First Time (growing legal that is)!

Well, that was a quick! Guess I need to start to order more than 100 at a time!



I don’t think it’s PH related.( of course it might be…but water Ph is real high in most of the western US) My uncle homesteaded on a creek with ph 8.5 and had no well. Everything germinated and grew with this water. Could it be a Shit moon phase? Germination is best a few days to a week after a new( no)moon, so the moon is getting bigger and bigger, exerting more force on the seed shell. I like 10 days before a full moon for old seed and 5-7 days for fresh. I used to think moon phase gardening was a hippie thing, until experiencing myself the power of the moon. With Kashmir seed and a 3rd quarter( shrinking)moon, ( a week before no moon)I had 3 out of 10 seeds pop. Wanting about 10 plants total, having 3 already and figuring the same % rate of germination, I put down 15 seeds from the same vial 10 days later, a week before a full moon, expecting 6 plants. All 15 popped.


Hey @Upstate . We old hippies know a good thing when we see it. :wink:


Lol. Yes we do😁


Cranked out a bunch more pucks, placed an order for another 100 that’ll be ready in 3 days.

The Chocolate Sapote’s in Solo’s had roots after all… they are black and not easily visible. Decided to move a lot of them up to 1 gallon airpots.

Pulled 2 more males in the Powie Wowie room. @BobbyBudz I have saved the best looking one of the last 3 males and stashed him uP the driveway for the time being.

And I used this DJ Short 90’s BB to re-pollinate the 2 females I set aside for seeding. He became chicken feed shortly thereafter, along with another from the SOG grow. (I think there may be 1 more male and a likely hermie still to go.

The others, and the Zacatecas x Michoacan are getting re-tucked about 3 times a day now. Sooner or later I’ll probably just give up and let 'em do what they want. The Screen of Green by itself is a lot of work, but at least you can walk all around it!

Happy to report that the next batch of DJ Short BB f5’s are poppin’ in the plug trays, so it wasn’t necessarily my high pH water that was causing problems. Getting reports that next batches of beans are starting to arrive at their destinations! Good luck everybody! :seedling: :seedling: :seedling:



WoW! Hours just flew by tonight!

Years ago a friend and client was staying at a 5-star resort in Indonesia and was struck by the beauty of some large Sagon trees growing on the property. She found the head of the groundskeepers and he ended up coming back to her with a bottle of seeds, which ended up in my hands 10 or 15 years ago. I’d guess she’s been here half a dozen times with a ten-wheeler and crane over the years to pick up trees for various projects. Last week I was putting in some rare palm seeds for another client and had a spare tray so decided to try 'em one more time! Over the last few years I was getting pretty bad germination rates, but hell it’s been over a decade in the tropics! So I went ahead and planted them all. You guessed it! :crazy_face:

The Arenga undulatifolia palms are flowering and seeding out like crazy right now. I had my foreman put a picture of them up on a facebook page for Thai Palm lovers…let’s see if he can sell any! is the only place I’ve ever seen selling 'em and I think they have only had them in stock twice in the last 10 years I’ve been checking! (And I think they were 12 Euro/seed at that time!)

Gorgeous color on the new flower buds

And here they are a few weeks later…still got many months to go!

Here’s the washed and dried mature ones

Goji OG These didn’t do so well this run with the hypoclorious damage kickin’ the shit out of them. But today I noticed them all starting to look like they have a plan!

Just about every plant seems to have it’s own praying mantis on patrol these days! Really wish I had a good camera, as it is, I take 10 throw-aways for every one semi-keeper!

Okay, off to bed early for a change! Have a great one guys!


Busy day with Immigration runaround and a supply run and now it’s 10 pm already so this’ll be as fast as I can upload 'em!

Scored 100 new pucks, so we’re back paclin’ again! Pucked uP another 400 Goji OG x Orange Goji @ShiskaberrySavior :pray:

The Peshawars from @Upstate I’m VERY happy with these! There’s one ‘runt’ but it’s not at all crowded up in the upper greenhouse so we’ll let 'em run.

The bro-science project…turning out better than I expected!

Another couple guardian angels hangin’ out!

And the @BobbyBudz contingent…

Okay, off to bed. Tomorrow’s a Doctor Day so another semi-stressful one. Hope you all have a great one! Thanks for dropping by!



The O Haze look like it’s coming back nicely! Success!
Best of luck at the doctors tomorrow TL. Good night.


Quick load before heading off to the Doc’s…

The Screen of Green is getting interesting. Running out of room!

Got a Peshawar male popped overnight…well, at least I can make seeds! @Upstate

Sorry guys, I don’t have time to organize the photos today, gotta shower and head out to the PO on the way to the Doc’s. Enjoy the day!



Few more late afternoon shots…

Goji OG’s

Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese @Wizdom

Meat Breath (I honestly can’t remember without looking at the tags! Thank you!) :pray:

Trying out some new-fangled Coco-peat Plus as a seed starting medium. I’ve had shitty germination the last week or so and I’m blaming it on nematodes. We’ll see how this next round goes.

This is looking to be ‘one of those weeks’ where I can’t get anything done! Sucks, gone from 100% my own time-frame to 95% on the government and Doctor’s schedule! :joy: Oh well, a couple more wasted days probably won’t hurt too much, but in my state, every day counts! :crazy_face:

Have a great day!


(Apologies for FuP’s, no time to spare for corrections! :crazy_face:

Phew, another day spent paying the ‘fine’ for living in Paradise! Once a year it’s time to deal with paperwork, and boy do they LOVE paperwork! Took all day and managed to encircle the entire island. And as long as I had a willing driver, managed to stop off and pick up supplies all along the way. I gotta go back in a week to pick it up, but for now it looks like everything’s taken care of.

Meanwhile, I got up before dawn so that by first light I could get some pollinating done before I left for the day…as long as it hadn’t rained overnight I decided to hit 'em while I could. (Managed to re-do 2 again before sunset!).

HOT NEWS!!! @Upstate The Eagle has Landed! Yahooo! I’m honored to have these strains specifically picked by Upstate for my particular medical needs land in my hands! Nothing like some long-flowering strains to keep egging me on myself! :rofl:

Yep, I saw your note bro: GROW THIS! NOW! Yes Sir! :call_me_hand: Drop me any notes, you’ve got me intrigued now!

I had a bad 2-3 weeks of germination attempts, after a phenomenally good run of a few months! On inspecting non-popping seeds I often came across nematodes, white (mostly) worm-like filaments that would crawl out of the seed if I rinsed it in water or immersed it. I cooked my “Living Soil” in an oven for an hour on high heat, but still got shit germination on some important seeds that I know others have germinated in the not too distant past. Then discovered our government water had suddenly jumped it’s pH to 8.4!!! So we stored garbage cans full of water in the shade of all the palms and corrected pH and just mix & water fert with it. Hell with it, I bought a sack of coco-peat+ and decided to give it a shot on the seedlings. But first I stuck in some ‘sure things’ - 2 strains of @BobbyBudz 's Powies in my ‘sterilized’ mix and the results were ‘better’, not stellar, but at 12 out of 20 early - better!

Here’s the coco-peat plus 1 day later… they seem to love to be able to just lift themselves up through the coco-peat with no resistance. Old dogs and new tricks and all! :dog:

When I’m really feeling down in the dumps with my germination there’s always one ‘sure-fire’ way out…pop some @Budderton beans!!! 24 hours - 15 tails from 15 beans! Thanks for raisin’ my spirits bro! :pray:

Of the three Peshawar, the biggest and best-formed turned out to be a male, as has the runt. I’ve stashed the good looking male up the driveway (it’s getting crowded up there again!) just in case, but I’d kind of like to just flower the first one out w/o seeding it. Between our conditions and my RSO-addled brain, long-term pollen storage ain’t gonna happen…I need to go in the drying tent and remove the 50-75 vials hanging in open mini-zip-locs inside paper bags and probably toss 85% of 'em. I tend to either use it immediately or only hold it a week to trty again when there’s more pistils available.

Chopped down about 6 of the C99 x Alien OG single-cola plants at sunset last night @Oldtimerunderground …they’d pretty well been defoliated, as the fans were getting ugly and I told the guys to just cut anything yellowing or damaged. We ALL found it convenient to sit down there in the shade and chill in front of the fans and pretty soon everything was pretty much manicured on the bush! They came through on their end much better than I expected after I was embarrassed by how bad of a start they got off to.

Same sort of thing happened to the Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese. They just dwarfed out! I kept checkin’ on 'em but was content to just let them be little cola-plants. Then about three days ago they decided they wanted to grow up! :heart_eyes:

The Original Haze from last spring’s grow got set outside the E&F table house and started to reveg…so I took a shitload of cuttings and rooted 'em up. Didn’t think they’d amount to much so just put 'em in 1 gallon airpots. We moved them to the upper greenhouse on an out of the way ledge, stuck 'em on the drip and left them alone.


After, Not bad!

Random shots of the Lemon Grove…

Goji OG’s

Found what I assume is yet another species of preying mantis on patrol!

Aw hell, I got plugs to transplant, new beans to soak, Solo’s to fill and a ton more! Gotta hit it guys, thanks for dropping by, Tomorrow the Palm client, his landscaper and the head of the contractng team that’s gonna move 'em all arrive to confirm everything. Don’t expect I’ll get much work done tomorrow, but if the deal goes down the ‘cushion’ is gonna be MOST welcome! Hoping you all have a great day back there!



Best Wishes on your efforts @Tlander

Keep on hustling my Friend, something great and unplanned is happening.


Greandal and shunkhunt101 each got 5 seeds, and several females each. Greandal is 58 and said top 3 smokes of his life, and SkunkHunt101 said its possible its the best he had.

I have plenty more seeds.
Everything is looking really good! Neat Praying Mantis!


You are a machine my friend! Everything’s looking so neat and tidy. I’m glad i could be a part of raising your spirits, best of luck with your starts TL ! Those Lemon Slush are some flavourful plants and it’ll be interesting to see how they express for you over there.


What a GREAT day! After yesterday’s runaround, today more than made up for it! The client who ordered the palms showed up w/his wife, landscaper & contractor today to confirm each tree in his order. The contractor is stoked that we’ve managed to already have dug up and freed all but 3 trees, and all three of those have been soaked and a good ring dig out already. The buyer was happy to switch over one palm of which I found a larger, and more expensive, version hidden away! And added a couple more! Payment hit my bank account before I even got home from the nursery! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Plants are cranking! We’ve hit that stage where every morning when I get down to the plants I feel like I must have slept through a week. Had to move the Original Haze reveg clones off the shelf in the upper greenhouse as they were about to hit the ceiling. They were 10" plants just a few weeks ago! They were getting too crowded on that shelf anyway…now they’ve got lots of room.


Hmmm, can’t find those pics yet!

Came across an odd leaf tip - (enter blade of largest leaf) Double tip! It’s not a tear, formed naturally.

Chocolate Sapotes chuggin’ along!

I like the look of @BobbyBudz 's Powie’s so much that I decided to pop the rest of them!

And while I was at it… @Budderton sent me some Lemon Slush beans many months ago that I only now got the time to put in to soak…think I posted earlier but, Budderton’s beans can make anyone smile!

So those are all in the plug trays now as well. And @Upstate dropped a bomb on me! Got Peshawar (“Jo”), Tirah Valley x Peshawar (“Miss Pistachio”) and Old Silver Thai! Knew I should have grabbed a few more bags of that coco-peat for seed poppin’!

Okay, on with the show! The Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese @Wizdom were looking so forelorn I almost gave up on them a couple weeks back. Well, they decided that they like life in Tland after all! While they are gonna be dwarfs I think, the last few days they have doubled or tripled in bud-girth…starting to look like they could really be nice after all!

The mini-me

The Meat Breath had a weird reaction to the tropics with…only 2 out of 6 or 7 came out as ‘normal’ Meat Breaths, all of the others expressed as ‘mutants’ in one form or another. To be fair, they got put in very late, got hit with the “One & Done” that burned 'em and then got hit hard with the heat as it turned uP lately. I gotta snap some shots of the ‘normal’ ones!

Back at the E&F tables, I had to pull a bunch of the risers I’ve been using to support the small plants. These gals under the LED’s were just getting too close for comfort (theirs and mine!)

There are 3-4 of @Jimdoors 's (Durban Poison x Pangi) x (DP x Appie) that went under the new lights the day I got them. The difference in plant structure is very obvious! I’ve also got 2 males stashed up the driveway. I’d move all of these up to the upper greenhouse but I’m afraid of introducing any whitefly up there!

It’s a 3-day Holiday weekend over here, so I’ll get to play catch-up a bit…on the other hand, I’ll probably have my hands full just trying to water everything for the next 3 days! :rofl: I want to get the E&F tables emptied out a bit and cleaned up before this next batch of seedlings hit the E&F tables.

And tomorrow should be another FUN-Day - I decided today that my foreman and crew deserve to share in the bounty of today’s palm sales! We went over the cost of their living expenses and kid’s schooling costs and I’m thinking that a six-month ‘breather’ would probably make them quite happy…and with all the work they do around here, both in the nursery and just keeping me breathing, it’ll make me real happy to give it to them too! Oh, and we got a new puppy this week! Cute as hell, pictures next week!

Okay, I got beans to deal with…and you probably do too! Let’s get back to it! Stay well my friends!



I love your posts so much, thanks Brother.


Good mornin’ to you back there bro! Well then, I’ll just have to keep postin’! :crazy_face:

The seed-grown Loquat tree from China has thrown more flowers! But it did it on the end of a branch that we already air-layered!

The Chocolate Sapote are all looking real healthy these days!

Here’s a couple shots of @Upstate 's Peshawar female. I pulled 2 males and stashed them up the now quite-crowded driveway.

And the flower of a small tree called Dawk Bu’a Sawan (Lotus of the Garden)

Oh, and I found the ‘after’ shots of the upper greenhouse after clearing the O. Hazes @BasementBeans from the shelf. Still looks incredibly empty in there to me!

And finally, a couple Powie Wowie’s @BobbyBudz

Okay, back to those plugs again!



I like the Mac1 x AVC.
They look really nice :heart_eyes:


Me too! After weeks of pretty much giving up hope of them amounting to much, they suddenly sprung to life again! I’m gonna have to dig through my bean stash and see if I left any of these for a follow-uP grow?



Hell Yeah @Tlander!
Thank you so much for growing those out all the way over there on your gorgeous side of the world :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m planning one more quick bud run, then onto a killer sativa strains grow, similar to the one @Budderton did recently. I will be sure to tag you when I do!!