First Time (growing legal that is)!

Off to the PO & the Doc’s…shot a bunch while checking up on things this morning!

I was asked by @Jimdoors (I think?) about what is/was my favorite OG strain…
I have to say there’s a new contender for the title! The Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese from @Wizdom are just blowing me away day-by-day! These things just keep getting thicker and thicker every day! There’s one plant that’s only about 12" tall that’s just one enormous bud from soil to tip! (last 2 pixs)

And there’s more GOOD NEWS!!! :partying_face:

The (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG are almost there, I grew out @slain 's Thai x VN Black last season and decided to try pollinating it w/Goji OG…I think it was better before! But I made a lot of seeds, so will keep tossing a few in now andf then to see if anything special pops uP!

And @BobbyBudz ‘s Powie’s are likely to also get added to the ‘Favorites’ list! Still got a long way to go but they are lookin’ good!

And the Meat Breath…These have had an odd reaction to either the tropics of my LS mix? About 3-4 look great…and the rest are just ‘weird’ :crazy_face: They’ll probably smoke just fine…in the dark!

Here’s the Original Haze revegged clones comin’ on! Didn’t expect much from these but happy with how they are doing!

Here are the same plants just 2 weeks ago!

And finally, @Upstate 's only Peshawar female (so far!).

Okay, downin’ some lunch, grabbing a shower and off to the Doc’s! Have a great day!



Thanks for all the updates, the Crops look Great T.

Good Luck with the Doctor!!


I love this thread so much that I am going to start at the begining and read the whole thing again. :grin: I cant wait to see your “albino skunk hat” again. :rofl: I used to have one just like yours but 20 years ago all the hair fell out of it. lol. Now it looks like this :angry:.


I think that I am on my 3rd time doing just that.


Man, do I have a great crew or what? I had some transplanting of plugs to do early this morning right off the bat and by the time I finally got down to the nursery and went to tell my foreman about the plastic on the upper greenhouse needing to be changed, this is what I found!

They’d already done it! :pray: :pray: :pray: That should cover us for another 3 months! :crazy_face:

The whitefly are breeding like crazy with the return of the hot, dry weather and today I decided to take a big risk…had to fog EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE to run-off with the Plemo-Tech botanical pest control. I may be crying tomorrow morning, but I’ll hope for the opposite. I spotted 3 leaves with damage from yesterday’s sunset spraying. Not too bad, but there shouldn’t be ANY! @BudBusterPro - Zoom In!

Of course I couldn’t walk by the Mac1 x AVC without taking more pictures… @Wizdom

Meat Breath…

Goji OG…


Lots of various beans poppin’ their little heads uP around here. Got about 50 Solo’s in the E&F tables and another 15 transplanted today that’ll join 'em tomorrow. I’m gonna keep the nine 3-gallon pots that are under the LED’s in the E&F in there as long as I can…but the Solo’s are gonna need to go up to 1 gallon airpots soon and the big girls will have to move out on their own to make room for the new solo’s and 1 gallons. The first of the Tirah Valley x Peshawar @Budderton have started to germinate, along with the Peshawar “Jo”! Also saw a couple of @Upstate 's Old Silver Thai popped. I think I’m starting to like germinating in this coco-peat! Just gotta keep a close eye on it as it tends to dry out pretty quickly.

I was on my way home from the doctor’s yesterday and saw my old Thai neighbor was swapping the engine on his tractor for a new one and had a smaller-sized crane truck on-site to help. So I had my driver pull in, met the crane guy (from nearby) and asked if he’d like the possibility of some more work? He said “Yes”! Contacted the client that bought the palms last week and told him that my guys and I dug those first three big in-ground palms so quickly that we’ve reconsidered the idea of digging some of the others for him, and that I found a crane that can make it down my driveway, if interested. HE IS!!! :partying_face: Got another meeting set for next week!

Okay, I gotta go check up on some seedlings…and probably put in more soaks! :crazy_face:
Thanks for stoppin’ by, hope you have a great day today!



Yup, unfortunately it sure is…is there anyway you can buffer that high pH water down with a little citric acid before you mix it with your pesticide??

I thought it was kinda odd how your water supply suddenly became so alkali !?
I have no idea, but gosh, that would seem to make R/O mandatory…even for your household use.


The Tirah x Peshawar should probably go into bigger containers rather early for some size…based on a guess. The Tirah are slower growers, and I think that trait may pass on in crosses. Hope you get some good germination! Will make some great medicine.
Those goji’s have some narrow leaves on them. Pretty. That one, Meatbreath and the Mac1 cross are all looking nice and frosty. Any mold yet?


My cousin and I had some crazy water that was pumped from a hand dug well. When the water sat in a 1000 gallon collection tank for even half a day, the ph went up. To 9+ from 6.5. I think it hit higher once. 11 if thats possible. Craziest thing I ever saw. We determined there must have been a bacteria or something in the water causing this, but never did figure it out. High ph water is apparently good for you, as our bodies run on the acid side of the spectrum. Somehow it didn’t bother my cousins plants, but did bother mine, which are used to low ph rain in NY.


Well, at first check I was encouraged! Not complete knock down on white fly. but more than 75%! Gonna do 3-4 days in a ROW of spray at sunset and see if I can knock em out. Then follow up based on egg-life cycle pattern. Just now discovered a big clump of banana where the nearby bottoms of leaves are white with them! Spraying again tonight and then chopping down and burning the bananas!

Unfortunately, by 11 am with the Sun beating down hard, I’ve started to see some damage, yet again! Damn!!! There is very little of it in the lemon grove plants and same in the upper greenhouse, but we’ll see this afternoon. BUT…some of the plants in the 3 gallon pots in the E&F tables when I checked at 11:15 am are looking terrible! This ‘seems’ to reinforce my ‘theory’ that it is a light-based problem!

The LED’s were set a pretty high intensity and I turned them off for the spraying and duration of the night. But my staff know to turn the timer back on the next morning…I meant to tell them to lower the intensity when they turned it on…but, as usual around here - I FORGOT! So they were up high for the first hour and a half this morning. That probably accounts for the problems in the E&F. (Those 2 pics below).

I’ve gotten a hint to try to use Citric Acid to lower our water pH. This’ll be my fourth attempt at using a different pH down formula…sure hope it’s the magic one! @BudBusterPro

Banana leaf

Meanwhile… Let’s get away from the bad news! Here’s the Screen of Green test…

And the Sea of Green! This is my very first attempt at this and I have only my intuition to go on with what I’m doing! So any of you guys that are ‘old hands’ at this please chime in with hints, no-no’s and comments. PLEASE!!! I’ve been removing almost all leaves and lowers (except a few I ‘may’ take as clones?). The left side is the Zacatecas x Michoacan and the right side is the DJ Short 90’s BB. I ‘think’ I am reaching the point where I have to just let’ em do their own thing. They’ve started to flower out and tucking any more is getting tough! Again - any of you SoG Pro’s please give me any hints! @DainIronFoot :pray:

@BobbyBudz 's Powie’s

Here’s the (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG.My foreman has been doing the 'trim-‘em-on-the-bush’ routine on this one! @slain

The Segon seedlings are looking good! These things, once they get going, are like bamboo in their growth pattern. These will likely be 1-2 meters tall in the next year!

Okay, gotta down my lunch and get back at it! Oh, there’s news on my memory test (all good news, I think!) and two new medical professionals have stepped up to offer their services in my Cancer battle! I’ll see if I have time tonight to explain.



You’re one of the toughest hardcore gardeners I know. Anything that comes you’ll grow thru :100: :seedling:

Amazing plants as usual. :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: keep up the inspiring work man.


Haa, haa, haa! Thank you bro! To be honest, there is very little else that can seem to be an insurmountable ‘problem’ after they try to tell you that you are “terminal”! And thus far anyway, I’m provin’ 'em WRONG on that one too! :rofl: Besides, my seed-refrigerator is too full for me to stop now!



Your damn right bro.


Another day, another spray! And this time I dialed down the lights BEFORE turning them off at the timer! We soaked down the bananas in prep for chopping them tomorrow. The amount of whitefly that tried to escape the fog was amazing to see…ever watch a video of the flocks of starlings in flight? Now imagine albino starlings! :crazy_face: Discovered that they also like to infest Mulberry trees…unfortunately I have about a dozen or more! It’s a scary feeling as you watch beautiful budded out plants get blown sideways (well, not THAT bad!) knowing they may look like hell by tomorrow! But I have to get these guys under control so it was another very thorough soaking tonight. We’ll know the results in about 18 hours. :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

The 2 worst damaged plants are Powie Poisons…I thought they all got soaked fairly evenly yesterday but for whatever reason 2 plants of the same strain took it hard. This is what happened last time and I ended up having to pinch out all the fans which resulted in ‘little’ plants…just what I wanted to avoid repeating!

Here they are at 24 hrs after spraying.

But…you can’t keep an OG grower down! Especially if he’s already expecting there might be ‘problems’! I’d try to list what’s in the Solo’s, but there are a LOT of different things in there! You can right click ‘open in a new tab’ and then hit the magnify button if you want to know! And there are a bunch of really cool things in there that were shared with me by some great OG’er buddies! :pray:

This beautifully-colored, sparkley metallic finished beetle/weevil (and ALL his buddies!) decided to munch on the leaves of my loquat tree. Odd, but there are two trees about 5 meters apart - one is mauled and the other barely touched! I hit 'em with the Plemo-Tech and caught a few afterwards and stuck them in a bottle to see how fast the knock-down comes on. (And then promptly forgot it in the nursery just before dark!) :roll_eyes:

Well, the Memory…After 9 months of my daily gram-a-day dosing, I decided 6 days ago that no matter the cost, I absolutely had to take a week off of RSO to assess if it’s Alzheimer’s or the RSO that’s been doing in my short term memory? It’s gotten so bad that when a client discussed his own confirmed Alzheimer’s with me last week I realized we had almost the exact same experiences. So, I am extremely happy to report that it is looking much more like it’s the RSO!

My memory hasn’t come back full on yet, but the difference is astounding! And each of the last 2 days it’s gotten much more evident that it IS returning! The down side is I have to restart tomorrow. That is gonna be rough! But I’m going to ease back into it over a week instead of going back full-bore all at once. I found a paper on Pub Med of a team of Ukrainian doctors who have created an artificial peptide, that when tested on mice, somehow blocks the mechanism of memory-loss due to THC! I’m sure they are years, if not decades, away from human trials, but…anybody know any Ukrainian doctor friends? :rofl:

Okay, well just in case the spraying was a disaster (or not!), I’m headed to the 'fridge to sort through more beans to soak! (Usually an hours-long process!)



Have a great Evening @Tlander and Go Ukraine. Thanks for that Update Bro


Great news, Brother, great news.


Another day, more beans! And bean supplies! 555!

I bought a bag of this Coco-peat Plus to try for germinating beans as our living soil has just a few too many ‘living’ things in it for fresh little beans! I was pretty happy with the first round of seeds in it as they seem to have no problem pushing uP through it. Dries out faster than I’m used to but we can deal with that. I was headed for my seed stash, but happened to glance down at the refrigerator door rack first and realized I didn’t even need to start to pull out all the boxes!

That’ll probably be overkill, somewhere North of 100 beans. Today we hit 12:04 of ‘night’ and 11:56 ‘days’…My brains so screwy I hadn’t even realized it’s already March! I noticed a fully-budded Goji OG has suddenly decided to re-veg today, might just stick it in a hole in the ground around here somewhere - really haven’t the time or energy to set up the cloner again. I was just thinking of another quick short season run…whooops! :crazy_face: Think I’ve pulled it off this late once before, but also think I better go back and try to find my notes to be sure! On the other hand, it could be a good starting time for those long-flowering Sativa’s.

The Minister of Health said in an interview yesterday/today that the laws will be changed by the end of 2024! A “draft version” of the new laws passed the legislature today. :sob: I saw the proposed fine-rate sheet and it toughens punishment for cannabis farming without a license, with jail terms ranging from one to three years and fines from 20,000 baht ($560) to 300,000 baht ($8,000)…of far bigger threat to me is deportation and black-listing!

It’s getting hot & dry here now and it’ll just keep getting hotter and drier until Songkran in Mid-April. I’ve been threatening to move up to the mountains for 3 months a year for about 20 years now…but the last couple years the extreme heat has been tough! Great for the budded out stuff, but sucks for all the rest of us! We had some big black clouds roll in this afternoon and before 20 drops had hit me I had all the Mac1 x AVC off their drip lines and under the greenhouse roof! Of course in 10 minutes it was back to blazing Sun again. :rofl:

No “New” plant damage from yesterday’s sunset spraying but the 2 Powie Pineapples in 3 gallon pot in the E&F that reacted badly yesterday looked even waaaay more miserable today. Ended up plucking all the fans and they look like the plants from the last run I had to do this too. Weird that the other 7 plants all around them look fine? (Don’t look if you have a weak stomach!)

The new puppy, Chai Rohn" is a blast! She’s sooo happy to have a loving family and one of the kids gave her a ball to play with today and it was hilarious to watch…she’s too fast, I couldn’t get her to hold still for a picture!

Okay, I think you’re all getting bored of my Mac1 x AVC pics by now, so I won’t hit you with 'em again today! But they are gorgeous!!! I’ve got bean jars to label and soaks to prep so that’s it for now! Have a fantastic day all!


LATE EDIT: Managed to cut it down to 53 beans…for now! (10 more of @Budderton 's SFV x Biker Slush off-camera) :crazy_face:
@DainIronFoot @BobbyBudz :pray: :pray:


Beautiful Pup! :dog2:


Unkind news TL. It’s a sad day in TLanderville. It was so good while it lasted. Thus explains the huge seed pop. Is it very hard for you to get a license? Do they have medical there TL?
I’ve got a 100 pack of those same plastic containers with lids! They’re so handy for starts as well as mycology type stuff. Rocking the aloe vera I see! Good stuff! Best of luck with your starts!!


@Tlander . Is farming considered the same as home grow? I mean, could you still grow a smaller number of plants and be legal? Maybe plants with a shorter flower time and faster turn-around. I have a photoperiod that can finish flowering in 35 days.


Yep, bit of a bummer…but it’s been clear for a while now that it wasn’t gonna last. It’ll probably NEVER be legal for a foreigner to grow here. My Thai staff could have applied, but many were concerned about things flipping back after ‘registering’. There’s more, but it’s ‘complicated’!

They say “medical” will be allowed, but that has to fall under the constraints laid out, which are far too low for my RSO use. :weary:

Hey, I’m hopeful, but I don’t know if I’ll even be around by the end of 2024! So “into the soaks”!

Yep, those little plastic cups/lids work great (and don’t spill!). I made the mistake of buying 2 different kinds and am forever hunting the right lids! I really should throw out one or the other! Yeah, I’m back on the aloe, I did a couple batches without because bean donors had asked for that specifically…but I also had worse germination w/o. Now, with the switch to coco-peat AND aloe, I’m hoping these take off.
