the very tip off. It allows water to come into the seed and for it to open easier. Just a thought


Or germinate them in really hot water and it doesn’t matter.


I have been telling this to members for over a year. As hot as it gets from the tap, a mason jar and lid and that’s it. Nothing else. Fill your jar with water as hot as it gets from your tap, throw in your beans, seal jar and put in a dark place for 24 hours. Any that don’t have tails, can be put into a paper towel. I have never germinated a bean any other way. I was laughed at pretty good when I first mentioned this. But now, people are realizing how well it works.


I think this would be @Bobgrows


Yes it’s me!
They are $5.00 plus shipping
Shipping is about $6.00.


I am gonna try this and do an experiment. I want to find out how much heat they can take. Thanks for the tip @THCeed


I would like to ask a question that is off topic but I am sure that you guys can answer it. I have a “THC Victory” plant from Dutch Passion. Is THCV anti- cancer? Is it an effective treatment for cancer?