First Time (growing legal that is)!

Beautiful sunset TL. Those Mac x AV cheese look amazing! You’ve got me searching through my seed fridge for those! Has your shoulder been more pain free when you where on the rso before TL? Are you still applying directly to skin?


Thanks guys! B - yes, been relatively pain-free unless I’m stupid…which happens a few times a day! It was worse when I was driving, constantly shooting my right hand up to wave to somebody in a passing car before I remember I can’t do that! Might just be coincidence, but feels more like a step backwards, though finding out my memory-loss isn’t Alzheimer’s or brain tumors was worth it!). And yes, still using it directly on bandages at night…as a matter of fact I am using about 3x more on the lesions then before and find I’m using almost 3 g. per night.

Well, it’s still barely light out here so I haven’t checked up on the plants yet. Won’t really know anything about potential 'damage for a few hours after the Sun’s uP, so we’ll see when I get back from the run. I gotta go check just to se if I see any whitefly (I should say, "How many I see!).

EDIT: Barely any!!! And no damage showing!!!

Okay, more DM’s to check and then out the door! Have a great one!



Happy hunting @Tlander I hope you come back with a load of good stuff.

Plants are looking great!

Sounds like the meds are heavy for ya.
I am happy to hear they are helping. I can’t even imagine being that high.
My brother was using RSO and he was telling me what it did to him.
That said I think your tolerance is higher than his as he was just strait knocked out from it.

Great to hear the white flies are getting under control.

Hell with this heat going on I think the insects may go swimming hahahahaha.

Cheers boys!


Yahoooo! Like Arnie, “I’m Back”!

Made the trip safely, just wishing I had a ten-wheel truck handy! As it is, despite this old Toyota L 109 being a really solid workhorse for me the last 24 years, it was struggling up a few of the hills! I lost count of the bags, but there was still a small mountain of pumice stone, poppers (Clay pellets) and another mountain of unopened perlite bags! The bags have been out in the Sun for months now so pretty useless with small holes that have let water get in. Heavy as hell, but I managed to fill a bunch of triple-sized rice sacks while my foreman filled tons of the pumice & popper bags. Scored a bunch of metal pipes, lots and lots of the insect cloth panels and quite a few really big ground cloths. I think I see more greenhouse structures in my future!

I told the owner that we’d make a point of coming back for the rest of the Perlite next week so she’s agreed not to let the scavengers take it tomorrow. Asked how much she wanted and the reply was $150-300! I agreed to pay out $150 and consider more after I unload it all and see what we got. Pretty sure the pumice alone would have cost me $150. There was a ton of PE pipe and fittings but I have a warehouse full of fittings already, so called some landscaping teams I know that have some very big jobs running right now to see if they are interested.

If I had more than a day I’d probably haul these out and use 'em to make some benches, just crazy to see all this stuff gonna go for scrap prices!

And when I got home & out of the truck I ran to the Lemon Grove - think I saw 6 whitefly when I brushed my hands through the leaves on probably 100 plants! I can see 2-3 leaves that took a hit, but that’s nothing to be rid of the little buggers! One more time tonight! @BudBusterPro

My other worker must have seen us trimming up the Mac1 x AVC yesterday and decided to continue. That really wasn’t the plan…just wanted to trim the 2 that showed signs of mold starting. Oh well, this’ll help us keep an eye on them better!

Cute lil’ stubbie!

And finally, the Widow Bush x Temple Flow

Okay, lots to catch up on here, I’ll try to drop by later.



Absolutely love waking up and seeing what’s going on over here. Adventures of TLander, one please lol :tickets:

Those Faux Mac x AVC are looking stellar :fire:

Pray your health is doing well brother. All the best with your adventures, they sure do bring a smile to my face :blush:


Greetings @Tlander,

Tough trip and you made it look easy.

Seeing all that gear just tossed into piles would cause alot of head-shaking I’m sure.

Nice hustle on finding stuff for down-the road.

Enjoy the sounds, I’m listening


Oh God’s of the Internet, have mercy on me! (Thanks! :pray:)

Snapped a couple pics on my way back up the driveway at dusk…

Spot the happy couple frolicking in the bushes?

Moving on with a few seedlings

These are 2 of 3 (DP x Pangi) x (DP x Appie) females (Ctr. & Rt.). @Jimdoors

Another one’s up having fun in the moonlight w/her boyfriend tonite!

Old Silver Thai

@Upstate Well, here’s the Peshawar. She’s liking it in the shaded corner of the upper greenhouse. Looked in at 11 am and standing tall w/no signs of wilting. :laughing:

And while I suck at smells and such, I can photo-document whatever you need bro! Here’s a few of her in early bloom for ya!

Look at those gorgeous thin little leaves!

And some yng’uns!

@BobbyBudz More on the way!

@Roms First couple up!

I called these “The Maladapts”! :crazy_face:

And here’s the re-vegged Original Haze clones flowering out…gonna be nothing like their Mom & Dad, but they’re still just little kids really.

Speaking of re-veg! This Goji OG has 4 big thick colas at the base of each of these regrowths!

Pheeew! Long day. doesn’t even seem like that could have been today we filled the whole truck up! Oh, the landscaping team buddies w/the huge job freaked over the warehouse full of fittings, as well as wanting the greenhouse and almost everything else! Total Win/Win situation - they bought it all! (Except MY Perlite Mountain! :rofl:)

Oh, you didn’t think I’d let you get away without a little Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese show, did you???

Well, just as we seem to solve the whitefly problem, today with 95+ degree temps, the government water went out! AAAuuuggghhh! :skull_and_crossbones: A few hours of running around and turns out there’s a breaker on the big pump that sends it up to the top of the mountain which keeps breaking! All in all, I am stoked! At least it’s something that can be fixed! An hour after sunset and I had water again! Phhhheeeew again!

Okay, gotta get some stuff done, thanks for dropping by!



Nice score @Tlander I can’t wait to see the new digs set up.

Sounds like you are punching the whiteflies in the mouth too.

Your SOG and SCROG are filling in nicely as well!!

Keep up the good work bro!



Very nice my friend @Tuned


Thanks! LSD x Blue Sunshine is a great cross I’d like to give it a go outdoors.


Powie wowie and Corrie hieme x blue kush?
Dude you’re messing with fire. As usual knocking it outta the damn park bud. :muscle:t2:


Looking so happy. Those are all lucky plants.


Sunday’s Sun’s down already!

Got a few more Solo’s into 1 gallon airpots.

The Chocolate Sapote are looking really happy!

Moved some of the larger 3-gallon plants from the E&F tables up to the upper greenhouse. Now that the whitefly seem to be back under control there wasn’t such a worry! These 2 DP crosses have a sister and a brother that are playing around up the driveway this week. @Jimdoors

These revegged O. Haze clones look to be N-starved to me??? But I’m also worried about screwin’ them up by adding anything right now - Any thoughts are welcome!!! Worm tea? Cricket shit? Cow shit tea? Or LITFA??? :crazy_face:


@BobbyBudz The Powie Wowi’s

Hmmm, I’m kinda liking the room not quite so full!

Now I’m gonna have to try to shoot the Mac1 x AVC bud in the Sun tomorrow. Tried to capture it with cell and flash, but my phone sucks! @Wizdom

Oh, before I forget…I decided that since I have my 200-cell plug trays filled and only partially seeded, that it was a good day to test out my new 3D-printed seed cracker! I had just found a spare vial of Goji OG beans that I wasn’t overly concerned with, so they were the first testers. I spent a while trying to get the seed ‘correctly’ positioned, and was starting to get frustrated with the physics of plastics! Then I remembered that these were ‘spare’ beans and not a worry so instead I just put one in place, slowly tightened the screw and waited for the tell-tale ‘click’ to happen. After about 5 beans I realized all my mucking about ‘correctly positioning’ the seed was useless BS! After that I cracked another two sets of ten beans each of some more '‘interesting’ things! I’d suggest anybody that got/gets one of these from me save up some beans you aren’t worried about and just crack 10 or so to get the feel, the ‘click’ is quite audible and it’s easy to back right off.

Okay, hope you all are having a great weekend!


@Tlander yo Bro!

Chocolate sapotes looking really happy.

Congratulations on the white fly wipe out.
Im sure you are happy to get em under control.

I vote to give em the worm tea… They do need a little juice tho.

Powie wowie are doing great for ya.

That Mac cross looks like :fire: :fire:

I had the same issue with the cracker and I used forceps to get em lined up but sounds like I will have to crack some more beans to try your technique. its definitely a useful tool for the stubborned beans.

Have a good one!



I vote for cow manure. You cant hurt anything with cow manure. Its “the shit!” 🫢


Yo DrSunshine! Yep, really ‘waste’ a few beans and get a good feel for it before you try anything ‘rare’. I was surprised that the ones I didn’t bother to position so carefully all cracked very easy anyway!

I’m there with ya bro! Besides, the P. cyanensis come poppin’ uP too! Almost 50 years ago in Encinitas I had a company called “6-S”…(Shawn’s Super Silly Shit Shovelin’ Service"! We did custom sheet compost blends by the acre! Had a deal with Del Mar Racetrack for all their 18-wheelers fully loaded with bedding straw and horse shit/piss, American Agar in San Diego gave use all their pressure-cooked agar seaweed, truckloads of Kelp, even had the lion house at SD Zoo giving us big cat shit for the ‘Grower’s Blend’ which ‘supposedly’ kept the deer away! :roll_eyes:

Yeah, the fans have been yellowing out the last few days and they just look weak to me. Being clones they are nothing like the stature of their parents, but it was another Bro-Science experiment that just had to be done! Guess we’ll see if I can pull anything outta them in the next few weeks.



Two of the 3 beans I cracked sprouted out a little slower than the uncracked ones but they are in wool and will hopefully see em popping there heads up in the morning…

6S is a great name! hahahah you had some good connects there, what a mix of “shit” 555
I bet it did keep the deer away…

Im sure you will work your magic and get em greened up…



Awoke to another day of no water!!! That’s about 2.5 out of the last 3 now! Tonight by 5pm I had water again as the trucked-in water started arriving…glad it’s available, but at 3X the cost of gov. water! :sob:

Another BIG photo load day…let’s see if the internet can handle it???

Faux Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese Cuttin’ time! Budrot’s raisin’ it’s ugly head so time to chop! I’m pretty impressed by @Wizdom 's beans, to say the least! I glanced at a tag today when wiring it to the stem and noticed these plants are 2 days short of 90 days since germination.

Meat Breath I had/They had a very rough time here! Only this one plant came out showing it’s potential around the edges…all the rest had very odd mutations, I’d guess either to our climate or our Living Soil mix balance? The one that pulled through has been looking better and better daily, but this morning we spotted budrot creeping around and on closer inspection - today’s the day.

Goji OG Re-veg goes in-ground. I don’t have time or energy to dig out the cloner, so this Goji OG that wants to reveg just landed in the old KD Koh Tao hole by the upper greenhouse. 555! More Bro-Science! :rofl: It cracks me up how much the three or four colas just got overgrown!

The screen of green’s not doing much…

But the CryptoVerse is sure seein’ green again!




Hey @Tlander . Check this out.

50 + years of rotted hay and cow manure. This is all I use to grow everything. Pot, vegetables, trees. Everything. When I need soil I just scrape up some of the loose stuff on top and throw it in a bucket. This stuff is “ Black Gold.”


Well, another successful haul-out!

We still only managed to get another 1/3 of Perlite Mountain taken down! The plastic bags are sun-cracked so have gotten pretty heavy w/ rainwater so loaded uP to what I thought was probably our weight limit. We did manage to lay out all the remaining bags in the sun to dry out a bit until we get back there again, meanwhile I think we’ve hauled in about 25 bags of 100 liters each (so far!)! I hope my plants will appreciate it! Scored some more pipes and box steel for greenhouse frames, a couple more of the insect cloth panels that we dropped off with a friend who’s been having bug problems lately.

There are 4 septic tanks (Black PE Plastic) that are sitting in the field unused…with the hot season and water getting scarce I’m almost tempted to take 'em and put them uphill from the grow area(s) to have a little more backup! Also spotted 2 Vortex tanks with steel stands for mixing and applying teas…I need a 10-wheel truck! :crazy_face:

Okay, been gone all morning so I better get back to work around here! Have a great day guys!
