FirstCavApache64 ongoing grow journal and pollen chucks

Thanks, I’m lucky to have a simple setup that does better than I could hope for.


The Champ !!!


now that i have run the barney’s farm bubba it appears that i must do the OG version of bubba.
barney’s falling a bit short of “champ” status.


You DEFINITELY MUST . She’s been a favourite of mine for like 20 years or more, no joke. Just good, old school, dank, greasy smoke. Can smoke her all day too, also decent for pain imo


We’ll get her to you brother. I have a couple folks waiting for snips from her as I’m waiting for the mother to get big enough. Once she is I’ll let you know. It’s one of the more popular cuts I have as far as trades go, I might have to grow out a second mom down the road just to generate enough snips of her.


Haha no doubt! See, THE CHAMP!


oh no worries. @Bobgrows took care of my lack of US Bubba back in november. just trying to figure when i can squeeze them in. :thinking: i DO appreciate your offer. thank you.

also got some 2020M freebie seeds of their pre-98 bubba cut. i can have a bubb-off.


Nice! Those should be great representations as well for sure! I’ve grown out and will be growing out many more of her version soon! Lots of cool stuff in there to be found!


Im still curious of the cuts which is better the pre98 or the bubba berger(sounds delightful lol). Or is one most likely just an S1 of the other.
I will say though that the heavenly hashplant from bodhi with katsu bubba is also pretty nice, but i feel like any of those hashplant lines the HP is dominant.


I keep kicking myself for not grabbing that one. :man_facepalming:t2:


I’m going to flower one out soon from @Heavenlygoo . I had a beautiful one ready to flower this run but it kept getting bumped from not getting the new tent up until it was 5 feet tall. I took cuts and chopped the big one a week or two ago.


Holyangel just tossed his Berger cut as it hermed on him twice in early flower. I haven’t run that cut before but I’d like to try it someday just to see which I like best.


Check out HolyAngel 's grow thread, he wasn’t impressed with the Berger cut, think he just chucked it in fact :laughing:

I’ve heard good things from lots of people on the pre98 though.

Edit: Doh, FirstCav already filled ya in!


I drove into town today to mail some cuts and the drive home just reminds me every time of how much I love the area I live in.


I can send you some seeds if you want my friend. I have 10 left so i dont mind we can go halfsies, only caveat is if you find something nice maybe send a snippity snip my way lol.


If you ever wanted to do another seed run @TopShelfTrees1 , I also have a full pack of Heavenly Hashplant in storage I would put up. I’d not maybe I’ll do it. I just need to get enough meds stockpiled up to keep my wife and I going while I run the seed tent.


@Heavenlygoo thank you so much! You are awesome
And @FirstCavApache64 same to you brother. Nice! You guys are the absolute best!


It really is gorgeous! I can only imagine when the trees are full and changing colours, looking over those mountains! Definitely my kind of area ! Not houses butted up against each other crammed in every ten feet as far as the eye can see.


Got everyone ready as possible for stretch the next couple weeks and did some cleanup on the lowers. Running the light at 75% and feeding Jack’s at 1.5-1.7EC for now. Can’t wait to see some buds. @imstinky is running TK and Trinity and about 2 weeks ahead of me on flip date so I can cheat and see how his are doing. Hope y’all are surviving the cold and your plants are thriving.

Everyone has space, for now lol


Triangle Kush

Blue Dream

Wedding Cake

Irene OG


The triangle is very well done! Gonna throw down for sure, she always looks lanky for me! Oh man this is gonna be a good one! No matter what the Trinity has that nice strong presence huh? I absolutely love her, she’s always a standout

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