First Time (growing legal that is)!

I have had problems with thripes and aphids (in the winter I was unable to get my mantises). I saw some old-timers on here talking about this stuff being amazing: PFR-97 20% WDG - Microbial Insecticide/Miticide - Certis Biologicals

I couldn’t aford $300 for a product with a 1 month shelf life. I researched the active ingredient and found this guy and am getting this to try out: Same stuff but 1 year shelf life and 1/3 the price.

He also has this stuff that looks good (organic)


Thanks Bobby! I’ll look into those! God knows I need something!

Hey, have a look at @BudBusterPro 's thread called, “Hypoclorious Acid - A deep dive” here on OG. Sorry running out the door (with multiple trays of solo’s!).



Another weekend comes to a close over here…not that it makes it any different than any other day! Except that I usually have the whole place to myself!

Damn butterflies are laying eggs again, and boy do they like the one DJ Short 90’s BB that’s outside unprotected! I must have pulled 10 green budworms out of it today. And there’s another 3’ away that only had one. Thank God the majority of them are inside the SOG greenhouse!

My 3D printer guy here swung by to drop off my latest orders…

I got tired of trying to align my seeds correctly in the micrometer for cracking, never seems easy! So when I found the file for a free download of these seed-crackers I knew I had to try 'em. There’s a little ‘divot’ in the base that holds the seed and another in the tip of the screw-down pin. If I hadn’t just put in 50+ beans I’d be cracking now! (Note; he said to rub the screw threads on a candle to make them turn smoother).

I like that this guy works with an NGO he created in Brazil to help schools/kids/planet by making 3D-printing line out of PET drinking bottles off the beaches! He’s doing it here too and every 100 pucks I buy takes something like 8 bottles off the beach! Cool part is, the whole reason the bottles are such a problem is they figure they take 1,000 years to break down (and that probably just means into ‘little pieces’ we can’t see!). - In turn, that means these should NEVER break down! I’ve bought a few different styles of the bender clips now, but the good ones broke down in sunlight in about 5 days! Found a free file online and passed it to my guy so again, being made out of PET plastic, these ‘should’ last a lot longer. I just had him make 10 for testing but said I want more and in different sizes to suit different plant strains. He said ‘no problem’!

He also showed me pics of some 3D-printed joiners he’s made for making geodesic domes (with both PVC struts and bamboo struts. Said it’s less than $100 in materials for a 3.5 meter dome! I told him with the current butterfly season underway, I’d be temped to put up a bunch of them and cover 'em with that high-tech insect cloth I scored from the going-out-of-business grow op. He’s gonna send me pictures and if he’s open to it I’ll see if he’ll pass on the file for the dome-hubs he’s made in case anyone want to try 'em @Bobgrows @Mr.Sparkle . He said it’s very easy to uP scale them to any size, said the ones made with 1" PVC are strong enough to stand on top of!

The Chocolate Sapote are doing well, Transplanted another batch from Solo’s to 1 gallon airpots today, in all my Sunday spare-time!

Plucked about 6-7 seedlings that couldn’t handle our LS mix (I guess???). But that made room for the new ones I took down to replace them. No heads poppin’ up yet among the new 53 beans in plugs (it’s probably only been 18-20 hours! :roll_eyes:

@Jimdoors (I think???)
Here’s the (DP x Pangi) x (DP x Appie) male uP the driveway. I’ll bring one of the females up when he’s ready to burst in a few days…I already dusted the Powie Pineapple female with the only other male left in the driveway. @BobbyBudz

And the only Peshawar female (well, except for all the new ones in Solo’s from my buddy @Budderton Hey bud, I noticed the last 2 days about mid-day on, the Peshawar tips of all branches ‘wilt’ over, bending/drooping heavily. By late afternoon they are back looking fine. Same happened today. Checked moisture levels and no problem there…guessing it’s just the heat? Ever experience this?

The Bro-Science project is turning out better than I expected! These were clones from a couple revegged Original Haze I got from @Budderton , but that I think originally came from @BasementBeans ?

Here’s the least-populated upper greenhouse we’ve seen in a few years! Had a ton of males and a couple hermies. Then I was too scared of introducing any pest eggs to these while so close to flowering out, so haven’t filled the place up with plants from down below.

I’m liking the look of this particular (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG! She’s only about 2 meters tall and in a 3-gallon square pot on driplines. @slain

and here she is back in January…

Then there’s the Goji OG f???'s. They’ve been pretty reliable plants all along but I haven’t been growing them that well! This time around they were part of the big group that got thrashed by the Hypoclorious acid spray AND then by the One & Done spray - double whammie! - and then I had to almost totally defoliate them of all fans. Wasn’t expecting much, but they have really surprised me the last 2-3 days with a hug spurt of thickening uP!

The Meat Breath were another of those strains that either doesn’t like it here or just don’t like the way I grow? Out of 6-8 plants I think 2 came out close to what would be called ‘normal’ (and they are KILLER!) with all the rest being mutants with malformed leaves and branching. I’ve been concerned that as thick as these buds are getting, bud rot will likely set in soon with our conditions. So today I pried some of the rock-hard nugs away from the stem to check and sure enough - found some. :sob:

Decided (first) to cut off the fans to be able to see any rot starting… and then a little bit of sugar leaves…in the end I saw the beginnings of more BR, so took the whole thing down to a large manicured bud! Chopped and in the drying tent! The percentage of ‘keepers/dumpers’ was pretty bad, but the keepers impressed me so much I’d love to try them again! These are right beside the Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese, also from Wizdom, which are becoming my favorite plants of the gro! They are also such thick nugg’ed buds that I’m checking them 3x/day now. Really wish we were not harvesting right now and I could stick them in the tent w/the dehu & AC for a week or two more! No room! :crazy_face:

Okay, that about wraps uP the weekend report from over here. I’m easing back into the RSO again after a 1-week “ingesting break”. I think I’ve pretty well determined that it’s NOT Alzheimer’s nor is it that the cancer has migrated to my brain! Just, as suspected, the RSO knocking the shit out of short-term memory. It was really quite a joy for the last 2-3 days when I was ‘almost’ normal again! Oh well, like most things, there’s a choice to be made! I’d rather be able to stick around and plant beans until (at least) the end of the year when the re-crim kicks in, even at the cost of not remembering I did! :rofl: Gives me a target to aim for, whether I can hit it or not remains to be seen!

Hope you all have a great weekend! Thanks for dropping in!



Man what an impressive garden! You definitely have some magic touch.
Those sativas look amazing!!! Hell they all look amazing! sorry to see the bud rot on those colas.
You should get an evac for the new dome!!
The seed crackers look awesome.

Keep on killing it!



Too funny, I just asked my housekeeper to drop some airmail packets at the Post Office on her way to the market. One’s for my buddy @Budderton and the other is for my other buddy @Upstate , both of whom have been just incredibly generous with sending me beans, and particularly with strains that will help me in my cancer battles.

Well, once again for reasons I can’t explain, we had another Sunday mail delivery despite the PO being closed yesterday! I’d bet 80% of my arriving bean cards this year have been delivered on Sundays! :crazy_face:

Look at the size of those beans!!! 555!

And again, targeted for my battles! Thank you guys sooooo much! OGers are THE BEST!!!

Now, do either of you have any thoughts on which ones ‘might’ do better with bean cracking? I’m itching to try out the crackers, but only if they’re necessary! Thanks!



Thanks bro! I dropped by your thread his mornin’ and you’re doing amazing things uP there too!

If any of you guys want to see some nice indoor grows from over on this side of the pond, drop by and have a look! Da Sunshine show! Ongoing grow log from a 10 light medical grow in BKK “Dr. Sunshine” & I recently met up through a partner of his and he managed to figure out that “Tlander” was that crazy guy down South that his partner told him about! :rofl: He’s taken a look around OG and decided recently to join us…show him some OG love!

By the way bro, your cracker, a bender-tester and a little surprise left here today too!



Yahooo! It ain’t much by OG standards, but it’ll do me just fine! Just discovered (and recovered) about 40-50 of the DJ Short 90’s BB beans from a female I pollinated a month ago today. They are quite small seeds relative to everything else we’ve seeded out, but they each had split their calyx and were showing shiny, black seeds. Seeing as I’m an ‘outdoor’ grower and they are on a field of gray gravel, I decided I couldn’t afford to lose 'em. Lots more still in the oven!

I’m gonna have a real hard time letting them hang in their paper bag in the drying tent for a month! But REALLY excited that I also found one black, hard, ready-to-fall-out Mac1 x AVC bean on the very first bud I bent over to check! I made myself stop looking for more immediately! Fuck, those have to be the closest we’ve come to growing something that looks like it was done indoors under lights and perfect conditions…I wanna plant 100 of those! :rofl: But meanwhile those two envelopes that arrived yesterday are both packed full and ALL amazing strains too (Mostly 'outdoor-geared). God, Life can be so much fun! :grin: :pray:

I swung by the upper greenhouse to see if I could get a shot of the Peshawar meltdown during the heat of the day…this at 11 am… @Upstate Have you experienced this ever? They fully recover by mid-afternoon, but it’s a bit scary and the days are gonna keep getting hotter for another month and a half! Maybe I’ll have to move it to a more shaded spot?

The Screen of Green grow continues, not much more room for tucking!

And the SOG starting to spread out… (These are the Zacatecas x Michoacan from @DainIronFoot :pray: As are the DJ Shorts that fill the other half of the Sea (and the sibling sisters of the seeded outdoor ones!). :pray:

And few more ‘random’ shots…

Okay, time to scarf down some food and get back to huntin’ those Mac1 x AVC beans!



Sun’s set and just enough twilight to make it home without stepping on anything dangerous! :rofl:

I found a half a log of Oaxacan x Lemon Thai I rolled the other day to test…obviously it was too good to be able to finish in one sitting! Well, that meant the day passed in a flash!

Just before noon I started pulling beans from that DJ Short plant and missed most of my lunch break! Then, after lunch I wanted to check the seeded out Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese @Wizdom . Yahoooo! I’m EXTREMELY happy to report I pulled 70 ripe, black, ready-to-drop beans from the 1st plant! And there are loads more in the oven still! :grin:

I had said earlier that I’d love to run 100 of these! Didn’t think I’d be 70% of the way there already!

Took a couple shots of the fattening uP Goji OG’s

And a couple Mystery plants…

And finally, here’s the Powie Pineapple that I asked Bobby if he minded if I pollinated. He kindly offered to let me give it a shot. And while I’d rather get my genetics straight from him, as he’s got a lot more experience with these than me, it’ll be fun to see if something good can come from it. I’ve had the male in the driveway for a few days now and today he looked like he was getting ready, so moved a female up beside him and dusted him morning, noon and night. Then, seeing that there are clusters of open male flowers at the top, I just leaned him over her for the night. I’ve got so much in flower ALL the time around here that I can’t afford to keep males around long. Consequently, I end up pollinating very early flowering females, often in their first week or two of flowering, so don’t get big numbers.

I’ve been spraying the Plemo-Texh botanical-ingredient pesticide at about 5:30 pm for the last 4 nights trying to get some knock-down on the whitefly population. So far, :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: there’s been NO bad reactions since the three Powie Pineapple took the hit (and man do they look miserable!). I still can’t tell if I’m winning, losing or just holding ground…555! I’m getting used to that…seems to be the “Story of my Life” right now! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Okay, gotta see if I can hold myself back from soaking some of those incredible goodies that arrived this morning! Thanks @Upstate @Budderton



Ran down at dawn to check on the effect of last night’s spraying – NO Damage (so far, let’s see when the Sun starts cookin’!). Here’s a few of the Powie Wowie’s from @BobbyBudz

Here are the ‘before’ and the ‘melt-down’ shots of the Peshawar from @Upstate at 11 am. She recovers completely by 3 pm and looks fine, but today I’m moving her to a shaded corner of that greenhouse under some palm fronds. Will watch and see!

Thanks again bro, I can’t stop checking the plug trays for the new batch! On my way down to transplant a few more from Solo’s to 1 gallons.



Big PHOTO day! Probably gonna take hours to upload and I won’t have time to caption everything. My buddies sent me a picture from our porch out in the hideaway! Mud-bath Day!

Got a bit of transplanting done.

Down in the Lemon Grove… I had the thought that, since I sprayed the heaviest blast yet tonight through the fogger to knock-down the whitefly, there might be a chance I won’t want to take pictures of them tomorrow morning! So …starting to see some things that make me smile! :smile:

Lot’s going on…and not much time to spare. Getting ticked off with my seedling mix. Last soaks I decided to switch 100% over to cocopeat to try to get away from the nematodes. Well, I put in 53 beans 3 nights ago with 75% tails showing and I’ve only had one break ground! Damn! I dug up about half to three quarters of them and it’s still unclear. I found about 5 with nematodes (Where the hell did they come from?)., about 50% were whole but empty inside. Another group looked intact and I set them back and watered them in. We’ll see!

Gotta run! Have a great day guys!


Yes! Corey Heime x Blue Kush from the seeds I sent you. :heart_eyes: I’m happy to see it.


A couple of firsts with this one.

My first attempt at pollinating.
You’re the first one to grow it.

Let’s see how it does in your environment. :sun_with_face:


Thanks bro! I had it on my list of ‘things to do’ to go look at the tag this morning! Can’t remember ‘why’ it’s a loner, but haven’t seen any others around? I’ll try to post more as she (hopefully) grows. Thanks again! :pray:



Over the Hump Day! Well, the early report looks good! I gave up on the Plemo-Tech today after 4 days running of spraying at sunset…the whitefly seem to enjoy the bath, but it hadn’t reduced their numbers in the least! So tonight I moved a Thai x VN Black and a DJ Short BB off to another area and shot 'em with a 2-liter batch of “One & Done”. An hour afterwards I ran my fingers through both plants and didn’t see ANY fly off in a cloud! We’ll see how the spraying effects the plants when the Sun comes out tomorrow. If no damage shows, I’m going to hit the SOG tomorrow night and the Lemon Grove and upper greenhouse the following day.

The TVNB was stalled out and this DJ SBB is the one that the butterfly and caterpillars just love, so no big deal if we lose them. But I’m hopeful!

I have a good buddy up North that lived on Kauai at the same time as I did and we both remember fondly a gorgeous Green Jade Vine that draped over a huge mango tree.

I had one going for a few years but it died back one monsoon and it can be pretty difficult to propagate, so I never got a replacement going. Today my buddy sent me a cutting from his vine to try to see if I can get it to root. I ended up cutting it into two pieces and we’ll see if I can pull it off?

Meanwhile, still have not seen ONE single sprouting bean from the 53 that went in 4 days ago? WTF??? Today I decided to try a mix of 50% of my oven-sterilized LS mix and 50% cocopeat. I like the way the beans can push right up through it so easily (last time I tried it anyway!) and my sterilized mix should be nematode-free. My only problem is my plug trays…they are 200-cells! :crazy_face:

Pretty sure I’ll be able to find something around here to take up the slack! :rofl: Started off with these…

And, as usual, @Budderton 's beans were the first to crack, closely followed by @Upstate 's! Thanks guys! :pray: :pray: :pray:

Decided that since I pulled those 70 ripe beans off the Mac1 x ASC yesterday, despite them being way to ‘fresh’, I wanted to try to soak some (20) and see what happens. @Wizdom sent me a message that there are more ‘on-the-way’ ( :pray:) so I felt like it’s worth the risk! Mine were not really ‘selected’ plants, as I had to hit up a female as soon as the first 2 males opened up so it was hit-or-miss! Again, we’ll see!

Speaking of which…this morning, between the whitefly and the 80% humidity (and 90 degree temps!) I decided I couldn’t put off defoliating the Mac 1 x AVC any longer…mold is too prevalent around here! Now, opened up a bit, the air can circulate a bit better, but I’m still gonna be watching them like a hawk! With the fans out of the way I can get a better idea of just how thick the buds are! I’m just LOVING these Wizdom!!! Thanks again bro!

555! I was just wondering when I put those ‘in’? Looks like Dec 13 they hit the dirt, so 85 days old give or take.

And finally, a shot of a Nepenthes rafflesiana pitcher.

Okay, I gotta go hunt up more beans to soak to fill up that plug tray! Have a great day!



Nice post.
The Mac x Avc looks great :+1:

I always like pitcher plant photos :slightly_smiling_face:


I received some seeds from you @Tlander last year. Among them was LSD x Blue Sunshine. Thanks again.
I dusted it with some Blue Moon Rocks pollen from @DougDawson , thank you too.

Here it is at about 6 weeks :grin:

Hopefully I get a big batch of seeds to share around with everyone.


Very cool @Tuned ! Fun to see how they turn out on that side of the World! Looking great! Those came to me from @Greenfingers . Love the quantity of orange pistils. Mine never got to that point over here…too humid! Looks like you did a defoliation recently, good thing, they were monsters to rim over here! How big of a pot is that? Looks like about 1.5 gallons? The ones I did in 5 & 10 gallon airpots got some size to them in the long season, but those in the 3 gallon (short season) ended up about this size. Most of mine is in Grove Bags curing for a while yet. Hope you get some wonderful smoke bro! hanks for posting them!



Yes 1.5 gal pot. I was going to upsize the pot but I like the compact size.
I sure it would have been much bigger in a 5 gal.


Whoops, 10 char


Hey guys! Anotherr day in the books!

SOG Still filling in the blanks. These are the Zacatecas x Michoacan…

Widow Bush x Temple Flow Gorgeous buds that are starting to foxtail a bit. Big, gnarly nugs! Guess I didn’t download the whole-plant shot?

Powie Wowie This is one of the few that are ‘outside’ instead of in the greenhouse.

Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese - These are just amazing! We had to cut two of them today due to mold concerns. I’m gonna miss looking at them…bu only until I can start smokin’ 'em! @Wizdom - You’re the Man! Great job on these!

I contacted the going-out-of-business grower who sold me the square pots, and the insect and ground cloth to see if there were any more of the latter left. She’s got the salvage guys showing up in two days to haul off whatever is left…so I’ve told my foreman we’re up at dawn tomorrow and heading to the site to meet her. I’m gonna pick up all the giant insect cloth panels and some of the ground cloth panels even if I don’t have another greenhouse structure to put them on, as I just can’t stand by and watch them get burned! I was planning to go by myself and just drive all back-roads to stay safe, but she said, “bring your workers”, When I asked ‘why’, she said there’s probably more that you’ll want! :crazy_face: :pray: :pray: :pray:

I figured that last night’s test spray of ‘One & Done’ came out really good! No damage to the plants and very welcomed - No whitefly on ether plant this morning! Yahoo! I was planning to do 1/3 of them each night for 3 nights so I could monitor for damage, but then realized they would just migrate from the sprayed plants to the unsprayed ones, so I went out and bought a new electric battery backpack sprayer and hit EVERYTHING at Sunset! Praying all’s well in the morning! :pray: :pray: :pray: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: @BudBusterPro

The two Goji OG’s that have started to re-veg are going to get planted directly in the ground where the old KD Koh Tao’s used to be. Haven’t got time or energy to reset the cloner and maintain cuttings, but they are kicking out such nice looking shoots that I also can’t just can 'em.

The return to RSO is gong slow…I keep forgetting to take my 4 pm caps, so have only been doing .1 gram/day now for the last week after a 1-week total pull back. Memory is MUCH better, but my shoulder is aching much worse, trade-offs! I’m gonna work on building back up to .5 gram by the end of the weekend and hope the hurt load lightens up.

Okay guys,I gotta get to bed so I can try to make that drive tomorrow! Hope you’re having a great day!



Happy Hunting when that time comes T!

Sounds like a great road-trip… maybe even a little Festive!