First Time (growing legal that is)!

Tag me too OTUG! And hit me up if you have any gaps you want to fill in your Sativa run. I’ve got a pile of heirlooms in the fridge that I’d love to see grown out but would need a warehouse and 5 years to get through them all myself!


Think I managed to water everything that was crucial! Plants all continue to bulk up. Few more budworms here and there, pretty easy to spot but there’s just too many plants to see them all!

Starting off with a few non-ganja things…

We got a new puppy! My staff introduced me to “Chai-Rohn”! She’s cute as can be and like all puppies just wants to play non-stop. Our old female doesn’t seem to mind, as long as she isn’t left out! She lost a daughter a few months back and has been ‘alone’ for a while. Hopefully she’ll cheer up a bit with this youngster around.

A couple more Black Bat Lily… We sold out a couple truckloads full last week, so it’ll be loads of transplanting again next week. We got orders for more already!

Some carnivorous Nepenthes

The Mac1 x AVC just puttin’ on weight like Rosie! @Wizdom

Some ‘Goji’ odds & ends…They all got a late start, then the ‘One & Done’ debacle hit and they all had to get a massive defoliation. I didn’t think these would amount to much, but we’ve ended up with a bunch of 2 meter tall, lightly branched plants that have just now started to bulk up.

Starting to realize I’m really gonna miss some of these palms! But it’s not like I’m in danger of running out of 'em anytime soon! :crazy_face:

A smaller one…same age as above but it was ‘constrained’ by the pot for the first 5 -10 years! 18 years-old from seed now. One of many, and one of the smallest ones!

I screwed up and misquoted a price on one of the palms, and shafted myself out of about 60%! But they bought enough trees and were such nice clients I can’t hassle them now…besides, they already paid me! :joy: The contractor wasn’t sure if they’d need a crane to load one of the larger ones and the owner said, “Well, if we need the crane for one, it’ll be a daily rate, so might have to take more big ones!” :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Managed to get all @Upstate 's beans ( Peshawar (“Jo”), Tirah Valley x Peshawar (“Miss Pistachio”) and Old Silver Thai) from the soaks to the plug trays…All but 2 stragglers from @Budderton ‘s Lemon Slush went from plugs to solo’s. I’ve only gotten a few (5) of the Swazi Red to pop @Roms and I also saw that 2 of them shriveled up last night… seeing as everything else around them is fine I’m wondering if my LS mix is too much for them? Then all the various Solo’s made it down to the E&F tables under the LED’s where they’ll stay until up-potted to 1 gallon airpots. The Screen of Green has reached the point where I think it’s time I throw up my hands and say, “Go for it”! Gettin’ hard to tuck any more. The SOG in the new greenhouse is likewise filling in. I think we are now down to only females in there, having removed 2 DJ Short 90’s BB males and 1 Zacatecas x Michoacan male. By the way, I’m really liking the way one of the outdoor DJ Short 90’s BB is starting to look! I’d never grown them before but will be putting in more! Think I’ll wait and see how they do in the Sea of Green grow first.

We’re all the way down to 73% humidity today! It’s such a joy when things are in bud and it’s not pouring down! The C99 x Alien OG blew me away at how fast they are drying…I’m NOT pushing them, but the tent was at 62% when I got up this morning and turned on the AC in there. Barely have to run the de-hum!

Finally, my crew are all quite stoked! I handed out their bonus’ from the Palm sales today! I’m so blessed to have the team I have, they are really good at their jobs, but the great part is they’ve made it their job to keep me alive too! Between them and my “Buddies” on OG, I’ll try my best not to disappoint!

Okay guys, hope you have a great weekend!


@THCeed Is your coffee cold yet? :rofl:


Cute puppy! Do you know the breed?
Everything is so green and lush there, so nice to see while I wait out the end of this Canadian winter.
Thanks for posting. :v:


Yo @Tuned! No, I don’t know the breed. I asked my foreman’s wife and she said it’s parents were large! About that ‘green & lush’…haa, haa, haa! That’s about $300-500/mo. in water bills…when there is government water! 3x that when I have to buy trucked in water! I hope you get an early Spring bro!



I often grab my second cup and take my time going through your thread.


Expensive water bills.
If you were able to collect rainwater during monsoon?
A sister lol spelling Cistern


Hey @Tlander. I hope you are doing well my friend. I see you’re revegging the Haze. How was the smoke from the first run?


Well, I was gonna send this as a DM only to @WVMountainGhost , but I might as well be honest with everyone. Hope this doesn’t cause any more of my ‘buddies’ to drop out of communication, but if so - I understand! So…

Yobro! My apologies on NOT connecting with you earlier! The last few times I posted pic’s of the clones I wanted to tag you…but…

I don’t know how much we have discussed it in the past, but I am a Stage IV Cancer patient. I was diagnosed last March and given 6 months to live, IF lucky. I am NOT the type to go for chemo or radiation, and I’m told that I am too far along for them to do much at this stage anyway. So my treatment is based on RSO and nutrition. And I’m still here poppin’ beans and harvesting buds almost a year later! (That re-minds me, I need to look up the date of my diagnosis and if I’m still here next month, I better have a party!)

The “Down” side is; I have NO - ZERO short-term memory! I can’t even remember ‘where’ my seed log file is in my computer…or much of anything else! It’s (the memory) getting worse the longer I go. Three days ago I decided, despite my fears, I absolutely MUST stop ingesting the RSO for a week and see if ANY level of memory gets triggered into coming back. I’m assuming that it’s the RSO and not Alzheimer’s. :pray: but I should have some idea of where I stand by next week.

Meanwhile, I just loved growing the O.H. out! They were my first Haze, so it was a bit of a challenge not to overfeed them. They turned out quite ‘puffy’ buds, much more ‘open’ than all the poly-hybrids I’ve grown out from other OG’ers beans. They handled the all-pervasive budrot we get here with our super high humidity levels. I will say, they were a bitch to trim!!! :rofl:

When I comes time for a smoke report, I honestly can’t remember! Most of my bud goes directly to making RSO to fight the cancer. I made it for 6-7 months and then realized that it’s getting far too dangerous for me to do by myself, far too easy for me to forget what I’m doing many times in the 2-3 hour process, no matter how many alarms/blackboards and whiteboards I have (2x, 4x & 6x respectively!!!). I’ve since trained two good friends who have been making it for me. I try to give them a kilo every couple weeks or a month and get back 90-100 grams of oil. This, in part, is why I am continuously poppin’ beans and harvesting smallish ‘short season’ plants.

All this to say; THANK YOU! I apologize for the fact that while I can’t exactly give you a glowing smoke report, I can tell you that your beans have been a big part of my still being here to type this today! The joy (and drive to Live) I get from growing out your, and everyone else’s, OG beans is a HUGE part of what’s keeping me going here bro! So again, THANK YOU! And apologies for not remembering who it was that originally sent those beans to Budderton!

Alohahaha! And stay well bro!

(Just realizing that I should tag this DM reply for use again! That, or I have to come clean with OG about just where I really stand at this point. I understand ‘why’, but discussing it with a few people has led to a cut-off in communications, as it’s just too depressing for them to handle. (Guess they can’t even imagine what it’s like from the ‘inside’!) It makes me sad to lose communication…but then again, I’ll forget about it in no time at all! :rofl:


I’ve lost close friends and family to cancer. It sucks. We really need a cure for this bullshit disease.
I like that the rso may be helping you to fight it. We need more research about that too.
And I won’t ignore you because you are sick. Doesn’t make sense to me.

Keep on truckin @Tlander :v:


Hey TL, your thread is a real shinning light here on Overgrow and I am thankful to be able to read your posts on a regular basis. I’ve come to know you a little bit in the 18 or so months since we met and let me tell you I appreciate you brother and I appreciate your journey. Long, strange trip indeed.


Well however long you me or both of us are here, I feel better off knowing what I have of you. Your a generous guy. Very smart obviously, and I wish I had your work ethic. Keep on doing your thing my man.


Well my wife and kids are lucky I didn’t meet @Tlander 10 years ago cause I would be asking if I can come and help. Your thread has been my favorite and in my opinion you are the most OG of any of us hell I don’t think anyone has grown as many OG’s bean as tlander. On a different note @Tlander try after you bake soil plant seeds and water sprinkle the whole top lightly with cinnamon and repeat after you water again seems to deter fungus gnats from landing and laying eggs a bit. The Durban cross is looking very good and I have to ask a tough question what has been your favorite OG plant or plants?


Thanks guys! OG has ‘changed’ my Life! I just wish I’d found you all decades ago. HUGE shoutout to @LemonadeJoe for making this place even exist! Thank you for giving all of us a such a great “Home” & “Family”! You’ve created more lifetime-friendships than you can imagine!

@Tuned Sorry for your loss(es). Yep, lots of work to be done. I can only say that having spent a lifetime doing Scientific research, the last year has taught me a lot I never even considered about Cancer. As simply as I can put it, the two ‘camps’ differ in both their assessment of the ‘why’ it arises (causes) and the appropriate treatments (Genetic basis of the ‘disease’ or a Metabolic basis w/a possible genetic predisposition). After a year of some pretty intensive research, I have come to the conclusion that I’m in the ‘metabolic basis’ camp and that our ‘modern’ diet of so-called processed “foods” and high carbs holds a ton of the responsibility!

@Budderton How many Dead Shows did we all sing those lyrics at? :rofl: Appreciate the Hell out of you, your generosity with the beans, your drive to improve the herb, your ‘inquiring mind’ and most of all, your friendship bro! :pray:

@Boozer Haa, haa, haa! Hey bro, you kicked this whole thing off with your wonderful BBP gift ‘out-of nowhere’! I’ve had such repeated disasters with my spraying applications over here that I’m gun-shy now, even w/BBP! Pretty sure it’s got something to do with the intensity of our light levels here (even w/ Sunset sprayings, by the next morning it all kicks in). I’ve stashed both your and Bob’s BBP gifts for a while until I can get a few more things figured out re; ‘why’ I am getting the weird leaf reactions? I’m really itching to get back to it, just can’t handle another big, sudden loss! Best of luck with your grow bro, and thanks again for your friendship!

@Jimdoors Bro, thank you! Years ago I had a few acres of land on the mountainside above my nursery that I was considering building 4-5 small ‘bungalows’ on for visiting Scientists who work on a particular Genus of carnivorous plants in which I specialized. Figured it was the one place where every species of the Genus in Thailand could be comparatively studied at one location, instead of driving all over the Country. Now I wish the laws wouldn’t change and that I could shift the plan to bungalows for OG’ers! :rofl: Hey, I may grow a LOT of OG beans, but I still got a long way to go to do it as well as the examples here on OG! But having all you guys for inspiration is the best thing for my learning! … I just bought a jar of powdered cinnamon! I’ll give it a shot! White fly is my biggest problem right now! And I’m afraid to use my One & Done’ on the plants after past experiences! … Yeah, the DP crosses are looking better & better. This time 4 of them went in under the LED’s in the E&F table right from solo’s…I don’t think these got BBP (though maybe as seedlings?), but being under the lights has made a big difference in branching and form development… They are only in 3 gallon square pots, and it’s ‘short season’ now, so they won’t get huge by any means, but I’m real happy about how they’re looking at this stage. (I just came back from checking on 'em and snapped a few shots! These will be 8 weeks from germination tomorrow!)

Now, the last question is really tough!!! I need to think about that one…kind of depends on if I base it on which was the most fun to grow? Or based on the final ‘results’? It seems to me it’s always the “NEXT/CURRENT” one! :rofl: There are always 2-3 strains growing at the moment that impress me. Right now one of the DJ Short 90’s Blueberry that got put ‘outside’ in the Lemon Grove really caught my eye this morning…and the Mac1 x AVC @Wizdom are filling out so fast I can’t believe it and @BobbyBudz 's Powie strains are likewise all looking like they are headed for “Higher” ground! See what I mean, that’s just (some of) my fav’s of what’s growing right now…I’d probably list 100 strains if I tried to list the fav’s of 2023!

Okay, almost lunchtime here, I better get back to it! Once again, BIG thanks to everybody for the support and friendship…it’s difficult to tell you how much it means to me, but based upon the past 19 months of my posting history you can see I thoroughly enjoy reporting back on the progress with everyone’s gifts! (even if my smoke & grow reports are pretty basic! At least they keep on comin’) :crazy_face:

Every time I see a kid with a new puppy I thank God she figured out to make puppies’ bones very flexible! :rofl:

Haa, haa, haa! I had a good friend drop by this morning and I happened to mention that as much as I love to smoke, I find I just don’t have the focus to sit down and roll joints! He left a few hours ago and I just turned around and looked at where he was sitting…




WoW! @Wizdom 's Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese continue to blow me away with their day-to-day bud thickening!!! Five days ago these were some little sticks with some leaves on them and a few tiny clusters of pistils showing here and there! These were germinated 8 weeks ago. Thank you bro! :pray: I noticed tonight that one or two plants have ‘shifted’ into browning pistils heavily over the course of today (Checked them at about 10 am - nothing like this!)

Here they are almost 6 weeks ago!

And as long as I’m uP/Downloading, here’s a couple of the (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG lookin’ almost done!

Off to the seedling rack(s)! I just wrote to an OG’er; " I just returned from the nursery moments ago where I was laughing at myself! It was only a few days ago I was celebrating the fact that I’d almost emptied the ebb & flow tables of the Solo’s and 1 gallons! Counted something like 50 more Solo’s in there tonight! :crazy_face: As thoroughly unrealistic as it is, I caught myself contemplating if there isn’t SOMEWHERE in the World I could move and just carry on doing as I am right now when it all goes back to illegal here?" :rofl:

Hope you’re havin’ a great weekend!


Wow those Mac 1 x acv look great! Nice job


Were you looking for seeds or buds? I maybe could do seeds but I ain’t sending bud out.

Another week rollin’…

You’d think it was about time to harvest again!

A re-vegging Goji OG, must be too close to the E&F table lights?

I messaged my buddy, the one with that rooftop shadehouse grow I helped him set up last year, to ask if he wanted a bunch of cuttings to clone from the Goji OG that revegged. Got an unexpected reply that he’s stopped growing…turns out he recently was diagnosed with Lung Cancer! Fuck!

Screen of Green Bro-Science experiment…

The one Peshawar female from @Upstate

More “Bro-Science”!

I shot pics of the ‘top-pinched’ Powie Wowie vs. the untopped ones…damn download’s are having a hell of a time today! @BobbyBudz

Making progress on digging the palms!

Okay, time for lunch!



Sorry, was looking atr the seed crackers.

Great job with the Peshawar!


@Tlander . Congratulations on the new puppy. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It is obvious that you have wonderful friends. I remenber the story you told about you laughing at your friend who was obviously high but you were waiting for him to say that “he didnt think he caught a buzz off that joint”. Ha ha ha. :rofl: I know 2 guys just like that. :joy: Stoners are the same all over the world. 🥸