First Time (growing legal that is)!

I think 1 of the members tried it and said that the water was 50 degrees. He laughed and then got 10/10 to germinate. The laughing stopped. If I knew how to do a search here, I could find it.


This is info on just THCV…
The main advantage of THCV over THC is the lack of psychoactive effects. In rodent studies, THCV decreases appetite, increases satiety, and up-regulates energy metabolism, making it a clinically useful remedy for weight loss and management of obesity and type 2 diabetic patients


Right on TL! Yeah the hot water tech was a thing since back in the 90s, when i heard about it. The guy who told me swore he used boiling water, straight from the kettle but i never tried it that hot. We also use to put a touch of bleach in with water but now just mix in pureed aloe vera. Best of luck with your new starts @Tlander !
Edit: I think those letters I sent may have been gobbled up by the system, if you haven’t received them yet.


I read a book called 'Grow your own stone" By Ed Rosanthol Might be spelt wrong, my first book about growing and that was the way that was recommended. I never knew there was a different way. :wink:


Right on @THCeed ! I lot of us learned to grow from the Ask Ed portion of the old High Times magazine. He was the man, back in the day!


The thumb screw makes this a great seed cracker. Go super slow…get the gap close, close til seed is gripped, give a SLOW quarter turn at most. Usually less.
@Magu that’s what I do now too.


@Tlander dang mouse! We always planted 3 to get one. One for thieves, one for Mother Nature, one for the headstash. Looks like you’re doing much better😁


Anti appetite doesn’t sound like it meshes well with cancer treatment. Thc triggers suicide in some cancer cells, which otherwise, unlike other cells, don’t get old and die. Thc also shrinks capillaries that feed tumors. Take out the line of food supply, and the tumor starves. Cbd helps many other bodily systems to function properly. Prior to the 1930’s, up to 80%(I’ve heard lower numbers, like 60%)of medications were cannabis based. Then prohibition kicked in and cannabis in all forms was removed from our diet. As a result, our Endocannabinoid systems, which were used to having a hearty supplement of cbd from outside sources for thousands of years, became in some cases insufficient at providing the proper amount of cannabinoids for our systems to function at 100% without additional input. Things like Crohns, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, a score of other maladies including some cancers, along with a drastic rise of mental disorders are the result. For that reason I recommend both thc and cbd.
@Bobgrows cool seedcraker. :sunglasses:
@THCeed good ol Ed Rosenthal. High Times/ skunk/ Cannabis Culture all taught me how to grow too.
Good tip about hot water. I must have read you mentioned that and incorporated it into my latest round of germination with great results👌


I’ve always grown outside, never tried growing inside because of limited space, kids being nosy, and other factors. There are no “height/ size restrictions” unless they are self enacted. Just wanted to share a few photos here.


I need a few of these babies so bad! Let me know where to send the coin. use the app, or email me at

1 Like

Another weekend arrives…and will be gone before we know it! Had time to snap a few shots today. Some odd’s & ends…

@Upstate Pinched as you suggested…about time to do it again!

More Bro-Science! This was just before starting the SOG grow…wanted to test out an idea. Jury is still out.

@Wizdom Look what I found! There’s 4-5 more out in the lemon grove but this one made it in the upper geenhuse that is momentarily bug-free! Lovin’ the look!

Another Bro-Science project-gone-wrong! :joy:

Bit of the SOG setuP!

Powie Wowie’s @BobbyBudz

Long day, pretty bushed. Upper shade house plants looks crazy good! I think I’m gonna have to spray this PlemoTech botanical insecticide every 3 days for a while and keep it this way! We have to put in a few days on re-potting tons of nursery stock t make up for what sold and left already. The weather is shifting into the hot/dry time now and it’ll just keep getting hotter & drier for a couple months. Honesty, not looking forward to it this year! Well, at least it helps w/mold! :rofl: Have a great weekend!



For sure, top again and bend those tops outwards without kinking them. Kinks become weak spots with this one. Looking good brother! I love the plant pictured below it. That’s what Peshawar looks like when treated similar. I love it!


Lazy, hazy Sunday! Even drizzling now.

First look at the (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG buds… @slain

Just ordered another 100 pucks!

Have a good (lazy) weekend!


Well that’s looking tasty! Still plenty of sativa by the looks, hopefully it resists the dreaded fungus!!


Sorry guys, either I’m getting lazy or time is speeding uP! gotta pack up and head to the PO on the way to the Doc’s so this is gonna be short!

I noticed almost every plant in the lemon grove has it’s own guardian Mantis! Spotted this one while I was trying to focus my phone-cam on her

and I saw something catch her eye…She perked up, swiveled her head to focus on a leaf above her, drew back her forearms and ZAP!

Grabbed a whitefly and munched it down on-camera! My kinda bug!



Well, the Screen of Green* is filling in nicely, edges get a little complicated!

A good friend had visitors from China who brought along a gift of some of the tastiest Loquats I’d had in decades…you can guess where all the seeds ended uP!

First (well…second) flowering!

Made an air-layer out of it!

Another Bro-Science experiment! I had called this one a failed experiment, but today they all started to look like they might turn it around! Original Haze vegged clones.

More Mantis buddies!

@Upstate gave me some pointers on the Peshawar, so I’ve pinched 'em back twice now and started some LST, being careful not to ‘kink’ any branches. I’m really liking these and wish I’d popped more!

@Wizdom I mis-labeled this one the other night…thought it was Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese - NOT!

Found 2 male Powie Wowie today, bringing us to 3 now, leaving 8, 4 of which have shown female already. @BobbyBudz

I hit the Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese w/pollen again twice today and re-did the two DJ Short 90’s BB that I pollinated a week ago. @GMan Found a total of 60 seeds in the Oaxacan x Lemon Thai that had just fallen out in the net rack in the drying tent! :pray:
(Late edit: Oh Hell, just found 3 more bags of 'em in the drying tent! :joy:!)

I’ve had a shit run on seed germination for the last week to week and a half…today I discovered our government water is coming out of the pipe at pH 8.4! Wonder if that’s got something to do with it??? Upper greenhouse plants are looking great so far. We moved a dozen or so budded out plants in under one of the greenhouse roofs as it’s been drizzling on and off the last few days. The SOG is reaching the point where about half of the plants are into the screen. I’ve been defoliating from the ground uP the last 2 weeks and by next week should be able to remove everything that’s more than 4"-5" below the screen. trying to leave as few places for the damn white-fly to hide as possible!

Okay, well I gotta go ‘neutralize’ some water and then try some more soaks’! Good luck to all you poor souls dealing with the weather back there! May your power stay on and your plants stay unchilled! (Except for ‘purpling’ purposes!) :joy:



I sure love starting my day off here. Thanks, Brother. Have a good night.


Hey, always glad to see you drop by bro! I heard the message ‘ding’ from across the room - I got a new order of 100 pucks in this afternoon and at 10 pm the pile is rapidly shrinking! Back to work!



Shit man, you got to get some sleep.
Beans landed yesterday, was my wife’s B-day so I didn’t open them yet. Teasing myself with the anticipation. Love ya Brother.
Thanks so much, you Reggae.


Good Evening @Tlander

My intent is not to Bug you, but I’d like to ask about this “Pinching” practise, I’m hearing you apply pretty regularly. And its mentioned elsewhere a lot as well

Sometime next week if you could take a moment & a picture, Showing me one of your Applications I’d greatly appreciate it.

It sounds cool because its Selective and can be utilized to help Shape a Plant or fit the environment.

And its a Control. Just not sure what to, how hard, where and when kinda-thing