First Time (growing legal that is)!

Phew, was that just this morning we moved all that Perlite??? Seems it must have been days ago!

I’m losing the sense of clarity I had for almost 2 glorious weeks. I think I’ll eventually have to find a balance between enough clarity to feel sane, but enough RSO to fight the cancer. Sucks that there is so little research in this day and age. It’s occurred to me (I’ve had lots of time to think about it!) that chemo, radiation, immunotherapy all ‘pulse’ their treatments rather than a ‘daily dose’. But I’ve seen no research to back up the idea!

Kind of a slow day, catching up after a hot and hard morning. The cow manure tea on three of the six Original Haze clones didn’t seem to do much. Tried worm castings on the Screen of Green plant as it was looking a bit yellow too. Then again, it HAS been in the high 90’s all week and we DID run out of water for 3 days! All-in-all, I’d say we’re fine!

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And here’s one I want help from you guys on! This is a Mutant DJ Short 90’s BB that has been odd since germination. Now it looks like it’s trying to flower but has ‘gender issues’! Not that it’s a female turning hermie, or a male switching to female…this thing looks like it’s come up with an entirely new gender! Have a look and let me know what you think! I NEVER toss a DJ Short 'cause it ‘looks’ weird, they are often the best from what I’ve heard?

And on that note; Does ANYBODY have a picture of the ‘confirmed’ "DJ Short “Krinkly-leaf” plant he talks about? I’ve probably kept far too many tobacco mosaic-virus BB thinkin’ “What if”! :rofl:

And finally…




@Tlander That looks like it is non binary or I think that is what they call it when it is confused.

You may need to put up a sign that the bathrooms are not unisex and it will make a decision on what it is…and which bathroom to use.

damn kids these days!

Everything else is looking nice!

Cheers bro!


I’d wager that BB is an atypical male. Give it enough time and it will bust out some pollen.(I think)


Yep, I agree @Budderton , he’s up the driveway a loooong way!

Still doing the thing with the (DP x Pangi) x (DP Appie) in the lower driveway.

The male looked primed at sunset and I left him draped over the female for the night. We’ve still got 4 or 5 seeded out plants going at various stages but nothing else recently pollinated. I could probably reduce my stress levels immensely if I’d stop making so many small batches of seed…but it’s just soooooo much fun to give them away that I couldn’t stop if I wanted to!

I can’t even remember what I took pictures of today!

Here’s two of the re-vegging, formerly-budded out plants that I just decided to put straight in the ground. I’ll have a look but think the top one is (Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG and the lower one is @Slain’s SE Asian mix. I was looking forward to it finishing and trying it out, then suddenly one morning! Surprise!

I was very happy to discover that one of the plants I carried up from the E&F table to the upper greenhouse is actually one of the late-popping siblings of the Faux Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese we just harvested. Now the ones that popped right away got moved along pretty fast and were out in the sun in less than 3 weeks…this one just stayed in a 1 gallon in the E&F under lights until I recently transplanted it nested into a larger 3-gallon square pot. This one isn’t doing the Dwarf Dance!!! As nice as those plants were, I couldn’t help but wonder how they’d do as BIG plants? This one is taking things in the right direction! @Wizdom

Then we have a few kiddie-buds comin’ along on the Powie Wowie’s@BobbyBudz

Gotta eat! Have a great one guys!



Quick lunch-break few…

Peshawar tips

The first (most advanced) Powie Pineapple.

Here’s the Widow Bush Temple Flow…this plant decided to foxtail but these are more like Lamb’s tails! I only had one of these so nothing to compare it to. Spotted a touch budrot this morning so this one got the chop!

Off to eat!



@Tlander That Widow bush x temple flow pheno looks crazy man!!

looking good down there!!



Bet it can almost be grown in your frontyard as a bush. Wonder if the neighbors would notice. lol


555! Well Bobby, it more or less was in my front yard! I have a very long, narrow, winding, hilly, boulder-lined gravel driveway which is blocked 2/3 of the way by my truck 98% of the time…Doesn’t take too many unannounced visits that end up with them having to back all the way out for neighbors to figure it out! So no worries about the neighbors…besides, I think only have one! :rofl:



Yo guys, pretty hot and tired…just gonna toss up a few shots and hit the showers!

Screen of Green still just hanging in there…

The Goji OG’s just keep gettin’ thicker.



WOW Your SOG has indeed taken-off T.

Looked like it had stalled slightly last week. Now there is a Huge jump in growth thats happened since. These fresh pics show She’s going vertical !

I may start saying “Goji”, instead of Oh Gee. Those plants have exploded @Tlander


Word on the street is that you might have some pepper seeds of sorts?


I’ve got some chilli pepper seed for you from TL, @THCeed . Shoot me your details in PM and I’ll get them over to you.


Another Sunday here! Took a few shots in the upper greenhouse today…all’s looking good with the whitefly back under control! I was bummed at how ‘empty’ the room has been looking, but I’m also really enjoying having a little room to move around up there. I never got any feedback on transplanting the Peshawar and I’m now considering transplanting the Faux Mac1 x AVC too!

@BobbyBudz 's Powie Pineapple

And a few of the Powie Wowie’s

Pulled another 50 black beans off the faux Mac1 x AVC and about 25 off the DJ Short 90’s Blueberry today. Probably could have pulled another 50 off the DJ, but even in the shade, it’s just too damn hot! Think I got all the loose ones! Still been having absolutely terrible germination rates lately! Doesn’t seem to matter if it’s my beans or those from OG’ers, both equally shockingly bad! I also realized that I’m not prepared for the fact that from here on out, things aren’t gonna just start flowering at 3 weeks old! That’ll be kinda welcome, as the little dwarfs have been fun, but I miss their big sisters! We’ve probably got about a month left of the dry/hot weather down here and by Songkran (Thai New Years) the rains start to return…not monsoon rains, but normal, regular passing showers. Hoping I can keep the Goji OG’s mold-free for a couple more weeks. They’re getting huge buds but they are still very light and fluffy. Would love to get all the (Mac1 x AVC & the Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG cut and dried before we start in on chopping the Goji’s.

Okay,I gotta get back to it guys, see you later hopefully!



Time for a couple quick shots before the showers…

Goji’s continue to fatten uP!

Here are two distinct phenos of the Powie Pineapple @Bobb

And the same two plants from another angle…

The Powie Wowie have 2 similar pheno structures, one branched and one bean-poled.

Quick check in on the Mexican Contingent…

And I just like the spikiness of these!

Okay, time for a good shower and bed! Hope ya’all had a great weekend!



Hey @Tlander Those Gojis are massive!!

Scrog looking good now, you definitely got em greened up.

Keep rocking and stay outta that heat. Its gonna be a tough summer by the looks of things so far…

cheers bro!


That’s awesome! I wonder if my HOA would notice? lol.
My neighborhood already smells like fresh grown pot once you turn onto my road.
Good thing it’s legal here because I am not fooling anyone.


Same-same…but different!



Another hot one here! Sun’s down but it’s still in the low to mid 8o degrees!

Well, that odd flowered DJ Short plant still looks weird as hell! I’ve never had a male plant flower quite like this!

Then there’s the Goji OG’s…they just keep getting thicker & thicker!

Back to the upper greenhouse again…

And the Powies! I’m just lovin’ the way these are shaping uP! @BobbyBudz

A couple of my weird hybrid crosses@slain


Another Doctor-Day so didn’t get much accomplished today. But my RSO team dropped off 110 g. which will keep me going for another month (I hope!). Trim jail is kinda like parole these days with all the pre-trimming on-the-bush! Just a breeze to finish trim…and taking about half the time to dry! I’m itching to try out some of the newer things! Okay guys, hope you had a productive day!



Wow. That Peshawar is stacking nicely! Going to be some nice long colas. Nice work! Sorry I’ve had little time lately to keep up with threads and messages. I opened an awesome seed cracker the other day😁 thankyou buddy! Still didn’t get to a second package from you though, and I’m sorry it’s taking me so long. I fall asleep before I realize it’s happening. Working outside in the cold in Windham ( ny). There’s a good reason the town chose that name. Wind is always blowing hard in Windham.
Nice looking cross @Tlander I bet that smokes awesome!


Looking good down there!!

keep jamming! Powie wow looking tight!

That Blueberry looks crazy, like a string of pearls male huh…

Cheers bro!