Does this cola have Bud Rot???

Hi, there’s just one cola with quite a suspicious vibe. Is this rot?
No other bud sites have this darkness in color.
My temp and humidity is not ideal at 83f and 55 humidity as the general average.
Light is viparspectra ks3000 320w full power and is about 9 inches from the light.
Lots of air flow though.


Looks pretty much like it, yes. Try to pull out one of those withered leafs.


55% Rh and 85-90 F Is my actual spot.I already got budrot 3 times and It looks I ll have It when I harvest these plants.Looks like It Is,Sorry Brother :frowning:
I usually salvage what Is “salvageable”


You have to bend the bud to see the core + stem in this point buddy, eventually to take a shot of it but i don’t think you will be able to have doubts ^^

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Yeah that’s it alright. Get those temps and humidity down and airflow up. I haven’t run into trouble at 50-55% but my temps are 15 under that with lots of airflow. I’d cut that bud off now cause it’s gonna spread.


Take the whole thing stem and all.


Thx for the confirmation. It’s just that one spot and have about a week till harvest. Waiting on more amber.

You can cut out the rotten part and keep going for another week if you keep an eye out for more rot it should be fine

Or you could just take it all now. Fuck a little more amber. Just a thought.


Time to Chop.


I vote to chop It too


Yeah if you’re only a week out, definitely harvest now.

I don’t think amber vs cloudy even matters but that’s a different debate.


On closer inspection of the picture I vote to harvest now. And cut the rotting parts from the buds immediately before drying and throw it away

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Appreciate everyone here. I am harvesting today. Takin a break it’s hot af lol. Here’s a pic of the garden from about a couple weeks ago.


Wise decision. :facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3::heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart:



Question please my good people. I have a few strains I harvested (gg#4, caffeine, lemon pepper, & garlic banana) and the garlic banana is very crazy sticky which helped fuel the one spot with rot.

Should I break up the big colas to combat possible issues during drying and mesh rack dry them? The other strains are sticky just seem more “contained.” All are hang drying as either one plant or separate pieces.

My conditions are not 60/60 for drying.


I’m in agreement, it can spread so fast that it’s everywhere before you know it, at this stage you are not going to be getting any more yield, but you may get less of the rot gets ahold. It will be inside the bud if it’s established and sometimes on the really dense buds it will be quietly growing inside without being obvious. If it’s is botrytis then it will have a powdery grey brown colour and the effected flower part will often fall away if you thumb it. If it was mine I’d be chopping the plant :pray:


IMO i would remove the while stem completely. And keep a close eye on the rest till youre ready to chop. Increase the airflow. Do you have a seperate dry space ? Nice looking buds overall btw!


Chop it all, discard any moldy/rotten pieces. It spreads quick! Are you sure you’re keeping your exhaust fan on overnight or have set it to keep it under 50%rh? The troubles of growing indoors in summer, have to run a dehumidifier along with the lights, which both fight against the air conditioning :hot_face: