Florida Man (Key Lime x Titty Sprinkles) from Secret Society

Key Lime is a Lime pheno of GSC and Titty Sprinkles is Grease Monkey x Purple Punch 2.0, with Grease Monkey being a GG4 cross. Lots of good stuff, this particular plant is a pheno that is circulating commercial grows atm. Let’s see what we find!

•3x3x6ft tent
•5 gallon fabric pot of 100% coco
•400w LED from Bloom Plus
•Floraflex base nutes with Cannazyme, Rhizotonic, and Honeychome, plus Flex bloom foliar for first 2 weeks of 12/12

This is day 10 of 12/12 so we should start to see what she’s about in the next couple of weeks.


I ran some apes in space which has grease monkey in it as well, litterally greasy.


I’m still a fan of GG4 myself, so that was honestly why I wanted to grow this one. I’d love a cut of that Key Lime too, it’s my favorite pie lol


grease monkey retains some good gg4 qualities. the cookies and cream (dad) can overpower some stuff in terms of terps giving everything the baked goods flavors but grease monkey retains the sharpness of gg4 really well. makes great extracts, though personally i enjoy eating it more than dabbing it jus because the terps can be real strong in a sort piney spicey way that is probably much more preferable through flower than resin.

people talk down on purple punch where im at (although they arent nuanced enough to know what the v2.0 is vs the original or to look that up) but man i had the trippiest hybrid with it the other day. never got “punch” from the PP til then, was a “sativa” leaner so maybe the Key Lime gives you some of that trip. but time, space, perception in general would go in and out yet i retained perfect function and lightning quick responses without any thought.

TLDR is sounds like some killer expressions could come out in this one for sure.


Great info! Great description. I so appreciate the lineage of the Purple Punch, but as you said, never really had the ‘punch’ I look for when I consume, really hoping everything else comes together to bring out all the best qualities of each of the parents… have heard very good things.

I’ve been searching for that exact buzz that you described since I first smoked in ‘91 :rofl:


i really wonder where the widely spread PP clone came from, was it just pheno hunted by someone with a weak tolerance or greed in their eyes for yield? because the genetics and the end product seem to not match up. a phenomenon of breeding i suppose. for reference that hybrid was Banana OG x PP, probably heavily pheno hunted knowing that guys dedication to his craft. but its out there for sure, i just started a very long t-break from inhaling so if youre in the portland area that 0.5g rosin left is yours if you want to check it out.

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I run the 4000 I think it’s a great light. I don’t run it full blast. I’ve had it for several years. Very nice looking

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Nice. I totally agree. For this space it is amazing and gives me fantastic results. I’ll get her up to 100% within the next week or so. I’ve found that to get the most out of these LED, you have to run what most consider a very high EC. 3.0 gets the job done with zero burn or issues :v::nerd_face:


Filling in the net nicely. Day 11 12/12

The blue tint is annoying, my phone can’t decide if it wants to pick up red, blue, or look ‘normal’ :weary:


Ill be keeping an eye on this one @Crafty_Flame.
Been a couple years since i ran any GG4 and my wife reminds me frequently.
All your stuff looks fire! Is your gear avail for purchase anywhere?

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Pre flowers forming, light is at 100%. Got her on a timer with a tiny lil pump… 5-15 second feeds per day. Good times around the corner :v::nerd_face:


Filling in and stacking well, day 17 12/12


Day 19, so frosty already and the terps are :ok_hand:


Day 22 12/12. Cleaned ‘er up


Day 26 12/12. Terps are amazing… sweet kush, with an acidic fruity back, maybe pineapple. Monster of a plant and stacked very well


Day 29 12/12. It’s official, she’s an absolute beast. Love everything about this plant


Nice buds forming, the gas has taken over the smell. Crazy dank and sweet


I’m intimidated when I open the tent, she says mean things to me and flexes at me all the time now… and punches me when I flinch. I let it slide cuz she smells like gas and pineapples and keeps saying we’ll have a lot of fun together.


She is a BAD, BAD girl. I like it ! :wink:

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