Flowering Kush, how bad did i screw it up?

I have three plants at 8.5 weeks into flower. One is a mystery Kush that I got from a kind member on OG, but they didn’t know if it was OG Kush or Bubba Kush or what. Anyway, the plant is way more yellow than I was expecting and I am trying to learn from my mistakes. I was assuming early on that this plant wasn’t jiving with the bottled nutrients I was giving it and it’s sisters as it went from a beautiful green to a light lime green before I even flowered it.

Now I am getting closer to harvest, I am wondering if anything going on with this is powdery mildew. It’s not super covered like the photos i see online but is this the beginning or the lights playing tricks on me? I am wondering if i need to get this out of the grow tent with the other two so I don’t ruin it all.

Here is the yellow baby.

Here are some closer photos of buds. Another thing I am noticing is they are growing tons of new long leaves around the buds and foxtailing. Temps ride 77-80 through the light period, 48-52% rh. See any powdery mildew?

Here is a shot of mystery kush with her sisters. Ancestral skunk and Tut (showing the great colors).

Tut bud below

Skunk bud below


Do you know your runoff pH?

I don’t see any PM but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. It can be subtle.

A lot, but not all, of the discoloration just looks like fade.

If they were mine I would flush them with plain pHd water until you get where you want. I’d also add a very small blast of ferts. Assuming your pH is off.

You’ll soak ‘‘em but it’s ok

Id think at 9 weeks they’d be closer to done but still a way to go.

Best of luck.


You didn’t screw it up too bad at all in my opinion. Are your lights off temps dropping a lot? That can cause some coloration like the reddish colors I think. But as Foreigner mentioned “fade” aka yellowing as it gets closer to harvest is normal or at least common.
But all in all, I think the buds look fine and I don’t see any PM either.


I do not but I will check that.

I started giving just rain water a couple days ago and planned to just give water until they were done. I stopped checking the pH of the rain water a while ago cause it was always great. Please advise if this is a bad plan.

They do look like they have a long way to go in the photos but the large colas are getting pretty developed but then the foxtailing started and makes them look weird. The photos show a lot of the lower smaller buds cause I was thinking I saw PM. I will say that its been 8.5 weeks since i flipped not since i started seeing preflowers but they showed up pretty quick.

Not sure what a lot is. I have it recording all the temps so I will check but if i remember right it does drop 5-8 degrees at night.

Thanks to you both for checking out the photos and giving your opinions.


Just have to say those are some fantastic pictures!

I don’t know enough to give advice on this issue, but really beautiful plants and photos


Cheers man.

You’re so close to the finish line that even if you’re having big problems you can just limp across.

I’ve grown uglier plants :grin:

Rain water makes me nervous but maybe it’s just me.


I do not see any PM. How high is your lamp and how many watts? What temps are this room experiencing? Looks to me like maybe veg nutes were being applied too heavily and too late into flower? And possibly too high of a light level. What bottled nutes were you giving them? Did you switch to flowering nutes? To me the plants look like they will need to flower another two weeks to a month or so… they look to be still shooting new pistils and foxtailing and – except for the color fading – appear as I am accustomed to see plants looking at 6-7 weeks of flowering.


This is the number 1 question asked when someone is having a plant issue. Plus having you pH dialed in will most likely prevent most issues from starting.


CONGRATS…in a few more DAYS, you’ll get BOTH the :checkered_flag: AND the :trophy:!! WATER, Water, and water ONLY!!! You had a very successful Grow, don’t sell yourself short. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:NOTE: Oops, meant for @Greenup!!!


What’s the solution for this? Is there a general formula one could follow or is it a “guess and test” based on lights etc?


I would test by lowering the light level. If you have LEDs with a dimmer that would make it easy. If not you can try raising your lamp. Optimal lighting for each plant is a guess, experiment, and learn how to dial it in over time type of game. Some plants just straight out do not like high light levels. Chem91 and Loompas headband look awful and won’t veg well under too much light. Other plants might be able to handle higher light levels but something bad happens in their root zone which causes the plants to not be able to handle the higher light levels… such as with overfeeding, overwatering, or otherwise damaged roots.

I see recommendations above about checking your pH and I would definitely recommend checking that.


It’s a deep rabbit hole but instead of going down it I tend to push manufacturers specs by a few inches.


If you see any PM on leafs . Best bet is to spray/mist with 10:1,h20-h202(peroxide)

Before it gets to any buds ideally! You’re close to finished ! Dead ahead soldier!

Looks airy in there and comfortable breathing room for the girls.


So I have been testing all the runoff on all my Kush plants. The one in flower and several in veg. Seems like only the Kush has the deficiency or lockout and it’s got the same treatment as 9 other strains.

PH of the rain water is about 6.8 going in. Then the runoff is reading more around 6.5. I assumed nitrogen deficiency but maybe I locked it out? Just don’t understand why it seems just the Kush react poorly to my methods.

Any ideas would be wonderful. I have several kush in various stages and some are showing no signs of deficiency yet but they are young and getting no nutrients other than what’s in my premixed soil.

Side note: I am ready to get off the bottled nutes and build my soil, been studying. Once I have a plan for that I will post a new thread looking for guidance on what I come up with.


I have dimmed my lights a bit thanks. I remembered that in my first grow I never really went above 80% and this flower I been at 100 the whole time.


Your pH is in the sweet spot for nutrient uptake. I found running under LED lights you have to increase your cal/mag. a bit.


Sometimes they just don’t play nice together.

I had to abandon some sour strawberry because I just couldn’t make it happy.

If what you’re doing is working for everything else except the kush then I’d trash the kush for next time.

PM is a different problem.



As a side note, I am pretty sure those are OG Kush that I sent you. As others have said, you are close to the finish line just limp across at this point.
I see no PM, just a few burnt tips which means you are at max with nutrients. Looks to me as if you pushed the nitrogen level to far into flower. Don’t beat yourself up over it, some strains/pheno’s are just harder to manage. All in all I think you did a good job……. Kudo’s!


Thanks @Oldjoints! I’m definitely going to limp along to the end with this flowering one, but I have four or five others in various stages of veg. So I’d like to take this as a learning experience and figure out how to adjust to the plant liking.

Since my pH is good going in and coming out… Is it possible that it just needs more nitrogen?? Do I have the correct nutrient targeted? I feel like the Kush plants yellow whether I use nutrients or not.

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The one pic shows the tips of the leaves lightly burnt. When you see this it means that you have maxed out on your nitrogen level on your last feed and should back off just a tad. So I would say your problem had little to do with nitrogen. Your PH is fine so I would look at your root system next, could you have possibly overwatered at some point? If your roots look brownish then that is your problem!