Flowering Kush, how bad did i screw it up?

It has now been 11 weeks since I flipped to flower. The foxtails they shot out still have mostly white hairs. The kush looks so weird. The other two are looking pretty great. I am feeling like the Tut is ready to harvest but the other two not sure. Can I be the annoying noob that posts “are these ready photos”? I tried to get something decent from my crappy usb microscope.


Trichomes on al three, based on the close up, are still clear, so you can wait another two to three weeks before chopping. Amazon has the wireless microscopes that will allow you to get some very close images of the trichomes. Your plants look healthy.


They look more than fine considering the size of the pots!
There’s a limit to what you’re gonna get because the roots have limited space.

Consider flipping to flower a little earlier next time, when they are the same height of the pot for example.


I agree they need more time.


Just like always I got lot’s of “2 more week memes”… i get it, this gets asked a lot. I always feel the same way when seeing the posts but it’s different when it’s your plants haha. That will put me just over 13 weeks.

I am not sure I can let them got for a total of 13 weeks but I will try. They are really starting to fall over despite some shitty plant wire trellis i threw together. They have slowed down on how much water they are drinking and watering every morning is too much.

Also, I think the Tut is done now so 2 more weeks on it seems like too much. I do appreciate the serious feedback I did get here and on discord.

I will hold out as long as I can but my other tents are busting at the seems and I am scared of PM so I want to spread everything out a lot and I need this tent.


Sometimes I harvest when my plants are done, sometimes I harvest when I’m done with them.


Thanks for the kind words. Second grow in 20 years and I made a lot of mistakes but if each one is better than I consider it a success. First blew my mind at the quality and quantity despite serious errors on my part.

Have a link to the wireless scope you have? They seem to vary wildly in price and I am a cheapass. I did get my usb microscope on amazon and while it works ok for electronics work, it kinda sucks for trichomes cause the resolution is only 2mp max 1600 wide or so.

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You can also do a staggered harvest.
Cut some branches down every few days or so.

The one I got was a Moko microscope on Amazon. Just checked at it’s $35.

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That’s beautiful, well put. I hope to never ask when to harvest again, it’s embarrassing. When I think I should ask I will just say two more weeks to myself. And when I can only wait one week I will say your quote to myself :love_you_gesture:

Thanks buddy!


Those are stellar plants man Props :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:

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Ok it’s chop day. I couldn’t wait any longer. Before I get into the Kush prolems, the Ancestral Skunk was looking great and you can get photos of that in my bonsai skunk thread Ancestral Skunk "Bonsai" that got out of control - #12 by Greenup

The Tut is absolutely beautiful and I can’t wait to try it. See pics below.

But first let’s talk about this Kush mess. All of the leaves dried up and are super crispy. Everything looks dead except the most recent foxtails. The tails have a little color to them but everything is very brown and crispy. I am worried it died a while ago. Not sure how worried I need to be about mold or other baddies if it did die. Also the main stalk is hollow. A quick google search showed that might not be a bad thing, but first I have seen it.

Please let me know if this kush is ok to smoke, should I be worried about anything.

KUSH PICS Below - Beware this thing is ugly

TUT PICS Below - I find this one a pleasure to look at

Ancestral Skunk Bonsai Below - Gona try to reveg just to see if i can. Check the thread for more

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@Oldjoints, @Tejas, @Rogue, @Foreigner, @LennyB, @Rhino_buddy what do you think about the way this kush finished? Worried it died in flower, safe to smoke?

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The one thing I would want to know is why this plant died. I doubt it was bug infestation or you would see signs of that. Without knowing I would proceed on the side of caution and not consume something that you are not sure of.
Most likely this plant would be harsh or unpleasant to smoke if it died rapidly.
With the information given or a lack of I personally wouldn’t smoke it………


Looks like things were going perfect.
The fade -the yellowing - is a good thing.
But then it looks like it got fed again and so threw out new growth.
Id say next time, dont feed anything after week 5 or 6* just let it fade and self-cannibalize the last few weeks.


I agree, but it didn’t get any feedings after week 6 on a 13 week flower time. I think maybe I am not meant to grow this strain. I have 4 more clones of it all start to yellow after 1.5 months of veg and I can never get it to stop. Don’t have problems like this with other strains and my PH is correct going in and coming out.

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I would take a little puff while maintaining very low expectations.

But I live dangerously.

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Im happy as fuck when my plants fade around week 5 (for something that flowers 10 weeks or less)

Looks like a perfect harvest to me.

I have 5 plants all hanging in the same dry tent including this Kush. I just realized that maybe that was an incredibly stupid thing to do. If this kush has rot or mold or something I just spent the last 24+ hours getting that all over my other plants. Hopefully whatever is wrong with the kush doesn’t spread. I took off a little bud of the kush to get a closed look. What should I look for in the way of mold or bud rot or anything else that is cause for alarm since this is with the other harvested plants? Happy to photograph a bigger piece or try the usb microscope on it.

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